
Me, Myself & I

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Genesis of the Bih’Zah’Ro – Part 1

Written by AUphoric :: [Friday, 10 June 2022 04:13] Last updated by :: [Saturday, 11 June 2022 13:23]

Superpowered science and the history of the most ruthless planetary conquest in the Aurora Universe, told through official documentation!

Part 1

The Igoybe Imperial Super-Soldier Project is pleased to make this report to His Glorious Excellency’s Super-Soldier Project Supervisory Board.

In this first section of this report, we provide a concise summary of Velorian history. We then explore the Velorian unique Homo Supremis genetics, in order to understand why their powers combine with their attitudes to make them the most formidable opposition to the unlimited expansion of our Empire to rule the entire galaxy.

In the second section of this report, we provide an explanation of how we have adapted these powerful genetics for the creation of the Igoybean Super-Soldiers. This military shock troop force, more powerful than the Supremis, with attitudes of conquest in the name of the Emperor, will provide superior, unstoppable conquest capability for the expansion of His Glorious Excellency’s Ruled Domain!

Section A: Early history of the Velorians

Velorians are humans who come from planet Velor, with ancestry back to Earth. People around the galaxy are familiar with the Velorian tendency to be chatty and talkative, especially enjoying storytelling about themselves. They have even institutionalized a genetic class and worker caste of Scribes to document their own glories. But from our point of view, with an appalling lack of disciplined detail and lessons-learned tactical analysis of fights and military events.

The Velorian chattiness stops dead for a very few topics they are careful to never allow into the conversation. Mainly about any questions regarding limits of their powers.

Velorians make the following claims about their own history:

They all descend from an isolated village on Earth, in what is now Sweden.

Without warning, in Earth year 1006 A.D., approximately 85% of the villagers fell asleep one night as usual on Earth, and woke up the next morning on planet Velor. They previously had not known of habitable worlds beyond Earth.

This intervention was not done by the Seeders who relocated our ancestors. Nor were any additional humans added to Velor later. Instead, the original Velorian relocation was the only time that humans were brought to Velor. Velorian lore alleges it was done by a race of humanoid but powerful godlike beings, the Galen (same word singular or plural, masculine or feminine).

Velor’s surface gravity is several times that of Earth. Before placing the sleeping Velorians in their new village, the Galen genetically modified the villagers to make them several times stronger than ordinary humans, and free of susceptibility to illnesses. Due to their increased strength matching the increased gravity, the Velorians did not notice any difference. Later, the Velorians all found that their lives lasted substantially longer than on Earth.

The leader of the Galen intervention project was Skietra, who was continuously embodied as an unchanging, 18 year old Swedish girl.

Appearing to be this perfectly beautiful Swedish young woman, Skietra visited the villagers the night before their abduction. She had seemingly normal human conversation with them, as though she was a traveler temporarily separated from her clan. The next morning, when the abductees woke up, they found themselves in a constructed village, amid a landscape and under a sky very different than Earth’s.

Skietra, continuing to look like a beautiful teenager, demonstrated some of her superhuman abilities to the villagers. She explained that she and her fellow Galen had, while the villagers slept, taken them to Velor, and that Velor was a planet in a solar system far from Earth.

She explained that she considered the very consistent appearance of the isolated villagers to be the most physically attractive version of humanity. She said this beauty, and their warrior ways, were why she had chosen them for a great and glorious future that could not have happened back in their original village on Earth.

At this time Skietra also introduced a group of other Galen to the villagers. These other Galen also took the forms of ordinary human men and women. These Galen also had various other abilities beyond those of humans, including instantly teleporting themselves, an ability all the observed Galen used. Skietra also could make multiple copies of herself, to interact with many of the villagers at once. The Galen shape-shifting ability was only discovered many hundreds of years later.

Skietra informed the villagers that it was appropriate and pleasing to her for the villagers to worship her as their goddess, which was the best way they could understand her and relate to her.

This Igobeyean research project concedes that the Galen as originally described are theoretically possible, but we are extremely skeptical of the story the Velorians report being told to them.

Our scientists suspect that if this story has an underlying kernel of truth, the Galen put the sleeping villagers into medically suspended animation for several months, for their trip to Velor. As our ancestors’ experiences on the Seeder colony ships informs us well, it takes far more than one night to traverse multiple wormholes, as between Earth and Velor.

It also would take far more than one night to perform genetic engineering on an entire population. Upgrades substantial enough to modify all the muscles, bones, and connective tissues throughout a body to withstand a constant environment of several times the gravity where the body type evolved, where the person lived their whole life until now.

Our working hypothesis is one that fits the Igoybean tradition of atheism. We conclude that Skietra and the rest of her team were as physically three-dimensional as the Velorians, not any kind of gods and goddesses.

We conclude that she and her team were some kind of advanced humans, with extensive genetic engineering technology including life extension providing her own apparently ageless appearance, but not more than that. They lacked eternal immortality, and any spirtual superiority, which of course we know anyway does not exist. Such religious myths were as false as all others anywhere.

We believe the technological artifact involved in the Aurean exodus, described later in this report, is adequate to explain the reported appearance of the Galen at one location and then instantly at another on Velor, without any need to consider hypothetical spiritual powers in this regard.

Our anthropologists suspect that the stories of multiple copies of Skietra, living and working among the Velorians, is nothing more than a subsequent expression of the feeling of amazement the Velorians had for her personal interest in them, and the cult of personality she intentionally established around her hands-on guidance of their new society.

The shape-shifting premise is too ridiculous to merit further comment.

The villagers observed that some of their fellow adults and none of the children from the village were with them on Velor. Skietra explained that based on her conversations with the 15% of adults that had been left behind, they were those she had found to have the most gently humble attitudes and lifestyles. These few villagers were focused on farming and herding interests, rather than passion for exploration and adventure like most of the population. The Velorians agreed with that assessment about their neighbors who had been left behind.

This selection process would have been effective at strengthening warrior attitudes among those selected for a new community, as we have found ourselves in colonial ventures. Not needing any supposed blessings from a goddess.

