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Image Title Description Last updated
No image The Premeditated Providence The Premeditated Providence by DKC WRITTEN FOR SGI WORKSHOP 1.3 Editor's Note: DKC wrote this story some years ago as a stand-alone piece. Still, ... Thursday, 09 July 2020 09:28
No image Brandi 3.5 Authors Note: The events in the story occur after Brandi 3 and before those described in Brandi 4, available at ... Wednesday, 19 December 2012 08:36
No image Jilly Milly – Chapter 09 37 Clark read the page of his chemistry textbook for the third time. Why was his mind so slow and stupid? Hed understood acids and bases so well ... Friday, 21 June 2013 14:56
No image Jilly Milly – Chapter 08 36 Superboy was waiting at the carnival, which was in a field just to the east of Smallville about a mile away from his farm. Hed turned down his ... Friday, 21 June 2013 14:56
No image Jilly Milly – Chapter 04 23 Jill had helped Claire finish her homework. She figured shed have plenty of time do her own when she got home, since she needed so little sleep. ... Friday, 21 June 2013 14:55
No image Jilly Milly – Chapter 03 21 Superboy sat behind a cloud, five thousand feet in the air. He didnt dare go much higher. Even at this modest height he shivered slightly and ... Friday, 21 June 2013 14:55
No image Jilly Milly – Chapter 01 1 Jill Pell glared at her teacher and stamped her foot. Miss Thompkins, you cant make me stay late today! Claire and I were going to the football ... Friday, 21 June 2013 14:55
No image Jan’s Story Jan’s Story by Alex F WRITTEN FOR SGI WORKSHOP 1.2 Jan was convinced that the recent events in her own life were some how linked to the event that ... Thursday, 15 May 2014 12:12
No image The Goddess Club ==Location Notes== City: New York City Location: Club Zero == The Entrance Club Zero has a reputation of being one of the hottest and hippest clubs ... Wednesday, 29 April 2020 14:40
'Z'upergirl Part 1 'Z'upergirl Part 1 'Z'upergirl Part 1 by LaraFan WRITTEN FOR SGI WORKSHOP 1.1 Southern Iraq, November 1st, 2004 10:47am “At last!” he exclaimed as the guttural tone of ... Friday, 10 June 2016 12:30