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Shard-Strike Universe!
03 Oct 2021 07:38 - 03 Oct 2021 07:48 #72382
by AuGoose
Shard-Strike Universe! was created by AuGoose
Without pain?
She sat up, confused.
She could remember this morning, breakfast. Going out to the market. Waving to her parents. Walking down the familiar little winding street. She must have… what? The market wasn’t far. She would have…
She looked around.
It was her ward spreading out around her, but it was burning. Buildings made into torches as far as the eye could see. People wailing, screaming, aflame. Smoke rocketing skyward on the currents of searing air rushing up past her, fluttering her clothes.
She rolled over, seeing people standing on rooftops, some pointing, at her, reaching out…Crying for help. To be saved from the building burning down around them.
She looked down and screamed at the 8 stories of empty air beneath her. She was… flying?
She saw the couple on the roof below her, the roof being eaten away by the inferno it stretched over.
Their hands lifted towards her in final, fatal desperation.
She reached back, and began to move towards them, her speed increasing with her own desperate need to save somebody from this nightmare…
Greetings all,
I have been putting together a writer's guide for a new superheroes setting. It will feature powerful women with remarkable powers on a global stage. Several writers you might know from their work here have signed on to create stories in this setting with me serving as managing editor. While the emphasis will be more on modest power levels and subtle psychic abilities (and the lives of normal people who have to deal with supers all around them...), there will be a few full-blown supergirls. I look forward to sharing stories about that last group here
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The lead writer on this project will be Harmony Motion, with many related documents and stories hosted through their deviant art page and Patreon at patreon.com/harmonymotion .
For those interested in the basics of this new playground:
Without pain?
She sat up, confused.
She could remember this morning, breakfast. Going out to the market. Waving to her parents. Walking down the familiar little winding street. She must have… what? The market wasn’t far. She would have…
She looked around.
It was her ward spreading out around her, but it was burning. Buildings made into torches as far as the eye could see. People wailing, screaming, aflame. Smoke rocketing skyward on the currents of searing air rushing up past her, fluttering her clothes.
She rolled over, seeing people standing on rooftops, some pointing, at her, reaching out…Crying for help. To be saved from the building burning down around them.
She looked down and screamed at the 8 stories of empty air beneath her. She was… flying?
She saw the couple on the roof below her, the roof being eaten away by the inferno it stretched over.
Their hands lifted towards her in final, fatal desperation.
She reached back, and began to move towards them, her speed increasing with her own desperate need to save somebody from this nightmare…
Greetings all,
I have been putting together a writer's guide for a new superheroes setting. It will feature powerful women with remarkable powers on a global stage. Several writers you might know from their work here have signed on to create stories in this setting with me serving as managing editor. While the emphasis will be more on modest power levels and subtle psychic abilities (and the lives of normal people who have to deal with supers all around them...), there will be a few full-blown supergirls. I look forward to sharing stories about that last group here
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The lead writer on this project will be Harmony Motion, with many related documents and stories hosted through their deviant art page and Patreon at patreon.com/harmonymotion .
For those interested in the basics of this new playground:
Warning: Spoiler!
The Shard-Strike Universe
What Everyone Knows
In 2018, the world was wracked by a new kind of storm.For seven days in September following the Autumn equinox, vividly colored bolts of lightning burst from the ground, arcing skyward. These outbursts happened seemingly at random, without warning or associated thunderstorms. The blasts left tiny fiery crystals of strangely altered matter laced into everything for miles around. Major fires erupted where the crystals ignited inside of trees, buildings, and even people, unchecked radiant energies incinerating them from within.
This terrifying phenomenon came to be known as “shard-strikes”.
With the lightning receding and the fires extinguished, what came next was even stranger. As governments, companies, and individuals began to gather and study the few crystals to survive the inferno of their creation, people who had been near the shard strikes developed extraordinary para-natural powers – abilities outside of our standard understanding of physics. Psychic abilities, flight, invisibility, enhanced senses, energy manipulation, invulnerability to conventional weapons… all appeared almost overnight, evoking the image of comic book superheroes and changing the global balance of power. Random individuals now had abilities that could shape the course of nations. Some became warlords, others the saviors of their community, many became celebrities… Most hid, only barely able to control or even understand their new powers and rightly terrified of what others might do to exploit them.