Skietra explained that the children of the villagers all remained on Earth. They would be safe and healthy, as they were raised by those left behind. The children who had a more aggressive questing nature would, as so many did through the years, make their Viking ships to leave Sweden’s fjords. They would sail the ocean to other, increasingly remote parts of Earth to explore, conquer, and settle far away from their original village.

Learning of this brought great peace of mind to the Velorians. When some descendants of the original Velorians were able to visit Earth hundreds of years later, they found that Skietra had accurately described the situation at the original village.

In the next few hundred years, some conquesting Swedish villagers got as far as thousands of miles away. They set up a regional base at what is now Oak Island, Canada. They had to abandon their booby-trapped weapons and strategies cache when offshore earthquakes caused flooding that made the island temporarily uninhabitable. This major loss is why North America was subsequently available for conquest by other European navies, rather than made a Swedish colony.

Returning to the story of Velor: The villagers were provided resources by the Galen to sustain their lives on Velor, including basic technology hundreds of years ahead of their development back on Earth.

But transportation resources were kept extremely limited. Velorians did not get either internal combustion or electric vehicles, and no aviation let alone spaceflight capability. The science resources provided to them were incomplete and inadequate on these topics, preventing Velorians from developing these technologies.

Velor’s lack of major oceans and river systems seemed to make their ship building heritage useless. But then, with their own inventiveness which they all agree greatly surprised Skietra and the other Galen, the Velorians built their only major transportation infrastructure in the first hundred years on Velor. They made a series of canals, with scheduled passenger and cargo transport ships, all operated by rowing crews.

Being on a canal boat rowing crew was a prestigious career for the strongest of Velorians. Perhaps because of the economic importance of the canals, this is an example of the Velorian preference for organized, predefined teamwork. Even though they now have shuttlecraft technology that makes canals on Velor obsolete, they nostalgically continue to rely on the canals. These social attitudes of praise for doing things the old fashioned hard way, have seriously hindered the definition of operational battle doctrine for their Protectors working alone, or in occasional ad-hoc teams of just a few individuals.

The one area of highly advanced technology was the genetic engineering complex collectively known as the Maternity Engine, still in use today. Male and female couples who wish to have a child go there to donate eggs and sperm, in donation bedrooms known as the Beds of Skietra. The couple then leave.

In the laboratory, glass pipettes on an automated sequencer are used to start the biochemical process of DNA analysis, referred to by the Velorians as the Many Glass Tongues of Skietra tasting their sexual fluids.

If the provided sex cells have enough of the genetic qualities Skietra wished for all Velorians to have, which is the most common result, the couple are brought back for a genetic counseling appointment. They learn of potential traits their child could have, among the traits present in their genes that are all equally pleasing to Skietra. The parents select whichever of those traits they prefer for their child.

Genetic splicing occurs. The egg is in vitro fertilized, then implanted in an artificial womb for incubation, which takes 11 months on Velor rather than the 9 month natural gestation period for women on Earth. The couple then return to take home their newborn infant.

As the ordinary human capacity for lactation is not present in Velorians, they bottle feed the infants and toddlers. Learning to eat food and to walk come at around the same time in life in Velorian society. They use the artificial milk formula Skietra taught them to make from some local herbs and plants, which provides complete protein and nutrition. They carefully farm these herbs and plants to assure their supply. Many Velorians enjoy continuing to drink this milk formula as adults.

At a few years old, the child leaves home and enters the residential school system established by Skietra. Children have frequent visits back home to greet their parents and youngest siblings, until they reach adulthood and begin their choice of career.

According to the Velorians in a very unlikely story, the majority of the Maternity Engine’s operations were designed by an elite team of highly intellectual Velorians. These people were personally selected and tutored by Skietra in anatomy, genetics, biochemistry, and software development. They then completed the hardware and software genetic systems engineering to fit her criteria.

What is easy to believe is that she provided to them all the relevant equipment, which our historians of Earth place at somewhat more than a thousand years ahead of the abducted village. Some of the equipment, such as the isolinear optical processing chips and crystal data storage, are still beyond what can currently be produced on Earth.

However the technology was developed, it is certain that an ongoing elite was trained in how to continue the operation of the Maternity Engine system once it was up and running. An apprenticeship program has continued the Maternity Engine’s operations to the present day. The practical operational methods were deeply entangled with the priesthood of a religion devoted to Skietra, with the usual meaningless and pointless mumbo-jumbo and rituals of any religion.

This advanced technology is all located inside the Maternity Engine complex. It is too large to relocate. It depends on the fusion power cell and optical computing systems only available inside, which Skietra gave to them and they did not fully understand scientifically until many hundreds of years later. They are still hundreds of years away from being able to build all of this locally.

This technology has never been used for any other purpose than providing subsequent generations of Velorians, ensuring their consistent genetic traits for the attributes that mattered to Skietra.

Continuing with the story, Skietra and the other Galen were present in person with the Velorians to establish their new society. The Velorians found they were unable to have natural conception and pregnancy any more. Women had light periods, but no ovulation. As soon the Maternity Engine was complete, the colonists started to use it to produce the subsequent generations of Velorians.

Skietra informed the Velorians that the Maternity Engine included genetic modifications which would ultimately lead to the Velorians being a godlike species themselves, with the women being by far the most powerful. This was for the purpose of being able to mate with Galen males who would return at that time to their original godlike form.

She explained that the Galen females were losing their capacity to reproduce. The Galen would eventually die out if not for this adaptation to make Velorian women bear the next generations of Galen. As for when this mating would start to happen, whenever the Velorians asked, the Galen put them off with vague remarks about this being a glorious future for the Velorians, but the time was not quite yet.

This report concludes that this story told by Skietra to the Velorians is mushroom farming: she was keeping them in the dark, immersed in total bullshit. It makes no sense that a race of demigods who could turn humans into Supremis could not repair whatever genetic misfortune might have come to their own females. Rather than having to go to such an elaborate and convoluted process of enhancing humans to provide surrogate mothers to gods, while those humans’ own offspring were artificially incubated. Even someone who believed in religious stories would have to concede that this one, on its own terms, makes no sense.

