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Batwoman Begins: Ch 1

Written by drmuttoncops2 :: [Tuesday, 17 July 2012 14:30] Last updated by :: [Wednesday, 17 June 2015 15:02]

               "Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear." - Mark Twain

Chapter 1: She is Vengance

By: Dr. Muttonchops


From the moment of her birth on March 15, 1917, Lucille Mina Wayne had been given everything she could've possibly wanted. Brought screaming into the world in the city of Gotham's top hospital, (Where her father Thomas also worked as a legendary surgeon, whose brilliant skillfulness with a scalpel had made him a local celebrity.) it became almost immediately evident that Lucy's parents were going to spoil her as rotten as a month old apple. After the obligatory photo session with her beaming parents ("Wayne Manor Has An Heiress!" The Headline would proclaim.) for The Gotham Gazette, baby Lucy was shuttled to a private care facility, a place for only the most "privilaged" children, with up to date monitering equipment (which in a decade or so would be revealed to have been nothing more than underperforming junk, but still..) and would recieve 'round the clock care, until it was determined that she was healthy enough to return to her parents.

And Healthy she was! At 7 pounds 8 ounces, The raven haired infant was soon the delight of the maternity ward. Her  bright brown eyes and toothless, constantly smiling mouth made her quite the popular one, her reputation nonwithstanding..

Once she and her mother were allowed to leave the hospital, and take their bundle of squirming joy to their palatial mansion in Gotham's well-to-do neighborhood, all of the Waynes' main attention and free time went to their child, whether it was feeding or playing. As soon as Thomas would get home, no matter how tired he was, he would always head straight for his daughter, pick her up and spin around in a circle, prompting a torrent of giggles from the happy babe. Not only this, but practically every single baby toy, clothing and accesory was bought for her. Constant attention was lavished on her by her parents. Because of this, little Lucy began to form a very strong bond with them. In fact, her parents were so enamored and protective of her, that they would barely allow any of the servants to attend to her.. Except Alfred.

Alfred Beagle was the rotund, pleasant looking head butler of the Wayne estate. He stood around 5'8'', had a modest head of black hair, which was just starting to show the earliest signs of male pattern baldness, a pencil thin moustache, and was dressed in a clean cut black and white business suit and black slacks. He had been with the Wayne's ever since he had retired from active duty as a combat medic during The Great War. Now, at 35, Alfred could add another generation of the family to which he would be at every beck and call. He didn't mind, however, he lived to serve. It sure beat the scent and sights of combat, blood and death on a regular basis.

Alfred was such a reliable butler, that whenever Thomas and Martha had to go out to a charity banquet or out to dinner, they would always leave Lucy in Alfred's care. As the years passed and Lucy grew, she became almost as close with Alfred as she was with her parents. Even when Lucy's parents were present, Alfred would show her incredible kindness, such as giving her a double portion of her favorite food at mealtimes, and whenever she had been punished and sent to her room, he would always sneak her a glass of water.

"Thank you, Alfred!" The young girl would say appreciatively.

"Anything for a damsel in distress, Miss Lucy." The kindly butler said with his usual air of British sophistication.

When Lucy reached the age of five, her parents enrolled her in an elite, private school that had turned out the finest minds of Gotham and elsewhere.

The teachers noted that Lucy was an attentive student who was eager to learn all that she possibly could. This hardly surprised the Wayne's at all. Lucy had learned to not only talk, but say multiple words at 10 1/2 months and was able to read sections of her father's discarded copy of the Gazette at 1 Year Old! Nevertheless, they couldn't have been prouder of her.

Occasionally, though, there would be problems. Little Lucy would see a headline that proclaimed "Carmine Falcone Takes Reigns of Crime Family;Engaged in Bloody War With Maronis" or "Thorne Owned Unions Take on Police in Brutal Fistfight". The curious child would ask her Father "What does this mean, Daddy?" pointing to the sensastionlist script.

Thomas would heave his shoulders and sigh deeply, taking the paper in his hands, he said "Nothing important, darling. Just a story about bad people. Let's find something nice to read."

It was also around this time that Lucy began to notice her parents' charitible giving. Whether it was going to a banquet or a charity auction, they always donated generously.

One day, Lucy asked her father "Daddy, why do you give lots of money away to these people?"

Thomas just smiled beneath his bushy black moustache and tossled his young daughter's slighly curly long black hair and said warmly "Well, Princess, we're showing how much we love our fellow man by helping them in their time of need."

This made sense to the young girl, she made a mental note of it as she continued on with her day.

In addition to being a skilled physician, Thomas was also the Chairman of the Wayne Enterprises office building which specialized in Thomas' words, "A little bit of everything.."

His Father had started the company with a few friends in the late 1800's and watched it turn from a small corner store, to a towering skyscraper in a matter of decades. However, as he handed the business off to his son, Thomas found the cutthroat world distasteful and focused on his career as a healer. He left Elias Swinton, his second in command mainly in charge and became basically Chairman in name only, earning him the nickname, "The Ghost" around the boardroom. Thomas hoped that by the time Lucy took the reigns, she'd be savvy enough to follow a humanitarian cause as well, rather than the backbiting business world..

One particular night, a terrible thunderstorm rolled into the neighborhood. Lightening flashed, loud claps of thunder rolled throughout the air, and violent gusts of wind blew so potently, that the haggard elm trees that stood near Lucy's spacious bedroom, rapped violently against the glass of the large picture window on the opposite side of the room from where her big and comfy bed stood. The young girl was terrified as she huddled deep under her covers, fearing that the window would smash open at any moment, sending all manner of unpleasant things into the room. Finally, after another bright flash of lightening that was as blinding as a camera flashbulb, Lucy let out a yelp of fright and lept from her bed, out her bedroom door, and into the palatial hallway of her home.

Lucy threw open the door of her parents massive bedroom and rushed over to her parents king sized bed and dove on top of it, shouting "DADDY, MOMMY, THE STORM'S GONNA GET ME!!"

This startled the couple awake. As the two wearily lifted their heads to view their frightened daughter, Thomas flicked on the bedside lamp and muttered groggily "Lucy..dear..the storm's not going to hurt you. You're safe inside the house."

"But the noise and the lights were so scary, and there was a monster tapping on my window!" Lucy sobbed, tears streaming from her dark brown eyes.

"Aww, my poor dear." Martha said with a sympathetic frown, she sat up and patted Lucy on the arm.

"May I please sleep here tonight? I'm afraid." Lucy moaned, her eyes still moist.

Thomas closed his eyes with a deep sigh, before opening them and stating firmly and clearly, with a serious face "No, Lucy dear. I'm sorry, but you must be brave. You're a big girl now, and you musn't let a little thunderstorm frighten you any longer."