Approximately four thousand paranaturals had been created by the passing storm, often coming from places as remote as the blasts themselves. In the three years since perhaps another thousand more have been transmuted into paranaturals by the rare, isolated shard-strikes that still occur.
Neutrino Opacity/Quantum Fortification
The exact nature of paranatural abilities may never be fully understood but, useful predictions and related technologies have been possible based on Neutrino Opacity theory. NO/QF proposes the Shard-storm introduced two interrelated phenomena to human experience. Paranaturals organically and intuitively use a mixture of both effects to produce comic book-like “super powers”.
The first is Quantum Fortification. This supposes some matter near the shard-strikes became reinforced at an existential level, becoming “more real” than ordinary matter. This makes it incredibly resilient to harm or change. Quantum fortification explains paranatural invulnerability, as otherwise normal ‘fortified’ human flesh shrugs off blades, bullets, and even heavy military weapons. It also resists gross impacts like hitting the ground at terminal velocity, walking through fire, and being drenched in vicious solvents. These things are simply insufficiently ‘real’ to alter the target’s nature. More importantly, quantum fortification allows the second phenomenon to persist for more than mere picoseconds…
Neutrino Opacity allows matter from our traditional, visible universe to intercept the constant flux of high energy neutrinos cascading through every cubic centimeter of space by the trillions of trillions per second. Normally these particles are so energetic that only a handful interacts with the entire mass of the Earth in any given second. Neutrino opaque matter obstructs this constant flux, acting as a transformer stepping down effectively limitless amounts of energy. Without high tiers of quantum fortification, these materials instantly melt, vaporize, and fluoresce into x-rays. Some physicists compare theoretically limitless zero-point energy to NO/QF as “Zero-point is trying to scrape dew off of a leaf when the guy next to you is hanging on to a firehose for dear life!”
The Powers
NO/QF-based abilities are bewilderingly difficult to classify. Roughly two-thirds fit under the umbrella of “psychic powers.” Telepathy, ESP, mind control (body puppeteering, memory alteration, domination), alchemical transmutation, telekinesis, etc. Mental abilities may appear stand-alone or in conjunction with more physical possibilities.
Physically potent effects include energy manipulation and a rainbow of self-affecting abilities, like invisibility, flight, spider climbing, wildly enhanced or entirely new senses, and many variations on invulnerability. Among common archetypes, only super speed and time manipulation appear to be absent. The universe evidently objects to mangling the timeline.
Nearly 25% of all known paranaturals have some ability to dampen or block energy generation from neutrino opacity. This “Null” ability may be selective or generalized, limited to touch or extend out to around 100m. Nulls are evenly split between that being their only power or having additional powers (with a few only able to access their powers while leeching energy). While considered unglamorous by the media/public, Nulls are highly sought after as a critical counter to the influence of the most powerful paranaturals. At least one apex ‘super girl’ has died as a result of an accidental interaction with an unknowing Null in the midst of a raging chemical fire.
Paranaturals are loosely grouped into archetypes (puppeteer, brick, uber, etc.) and tagged for the overall societal impact their powers could cause. The later scale is an informal mishmash of media buzzwords, memes, and a handful of conflicting research efforts. The agreed-upon terms are limited to minor or trivial powers being ‘trace’ or ‘nadir’, while those with obvious global impact are ‘apex’ level.
Demigod Demographics
With paranatural abilities rooted in proximity to a shard-strike and strikes being distributed randomly across the surface of the Earth, paranaturals reflect global diversity. Weighting towards rural and far-flung communities is offset by strikes in dense population centers producing dozens of paranaturals at a time, making the overall mix much more cosmopolitan. Events like the 2020 New Dehli Blast during Holi may have created over 100 paranaturals. Being created in clusters, they often previously know (or despise) others transformed in the same event.