The Galen other than Skietra left Velor about ten years after the abduction of the villagers. Skietra continued to live among the Velorians, to guide them day to day, with her unchanging always 18 year old and perfectly beautiful appearance.

Sixty years after the abduction of the villagers, Skietra casually remarked to some of the Velorians one day that she would soon see about some things outside of Velor. She did not imply that she would leave immediately, or be away for long. The Velorians who talked with her that day all agreed that from the way she talked, they figured she had just mentioned something that might happen in a year or two. The Velorians assumed that she would tell them more, whenever the time came closer to her trip.

The next day when the Velorians woke up, Skietra was gone, without having left a message. They never saw her again, and never heard anything from or about her.

More and more Velorians became disillusioned over time. They stopped attending her temples. For many, her name changed from a reverent focus for sincere prayer to only a shout of frustration, as they stopped considering her relevant to their lives. The Maternity Engine operations dropped the spiritual rituals from the pragmatic technical steps.

We believe Skietra’s original purpose for the Supremis enhancements was military colonization. We believe that the use of genetic enhancement, rather than spaceship and weapons technology, to make a form of humanity that could cross the stars and conquer new worlds, is ample justification for why she made the Supremis able to do what they can do.

Our anthropologists speculate that she kept the actual reason hidden from the Velorians with an intention to make further sociological revisions to the culture. Such as a warrior ethos, and a centralized imperial government focused on military matters, as we have. Once this was properly established, she would then get them off the planet’s surface and start the galactic conquest, some time in the next few hundred years. It is very fortunate for us that this never happened.

We are unsure if her departure was a “tough love” gambit to inspire a more cohesive and aggressive identity for the Velorians before a subsequent return, or a complete abandonment of a project that for some unknown reason she already saw had become untenable. We later speculate on a potential reason.

If Skietra ever does return and we are able to make contact, we believe that she will be pleased to find that our Super-Soldier program fulfills and exceeds her original intentions with the Velorians. We expect that she will become an important ally helping us better understand how to wipe out her earlier mistake: to either co-opt the Velorians, and their later offshoots the Aureans, to serve the Igoybean Emperor, or to utterly destroy them all.

After another fifty years, some Velorians attempted to improve the production of their artificial milk. They did experiments to cross-breed different types of herbs. They tried to adjust the sequence and timing of ingesting the herbs and plants, rather than blending and drinking them all at once.

They accidentally discovered that ordinary, natural human conception and pregnancy could be induced on Velor through the use of specific herbal medicine. The right proportions and timing of commonly available herbs restored ovulation with each period.

This discovery led to a Naturalist faction. These Velorians advocated a return to natural human mating practices, conception and pregnancy, to end the use of the Maternity Engine. They wanted to allow human genetic traits to mix randomly again as they always had, unlike Skietra’s tinkering to enforce the recessive Swedish appearance of all Velorians.

Velorians live longer and healthier than unmodified humans. But by the time of the Naturalist herbalist midwife discoveries, all the original Swedish abductees, the first generation of Velorians, had died. Skietra’s opinion about these matters was nothing but a matter of conjecture from the past, for both sides of the Naturalist debate.

Naturalists became a significant minority group on Velor. The majority wanted nothing to do with this rejection of what Skietra had provided to them.

A few years later, a Scalantran trade exploration vessel discovered the wormhole leading to Velor’s system. Due to Velor’s heavy gravity, the Scalantrans landed only a shuttle to bring a Velorian delegation up to their ship in near orbit. This was the Velorians’ first experience of any aerospace technology. After clearing up the confusion that they were not the Galen, nor had they met Skietra to bring any messages from her, the Scalantrans got the Velorians to understand the commercial purpose of their visit.

We believe that the Scalantran delegation’s exploration of the extremely remote wormhole was an unexpected surprise. It undermined Skietra’s plans, long before whenever she was going to return. If she ever did return, she would have seen an already spacefaring society with deeply ingrained attitudes that would make the Velorians useless as a force for wars of conquest. Soon, they even willingly sold their daughters into slavery! These are not the ways of warriors! We believe that, if she had not already simply abandoned Velor entirely, this is why there has been no subsequent contact from her. What would be the point?

The Maternity Engine series of buildings, with identical fertilization labs and incubators in each, are plain. There are no windows, other than to the waiting room lobby, which has nothing but ordinary chairs and tables. When giving the tour to the visiting Scalantrans, the Velorians didn’t go inside. They described their Maternity Engine in abstract and religious terms.

They said, this is where our couples in love go to worship their goddess by making an appointment to sleep in her many beds, thinking of her as they pleasure themselves. And then the many glass tongues of their goddess taste their sexual fluids, in order to identify potential couples whose offspring would please her.

All this the Scalantrans misunderstood. They thought the buildings were only for some kind of primitive and superstitious sex cult, of the kind found anywhere among unsophisticated societies. The Scalantrans definitely did not want to hear any more of such nonsense. Meanwhile, the Velorians were fixated on the Scalantran remarks about trade goods being something that could be readily carried and used on their own.

Thus both sides completely missed what would have been valuable genetic engineering resources for trade. By this point the other technology provided by the Galen, such as PerComps, was giving out, as the Velorians did not have science, manufacturing, or repair resources for electronics. Velorians knew how to operate the Maternity Engine by rote, but not the full science of how it worked.

Before she left, Skietra had encrypted the data crystals with the genetic codes related to Supremis capabilities. The codes were used by the completely automated genetic screening process, unreadable outside of that automation. Even if the Maternity Engine technology had been sold or licensed, the way to turn ordinary humans into Homo Supremis would still not have been possible to obtain. And at the time of the initial Scalantran visit, the Velorians did not even realize that they were Supremis.

But the Velorians did know how to construct as well as operate the artificial wombs, and how to maintain the fertilization lab. These were the parts of the operation they needed to expand into new buildings now and then, to serve the growing Velorian population. This could have been highly valuable technology to trade with the many human planets that never developed genetic engineering, or that lack human eugenics.

Unaware of that possibility, the Velorians and the Scalantrans sadly agreed that there was nothing of trade value on Velor. In the final visit of some Velorians to the Scalantran trade ship, the Scalantrans planned to return some years later, to give the Velorians time to start inventing something useful. The Velorians learned from this disappointment that there was no point in trying to explain their unique external reproductive system to anyone else.