"But..but..Daddy.." Lucy began to protest.

"I'm sorry, young lady, but you must have courage." Thomas replied.

"I'll get you a glass of warm milk and tuck you in, alright, princess?" Martha asked soothingly.

"Okay, Mommy.." The young girl said with disappointment, before climbing off the bed, her mother following suit.

After Lucy had finished her milk and had been tucked in, the lights had been turned off once again, and she tried her best to settle into her soft pink satin covers, as the storm continued to rage outside. As tears of fright began to come to her eyes once more, Lucy remembered the words of her father "You must be brave.." The sentence echoed in her head over and over again, until she realized that she was quietly repeating the phrase in a hushed voice. And it was with that sentence continuing to take effect that she fell fast asleep.

"VROOOM! Lucy to tower! Lucy to tower! I'm coming in for a landing!" Lucy called out to the imaginary control tower, her arms outstrected at her sides like airplane wings, as she sped down the hill of her family's lush, green, massive lawn in front of the property as fast as her little legs would go.

From the large front porch , near the steps leading up to the mansion, Alfred stood sweeping the walk with a broom. He looked up at the young girl careening across the yard with the energy that only youth can provide, and smiled. He did enjoy looking after the young heiress to the Wayne family throne, she was such a joy, so polite and well mannered for a child her age. "Be careful, Miss Lucy! Stay in the area where I can see you!" He called out in a gentle, yet warning voice.

"I will AlfrEEEEEEAAAAAAAGGGHHHHHH!" Lucy began to say, only to scream out in surprise as the very ground beneath her feet caved in and crumbled into a large hole, in which she collapsed!

"Miss Lucy!" Alfred exclaimed in horror as he threw the broom down and ran towards the hole where the girl had fallen.

It took about two minutes for Alfred to reach the hole, due to his girth. He looked down to see the young girl with tears in her eyes, some dirt splotched upon her face and pretty pink dress and a bloody knee. "Miss Lucy, are you alright?!"
Alfred called out in fright.

"No...My leg huuuurts!" Lucy answered through sobs of pain, her eyes squinted and watering.

"Hold on, Miss Lucy, I'll go fetch help!" Alfred said holding his hand up, his face pale with fear. He then dashed off back towards the house.

"Hurry, pleeease!" Lucy begged with a wail, holding her injured knee.

"Where's the hole, Alfred?" Thomas asked, jogging down the porch steps at a high rate of speed, a long, thick rope coiled up around his shoulder.

"Over here, Master Wayne." Alfred said, pointing to the area at the bottom of the hill, sweat pouring down his face, his large belly heaving with exhaustion.

In no time flat, Thomas had reached the hole and peered down, a trembling of fear ran up his spine like an electric charge as he saw the condition of his only child. "Lucy, dear, are you hurt?!" Thomas asked with a terrified voice.

"Yes, Daddy! It's my leeeeg!" Lucy moaned, holding her injured and bleeding appendage.

Immediately, Thomas was alert. "Hold on, dear. I'm coming!" He called out, before rushing over to a large nearby oak tree and began tying an end of the long, thick rope around it. "Alfred.." Thomas instructed firmly "Tie the loose end tightly around my waist!"

"Right away, Master Wayne!" Alfred complicitly answered, taking the rope and wrapping it around his employer's strong, muscular midsection, tying a single, then double knot.

After confirming that both ends of the rope were securly fastened, Thomas began walking towards the hole, announcing "It's alright, Lucy dear. Daddy's coming!" to his imperiled daughter. Thomas then made it to the edge of the sinkhole, turned with his back facing it, got down on his hands and knees and then, with the precision of a skilled mountain climber, stepped backward, taking hold of the edge, and began descending.

Thomas slowly climbed down the sinkhole, grasping hold of the earth as he went. After about five minutes, he had reached the bottom. He walked over to his daughter and knelt down beside her. "Alright, dear. Tell me where it hurts." He said calmly.

"Right heeere.." Lucy sobbed, pointing to her knee and lower leg.

Thomas felt along the areas his daughter had indicated to, giving her a reassuring "Shh.." when she began to moan with pain.
Finally, he looked at her with a smile and said "Lucy, sweetheart, it looks like you only sprained your ankle. You'll be fine. Now lets get out of here."

"I'm scared." Lucy said quietly with a sniffle.

"Remember, Lucy, be brave.." Thomas instructed, before gently taking the child in his arms and clasping her to his chest with one, as he dug his free hand into the ground and began the climb back up to civilization.

Upon reaching the house with Lucy in his arms, Thomas had to do quite a bit of talking to calm Martha down, as she wanted to hold onto Lucy herself.

"Now, now, dear, Alfred acted quickly, she just sprained her ankle, that's all. You've got to expect accidents to happen." He tried to reassure her.

As Alfred was doing his best to calm Mrs. Wayne down, Thomas tended to Lucy's scraped knee with some alcohol. "It's alright, sweetheart, I know that it hurts.." Thomas reassured his daughter as she winced and sobbed. "Since you hurt your ankle, it'd be best if you stayed in bed until you get better." He stated gently.

"O-Okay..D-Daddy..It hurts so bad." Lucy said in between her sniffling.

Thomas dabbed at her eyes and running nose, saying "It's okay, Princess, It'll get better in about a couple weeks. You'll be alright, dear." reassuringly. "Remember.." he began.

"I know, Daddy. I have to be brave." Lucy responded, a bright, sedated smile beginning to show through her tears. "I will be."

While Lucy was relaxing, Thomas called Alfred over. "Get the two-by-fours, we're covering that hole. My daughter is not getting hurt like that again." He instructed in a serious tone, making himself very clear.

"Absolutely, Master Wayne. It shall be done immediately." Alfred said with a brisk nod of the head, before heading out towards the supply shed. He loved and cared for that child almost as much as her own parents did, and wanted to see that no further harm would come to her.

For two weeks, Lucy lay in bed, doing a lot of reading, from fairy tales to tales of chivalry, such as King Arthur. She sometimes imagined that she was a crusader of justice, that she would help the oppressed in some way, just as the heroes of her storybooks. "How could I even rescue anyone when I'm stuck in this bed all day?" Lucy said to herself with frustration.

Eventually, however, Lucy did recover, and was able to walk perfectly once more. She put the thoughts of heroism out of her mind, and went back to the trails of being a wealthy young girl.