Paranatural abilities are not equally distributed by gender. Binary feminine genders (whether trans or cis) are almost 10 times as common as binary masculine paranaturals. Non-binary genders split the geometric difference being roughly a third as common as feminine forms and three times as common as masculine. Abruptly acquiring paranatural abilities is shocking enough, but accompanied by some sudden realizations about one’s own identity, it can make the experience all the more harrowing (or in some cases affirming).
The impactfulness of abilities gained by most individuals forms a declining ramp, with many Traces and few Apexes. The curve for masculine paranaturals displays a sharp dip through the center of the ramp, with many traces and a moderate number of apexes, but few individuals in the mid-range power levels. With traces so often ignored or undiscovered, there is a widespread but mistaken impression that the powers of males are intrinsically stronger. There is considerable academic speculation that the low overall number of male paranaturals is linked to this ‘missing’ mid-range… Possibly because male paranaturals die or are destroying themselves at the moment of their creation unless their powers are so minor as to be harmless or so overwhelming that their own quantum fortification saves them.
You’ve got the Look
Adding insult to injury for those already resentful of the Shard-Strike lottery (and ignoring the death, destruction, and trauma visited upon most people caught near a blast…), paranaturals show a strong tendency towards slender and even athletic builds after gaining powers. There is some evidence that the same ability to step down neutrino energy to fuel their powers also regulate the metabolism at a high-optimum level, leading to increased physical and emotional energy, which over time promotes healthy lifestyles and a generically attractive appearance.
Which hardly seems fair.
Magic is Real…ish.
What the public (and even most intelligence agencies) don’t know is that a number of obscure spells and rituals have started working since the 2018 equinox. Possibly working again, considering their ancient origins. For the most part those who have discovered this renewed potency have avoided revealing it to the public.
Being burned as a witch is also back in vogue…
What Really Happened
(Spoilers ahead)
On the day of the Autumn equinox two very different events occurred that lead to a global transformation. In Germany, respected physicist Professor Corri Maier secretly siphoned off run time at the CERN particle collider to perform her own private experiments relating to Neutrino Polarization – a theoretical intermediate step to full opacity. At the same time in Australia, a hermetic council of occult practitioners known as The First Spiral gathered for a traditional but usually uneventful recreation of their lodge’s greatest ritual.
This time both activities succeeded beyond anyone’s wildest imaginings, fortifying much of the elder ranks of The First Spiral along with Professor Maier and her student assistants. Fluctuations between these two poles on near-opposite sides of the planet set off the shard-strikes at random all over the world and the aftermath continues to infrequently create new strikes to this day. With both parties knowing their activities worked – but not why – they’ve repeatedly tried to recreate the event without success ever since. The two groups have never quite synchronized again.
What Everyone Knows
In 2018, the world was wracked by a new kind of storm.For seven days in September following the Autumn equinox, vividly colored bolts of lightning burst from the ground, arcing skyward. These outbursts happened seemingly at random, without warning or associated thunderstorms. The blasts left tiny fiery crystals of strangely altered matter laced into everything for miles around. Major fires erupted where the crystals ignited inside of trees, buildings, and even people, unchecked radiant energies incinerating them from within.
This terrifying phenomenon came to be known as “shard-strikes”.
With the lightning receding and the fires extinguished, what came next was even stranger. As governments, companies, and individuals began to gather and study the few crystals to survive the inferno of their creation, people who had been near the shard strikes developed extraordinary para-natural powers – abilities outside of our standard understanding of physics. Psychic abilities, flight, invisibility, enhanced senses, energy manipulation, invulnerability to conventional weapons… all appeared almost overnight, evoking the image of comic book superheroes and changing the global balance of power. Random individuals now had abilities that could shape the course of nations. Some became warlords, others the saviors of their community, many became celebrities… Most hid, only barely able to control or even understand their new powers and rightly terrified of what others might do to exploit them.
