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No image The Phoenix Initiative - Chapter 13 Chapter 13 Of all the abilities her transformation had granted her, the last one Susan would have expected was stealth. After all, she stood over ... Saturday, 16 November 2019 16:04
No image Super gf 1. Another long day at work. I sighed as I parked my car outside my place. Still, there was plenty to look forward to at home. I unlocked my front ... Monday, 28 October 2019 10:06
No image The Phoenix Intiative – Chapter 12 Chapter 12 “Isn’t this the merriest family reunion you’ve ever seen?” Nicole mocked, getting the attention of everyone as she stepped into the large ... Saturday, 12 October 2019 17:01
No image The Phoenix Initiative - Chapter 11 Chapter 11 Jennifer limped down the aisle as she rested part of her unnatural weight on the improvised titanium walking stick. The swelling and ... Thursday, 29 August 2019 16:06
Jenny Time Jenny Time Art by KawaiiDreamyPixie, bakki, Elwenz, Shimimaru and savisr Edited by Rhys86 August 12, 2120 AD - Toronto, Canada The first light of a new summer ... Saturday, 22 January 2022 20:32
No image The Phoenix Initiative – Chapter 10 Chapter 10 Susan had been wandering through the forest without too much sense by the time Nicole came back to her senses. Her new partner had ... Saturday, 06 July 2019 15:17
Earth Shine Earth Shine Earth Shine by Shadar May 2019 Prologue Those prepared for the Second Coming called it the Hammer of God. Their eyes gleamed in anticipation of the ... Sunday, 26 May 2019 19:54
No image The Phoenix Initiative – Chapter 9 Chapter 9 Block Street was busy as always, traffic jamming the road as the sidewalks bustled with activity. Being one of the main arteries in Santa ... Sunday, 12 May 2019 01:16
No image Beyond and Above Beyond and Above by Furlough The afternoon sky was overcast, covered in dull-grey clouds that threatened rain. The city below it was outwardly just ... Friday, 26 April 2019 17:56
No image The Psyklosi Conquest (Big thanks to OmniScibbler) The seventh Planet of the Psyklos-2756 system teemed with activity 179 hours a day, 22489 days a year. The vast ugly ... Monday, 15 April 2019 08:26