That day, that damnable, destable, muggy July day that was burned into Lucy's memory as if seared in with a white hot iron, began like any other. It was a Friday.. She was 8 by then. Lucy got up, brushed her teeth, got dressed for school, kissed her Mother and Father goodbye like ususal, only this time Thomas said to her "We're going out to a picture show tonight, Lucy."

"Okay, Daddy!" Lucy said enthusiastically. She always enjoyed going out with her parents, since she would always have to go to bed whenever they went out together at night. She then walked out to her family's elegant Rolls Royce, got in the back seat and said to the cheuffeur "Hey, Sam, guess what? Mommy and Daddy are taking me out to the pictures tonight!"

"Oh, what fun, Miss Lucy! I hope that you enjoy yourself! Now, buckle yourself in, young lady." The greying driver replied with a smile.

Lucy dilligently paid attention to her studies as per usual, but she was still plenty excited over what the evening held for her.

Once she had gotten home, she was given a quick bath, and dressed in a black dress with a white lace collar. Then, just as the sun was going down, they stepped into the Rolls, and made off towards the city.

The movie playing that evening at the Gotham Cinema was a revival of the 1920 classic "The Mark of Zorro", starring Douglas Fairbanks. As the action packed film unfolded on screen, wide-eyed Lucy was completely taken by the handsome and chivilrous masked crusader of justice. The thrilling horseraces and swordfighting sequences left the young girl nearly breathless as she viewed the moving picture as though she were hypnotized, she didn't even care if it had none of the fancy sound the fancy new talkies had. She didn't even bother to eat more than three bites of her bag of popcorn. As Lucy got up and prepared to leave the theater, she began to hop around the bustling patrons making swordfighting positions with her hands, battling invisible foes. Her amused parents smiling warmly after her. Lucy's life had just been changed. She had no possible idea, however, how much further the course of her life was about to be altered.

As the family made their way into the theater's crowded lobby, Thomas looked around warily, and said as an aside to Martha "We'd better get Lucy into bed soon. Let's go out the side door in the alley and then walk around to the front of the theater."

Martha nodded her agreement and said as to Lucy "Come along, dear. We're going out this way." Taking her hand as the family made their way out the door.

As the family made their way into the cold alleyway, it's filthy, neglected walls stained with dirt, it's cracked concrete floor still slightly moist after that morning's slight shower, Lucy held her parents' hands tightly. This place was scary, she just wanted to go back home.

At the entrance of the alley, a thin, disheveled looking man, his messy straw colored hair hidden under a plaid Irish cap, his face covered with thick blonde stubble began shuffling towards them. Thomas and Martha looked warily at him, Lucy tried not to look at all out of fear. The man's hands were in the pockets of his ragged brown coat. He appeared to be homeless. As he reached the uneasy family, his right hand darted straight from his pocket, holding a gleaming silver pistol, which he pointed threateningly at them! "Money! Give me all yer money, NOW!" He yelled in a cold, angry voice. He obviously meant business.

"Mommy!" Lucy cried, clinging to her mother's leg shivering with fright, burying her face in her mother's evening dress.

"Alright..Here..Here..Take my wallet. Just please don't hurt my family.." Thomas said in an unsteady voice as he handed his wallet over to the cold hearted thug.

The goon quickly snatched the wallet from Thomas' trembling sweating hand and pocketed it. He then spied the glimmering necklace of pearls around Martha's neck. Her husband's anniversary present. "The pearls! Give 'em!" The man grunted reaching out with his left hand and grasping the necklace. This provoked a scream of terror from Martha's throat.

"Hey! Don't touch my wife!" Thomas shouted, grabbing the man's left arm and squeezing down. The man quickly pointed his gun at Thomas' midsection, and fired with a loud bang! As the scent of gunpowder filled the air, Thomas grabbed his stomach with a grunt of pain, blood beginning to pour from his mouth. He dropped to his knees and then to his side on the floor.

"DADDY!" Lucy yelled with terror, her eyes starting to tear up.

Martha began to scream in horror, both because of her husband being shot and also to hopefully attract attention.

"This'll shut you up!" The man said furiously, before he aimed at Martha's forehead, and pulled the trigger, and with another crackle and burst of fire from the weapon, which briefly illuminated the alley. Martha's life came to a sudden and tragic end. She fell face first onto the uneven pavement.

"MOMMY! NOOOOOO!" Lucy shouted, straining her voice, as she grabbed ahold of her mother's limp shoulder. She then heard a small but sharp click and a demonic chuckle above her. She looked up wide eyed to see The evil criminal pointing his gun straight at her head!

"Heh heh heh. Two down, one to go.." The man said softly to himself with a psychotic grin, revealing a mouth of crooked, yellow teeth.

Lucy tried to run, tried to scream, but the messages from the brain just weren't being transmitted. Instead, she could only look on with absolute, wide-eyed fear as the man began to pull the trigger.

*Click* Went the sound of the gun, the hammer stayed in it's place. "Huh?! What th'?!" The thug said, startled, as he tried again to fire the weapon. No good, it was jammed. Then, somewhere close by, a police siren began to wail. The crook looked up with a start, then bolted back out of the alleyway entrance from where he had come.

Lucy slid down to her knees at the sides of both of her fallen parents. She began to sob quietly to herself as the words of her Father came to her mind once again. ["Be brave, Dear. You mustn't be afraid.."] However, Lucy couldn't help but be afraid. Not in a situation like this. She was terrified. Upon looking once again at her parents' crumpled bodies on either side of her, such vibrant, loving people, now lying there, lifeless, no more... Lucy felt the warm tears streaming down her face, she opened her shuddering mouth, and the loud, mournful wail that came forth from it began to mix with that of the approaching siren...

Even as the Police escorted to her back home, as Alfred and the other servants tried to comfort her, despite their own sadness and depression, Lucy was absolutely inconsolable. She alternated between sobbing and wailing for three days straight, refusing to come out of her room, not even eating or drinking anything that was brought to her. Alfred would try, despite his own tears to assure her that she would be alright, but Lucy would bury her eyes, puffy with tears, in her pillow, yelling in a muffled voice "Just get out of here, Alfred! I'm going to die here so that I can be with Mommy and Daddy again!!"

"Miss Lucy, you mustn't say.." Alfred attempted to interject.

"GET OUT!!!" Came the young heiress' shout, her voice scratchy.

Alfred then slowly rose from the bed, and shuffled out of the room.

As the weeks progressed, Lucy's depression only worsened. She was taken to a child psychologist, but was completely unresponsive. After Lucy's grades began slipping at a steady rate, the administrator's of the Wayne estate decided to pull her out of school, and assigned her a private tutor.