Approximately four thousand paranaturals had been created by the passing storm, often coming from places as remote as the blasts themselves. In the three years since perhaps another thousand more have been transmuted into paranaturals by the rare, isolated shard-strikes that still occur.
Neutrino Opacity/Quantum Fortification
The exact nature of paranatural abilities may never be fully understood but, useful predictions and related technologies have been possible based on Neutrino Opacity theory. NO/QF proposes the Shard-storm introduced two interrelated phenomena to human experience. Paranaturals organically and intuitively use a mixture of both effects to produce comic book-like “super powers”.
The first is Quantum Fortification. This supposes some matter near the shard-strikes became reinforced at an existential level, becoming “more real” than ordinary matter. This makes it incredibly resilient to harm or change. Quantum fortification explains paranatural invulnerability, as otherwise normal ‘fortified’ human flesh shrugs off blades, bullets, and even heavy military weapons. It also resists gross impacts like hitting the ground at terminal velocity, walking through fire, and being drenched in vicious solvents. These things are simply insufficiently ‘real’ to alter the target’s nature. More importantly, quantum fortification allows the second phenomenon to persist for more than mere picoseconds…
Neutrino Opacity allows matter from our traditional, visible universe to intercept the constant flux of high energy neutrinos cascading through every cubic centimeter of space by the trillions of trillions per second. Normally these particles are so energetic that only a handful interacts with the entire mass of the Earth in any given second. Neutrino opaque matter obstructs this constant flux, acting as a transformer stepping down effectively limitless amounts of energy. Without high tiers of quantum fortification, these materials instantly melt, vaporize, and fluoresce into x-rays. Some physicists compare theoretically limitless zero-point energy to NO/QF as “Zero-point is trying to scrape dew off of a leaf when the guy next to you is hanging on to a firehose for dear life!”
The Powers
NO/QF-based abilities are bewilderingly difficult to classify. Roughly two-thirds fit under the umbrella of “psychic powers.” Telepathy, ESP, mind control (body puppeteering, memory alteration, domination), alchemical transmutation, telekinesis, etc. Mental abilities may appear stand-alone or in conjunction with more physical possibilities.
Physically potent effects include energy manipulation and a rainbow of self-affecting abilities, like invisibility, flight, spider climbing, wildly enhanced or entirely new senses, and many variations on invulnerability. Among common archetypes, only super speed and time manipulation appear to be absent. The universe evidently objects to mangling the timeline.
Nearly 25% of all known paranaturals have some ability to dampen or block energy generation from neutrino opacity. This “Null” ability may be selective or generalized, limited to touch or extend out to around 100m. Nulls are evenly split between that being their only power or having additional powers (with a few only able to access their powers while leeching energy). While considered unglamorous by the media/public, Nulls are highly sought after as a critical counter to the influence of the most powerful paranaturals. At least one apex ‘super girl’ has died as a result of an accidental interaction with an unknowing Null in the midst of a raging chemical fire.
Paranaturals are loosely grouped into archetypes (puppeteer, brick, uber, etc.) and tagged for the overall societal impact their powers could cause. The later scale is an informal mishmash of media buzzwords, memes, and a handful of conflicting research efforts. The agreed-upon terms are limited to minor or trivial powers being ‘trace’ or ‘nadir’, while those with obvious global impact are ‘apex’ level.
Demigod Demographics
With paranatural abilities rooted in proximity to a shard-strike and strikes being distributed randomly across the surface of the Earth, paranaturals reflect global diversity. Weighting towards rural and far-flung communities is offset by strikes in dense population centers producing dozens of paranaturals at a time, making the overall mix much more cosmopolitan. Events like the 2020 New Dehli Blast during Holi may have created over 100 paranaturals. Being created in clusters, they often previously know (or despise) others transformed in the same event.
Paranatural abilities are not equally distributed by gender. Binary feminine genders (whether trans or cis) are almost 10 times as common as binary masculine paranaturals. Non-binary genders split the geometric difference being roughly a third as common as feminine forms and three times as common as masculine. Abruptly acquiring paranatural abilities is shocking enough, but accompanied by some sudden realizations about one’s own identity, it can make the experience all the more harrowing (or in some cases affirming).
