
Tag: Supergirl

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No image The Comicomancer The Comicomancer By HikerAngel Author’s Note: Thanks to Woody, Garth, Rjjt, Oogber, and Njae for the feedback and editing assistance. Also, I hope I ... Saturday, 07 November 2020 16:15
No image Thick as Thieves Thick as Thieves This one was a commission from JBMMLJE, based on his wonderful concept. :) ~ HikerAngel “So you find out I’m into girls, and you ... Friday, 11 September 2020 21:35
No image The Sister (Alternate Version) The Sister: Alternate Version Author’s Note: Thank you to Luchodemeyer for the idea behind this story. It’s been out for a while, including a ... Thursday, 06 August 2020 09:12
No image Little Sister Little Sister Author’s Note: Last December, Luchodemeyer gave me an idea for a story called The Sister. I wrote two endings to the story: one ... Saturday, 08 August 2020 11:54
Little Krypton, Part Six Little Krypton, Part Six Little Krypton Episode Six by Shadar June, 2020 Given its been a while since my last episode… Series synopsis to date:Alec Johansen has traveled out ... Saturday, 20 June 2020 17:46
No image Ashley's Envy Ashley’s Envy by HikerAngel That bitch, Clare, had started her day off poorly. Clare, the assistant to the CEO, had only gotten her role for her ... Saturday, 07 March 2020 14:43
Little Krypton – Episode Five Little Krypton – Episode Five Little Krypton by Shadar Episode Five Chapter 16 Conference Room Five, in the Jor El tower. The El family was on Red Alert, with everyone but the ... Saturday, 04 January 2020 11:35
Little Krypton – Episode Four Little Krypton – Episode Four Little Krypton by Shadar Episode Four Chapter Twelve Alura flew us back to her apartment so we could shower and get dressed. Given she was heading ... Sunday, 08 December 2019 09:13
No image Little Krypton – Episode Two Little Krypton by Shadar Episode Two Chapter Three The upper platform of the old WBZ broadcast tower, just outside Metropolis. Lara’s first stop ... Saturday, 16 November 2019 22:14
No image Little Krypton — Episode One Little Krypton by Shadar Episode One Prologue I curled up next to Alura’s warmth in my parents’ mountain cabin, the two of us buried under a pile of ... Saturday, 09 November 2019 23:01