Hundreds of years later, several groups attempted to license the Maternity Engine technology for staggering amounts of money. By then, the Velorians knew they were Supremis, and absolutely refused any such offers. All attempts at industrial espionage of the Maternity Engine have led to the demise of the spies.

At this time of the initial visit, on board the Scalantran ship were some human crew members from another planet long ago originally Seeded from Earth.

These other humans had been properly informed by the Seeders of their situation and provided opportunity to develop space flight, as with Igoybe’s history.

These humans did not discuss their Seeded history. They were entirely focused on what they did discuss with the Scalantrans: that the women in the Velorian delegation were extraordinarily beautiful, and sexually eager and delightful in human terms, all to a surpassingly, unprecedented breathtaking extent.

Realizing there was a money-making resource that could make trade with Velor immediately profitable, Scalantrans and the Velorian government agreed to sell Velorian teenage girls into hundred year indentures on other human worlds. These would-be Companions were not expected to significantly outlive their term of service.

The Velorian government at that time did not include any members of the Naturalist faction. As soon as the Naturalists learned of the deal, they were furious as what they saw as the institution of an unwanted, demeaning slave trade. They also hated what they saw as a racist limitation of economic trade benefits to only those Velorians with the traits selected by the Maternity Engine. And they were offended at not being invited at all to the trade negotiations.

The Naturalists started an armed protest. Not wanting to get involved in a local civil war, the Scalantrans hastily left the system without taking any Velorians.

A few years later the Scalantrans returned and discovered this report from the Velorians: the Naturalists had discovered a mysterious artifact which could teleport groups of people. It had one destination, the unpleasant but habitable planet Aurea, in a distant solar system. Aurea’s gravitation and human life support capacity is similar to Velor, but everyone agrees that Aurea’s weather is much worse.

The Naturalists all wound up on Aurea. The artifact then stopped working, leaving the Naturalist faction on their own in Aurea. Furthermore, an earthquake cracked the artifact, and then the underground cavern in which the artifact was located caved in. It was impossible to even extract any pieces of it for analysis.

We believe that when the artifact originally worked as intended, it was what allowed the Galen to transport themselves from one part of Velor to another. It is very unfortunate for us that the artifact is impossible to study. Teleportation would obviously be excellent to deploy invasion troops for maximum surprise, shock, and dismay to the enemy. Knowing now that teleportation technology is physically possible, our scientists have examined all available theories on the subject. So far have not been able to figure out how it would work.

With the Naturalist faction now all gone, the remaining Velorians, who referred to themselves as Purists, continue up to the present day to rely on the Maternity Engine and to renounce the use of herbally induced natural human ovulation, conception, and pregnancy.

Soon after the Naturalists were all stuck on Aurea, some kind of genetic catastrophe on Aurea left the majority of the population there with no Supremis abilities other than strength suitable for the planet, while a small percentage retained most but not all Supremis abilities.

This small percentage of Aurean Primes promptly conquered the rest of the population, set themselves up as rulers, invented space travel, and began an admirable program of Imperial expansion almost as ambitious, ruthless, and determined as our own.

Aurean strategy is held back, however, by an almost apologetic need to explain their empire-building as defensive against another genetic catastrophe, or protective against potential subjugation by the Velorian Purists at a later re-unification ruse. They do not boldly assert, as we do, the obvious fact that might makes right as its own authority to rule. This limitation in their thinking keeps them from the full range of aggressive military doctrines that we employ.

Unlike us, when not able to accomplish immediate military conquest, Aureans do not put all their efforts into upgrading their warfighting equipment and skills. They split their investment between building up the military further, as we do, and using a stealth saboteur approach.

This second track puts undercover operatives into the target societies for the long term. They infiltrate, subvert and undermine the local population until the resulting societal chaos weakens the target, making them ripe for the picking.

While so obviously unsuitable for those of us from Igoybe, the dual strategy does seem to have worked suprisingly well so far for the Aureans’ own needs for conquest.

It was a long time later before there was any further contact between Velorians and Aureans, who had became obviously distinct. The recessive genetic traits of Velorians, such as light skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes, that were automatically preserved by the Maternity Engine in each generation, became replaced in the Aurean population by a statistically random distribution of human traits. Including a preponderance of very dark hair, moderately dark eyes, and a full range of light through dark skin tones. Almost all Aureans look obviously not Swedish.

When the Scalantrans eventually discovered the wormhole to the Aurean system, there were attacks on both sides, in confused battle reports whose plausibility is questionable on both sides. The deplorable lack of proper, disciplined military reporting is a major factor holding back both Scalantran and Aurean military improvements. What is certain is that an undeclared state of war exists between Aureans and Scalantrans.

The Velorian history states with absolutely certainty that no Supremis powers were present in any of the villagers in their original lives on Earth, nor in their Swedish ancestors. It is unclear whether Supremis abilities were already present in the original abductees by the time they awoke on Velor, or added by the Maternity Engine and increased with subsequent generations.

What is clear is two things: that the full set of abilities was present in the latest generation of teenage girls by the time the Scalantrans had their second visit to Velor, and that they did not know this because Supremis abilities do not operate within Velor’s atmosphere and near orbit, for reasons still not fully understood by our investigations.

To everyone’s great surprise, the initial group of Companions became fully empowered as soon as the Scalantran ship with its human cargo left Velor.

Now fully empowered upon leaving Velor, the Velorian young women used their Supremis powers on their new planets as directed towards the interests of their purchasers, which sometimes included military battles on those planets. Any single Velorian obviously can win against all but the most carefully organized and trained groups of ordinary humans. As word eventually got out, the price of Companions increased exponentially. The girls themselves did not even get a percentage share of their indenture price.

Through a series of historic events, what was happening outside of Velor became known to the population back home on Velor. Eventually the Companion program was ended, and the Velorian Protector program began, training the most genetically superior of Velorian young women to use their abilities in their well-known guarding of various systems against the Aurean drive for military conquest, or any other space invaders beyond the local system’s native defense capacity. That would include us.