The impactfulness of abilities gained by most individuals forms a declining ramp, with many Traces and few Apexes. The curve for masculine paranaturals displays a sharp dip through the center of the ramp, with many traces and a moderate number of apexes, but few individuals in the mid-range power levels. With traces so often ignored or undiscovered, there is a widespread but mistaken impression that the powers of males are intrinsically stronger. There is considerable academic speculation that the low overall number of male paranaturals is linked to this ‘missing’ mid-range… Possibly because male paranaturals die or are destroying themselves at the moment of their creation unless their powers are so minor as to be harmless or so overwhelming that their own quantum fortification saves them.
You’ve got the Look
Adding insult to injury for those already resentful of the Shard-Strike lottery (and ignoring the death, destruction, and trauma visited upon most people caught near a blast…), paranaturals show a strong tendency towards slender and even athletic builds after gaining powers. There is some evidence that the same ability to step down neutrino energy to fuel their powers also regulate the metabolism at a high-optimum level, leading to increased physical and emotional energy, which over time promotes healthy lifestyles and a generically attractive appearance.
Which hardly seems fair.
Magic is Real…ish.
What the public (and even most intelligence agencies) don’t know is that a number of obscure spells and rituals have started working since the 2018 equinox. Possibly working again, considering their ancient origins. For the most part those who have discovered this renewed potency have avoided revealing it to the public.
Being burned as a witch is also back in vogue…
What Really Happened
(Spoilers ahead)
On the day of the Autumn equinox two very different events occurred that lead to a global transformation. In Germany, respected physicist Professor Corri Maier secretly siphoned off run time at the CERN particle collider to perform her own private experiments relating to Neutrino Polarization – a theoretical intermediate step to full opacity. At the same time in Australia, a hermetic council of occult practitioners known as The First Spiral gathered for a traditional but usually uneventful recreation of their lodge’s greatest ritual.
This time both activities succeeded beyond anyone’s wildest imaginings, fortifying much of the elder ranks of The First Spiral along with Professor Maier and her student assistants. Fluctuations between these two poles on near-opposite sides of the planet set off the shard-strikes at random all over the world and the aftermath continues to infrequently create new strikes to this day. With both parties knowing their activities worked – but not why – they’ve repeatedly tried to recreate the event without success ever since. The two groups have never quite synchronized again.
Last edit: 03 Oct 2021 07:48 by AuGoose.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Woodclaw, Dru1076, MatrixSimon1, schera_zard, Monty, guimachajo1, Glaazius, adivik, HarmonyMotion
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10 Oct 2021 20:51 #72416
by HarmonyMotion
Replied by HarmonyMotion on topic Shard-Strike Universe!
I am pleased to announce that I have submitted the inaugural SSU story, Marathon in the Park, to the SWM library for publication next week! It will include a low-resolution version of the cover image as well. Beautiful high-resolution images, littered throughout the story, are available at my
. All of us absolutely adore Melody.
Other authors have begun actively working with us, outlining stories and building the world into a rich, realistic environment.
And I have taken my first commission to introduce a character to the SSU universe as well! HarmonyMotion will be supplying some free art for this endeavor.
Looking forward to a bright future full of shard strikes
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Other authors have begun actively working with us, outlining stories and building the world into a rich, realistic environment.
And I have taken my first commission to introduce a character to the SSU universe as well! HarmonyMotion will be supplying some free art for this endeavor.
Looking forward to a bright future full of shard strikes
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27 Oct 2021 22:54 #72543
by HarmonyMotion
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Replied by HarmonyMotion on topic Shard-Strike Universe!
Hello and welcome to Leila Leland, a major piece and the second story in the Shard-Strike Universe!
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The following user(s) said Thank You: Sarge395, Helstar, guimachajo1, adivik
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- HarmonyMotion
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17 Nov 2021 03:50 #72686
by HarmonyMotion
Replied by HarmonyMotion on topic Shard-Strike Universe!
