
Super Asian Girl Thread

18 Oct 2013 11:41 #33580 by Gliblord
Replied by Gliblord on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

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"Oh, this? I'm glad you asked. Fan club members from all over the world decided to send in one small thread per person, and when they were all gathered up I knitted this together in fifteen seconds for a charity drive. I was originally going to go with something more revealing, but it turns out I have quite a few fans."

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"It's not easy reporting on supergirl society, you know. Not only do I have to keep abreast of all the politics and trends of a gaggle of more or less unstoppable and, shall we say, HIGHLY driven individuals, but then I have to dumb all that information down to something the masses can understand. You're probably already aware that supergirls' perfect memorization and elite intuition allow them to create new languages on the fly, but our listening comprehension is also kind of incredible. Imagine saying every word in a sentence all at once. It'd sound like meaningless noise to you, but our brains are able to pick out the different words and assemble them into a sentence in an eighth of the time it would take you to say the word 'go.' So any two speakers can cross-analyze the complete works of Shakespeare and reach a general consensus before you're done ordering bacon and eggs."
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10 Nov 2013 13:03 #34187 by N_S1701
Replied by N_S1701 on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
It's been a while! These are pretty violent, so read at your own discretion. Enjoy!

It was 20 years since The Goddess began her brutal reign over all of Humanity. She preached a vicious ideology of female supremacy. In two short decades, men had been reduced to a barely sub-human slaves who existed only to serve women. Men were considered property of women, who held the power of life and death over their slaves. Still, small groups of male insurgents still prowled the country-sides, seeking futilely to overthrow a woman who could shrug off a nuclear blast or destroy an entire city with a mere stomp of her foot.

To hunt these rebels, she imbued a select group of women with a tiny fraction of her power. There was never more than a dozen or so of these Huntresses, but they were enough. With just a sliver of The Goddess's power they were invulnerable to bullets and bombs, could run faster than a car for days at a time, could leap from one end of a mountain range to another and could life entire buildings with a single hand. Sure they didn't have The Goddess's telekenesis or heat vision or mind control powers, but what they had was more than enough.

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Here we see Agent Han, a newly inducted Huntress. She is eyeing her prey from two kilometers away. She wonders if she wants to dispatch this small cell of 23 men with a perfectly aimed bullet to the head of each rebel from this spot or whether to get up close and personal. She thought back to her first kills - staring into the desperate eyes of men as their still-warm blood splattered over her leather suit. She smiled at the recollection of ripping a man's heart out fast enough to show the still-beating organ to him as the life drained from his eyes. She smiled. Dropping her gun, she readied herself to sprint.

Less than three minutes later, the rebel cell was no more. She made a mental note to pace herself better next time and resumed her hunt.

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Agents Lee and Chen were some of the most experienced Hunters employed by The Goddess. They always worked as a pair, being inseparable from the moment they jointed the program. They never stooped to getting their hands dirty, always preferring to kill with their weapons. After all, why should they stoop to touching a mere male, even if it is to punish them for the mortal sin of defying The Goddess? They were mercilessly effective. In thousands of missions, they had never left a single prisoner or survivor.

Their favourite tactic was to round up male rebels into a building. They would use their strength to block off or collapse any exits, trapping the men inside. Then the real fun would begin. One of the pair would begin from the ground floor, working her way inexorably up. The other would leap to the roof and work her way down from there. Men would panic as they saw their bullets bounce harmlessly off the Huntresses. The Huntresses would herd men like cattle as they fled in blind terror. Often the entire cell of men would be found gunned down in a huddled mass on one of the middle floors.

Rumors state that the pair would then make passionate love upon the rapidly-cooling corpses of their victims, leaving buildings covered in gore and viscera. These rumours are, of course, unconfirmed as no survivors are ever left to confirm them.

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Agent Yeh was known to most women as "The Tornado" because when she passed through an area it was left completely devastated. She was only called out when an entire male settlement had to be "made an example of". She has no regard for collateral damage and is by far the most powerful of the Huntresses. It is rumoured that she is most favoured by The Goddess and sometimes even shares Her bedchamber. She is well remembered for her pacification of the Manhattan Rebellion when she ripped the entire island out and tossed it into the Atlantic, leaving millions of men to drown.

This is an iconic still image from the Purging of Brisbane. Agent Yeh was in transit from another assignment when she was the target of a road-side bomb. While the blast did not harm her in the least, it convinced her that the whole city was corrupt and had to be destroyed. In less than two days she had demolished the entire city by hand (after quickly running out of ammunition for her weapons). Cars were thrown into buildings and men massacred wholesale as she carried out her work. Her last act was to lift an entire mountain range and crush the former city beneath it.