It became clear to Igoybe senior military that if the Emperor’s Glorious Excellence was to properly include his ruling over additional systems until the entire galaxy bows the knee as destined, a way would be needed to out-fight the Protectors.

When the Emperor learned, from the latest updates on Earth history, of the Earth venture called the Manhattan Project, he was righteously inspired. Think of it: a substantial percentage of the population engaged in the largest, most expensive military research and development effort of all time, consuming the majority of the economy, with only a tiny cabal at the top knowing its actual purpose!

With that purpose being, to create the most powerful type of weapon ever made, far beyond what any enemy suspected might be possible, a weapon so decisive that its use would quickly lead to unconditional surrender of the most fearsome enemy!

What a wonderful way to organize society!

Delighted by this inspiring example of humanity at its finest, the Emperor ordered our own Manhattan Project: the Super-Soldier Project, to decode the Supremis genome, unravel the scientific mysteries of Velorian powers, and make our own superhumans serving the greatness of our own Empire!

We now turn to what we have discovered, in these last 37 years of research involving a total of 1.4 billion individual, manipulated Igoybean science and engineering careers, most of whom had no idea of the ultimate purpose of their work.

We will now summarize their findings of how, at the cellular level, the invulnerable Supremis body converts electromagnetic rediation, pressure, and impact, to energy, stores and distributes that energy, and uses it to achieve their remarkable feats.

Section B. Science of Supremis

Throughout our presentation, we will use Supremis and Velorian interchangeably. We will later discuss the ways that Aureans have a lesser version of Supremis physiology.

The most genetically powerful of Velorians are what they call the Protector class, or P-1, of whom the females are more powerful. In their late teens, P-1 young women are invited to the Protector training. A few die in the training and the remainder are assigned to the various worlds they intended to Protect from invasion or other external meddling, while otherwise practicing non-interference with the local population in all other ways.

Invulnerability and Energy Input

The well known invulnerability of Supremis occurs because they are richly endowed with energy input cells throughout their skin and other externally exposed surfaces. Nose, mouth, lips, eardrums and ear canals, anus, and genital organs, all are lined with energy input cells, just as the skin is. Nails and hair also have some of these cells, and their attached fiber optic microstrands, embedded in the keratin. Energy input cells are small enough to be optically invisible, and so are present even throughout the surface of the eyeball.

There are two types of energy input cells. The first type is essentially a liquid piezo-photonic transducer, in which applied physical pressure or impact generates photons with nearly perfect efficiency. The generated photons exit the cell at its optical microfiber connecting it with the rest of the energy system inside the Supremis body.

This organic optical fiber is many times thinner than a human hair, and like all fiber optics, it is highly efficient at guiding photons from one end of the fiber to the other, with only a small amount of leakage.

The piezo transduction is why when a Supremis is subjected to physical force, the primary result is that the kinetic energy is converted to energy they store internally. Increasing the force of the physical attack merely results in damage to the attacker, if attacking with their own body, or to their weapons, as kinetic energy is converted to internal photons with no damage to the outside of the Supremis body.

The small amount of optical leakage is why, as this happens with an intense attack, the impact site glows as long as the pressure or impact is sustained.

Energy input cells have a second output: a sensory neuron to inform the brain that pressure has been received and converted to energy. This perception is highly pleasurable for a Supremis, which is why they often seek out a situation where, for example, bullets and blows hit them, rather than their just as easily avoiding blows and evading projectiles.

The second type of energy input cell is an electromagnetic receiver which converts all types of locally received radiation, within a few millimeters of the cell, to output photons, and again to a sensory signal to the brain. These microscopic cells are present in such large quantity that energy reaching the surface of the body, or one of the passages to the interior mentioned above, activates multiple cells for highly efficient conversion.

The sensitivity of this reception is greatest with twin peaks in the electromagnetic spectrum: one in the wavelengths of visible light perceived as yellow, the other in deep infrared perceived as heat. A secondary area of responsiveness is in the blue to green range of visible light. An extreme notch in sensitivity is present in the visible red region.

The remainder of the electromagnetic spectrum seems to have about equal sensitivity, whether the exposure is X-rays, gamma rays, radio waves, microwaves, etc.

The sensitivity boosted frequencies are why heat and yellow light are the greatest sources of usable energy for Velorians. This makes the reception of sunlight from a yellow sun, such as Earth’s, on their skin highly effective at charging up their energy, on the planet or especially outside of Earth’s atmosphere. It is also why enormous heat sources such as the solar corona, volcanic lava, lighting bolts in thunderstorms, molten metal in industrial settings, energy weapons with a hot blast beam, etc., are so effective for them as energy input sources.

The extreme sensitivity notch for red light is why Velor’s sun is so ineffective at charging up Velorians, particular within Velor’s hazy reddish hued dusty atmosphere. Although one might think that the large amount of gold dust in Velor’s atmosphere and surface might emphasize yellow light, apparently the red to gray predominant color of the the ground and the bronze tint of the sky are so heavily weighted to visible red that no benefit accrues from the gold dust.

Meanwhile, Aurea’s terrible weather, with its heavy overcast and frequent gray rainstorms, prevents most yellow light from reaching its surface. This is our best explanation as to why Velorians and Aureans within their own planet’s atmospheres do not demonstrate Supremis powers.

Explosions that release both matter impacts and energy, such as bomb blasts, provide energy through both types of input cells, and are perceived as especially enjoyable and desirable to the Supremis.

Supremis are very pleased with the development of broadcasting and especially of locations with universal cellular radiophones and wireless computer networking, bathing them in a constant supply of radiation that is a pleasant, constantly available low level energy “snack” (through all the skin) for a Supremis. The consumed radio frequency energy fails to reach its intended data target and needs to be retransmitted. This is why increased data error rates, broadcast failures, and reduced efficiency of high voltage power lines, are noticed around Velorians.

The vagina is extremely densely supplied with energy input cells, with a total quantity of these cells that surpasses the entire rest of the body combined. This is why Velorian females seek to obtain energy input vaginally whenever feasible, greatly preferring this rather than radiation, explosions, impacts etc. occurring against anywhere else on the body.