A free, in-universe scientific article about the Shard-Strike Universe, contributed by Engineered Sorcery and edited by Au Goose!
In-universe name and academic journal coming soon...
In-universe name and academic journal coming soon...
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30 Nov 2021 01:50 - 30 Nov 2021 01:54 #72808
by HarmonyMotion
Replied by HarmonyMotion on topic Shard-Strike Universe!
9,000 word story, 5 images, and our third entry in the Shard-Strike Universe! Cathy Sakshi Joshi (Titaness) and Sofia Balakireva (Raceway) take the spotlight directly after the events of Marathon in the Park!
Free cover image here!
Free cover image here!
Last edit: 30 Nov 2021 01:54 by HarmonyMotion.
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15 Dec 2021 09:26 #72953
by HarmonyMotion
Replied by HarmonyMotion on topic Shard-Strike Universe!
G-Lex Flex! Fourth story and second commission in the Shard-Strike Universe! Featuring Ginger Lexington, a superpowered camgirl 12,000 words long!
In other news, Advent Calendar is on day 6 now! Alicia from Cafe of Dreams makes her glorious return... Day 7 will by Yvy, a fan favorite of ours
In other news, Advent Calendar is on day 6 now! Alicia from Cafe of Dreams makes her glorious return... Day 7 will by Yvy, a fan favorite of ours
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30 Jan 2022 19:41 #73180
by HarmonyMotion
Replied by HarmonyMotion on topic Shard-Strike Universe!
Pussy Muscle Hustle, the featured SSU story for January at 10k words and 5 beautiful renders, now live on my Patreon!
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14 Feb 2022 21:47 #73281
by HarmonyMotion
Replied by HarmonyMotion on topic Shard-Strike Universe!
Leila Electric is now available for public viewing on my dA!
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23 Feb 2022 16:23 #73346
by HarmonyMotion
Replied by HarmonyMotion on topic Shard-Strike Universe!
11k SSU story, covering a tall, superpowerful blonde and a culmination of everything we've done so far! This was the third SSU commission, so it came with 2 beautiful pieces of art for free, and 1 extra commissioned one
Sample here!
Sample here!
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30 Mar 2022 16:41 #73584
by HarmonyMotion
Replied by HarmonyMotion on topic Shard-Strike Universe!
March's Shard-Strike Universe story is live! This is a 10,000 word commission with 2 images featuring a shapeshifting slime girl with super strength!
Also, a lot of SSU stories are public for reading on my dA. You can check it out here:
Also, a lot of SSU stories are public for reading on my dA. You can check it out here:
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26 Oct 2022 16:53 #75829
by HarmonyMotion
Replied by HarmonyMotion on topic Shard-Strike Universe!
It's the one year anniversary of the SSU! Our Halloween story, clocking in at 9000 words, has landed:
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25 Apr 2023 07:44 #76898
by HarmonyMotion
Replied by HarmonyMotion on topic Shard-Strike Universe!
I've been forgetting to post in this thread. Oops!!
Withered Harvest, the full 17,000 story is live! I hope people like this latest installment to SSU
sample here: www.deviantart.com/harmonymotion/art/Withered-Harvest-959622222
Reminder to everyone: anyone who commissions a story in the Shard-Strike Universe, we will throw in a free piece of artwork and bring back your character as a recurring piece in the universe. Leila Electric, Zelena Romero, and Violet are all about to play large parts in upcoming stories. Ashley Iverson is part of a big, overarching organization that seems to know too much behind the scenes
Withered Harvest, the full 17,000 story is live! I hope people like this latest installment to SSU
sample here: www.deviantart.com/harmonymotion/art/Withered-Harvest-959622222
Reminder to everyone: anyone who commissions a story in the Shard-Strike Universe, we will throw in a free piece of artwork and bring back your character as a recurring piece in the universe. Leila Electric, Zelena Romero, and Violet are all about to play large parts in upcoming stories. Ashley Iverson is part of a big, overarching organization that seems to know too much behind the scenes
The following user(s) said Thank You: Sarge395
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