Immediately after this display, it is said that she entered The Goddess's private palace and did not emerge for five days. During those five days, seismic disturbances rocked the entire world, leading to hundreds of thousands of male casualties.
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13 Nov 2013 22:31 #34247 by mega_goddess
Replied by mega_goddess on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
Sure as hell wouldn't mind rocking the earth with her -- hopefully someone finally able to hold up to me ;)

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19 Nov 2013 21:46 #34356 by Captain Marbles
Replied by Captain Marbles on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

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"All these super powered Asian bad girls running amuck! Only one thing can save humanity now—this is a job for Stellar Woman!"
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20 Nov 2013 01:31 #34361 by Berkhart
Replied by Berkhart on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
I like it Captain Marbles! Cute pic, and I believe there's always room for a few good girls :)

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04 Dec 2013 10:58 #34558 by Captain Marbles
Replied by Captain Marbles on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

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"Stellar Woman, you fool! You can't stop the power of Phoenix!"
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19 Apr 2014 06:27 #36208 by SuperLinks
Replied by SuperLinks on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
Ma'am? Ma'am! We gotta get outta here... That support pillar just loosened up and fell right out of the ceiling and into the defendant box. Gotta make room for the emergency responders... I wonder if the Lord was looking out for those girls - I can't believe that scum bag actually pled "no guilty" after all that has come out in the press. And right after he pled... oh my God, we gotta move before that whole building just comes down!

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"Oh my God? It fell right out and crushed him?" Yeah, and his scummy high-priced lawyer, too.

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"Oh, my. What a surprise... I guess God really was watching today."

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19 Apr 2014 10:03 #36211 by Woodclaw
Replied by Woodclaw on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
Thanks for this bit of thread necromancy SuperLinks.

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23 Apr 2014 00:48 #36252 by Berkhart
Replied by Berkhart on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
Cool storyline to accompany those wonderful pictures! Thanks for posting.

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22 Aug 2014 17:45 - 22 Aug 2014 17:47 #37831 by Agent00Soul
Replied by Agent00Soul on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

"With this costume, nobody will be looking at my face long enough to notice my secret identity is just a pair of glasses."

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Last edit: 22 Aug 2014 17:47 by Agent00Soul.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Sarge395, Berkhart, Ravens_ghost, N_S1701

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01 Sep 2014 02:05 #37961 by SuperLinks
Replied by SuperLinks on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

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I'm letting myself out for good behavior.

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And, later, I'll be letting myself in for some bad behavior.
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28 Mar 2015 05:40 #41166 by D_Berkhart
Replied by D_Berkhart on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
Been a long time since I added to this thread, and I apologize if people are tired of it.

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Even after a month since her incident, Ted still marveled at Karen. Well, he’d always marveled at her; that was just the nature of his crush. She’d always been extremely driven, but ever since developing super powers, her energy never seemed to wane.

How many straight days had she worked without a break now? Twenty? Twenty-five?” Ted asked himself.

“Actually, it’s been twenty-six days.” Karen corrected, while examining her experiment.

Ted grimaced. “Right, I forgot. It’s not just the super-strength, but you can read minds too.”

“Yes, telepathy is one aspect of my overall evolution. So if you’re going to think about me, just go ahead and say what you like out loud.”

Ted blushed.

Karen grinned ever so slightly. “It’s ok, I know you like me. It’s sweet. Maybe you can take me out for coffee when I finish up this project.”

Ted was too stunned to reply, causing Karen to smile again. “I don’t even have to read your thoughts. Right now, for example, I can hear your heart beating faster, and sense your body temperature rising.”

“You can do all that?”

Karen shrugged. “It’s easy.”

Before her transformation, Karen would have been quietly annoyed by all of the conversation. She’d always felt there was a time for work, and a time for play. When in the lab, her research took priority. Now though, Karen’s mind was able to focus on everything without the slightest degradation to her concentration. As a result, she was able to indulge in chatting with Ted, all while performing flawless calculations.

Ted interrupted again, “Oh, by the way, what is the project you’re working on?”

“Well I just completed it,” Karen said while examining the resulting vial of serum. “It’s a super formula that grants the same powers I possess to any Asian woman who drinks it.”

“Any . . . any Asian woman? “

Karen spoke matter of factly. “Yes, in a few days, there will be thousands of women like me,

She inwardly smiled, while reading Ted’s astonished thoughts.

“But for now, let’s get that cup of coffee,” she said, while steering her nervous admirer out of the lab.
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28 Mar 2015 07:24 #41167 by Caylane
Replied by Caylane on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
Tired of one of the best threads here? No way!
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14 Apr 2015 21:43 - 14 Apr 2015 23:26 #41478 by Agent00Soul
Replied by Agent00Soul on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
Bashful Tina was always a bit embarrassed by her scrawny, undeveloped body. When she was forced by peer pressure to join her work colleagues on a holiday to the beach, she went reluctantly and wore a conservative black one piece bathing suit. This trip, feeling more body conscious than usual, she left the group and took a private walk on a deserted stretch when she spotted a gold bracelet washed to shore. Intrigued, she retrieved it from the sand; rinsing it off in the surf she saw an ancient writing she couldn't understand. It didn't matter; she put the mysterious bracelet on. Unbeknownst to her, this was the Amulet of Pazuzu, which since ancient times granted extraordinary power to any woman who wore it. Tina felt mystical energy flow out of the bracelet into her muscles and bones which expanded to superhuman proportions. Her thin bob, cascaded down her back in beautiful lush black folds. Her skin lost its imperfections and stretched impossibly to surround her new musculature, taking on a flaxen glow. Her formerly conservative one piece bathing suit stretched and pulled asunder in a fruitless task to contain her, ripping along the sides and down the front in the process. Laughing with the echo of a goddess' command in her voice, she took to the air as though she had been flying her whole life - How could she once, mere moments ago, not known how? - and rocketed back to her hotel. She was now Super Tina and her life would be forever different. Her first test of these amazing new abilities: take some selfies and post them to Instagram!