Months turned into years. Lucy grew into a beautiful statuesque teenager with a long, limber physique, large, well proportioned bosoms and long, beautiful jet black hair, the ends of which seemed to wrap around her chin and neck like a hood. However, her brown eyes and alluring mouth remained sad and downturned. As she plodded along the very preppy Middle School she attended, her depressed demeanor and soft spokeness caused many to avoid her, and label her as a freak and an outcast. Even at lunch period, when Lucy would be sitting all by herself, her head bowed as if in prayer over her food, a handsome young man would occasionally walk up to her and attempt to engage her in conversation, Lucy would not respond and would continue stirring her food around until the boy would lose interest and leave.

Despite all this, Lucy's grades continued to climb. As she perservered through Gotham's most prestigious high school, she recieved numerous honor after honor from the administrators. She also accelled in physical aspects as well such as gymnastics and fencing. Occasionally she would crack a smile at a compliment or a pass from a good looking male student, even go out on dates with a few of them, however, because of her faraway look and her softspokeness, they would never ask her for another one, often acting like she didn't exist when they would see her again after classes.  

When he would learn of her numerous academic accolades, Alfred, his head now completely bald on top, would give Lucy a warm smile, tears of joy in his eyes, and would say "Your parents would be very proud of you, Miss Lucy!"

Lucy just turned her head far enough for him to see the tears in her own eyes as she replied "I know, Alfred, I know.."

Time and seasons passed, Lucy graduated Gotham High near the top of her class and did so well that when Lucy submitted a request to study at Radcliffe College in Massachusettes, she was immediately accepted!

At a party at Wayne Manor the night before she was to leave, a number of Lucy's well-to-do neighbors stopped by to offer their congratulations. There was much champagne and cheer passed around, Lucy recieved many jovial pats on the back and well wishes. Alfred, while not busy with his duties with serving the drinks, would give Lucy a knowing wink, this would prompt a slight grin from the young heiress. Every time she was asked what she was going to study she would coyly reply "Well.. My major is going to be Business Studies, I have to learn how to manage my inheritance after all." While trying her best to hide her face behind her hair. However, she didn't mention about the fact that she was also planning to study criminal justice as well. From the very night her parents were killed, she wanted to be sure that no criminal in Gotham would elude justice again. And with her impressive intellect and her drive, she would see to that!

The three story red brick building looked like something out of a Louisa May Alcott novel, Lucy thought to herself as she approached it, an assistant helping her with her many heavy bags as they both stepped out of the black Model A taxi. The surrounding lawn and roof covered with ivory snow, the frosted glowing yellow windows and the grey smoke emitting from the chimney that matched the overcast sky added to the literary feel.

After being shown to her room, which was on the top floor on the north side of the building, [This should be satisfactory for training..] Lucy thought slyly, She was left alone to unpack her things. As she began putting some of her winter dresses away, the door swung open behind her! Lucy spun around, a look of surprise on her face, only to see a young, attractive looking girl with long fiery red hair, a face covered with freckles, and wearing a nice, sky blue dress.

"Oh my, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to startle you!" The girl said in a friendly voice with a giggle, her hand up to her smiling mouth.

Lucy assumed a calm, reserved position and held up her right palm, stating "No worries, I suppose I just frighten easily." Before extending her hand with a smile, saying "My name is Lucy Wayne, I just arrived here."

The redhead took Lucy's hand and shook it enthusiastically, a glint of excitement in her bright green eyes. "You're the famous Wayne Enterprises heiress?! Wow! I never thought I'd meet you here!" She said with heavy enthusiasm. "It's a pleasure to meet you, my name's Lilian Rose, but you can call me Lily!"

"Charmed, Lily.." Lucy warmly said with just a hint of nervousness.

"Thank you kindly, Lucy! I'm going to make sure that you fit in here like you were at home!" Lily expoused in a chipper voice.

[That's what I'm afraid of..] Lucy thought grimly to herself while keeping her cheerful demeanor.

It turned out that Lily was from Seattle. Her father was a history professor and her mother worked in a plant nursery. Lily spent much of her time there when she was young and thus developed a love of plants early in her life. She even showed Lucy a small fern that she was keeping on her desk. "I'm keeping this little fella out of the cold, till spring comes, then I'll plant him somewhere nice." She explained.

"It looks lovely, Lily. You must take very good care of it." Lucy said.

"Indeed I do.." Lily said, focusing on the plant with an almost maternal smile.

"And that's Harvard University over there.." Lily said, pointing to the palatial college that was near their current installation. "That's the boys club, basically."

"I see.." Lucy said with vague disinterest. She didn't have much time for men at this moment in her life at this point.

Suddenly, there came a sudden bump behind the two ladies. Lucy looked behind her just in time to see a rather heavy woman with caramel brown hair done up in ponytails pushing past them with a cold grimace on her rather homely face. "Watch where you're going, prissies!" She growled in a low, cantankerous voice.

"What's bothering that oaf?" Lucy asked, before Lily slapped her hand over her mouth.

"SHH! She might hear you!" Lily whispered, her finger to her lips, before answering "That's Jane Tuller, the girls around here call her Calamity Jane. She's a real bully. Just stay out of her way and don't argue with her!"

"Thanks, I'll try to remember that." Lucy said somewhat distantly, her gaze focused on the receding figure of the brutish female.

The first encounter came when Lucy was sitting in algebra class, she got up from her seat and walked foreward to sharpen her pencil near the front of the class, when suddenly, she felt an obstruction near her ankle, then *SLAMMM* she hit the hard, wooden floor, falling flat on her face. There was a brunt of giggles around her, a dazed Lucy looked up in time to see Jane, her face smirking devilishly, looking down at her. "Better study for your balance test, ditz!" She taunted in a whisper.

"Miss Wayne! What is the meaning of this distubance?" The heavily wrinkled female teacher angrily asked, her hands on her hips.

Lucy glared up at Jane one more time before rising to her feet and saying timidly "I'm sorry, Mrs. Vaughn, I seem to have tripped while trying to get to the pencil sharpener." Figuring there was no point in making a scene.

"Very well.. You may sharpen your pencil and then return to your seat." The cronely Mrs. Vaughn said sternly.

"Yes, Ma'am." complied as she made her way to the sharpener. The battle lines had been drawn.

Sring had sprung. The flowers were blooming, the sun was shining brightly, the birds were singing merrily, and love was in the air for everybody.. Everybody but Lucy, that is. Not that it bothered her. She had more time to focus on her studies this way.

One day, she was sitting under the shade of a tree on campus, going through her text books, when another shadow, this one a human shaped one, a rather large one, loomed over her. Lucy looked up to see none other than Calamity Jane, an evil grin on her face, staring down at her. "You readin' your fairy tale book, sissy?" She teased.

