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Wednesday, 31 March 2021 15:04

Admin Story Spolight Theatre #35 Featured

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Let's see...

What to pick for today's spotlight?

Nice, but too soon...

Already done this one...


N... wait... what the hell is this?

Well, well, well... let's see what I can get out of this one.

Today's Spotlight is a really strange one that I meant to tackle a long time ago, but never got around to it. The main issue is that this story had a certain vibe when I first read it and today it's very different. It's very hard for me to explain what I mean, so allow me to introduce one of the strangest stories from back in the day:

The Chosen One by LaraFan

In and of itself this story is good, but very formulaic of our genre. It's a bad-girl revenge fantasy and that had to be expected since it was part of the SGInc Workshop 1.12, a.k.a. "Villainess Month", which spawned from a really old thread that showcased a series of real-life characters with the potential to become supervillainesses. LFan admitted in the introduction that this story was heavily inspired by the work of Marknew and the TV show Chuck, which was really huge back then... and "back then" is really what I want to talk about.

What really makes this story worth re-reading is how the main gimmick created by LFan had become a little time capsule of the end of the first decade of the current millennium. It might seem preposterous, but looking back through the lens of this story I realized how much the internet has changed over the past ten or so years, not just in terms of content, but in terms of how we interact with its resources. Rereading The Chosen One is like finding an old photo under a drawer, which suddenly jogs your memory and makes you wonder how much time has passed.

Okay. I'll stop with the reminiscing and go on with the story. As I said before, this story is very classic bad-girl revenge fantasy and LFan didn't pull any punches with the main character, from the get-go you know that she is bad news, that she has the empathic ability of landslide but, unlike said landslide, she actually does care about what other people think of her... or rather if they think good of her. I really think that, besides Marknew, a lot of other well-known writers probably inspired this piece. I can see a lot of DKC and Conceptfan in it (in fact I suspect that CF had been a beta reader for it). Our superwoman, empowered via the strangely named "Female Amplifcation via Cornealosmotic Experimentation Program", pulls all the stops of the petty revenge scheme, until...

Well, until LaraFan pulls a pretty incredible bait-and-switch which, I swear, I really never saw coming the first time and still astonishes me today for some reason.

No, I won't say anymore, go read it and come back here.

Last modified on Wednesday, 31 March 2021 13:40