
Tag: Super Intelligence

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No image Chief Executive Villainess Her corner office had become unusually quiet since the summons arrived. It seemed as if nobody wanted to associate with a woman in the midst of such ... Tuesday, 20 May 2014 19:10
TSOS - The Supergirl of Smallville - Chapter 16 - 18 TSOS - The Supergirl of Smallville - Chapter 16 - 18 CHAPTER 16 APRIL ... The cafeteria of Smallville High School was noisy with the hum of conversation and the clatter of silverware. Ted Harmon set ... Tuesday, 08 April 2014 11:58
TSOS - The Supergirl of Smallville - Chapter 13 - 15 TSOS - The Supergirl of Smallville - Chapter 13 - 15 ------------------- CHAPTER 13 DECEMBER ... Like ducklings trailing after their mother, a dozen children followed Mrs. Hart out of the orphanage ... Tuesday, 08 April 2014 11:59
TSOS - The Supergirl of Smallville - Chapter 10 - 12 TSOS - The Supergirl of Smallville - Chapter 10 - 12 CHAPTER 10 Lana paused in the doorway, surveying the crowded interior of the Diamond Bar. A huddle of men at a nearby table turned to stare at her, ... Tuesday, 08 April 2014 11:57
No image TSOS - The Supergirl of Smallville - Chapter 01 - 03 Ma Kent frowned at her son. "Clark! Slow down! Just because you have super-speed, that doesn't mean you have to gobble your breakfast." Clark looked ... Tuesday, 08 April 2014 11:56
No image Superlana – Chapter 2: What If Lana Continued Being the Protector of Smallville? A What-If Tale Featuring the New Lana Lang of Smallville I am the Wise Watcher and it is my purpose to enlighten those on the alternate realities ... Sunday, 19 May 2013 12:55
No image Transformatrix 4000 – Three Months Later Transformatrix 4000 – Three Months Later by Argonaut WRITTEN FOR SGI WORKSHOP 1.9 PART I She liked to wear something sexy but casual on her shopping ... Thursday, 15 May 2014 16:05
TSOS - The Supergirl of Smallville - Chapter 07 - 09 TSOS - The Supergirl of Smallville - Chapter 07 - 09 CHAPTER 7 Dear Diary, I know I haven't written in a while. Between school and my "secret activities," I've been a very busy girl! But so much ... Tuesday, 08 April 2014 11:57
TSOS - The Supergirl of Smallville - Chapter 04 - 06 TSOS - The Supergirl of Smallville - Chapter 04 - 06 CHAPTER 4 The light of a full moon came slanting through the window of Lana's bedroom. Lana lay on her back, her hands clasped behind her ... Tuesday, 08 April 2014 11:57
Serena's Lucky Day Part 2 Serena's Lucky Day Part 2 Serenas Lucky Day A regular girl discovers the secret of the worlds mightiest superheroine By Yohashuan Part II :: DAY II continued :: Serena stood ... Monday, 01 April 2013 22:43