Lucy simply looked back down at her book, ignoring her. This caused Jane to grit her teeth in frustration. "Give me yer lunch money, wimp!" She grunted.

"No, get it from someone else.." Lucy calmly said, not even bothering to look up.

With a jolt, Jane grabbed Lucy by her lapels and yanked her up to face her. "What did you say, stupid?!" she angrily growled.

However, Lucy didn't show any fear, she chillingly said "Hands off.." and grabbed Jane's wrists, squeezing as hard as she could!

"OOOOWWW!" Jane exclaimed, pulling away and rubbing her wrists, before raising her fist and snarling "Why, you.."

Just then, Jane's fist was grabbed from behind! Jane turned her head in suprise to see a very handsome young man with well groomed black hair, wearing a Harvard sweatsuit lightly stained with perspiration. His demeanor was calm as he spoke gently "Now, what seems to be going on here?"

"What's it to ya, pretty boy?" Jane said in an irritated voice.

"Well, it looked like you were rearing back to hit this young lady, and you know that fighting isn't tolerated on campus." The handsome stranger said with a smile, before slightly furrowing his eyebrows and stating "Now why don't you take a hike? You look like you could use quite a few.."

Jane violently pulled her hand away and looked at Lucy again, pointing at her and warning under her breath "This isn't over.." Before stomping off.

The handsome young man then focused his attention on Lucy "I'm terribly sorry about that." He apologized with a smile.

"Don't worry about it.." Lucy replied, finding herself smiling back.

"You seem to be able to handle bullies quite well." The stranger complimented, before saying "Oh, by the way, my name's Harvey, Harvey Dent."

"Pleased to meet you, Harvey. My name's Lucy Wayne." Lucy replied with a blush.

"Ah, yes, you're that Wayne Enterprises heiress." Harvey said, his thumb and forefinger wrapped around his large, strong chin. He then lowered his hand and frowned, saying somberly "By the way, I'm so sorry about your parents. They were wonderful people."

Lucy held her hand up, stating "It's all right, that's in my past."

"Alright, I've got to get back to the gym, but maybe I'll be seeing you around again, sometime." Harvey said warmly.

"I hope so.." Lucy said with a slight tinge of embarrasment.

With a friendly wave, Harvey was off like a shot, his legs carrying him very well. Somehow, Lucy found herself just frozen in place, watching him go.. She was confused by this feeling inside her, her palms moist with perspiration, her heart fluttering as fast as a hummingbird's. Was she..? Could in love..?

As the days progressed, Lucy wondered about Harvey, was he really interested in her? Her answer came in a fashion when she was struggling with her books, trying to assemble them in her arms after studying in her usual spot, when a familiar voice asked "Help you with those?"

Lucy looked up to see Harvey, now dressed in his school uniform, sporting a friendly smile, standing near her. "!" Lucy replied, trying to keep her texts from toppling from her arms.

Harvey walked over and took half of the books in the crook of his arm. "What's the main subject you're studying in these clunky things?" He asked.

"Business of course." Lucy explained. "I have to learn how to keep the company upright."

"I should have figured.." Harvey said with a slight chuckle. "As for myself, I'm studying law. Working on being a lawyer around these parts, and if I play my cards right in the future, I'm shootin' for D.A." He relayed with a wink.

The two then made their way to the front of the college, Harvey then said "Well, Miss Wayne, this is where I leave you."

"I suppose, and please, call me Lucy." The heiress insisted with a blush.

"I will, only if you call me Harvey." He conceded, placing the rest of Lucy's books on top of the others.

"Very well, Harvey. So long." Lucy said with a nod.

"Bye for now." Harvey said with a sideways wave, before waltzing off.

As Lucy unpacked her books in her dorm, she noticed a mysterious envelope sandwiched in-between her books, opening it out of curiosity, she unveiled a simple letter that read "To Miss Wayne, keep your chin up, kid. - Harvey". Lucy just smiled warmly, before heading over to her desk, and taking out a bit of stationary..

The following day, Lucy spotted Harvey near the Harvard campus warming up for his daily exercises, when she approached him and handed him the envelope with a glum expression on her face. "You must've accidentally put this in with my books.." she emotionlessly said before walking off.

Harvey couldn't believe it.. He felt like his heart was breaking, he took a deep sigh and placed it in his pants pocket.

After giving an unusually lackluster performance on the track, Harvey tried to shake it off in the locker room. As he took the letter out of the envelope out to re-read it, thinking [Where did I go wrong?], he was shocked to see an entirely new message on the sheet of paper! It read, "Let's make this a habit! OOXX - Lucy" Harvey's face began to glow with pride once again.

The two gradually began seeing more and more of each other from that point on, whether going into town for a meal, or going out for rowboat rides on the lake, they were practically inseperable. As the two got to know each other more and more, they got to conversing about their lives. It turned out that Harvey's father was a police officer, however, he was also an alcoholic and abusive towards him and his mother when he was a child. He was also a corrupt cop as well, and had been indicted for taking bribes. Now Harvey sought to make it his life to help bring both crooks on both sides of the law to justice.

"A noble goal if you ask me." Lucy commented admiringly, taking a final sip of her soda.

"Glad you think so. I just hope I end up in a place where others agree.." Harvey replied in a far away voice, before his friendly demeanor returned, "Well, I'll just pay the tab and we'll be on our way!"

A frown of sympathy crossed Lucy's face. "Oh, please, Harvey, you've paid enough times, allow me to do so." She objected.

"Oh, please, I insist." Harvey said.

"So do I!" Lucy countered.

Harvey rolled his eyes, before proposing "I tell you what, Lucy, we'll flip for it." Harvey said, digging in his pocket, pulling out a coin. "My Dad handed down a lot of painful memories, but something nice he did pass down to me was his lucky Buffalo Nickel." Harvey explained, showing it to her. "Ironically, he forgot to take it with him the night that undercover detective slipped him a fifty. I usually flip it when I have to make tough decisions." Harvey then placed the coin on his thumbnail and flipped it into the air, before slapping it down on the back of his left hand and covering it with his right palm. "Call it, Lucy." He instructed.

Lucy just shrugged and blurted out "Heads.."

Harvey lifted his hand off the coin, to reveal the tails image of the buffalo grazing. Harvey raised his eyebrows in a teasing fashion, saying "Looks like the fates fancy chivalry this afternoon.." Before taking out his wallet and exclaimed "Check, please!"

One night, after a particularly romantic night on the town, Harvey walked Lucy back to her dorm. At the building's door, he said "Well, goodnight for now, Lucy."