Automatic invulnerability: consciousness and stored energy not required

It is important to understand that Supremis invulnerability is a result of how their body automatically processes energy they receive, that comes to them as input. No energy use or effort output is required for invulnerability to continue. Even if a Supremis was unconscious and completely depleted of any stored energy, they would continue to be invulnerable and to gain energy from any pressure, impact, or radiation they receive at their body.

Let us take the example of hitting the ground after a fall from a great height. No matter which part of the body hits the ground, wherever the skin makes contact there will be an enormous burst of kinetic energy. This pressure will squeeze all of the physical pressure input cells in the area of the body which hits the ground. As those cells are compressed, the physical energy received is consumed to generate the output photons. Therefore, no kinetic energy is left to push against ordinary skin cells or the organs within.

From a point of view anywhere inside the body, there is no pressure wave or impact at all, as all the energy has been converted at the outer edge of the body perimeter.

The same is true of impact such as having a weapon smashed against the body or a projectile impact against the eyeball, or sustained pressure such as an industrial hydraulic press attempting to squeeze the Supremis.

Any of these physical pressure or impact events deliver input energy to the Supremis, rather than requiring any energy output to resist the pressure. As the received energy is converted to photons, the attacking individual, or weapon, or projectile, or press, etc., finds itself smashing against infinite resistance which is immovable, causing the well known ricochet or shattering of weapons used in any attempt to continue the attack.

Consider the case of supersonic travel through an atmosphere, at speeds above Mach One. The shock wave of a sonic boom, along with any items providing obstacles in the path of travel, are all simply further kinetic energy sources whose energy input to the body is entirely processed at the skin, and thus within the body, there is no force of momentum.

This is what allows the famous instant acceleration and deceleration and changes of direction which would squash the organs of anyone not so protected. The entirety of the intense sturdiness of Supremis bones and connective tissue and the power of Supremis muscles and joints is not used at all in providing the invulnerability of a sudden landing. They are only used in positioning the body so as to, for example, land conveniently standing up.

Consider the case of re-entry from planetary orbit. Air friction from the falling body heats the air molecules until flames surround the body. For a Supremis, this is doubly pleasurable, as the kinetic energy of the friction squeezes the physical energy input cells which convert that kinetic energy to internal photons, while the light and especially heat of the flames are consumed by the electromagnetic energy input cells and converted to more internal photons.

For a Supremis, exiting a tall building by simply stepping out of a window or off the roof, and leaving an aircraft or spacecraft by simply stepping out the door and falling, is a very pragmatic and enjoyable way to add to their energy stores while falling and especially upon impact. Flying downward (flying is discussed in detail later) is only actually needed when there is a desire to proceed downward at greater than terminal velocity of any falling object in the local gravity and atmosphere conditions.

Even if thrown out of an orbiting spacecraft while unconscious, the Supremis body will still harmlessly, for the Supremis, gain energy from the re-entry flames and friction, and then from their impact - likely to make a crater around them, while leaving their own body untouched other than a layer of dirt on the surface. This additional energy would likely be enough to return them to full consciousness, unhurt, and only disappointed that they were not awake to consciously enjoy both the fall and the sudden stop at the end.

To prevent routinely creating craters or other damage when they arrive at the ground, or wherever else they touch down, at least the last part of a Supremis fall virtually always makes use of their conscious power of flight to set themselves down gently upon the surface. In these landings, their invulnerability applies to gather input energy up to the last moment, at which their use of flight then does indeed require energy output to the volatai (discussed later) to position themselves contrary to the unimpeded physics effects of local gravity.

Food, Water, Breathing, Sleep, Excretion: All optional for Supremis

With energy received through the energy input cells while fairly often exposed to yellow sunlight or other energy sources, a Supremis has no need to eat or drink, or, for that matter, to breathe. The amount of energy necessary to demonstrate Supremis abilities far exceeds any amount that would be possible to ingest and digest as food calories, and as will be discussed later, the usage of the stored energy does not rely on oxygenating hemoglobin in red blood cells.

The extremely powerful and invulnerable Supremis muscles and teeth shred food far more efficiently than in the ordinary human mouth. For example, a Supremis can eat an entire pizza as quickly as they can push each slice into their mouth. At the duodenum, small amounts of food are continuously sent through small passages that have electromagnetic energy input cells on one side and energy emitting cells on the opposite wall. The food molecules are heated until they are vaporized, and the excess energy is then input and converted to photons.

After this processing, only an extremely small amount of undigested food from the stomach passes through to the intestines. As a result, Supremis small and large intestines are much thinner in diameter, and have very few loops, compared to ordinary humans. This allows additional organs to readily fit in the abdominal area, while the Supremis retain a lean, trim, and muscular overall physique. The much thinner diameter structure of the Supremis large intestine, which usually is not metabolically active at all and has little to no food or water pressure, is a primary reason why Supremis have a nearly universal absence of any interest in anal sex.

The very small amount of food that reaches the small intestine is chemically absorbed in the usual way, providing a negligible amount of energy and nutritional value. It seems to primarily occur so that the individual can feel a sense of enjoyable satisfaction from the meal, as an aesthetic and social bonding experience.

At the transition to the large intestine, again the opposing pair of energy output and input cells boil any water that was ingested, and if deuterium is present in the water, its excess energy is captured with extraordinary efficiency. Earth’s water has a much higher concentration of deuterium than on most planets, not enough to make a difference to the human population, but providing a substantial additional energy boost to the Supremis metabolism the longer they stay on Earth and drink the local water.

Hardly anything is left to enter the large intestine, making Supremis able to go an extremely long time without needing to void the colon. The kidneys also have small loops of these paired energy output and input cells, to vaporize liquid wastes and extract the energy thereby.

If a Supremis does not eat or drink at all, which they never actually need to do, they will never need a bathroom visit. If they are sociable on an ordinary human schedule with meals and snacks throughout every day, it will usually be a few years before they need a restroom.