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Last edit: 14 Apr 2015 23:26 by Agent00Soul.
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20 May 2015 02:03 - 20 May 2015 02:18 #42193 by Agent00Soul
Replied by Agent00Soul on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
"Hmmmmm. I feel so powerful now, it's reminding me of someone. But who....?"

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Last edit: 20 May 2015 02:18 by Agent00Soul.
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04 Jun 2016 22:04 - 04 Jun 2016 22:05 #48265 by Chelon
Replied by Chelon on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
I know it's been a super long time but this has always been my favorite thread and I'd love to start it back up again.

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"I always look my best, even when I'm working out. Unfortunately, nothing I can find is remotely heavy. Not even buildings, mountains, or even Earth itself."
Last edit: 04 Jun 2016 22:05 by Chelon.
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08 Jun 2016 10:15 #48347 by Lulu
Replied by Lulu on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
I couldn't agree more! Hope people find some inspiration to bring that threat back to life. I will also try to post something as soon as I have found an inspiring picture. :)

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12 Jun 2016 18:02 #48491 by inactive
Replied by inactive on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
Here's a quick one from a picture of Liu Yan I had kicking around.

- GeekSeven

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27 Jun 2016 03:47 #48859 by slim36
Replied by slim36 on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
An entire power company run by a group of young asian girls, they filmed a video during a break from pedalling to turn the power company generators.
Then they go out and collect from delinquent accounts

In the service area of CSG, the total installed generation capacity reached 230 GW when all units had received a fresh delivery of coffee

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27 Jun 2016 03:57 #48860 by Caylane
Replied by Caylane on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
We need some more incredible mini stories to accompany some of the amazing images we get here just like before ;)

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24 Aug 2016 03:08 - 24 Aug 2016 03:19 #49802 by barber
Replied by barber on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

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They never stood a chance. Disintegrated pieces of hands, arms, legs, skulls flew everywhere as the newly christened titan experimented with her new uber abilities. Unfortunately for those around the over-powered teenager, her strength was overwhelming. No matter how softly she touched, the bodies always seemed to either explode into a bloody mist or her body cut through theirs as if they were made out of water.

Super control over one's super powers only comes with practice. As the Asian goddess stretches a menacing finger towards your forehead, you freeze in fear. "Let's see if I can poke you without you falling apart."
Last edit: 24 Aug 2016 03:19 by barber.
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25 Aug 2016 00:10 - 25 Aug 2016 00:13 #49829 by pocketfull
Replied by pocketfull on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
At the Police Station

"Well...hello officers! I thought that it was about time I finally drop in to see you."

"I've delighted in watching you trying in vain to catch me over the past few weeks."

"I fondly remember how you thought I was a blessing when I first arrived and there were reports of other criminals bowing to me and turning themselves in at the police stations."

"There followed a week of quiet before a storm the kind of which you'd never felt before - an unstoppable one woman crime spree that's brought this city to its knees."

"During which I've been amused by your endless hours of strategy in meetings and attempts at pin-pointing me over your radios."

"I've loved your attempts at catching me on foot, on your motorbikes, in your cars and with your helicopters. Often with all of them at once."

"I've laughed at you individually at times as I've tormented you in hand to hand combat, and as you've fired your weapons on me but never taken me down."

"You might have lots of questions for me. Where did I come from? How did I get so strong? How can I outwit all of you at every turn?"

"Or you perhaps you might think that your anger, and humiliation, can finally come to an end now that I'm here, in your compound, surely without a means of escape with all these dozens of guns aimed upon me?"

"Let's see about that shall we!"

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The incomparable Lee Soo Bin -

My DeviantArt:
A simulator which works out what happens when a boxer fights a super girl:

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Last edit: 25 Aug 2016 00:13 by pocketfull. Reason: Fixing Instagram URL
The following user(s) said Thank You: Ravens_ghost, Caylane, AuGoose, TheOne25

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25 Aug 2016 00:47 #49832 by fats
Replied by fats on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
for all these Super Asian Girls you really need a good teacher so here i present jjo____vely a real life South Koren teacher

What do you think, is she super enough for you.


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26 Aug 2016 15:57 #49860 by fats
Replied by fats on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
here are some more of her, better lighting and posture.

I wish my teacher was this hot, i might have not bunked off school as much.


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26 Aug 2016 18:48 - 26 Aug 2016 18:53 #49862 by Chelon
Replied by Chelon on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

Just finished lifting my 2 million ton weights. Usually I lift things thousands of times heavier than that, but I like to lift light weights every once in a while to practice not crushing them with the slightest squeeze of my dainty hands.

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Last edit: 26 Aug 2016 18:53 by Chelon.
The following user(s) said Thank You: N_S1701

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