"Same time tomorrow, maybe?" Lucy asked hopefully.

"If my Professors don't keep me too long." Harvey joked.

The two chuckled quietly, then, without much effort, they slowly eased closer and closer, their lips met, and they kissed.. Their tounges passionately intertwined, as they embraced each other without any apparent fear of being discovered. Finally, the two reluctantly broke away. Lucy's face was as red as a beet as she whispered "Be seeing you.." with affection, easing her way back into the building.

Weeks passed, many more kisses were exchanged in that time, then,as the two walked hand in hand through the campus one day, Lucy innocently asked "Say, Harvey, Where's your dorm, exactly?"

Harvey seemed to be confused, asking "Why do you ask, my dear?"

"Oh, just curious.." Lucy said quietly.

Harvey smiled and pointed up towards a window on the far right side of the building "Right there."

"Thanks!" Lucy quickly responded, giving him a quick peck on the nose, before heading off towards her own campus. Harvey adopted a look of confusion, wondering what this young lady could be planning..

Lily was sound asleep as Lucy, completely dressed in black, wrapped a black scarf around her neck and mouth and donned a black cap as she carefully slid the window of her dorm open and lept out onto the nearest tree., Using her gymnastics skills, she manuevered to the leafy top, and, as surefooted as a mountain goat, she lept from tree to tree, occasionally losing her footing and grasping onto a limb, then flipping herself upwards as though she were on the uneven bars. Finally, she reached the tree closest to Harvey's section of the dorms, steadying herself carfully, she assumed a crouching position and landed on one of the windowsills, practically hanging on for dear life! Then, grasping each brick's slender crevice, she crept upwards, until her fingers reached the edge of Harvey's window. Then, hoisting herself up, she crouched on the windowsill and cautiously and quietly opened the window..

Harvey, leaning over his desk, studying, jolted upright as he caught sight of the shadowy figure creeping in through the window. "Who are you?!" He demanded, jumping to his feet, assuming a combat position.

"Singing telegram.." A familiar voice said with a snicker.

"Lucy? Is that you?!" Harvey asked in surprise, flicking the overhead light on.

"One and the same!" Lucy responded cheerfully, removing her cap and scarf.

"How'd you manage to climb up here, and what's with the crazy get-up? Who do you think you are, The Shadow?" Harvey asked with a combination of amusement and amazement.

"Love makes you do crazy things, handsome." Lucy said with a sly smile.

Harvey found himself absentmindedly going for his lucky coin, before he put the urge out of his mind. "I guess so.." He agreed softly, a look of romance in his eyes as he glided over to Lucy, taking her in his arms, he passionately kissed her hard on the mouth.

Lucy abruptly pulled away, saying in a concerned voice, "Wait, what about your roommate?"

"He just happens to be visiting his sick mother.." Harvey whispered into Lucy's ear, before giving it a brief lick, and going back to kissing her.

Lucy could feel something deep inside of her awaken, a fire deep in her loins was being kindled, and it quickly turned into a blaze! She caressed Harvey's clean shaven jaw with her left hand, while her right went to the buttons on her blouse and she began to undo them..

In a matter of moments, the two had shed all of their clothing and were on Harvey's bed, kissing passionately and in the beginning stages of foreplay. Lucy could taste the minty toothpaste residue inside Harvey's mouth as she, laying on top of him, caressed his well sculpted, muscular chest. She began to thrust upwards and down and moan with ecsquiset ecstacy as Harvey fondled and kneaded her rather large, bulbous breasts, her nipples erect and firm. Harvey couldn't believe the dominant role that Lucy was taking as she continued to manuveur herself upon him, it got to the point where the two were panting so hard that neither of them could breathe. Finally, the moment of climax arrvied and Lucy raised her upper body upwards let out a shout of pleasure, before collapsing upon Harvey's body, the both of them so exhausted that they couldn't speak. After about fifteen minutes, Harvey muttered under his breath, half asleep, "Lucy, let's make this a habit.."

Lucy giggled at the familiar phrase, before slowly and carefully rising from the bed. She dressed, then crept to the window and out, and made her descent..

Days later, Lucy and Lily travelled to the wooded area where Lily had planted her fern, to check up on it.

"I'll bet that it's grown another foot!" Lily said playfully.

"It'll be the size of a palm tree before too long!" Lucy joked.

However, when the two young ladies got there, they froze in their tracks.. Standing there was Calamity Jane, holding the uprooted fern in her hand, a wicked smile on her face. "Just doing a little bit of weeding, girls.." She said sinisterly.

Something in Lily mind snapped, her pupils constricted and her mouth grew into a snarl "My" her voice whispered slowly, before roaring "You..BITCH!!!"

Lily rushed at Jane pulling back her fist and landing it against her face with considerable force, cutting her lip. Jane flew into a rage, growling, she landed a blow to Lily's stomach, knocking the wind out of her, she then grabbed the girl by the face and pushed her to the ground.

"Keep your hands to yourself!!" Lucy screamed. She lept in the air and performed a flying kick that she'd learned in ballet class that fiercly connected under Jane's chin, causing the bully to bite her tongue.

Blood poured from the angry girl's mouth as she reared back and punched Lucy square in the face, knocking her to the grass. Lucy performed a handspring and came back with a surprisingly potent one-two combination of stiff jabs that sent Jane reeling. Sensing the oppurtunity, Lucy lept into the air again and twirled in the air, sticking her leg out in a graceful pirhouette that amounted to a roundhouse kick, which landed on the face of the massive girl, sending her sprawling to the ground. Lucy's victory was short lived however, as Jane struggled back to her feet, ready to continue. However, as both young women assumed their combat positions, a teacher approached their area, shouting "Stop! STOP!! Both of you, come with me!"

The two bleeding ladies looked at each other angrily, before reluctantly complying.

Lucy and Jane, most of their wounds cleaned up, Lucy's eye and Jane's nose and lips starting to swell, sat in the office of the Dean, David Kaser, an overweight, well dressed man with thinning sandy brown hair, thick black spectacles and a brown, bushy moustache, leaned over his polished oak desk, cluttered with papers, and stared fiercly at the two. "I don't know what rules the both of you were raised with where you came from, but we do NOT tolerate fighting on this campus!" He spouted furiously.

"It wasn't my fault! I was protecting my friend, Lily! She.." Lucy attempted to interject.

"QUIET! I'll have none of your excuses, Miss Wayne!" Dean Kaser retorted, before declaring, "I've no choice but to expel the both of you.."

"WHAT?! You can't.." Lucy objected, before Dean Kaser dismissed her with a swift, swiping hand motion.