The vast majority of the water inside the Supremis body is efficiently recycled in the duodenum’s deuterium extraction process, and Supremis do not need to sweat to cool off. If they live in an atmosphere with a substantial amount of dissolved water vapor, as at Earth and most human habitable worlds, they receive ample water from the ambient environment to replace any small water losses.

A very occasional water shower or immersion in water which evaporates at the surface, something Supremis tend to enjoy on a daily basis as much as ordinary humans, also provides ample water even if on a planet with a totally dry atmosphere. On a water planet, an occasional gulp of water inhaled and swallowed while swimming, is useful to the Supremis.

Living in space, if they occasionally receive oxygen on their skin from a recent explosion or fire that energized them, and then visit a sun, the sun’s hydrogen and the oxygen on the skin will form water steam, some of which enters the mouth and nose and replenishes their water needs. Only after many years in space with no such oxygen and hydrogen interaction would a Supremis need a glass of water.

When outside of Velor’s atmosphere, where they need to eat as much as any humans, Velorians generally enjoy meal times as a traditional opportunity for conversation, sociability, and a break from the duties of the day.

Aureans, with their greater interest in efficiency and the ruthless struggle for conquest, often go without meals unless in an infiltration campaign, when a mealtime habit helps them blend in with the local population and obtain intelligence from the carelessly relaxed locals.

Although breathing is not necessary for them, Supremis generally do it as an unconscious reflex and habit whenever they are within an atmosphere. More about Supremis lung structure and function will be provided in a later section of this report.

So, we now understand that whether external from pressure or impact, or electromagnetic radiation, or internal from the processing of food, water, or wastes, energy input in the Supremis body is in the form of photons traveling through the internal fiber optic strands.

The unique orgone molecule

The energy taken in needs to be stored for later use. The energy storage system uses orgone. Mapping the structure of the orgone molecule was only possible for scientists on Igoybe with the newest generation of quantum supercomptuers less than fifty years ago. Orgone research is still so new and specialized that a review may be in order here.

Orgone is the most unique, extraordinary molecule: one of the largest ever mapped, and the only one that partially exists in another dimension. The full structure of the orgone molecule looks very much like a rose flower with a small piece of attached stem. The similarity is so great that the fractal processes that generated the rose must have been at work to generate this molecule.

The flower portion does not exist in physical spacetime; it is entirely in the fifth dimension. The short piece of stem is the only tangible component, a very small, thin cylinder that gives no hint to the enormous larger structure outside of physical 3D spacetime. The small, thin physical (3D) portion of orgone molecules can be densely packed side by side, for very compact energy storage in the far larger metaphysical (5D) portion of the molecules.

Each “petal” is an energy transducer for fifth-dimensional energy. They can be thought of as working like a sail catches the wind, or like a parabolic antenna dish pulls in and focuses rays of energy. The petals can either send or receive an energy flow using the ever-swirling, ever-present energy of the fifth dimension. The “stem” is like a switch that opens that flow on an input or output basis, like a water valve, or the voltage-activated gate of a transistor.

In this way, a very small bundle of orgone “stems” can store, and then later retrieve, exponentially far more energy than is described by E=mc^2. The actual energy capacity of orgone energy storage, from the third dimensional point of view, is known to be at least much more than E=c^(m^m(c^m))^3, but the actual energy capacity is beyond our current ability to measure. It is anticipated that after three more major generations of quantum supercomputer development, we will then be able to develop the relevant equations.

Orgone’s unique qualities have led to it being said by mystical or spiritual traditions to be the life force energy flow itself. This can be seen as a primitive version of the truth. Everything living does contain and use a small amount of orgone, and when there is no more organized flow of orgone present, death occurs. In the ordinary human, some orgone from the environment passes through the body with no effect, while individual orgone molecules, a few dozen to a few hundred in all, in the heart, lungs, and brain, sustain the presence of life.

Supremis energy storage

In the Supremis body, energy storage is in the breasts of both males and females, using orgone. The Supremis breast does not lactate, but it does retain the maze of ducts. At the end of each duct is a small bundle of energy transduction cells. On one side, each bundle has a fiber optic connection to receive (for storage input) or generate (for output of stored energy) ordinary third-dimensional photons. On the other side, at the duct, the cells generate (for storage) or consume (for retrieval) bundles of aligned orgone stems.

In the storage action, the received energy photons align and solidify within the duct as the orgone “stem,” which then sends the energy through the double dimensional magnification twist to be emitted by the “petals” into the fifth-dimensional universal energy-stream flow, for a far greater amount of energy than could be held within even the enlarged fifth-dimensional petal structure.

In the energy retrieval activity, the “petals” retrieve that fifth-dimensional “solar wind” or “eternal wave of zero-point” energy pressure and convey it to the third-dimensional “stem,” which shrinks down to nothing as it emits a large stream of third-dimensional photons. Upon complete retrieval of 100% of the stored orgone energy, the empty ducts make the breast collapse inward slightly.

We assume that 100% emptying of all stored orgone would trigger either death or some kind of emergency coma-like hibernation. In practice, if there is an energy input source such as a sun, more energy will be received and replenish the orgone storage, restoring the individual to normal consciousness and health.

For the relatively thin male breast, when the ducts are entirely full of orgone stems, no more energy can be stored. At that time, a fifth dimensional view of the body would show that the “flower petal” portions of the orgone molecules extend up to the head, down to the navel, as far out to each side as the outstretched elbows, and as far again in front and behind the body.

We refer to such a “view” only as a logical visualization of a mathematics construct, as no technology is known that could map 5D energy flows to any representation comprehensible to the human visual system.

The male Supremis can store, and subsequently use, an extremely large total amount of energy, with the upper limit being the fixed size of the breasts.

In the female, the ducts have flexible conduit walls, which can also split to form additional ducts for far greater storage capacity, expanding the breast outward. In energy retrieval, when all orgone is consumed from an added duct, the added duct collapses back to merge with the original duct wall, and the female breast returns to its original size.

We have known of extremely powered-up Protectors gaining as much additional size to each breast as the volume of their head. We do not know if there is any upper limit to the amount to which the female Supremis breast can ultimately expand as it stores more orgone energy. As the very lightweight orgone stems are aligned in the filled ducts, the female Supremis breast always has a firm shape pointing straight out from the body, without any sagging due to gravity.