"The decision is final, you may return to your rooms and begin packing your things." He said with an air of closure.

The two girls rose from their seats and headed for the door. "Wasn't my first expulsion.." Jane said under her breath, giving Lucy a moderate rub with her shoulder, Lucy ignored it, thinking to herself [That was pathetic.. I need to be better.. I must be stronger..] As if she were her own coach.

"I'm so sorry, Lucy.. It's.. It's my fault you're leaving.." Lily said in-between sobs as Lucy packed her bags.

"Don't blame yourself, Lily. I shouldn't have flown off the handle like that.." Lucy reassured her friend. "Besides, it was that gorilla that pushed you."

"But, you shouldn't be punished for that." Lily whimpered.

"Don't worry about me, Lily. I'll be fine." Lucy replied.

"I'll.. I'll miss you.." Lily said with a shuddering voice.

"And I'll miss you." Lucy answered with a warm smile.

Lily then rushed over to her defender and threw her arms around her. Lucy, albeit being a little surprised, lightly returned the embrace.

Lucy didn't even bother to say goodbye to Harvey. She didn't want anything more to do with this place, no matter how much it tore her up inside. In a matter of hours, she had hailed a taxi, boarded a plane, and was back in Gotham early the next morning.

When she arrived back at Wayne Manor, Alfred was both surprised and pleased to see her. "Miss Lucy! I didn't expect you back so soo.." He began to greet her, before raising his eyebrows in shock. "My goodness! Whatever happened to your eye?!" He asked concernedly.

"Just a little scuffle I had." Lucy half-heartedly explained. "As for my early arrival, I've been dishonorably discharged from Radcliffe."

"What?! Heavens, whatever for?!" Alfred asked incredulously.

"That's where the black eye comes into play.." Lucy said.

"Well.. While I am somewhat disappointed in you, Miss Lucy, overall, I'm pleased that you weren't seriously hurt and that you are safely back at the Manor." Alfred replied, making himself quite clear.

Lucy adopted a look of cold resolve, saying, "Don't get used to it. I'm continuing my education outside of the country.."

"Miss Lucy.." Alfred began.

"My decision is final, Alfred.." Lucy said shortly, before realizing how harsh she was being with the man who had consoled her after her parents death.. who had practically raised her himself.. "I'm sorry, Alfred." She apologized.

Alfred simply gave a light smile and held his palm up. "Think nothing of it, Miss Lucy. Now, I'll go retrieve some ice for that eye." And with that, he headed for the kitchen.

"Thanks, Alfred.." Lucy half-whispered, unsure whether he heard her or not.

After her eye healed, and after a heartfelt goodbye from Alfred, Lucy boarded a plane bound for Hong Kong. Once she had arrived in the country, she hailed a rusted old taxi, covered with Chinese characters. Once she got inside, she flipped rapidly through an English-Chinese translation book, after several moments, she asked disjointedly "D..Duìbùqǐ, qǐng nǐ dài wǒ dào zhèn shàng zuì hǎo de dàochǎng?" [Excuse me, could you please take me to the best dojo in town?]

The cab driver chuckled to himself, saying slyly "Hǎo ba, dàn tā huì huāfèi nǐ..." [Alright, but it's gonna cost you...] Before driving off towards the rural areas.

The taxi pulled up to a wooded glen on the outskirts of town. Other than the thickly leaved trees and crisscrossing vines, there was a somewhat narrow gravel path on the ground that led into the wilderness.

"Wǒmen zài zhèlǐ, dàmā. Nà jiāng shì 1000400 rì yuán" [Here we are, Ma'am. That'll be 1,000,400 Yuan.] The driver said.

Lucy muttered to herself as she frantically started looking through her book for what the driver had said. Finally, after a couple of minutes, the man lost his patience and shouted in broken English "We here! We at the best dojo! I need 1,000,400 Yuan!"

"Oh, alright!" Lucy said with a start, before digging in her purse and extracting the correct amount, before handing it to him. She then took out an extra bill from her pocket and handing it to him. "Consider this a tip." She said cheerfully, before exiting.

The man begrudgingly took the bill in his hands, and was shocked to discover that it was a 1,000,000 Yuan bill! He did nothing but sit there in shock, his eyes bulged out and mouth agape, for several minutes.

Lucy followed the path through the dense, thick forest, her heavy luggage bags in either hand. Finally, after what seemed like an hour, she finally came to a modestly sized three story beige pagoda with brown roofs which curled upwards at the corners. Sweating and exhausted, Lucy lugged her bags up the stairs and knocked on the door... There was no answer. Lucy knocked again.. Nothing. Frustrated, she slid open the door and looked inside.

It was a sparsely decorated room. Nothing but a faded wooden floor, and a golden Buddha statue in one of the corners. The room was also decorated by a couple dozen men in white gi's sitting in the lotus position, meditating. There was an older gentleman dressed in a black one, which Lucy figured was the sensei, sitting in the middle. The man had grey hair and a surprisingly unwrinkled face.

"Ahem.." Lucy cleared her throat considerably loud. Sure enough, the old man's eyes opened..

She spoke humbly, "Duìbùqǐ, lǎoshī fēicháng róngxìng. Dàn wǒ yǐjīng zǒuguòle hěnduō gōnglǐ xià nǐ xuéxí." [Excuse me, Most honored sensei, but I have traveled many miles to train under you.]

The man slowly rose to his feet. He remained quiet for quite some time, before saying quietly and reserved in English, "In my long life and career, I have never trained a woman before. But I sense something inside you, something powerful and fierce. Your energy is so significant, that I would be foolish not to have you hone it."

"I'm ready.." Lucy said in a soft voice that did a very poor job at concealing her excitement.

"Are you? We shall see.." The man concluded.

While Lucy expected to jump right into combat training, instead she found herself suffering through one agonizing ordeal after the other. She was commanded to climb the numerous steps of a temple whilst shouldering two water pails without spilling one drop. The leader of the dojo, who's name was Hai Zhang, would stand at the top, watching her ascend. Lucy would spill many drops, causing Zhang to order "Descend and start again!"

"What?!" Lucy asked incredulously.

"Do it!" Zhang shouted.

Lucy just grunted with frustration and obeyed, before going back down the steps under Zhang's watchful gaze.

Up and down, up and down. Every day through trials and many beads and streams of sweat pouring down Lucy's face, her calves and ankles sore from the effort. As days became weeks, and the rountine became monotonous torture, Lucy started to get the hang of it. Every day she got closer and closer to the top, keeping her eye on the prize, until finally, she reached the top!

"Well done." Zhang congratulated without any sign of emotion, as Lucy dropped to her knees, panting with exhaustion, the spilt water soaking her pink cotton skirt.

Lucy now stood in a snow white gi with a white belt around her waist. She was standing in front of a makeshift scaffold, a large white sack hanging from it.

Zhang stood to one side of her, instructing "You must strike this sack of unpolished rice for one hour with the sides of your hands. I shall observe you.."

With a grunt, Lucy began to whack the rice sack with great effort, before grimacing with pain! She looked down to see that she had drawn blood with one stroke! A sideways glance at Zhang showed that his normal, stonefaced facade had been cracked by a smug smirk! Furrowing her brows and gritting her teeth, Lucy strengthened her resolve and began striking the bag again and again and again, bearing the discomfort, ignoring the tears forming in her eyes, Lucy pounded and pounded. By the hour's end, her hands were a raw, bloody mess. "I'm starting to think you're serious about this." Zhang stated, before beginning to attend to her wounds.

"You don't know the half of it.." Lucy replied.

Lucy, her hands now wrapped with strips of linen, sat uncomfortably on the backs of her calves in the dojo, watching two students impressively throwing each other around with great skill. Lucy's brilliant mind was taking every move, every nuance into her subconcious. She could feel herself becoming stronger just by wacthing the combat. Finally the excersize was over, and both students returned to their place in the circle.

"Next!" Zhang announced loudly "Tao and Lucy!"

Lucy was somewhat surprised that she was called on so soon! Even more so, as her opponent, a somewhat beefy man with short black hair, a green belt, and a deeply cleft chin rose to meet her at the center of the room.

Tao grinned demonically at Lucy, whispering as they bowed together, "You should never have come here, woman!"

Lucy just ignored him as Zhang gave the order "Start!"

Tao grabbed Lucy's arm and pulled it behind her back throwing her to the ground. However, his smile quickly faded as Lucy hoisted him up with her foot, tossing him aside! Just as He was getting to his feet, Lucy was already up on hers, executing a high kick to his chin! Tao's body seemed to turn to jelly as he collapsed in an untidy heap!

Lucy then turned to Zhang and bowed with a sugary sweet smile, Zhang didn't know whether to be shocked or pleased, and his face reflected it.

One day, Lucy was going through her warm-up excersizes, when Zhang approached her, saying "Lucy, I have a feeling about you that you have great potential, and if you are willing, I will teach you the art of ninjutsu."

"Ninjutsu? What's that?" Lucy asked.

"The Japanese art of stealth from the ancient times. I had decided to start putting the style of our enemies into my curriculim so that we would be on an even playing field, should they throw any spies our way." Zhang explained. "You will become part of the shadows, and you will be able to climb walls."

Lucy chuckled and said with a smirk, "I already know how to climb walls."

"Well.." Zhang conceded "Then you've already met one of the qualifications!"

"When do I start?" Lucy asked confidently.

Lucy, now dressed in a full black ninja outfit, the mask over her face stood next to a large, tall wooden wall from which men dressed similarly scaled it with ease as if they were flies.

"A true ninja can appear to defy gravity in scaling the fortress they wish to enter." Zhang explained, handing Lucy some small, knife like objects. "These will help you ascend."

"Hmph, piece of cake.." Lucy scoffed, recalling how she entered Harvey's dorm room. Then, after being given the go-ahead, she practically embraced the wall, digging into it and climbing with relative ease! Zhang was impressed as Lucy climbed down the other side and made her way back to him. "So, how'd I do, boss?" She asked with glee.

"Unbelievable.." Zhang said with awe. "You have made record time.."

"Let's just say I've had practice." Lucy said as an aside, before asking "So, what's next?"

The man was as still as a statue, unblinking, as he held a tea cup in the open palm of his right hand. Zhang stood several feet away as he gave a curt nod over to Lucy, who was standing on an elevated wooden platform. Lucy drew back and flung a deadly shuriken in the man's direction. The throwing star missed it's intended target, the tea cup, by about half a foot.

"Try it again, Miss Wayne. FOCUS!!" Zhang ordered harshly.

Lucy wordlessly nodded behind the mask as she drew another star from her belt, assumed a throwing position, squinted and lined up her eyesight toward the cup, trying to block out all other images. She again reared back and threw. The shuriken went zinging across the air and then [KRAASHH] smashed right through the cup! The man holding the fragments didn't even flinch at the point of impact.

Lucy looked at Zhang for approval. He gave her a brief smirk, before saying "You are showing much progress, Miss Wayne, but a greater challenge awaits.."

It was dark now, and Lucy, crouched high in a tree, watched the dojo guard making his rounds. The words of Zhang that he had spoken to her earlier that day, came back to her mindl. [A ninja must be able to dispatch his enemy before being seen or heard himself.] Lucy quietly crept along the limbs, remembering the games of hide-and-seek she had played with her father as a young girl. When she figured that she was out of earshot, she would swing from one tree to the next. Then, as she was closest to him, she manuevered herself to where she was hanging upside down by her feet. As the guard passed by, Lucy grabbed him by his hair and then his throat, and before he could so much as scream, she applied pressure to the back of his neck. Then, climbing to the highest limb, she braced herself lept onto the roof of the pagoda, climbing into the second story window, when, all of a sudden, she felt a whack upon her head! As she focused past the pain, trying to adjust her eyes to the black abyss that was the room, she could just make out a somewhat tall man in ninja attire wielding a bo staff! As he attempted to bring the weapon down on her head once more, Lucy clasped the staff with the palms of her hands and, using considerable force, slammed the weapon into his abdomen, which audibly knocked the wind out of him, then, balling both of her hands together, she brought them down hard onto his cranium, knocking him to the ground. "Consider us even.." Lucy harshly whispered to the unconcious attacker, before ascending the stairs to the third floor.

Lucy burst in to the dimly lit room in a combat position, ready for a fight, when she was greeted with the sight of Zhang, sitting by himself, drinking a cup of tea. The elderly man looked up with a smile, before gently placing his cup down and saying in a reserved voice "Congratulations, Miss Wayne, you are a ninja. You may pack your bags and return home tomorrow.."

Lucy whipped off her mask, sighing with exhaustion, yet still mustering the courage to say, "I'm not headed home yet.."

And indeed she wasn't. After leaving China, Lucy continued on her globe trotting mission, building upon her knowledge of crime analysis in London, taking mountain climbing lessons in Zurich, and trapeze lessons with a French circus in Paris, before deciding that she was ready to begin her mission. So, as Lucy Wayne, heiress to the Wayne fortune, boarded the plane bound for New York, she had a clear objective..bringing Gotham's criminals to their knees!

                                                    TO BE CONTINUED...

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