Conversion of visible photons to orgone stems for storage is well over 99% efficient. The small amount of inefficiency is apparent from the visible-light, internally generated glow of the breasts that increases as the orgone storage increases. The glow phenomenon only happens with females; for males, the residual breasts are small enough to not store enough orgone for optical photon spillage to become visible through the skin.

Photon energy distribution and transfer system

From energy input cells, the optical fibers, about twenty times thinner than a very fine hair, go into the closest connective tissue. The fibers travel embedded within the connective tissue, taking next to no additional space in the body.

In the lower abdomen just above the groin, the optical fibers emerge from the connective tissues and form a complicated bundle of loops, the energy transfer nexus. As the Supremis intestines are much smaller than an ordinary human’s, there is ample room for the fiber optic nexus.

Where optical fibers come together in the nexus, a multitude of small multifaceted clear organic crystals, a few millimeters in diameter, are the connecting nodes, with a fiber attached to each side of the crystal. These optical crystals automatically and continuously integrate and redirect the flow of photons in both directions, so that input energy is gathered to be send to the breasts for storage, and retrieved energy from the breasts is directed to wherever it is needed to be used.

At the left and right ends of the nexus, braided bundles of fibers come together making a fiber optic rope as thick as a finger. The fiber optic rope on each side goes up to the diaphragm and passes through a small hole in it, then runs along the side of the lung to the back of the breast. Passing between two ribs, the fiber optic rope attaches to the back center of the breast. Input energy is here converted to make orgone for storage, and here is where energy retrieval happens by orgone consumption to generate photons.

In males, energy input is perceived as an expedient, pragmatic matter to add to one’s to-do list, especially when a fight or extended travel is anticipated.

In females, the vagina is so well supplied with energy input cells that it can receive and convert more energy than the entire rest of the body. Rather than going through distribution fibers in connective tissue, the energy input fibers of the vagina directly wrap up into the energy input nexus.

Furthermore, in females, the fiber optic nexus in the groin is enmeshed with the clitoris. Large bundled strands of optical fibers are interwoven with clitoral tissue strands along the length of the organ, and additional strands are wrapped around the clitoris. When large amounts of energy are stored from anywhere in the body, the clitoris is stimulated, making massive energy input a sexually pleasant and arousing experience for the Supremis female. When large amounts of energy input occurs in the vagina, the sexual excitement is multiplied.

This is highly motivating for her to seek out large doses of energy input, preferably vaginally, on a regular basis for her own enjoyment and satisfaction. This leads to the often remarked-upon desire for Supremis females to fly through solar coronas, pulling in energy vaginally, whenever they can find the time to do so.

When very large amounts of energy are being input and sent to the breasts for storage, the visible photon spillage through the optical-fiber nexus causes visible light output to make the walls of the vagina glow brightly. When the largest amounts of rapid and intense energy storage occur, the photons arc across the diameter of the vagina as a small lightning bolt, and then small lightning bolts also occur across the back of the throat, and out the eye beam mechanism (discussed later). These finger-size lighting bolts appear and disappear in less than a millisecond.

An ordinary person touching a Supremis or looking into their eyes at this time would receive a heat and radiation burn, but an ordinary person around that much received energy would have already been killed anyway by the radiation or pressure. If the labia are open at a time of largest energy input, the visible glow and an occasional spark of lighting is output from the vagina.

Super strength

Supremis muscle fibers are both much thinner and much stronger than those of an ordinary person. Without needing to be larger than regular human muscles, Supremis muscles are tremendously stronger.

In addition, the small space between fibers, within a muscle, is a chamber of conduit for orgone. The orgone is generated by optical fiber transducers at each end of the muscle body, then orgone re-uptake occurs after the intense exertion. This is triggered by the processes that in ordinary humans lead to lactic acid generation as a limit on muscle exertion. In a Supremis muscle, the orgone serves as a force multiplier, making the muscle able to exert exponentially more force than would be phyiscally possible from the fibers alone, and with no additional stress on the bones, connective tissues, or joints.

When using an amount of force that is similar to an ordinary person in everyday life, and when they desire to not harm ordinary people or things, Supremis muscles primarily use glucose metabolism. When using much greater amounts of force, food-supplied energy becomes irrelevant, and the orgone storage system delivers essentially all of the fuel for the work of the muscles.

Before adding the orgone boost, using only muscle fiber strength, the lowest level Velorians and Aurean Betans are a few hundred times stronger overall than the typical human, for example readily able to pick up a small shuttlecraft and hold it overhead with one hand. A Protector is thousands of times stronger. The orgone boost allows peak exertion exponentially beyond this.

Enhanced mental ability

Supremis have enhanced mental ability, of speed and comprehensiveness of thought, and breadth of recalled information.

We suspect there may be a quantum ionization effect increasing speed and range of neurotransmitter distribution and reuptake within the central nervous system in the Supremis body. We have not, so far, been able to fully identify whether this hypothesis is correct.

The intensity of this mental enhancement effect ranges from around half again that of an unenhanced human for the lowest-level Velorians and Betan Aureans, to around fifty times beyond average human level for Velorian Protectors when not using their energy resources for anything else at the time, such as flying, fighting, or sex. While they area distracted with such activities, the most elite Supremis still think about five times more quickly and comprehensively than the average human. This means that only the most elite of ordinary human geniuses (around +3 standard deviations of general intelligence quotient) can at those times fully keep up with a Protector in the most intensive conversation and real-time planning, and a single Protector is a match for a team of ordinary humans who are trained to skillfully coordinate their discussion.

All Supremis demonstrate balance and grace in motion, agility and coordination beyond that of ordinary humans. We suspect that this is entirely due to their enhanced nervous systems. We have not been able to further explore this topic.

In our next section, to be completed in approximately one week, we continue our discussion of some key unique Supremis powers: flight, super breath, eye beams, super senses. We will also discuss Aurean limitations, and military considerations regarding the Supremis. Comments and questions about this report are welcome, and if not from the Imperial Office, should be posted on the usual online message forum services for this function.

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