
Super Asian Girl Thread

28 Aug 2016 00:49 #49872 by Engineered-Sorcery
Replied by Engineered-Sorcery on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

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"Hello there, I'm Dr. Elisa Maru. Yes, I know I'm not dressed the same way as the usual therapist, but I promise you that whoever recommended me to you is a very, very wise person."

"What was that? You didn't have a referral? Oh well... Now, since you said that you're having some issues with self esteem... So I figured we should go through a thought exercise of sorts, now, close your eyes, and open your mind."

"I want you to imagine that your body does not look like your own anymore. Now, you're the most gorgeous Asian girl you can possibly imagine. Yes, you can use me as a template if you'd like... Anyway, now that you have the perfect body, imagine that this body is unimaginably powerful. You're having trouble, aren't you? So let me elaborate..."

"In your mind's eye, your body can no longer be stopped. You can lift skyscrapers as if they were mere feathers, your legs can kick with a force that makes atom bombs whimper in envious inferiority. Your stomach is far harder than diamond, and bullets fragment and splinter, whether they're from the tiniest pistol or the largest artillery cannon. And your breasts... Well, you see how firm they are... You have to be careful when you turn your body lest anything in the path of your mighty chest be torn to shreds. You can outrun a laser, jump higher than Earth's gravity well, you can even fly if you want to! But that's not all... If you wish, your gaze can melt and incinerate anything in its path, whether it be an ice cube or a diamond wall."

"On the subject of heat, feel within your body, feel the rising heat within you... Feel the incredible furnace that is your body, able to make even a supernova pale in comparison once you're wound up. You have perfect control over this heat, and to you it feels like nothing but a comfortable warmth. As you get more excited though, you may find your internal heat leaking, so be careful of course. It doesn't matter though, as a goddess the affairs and fears of mortals should not bother you."

"Now, one more thing for you to think about... All those things I was talking about? They're not made up, I was just describing myself."

"I bet you're feeling better now, but I can tell you're confused, aren't you? I'm afraid to say that we're out of time for the day, but next week we can continue on the path to you becoming the best you that you can be!~"

(So, that was the first thing I've written in quite a while, and I'm very curious what you all think! If you liked it, I can try to write another session or two, or even expand it into a full story!)
The following user(s) said Thank You: Sarge395, Woodclaw, Kamelmann, ChaozCloud, Ravens_ghost, N_S1701, Lulu, delta7447, AuGoose

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28 Aug 2016 11:37 #49875 by Woodclaw
Replied by Woodclaw on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

Engineered-Sorcery wrote:

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"Hello there, I'm Dr. Elisa Maru. Yes, I know I'm not dressed the same way as the usual therapist, but I promise you that whoever recommended me to you is a very, very wise person."

"What was that? You didn't have a referral? Oh well... Now, since you said that you're having some issues with self esteem... So I figured we should go through a thought exercise of sorts, now, close your eyes, and open your mind."

"I want you to imagine that your body does not look like your own anymore. Now, you're the most gorgeous Asian girl you can possibly imagine. Yes, you can use me as a template if you'd like... Anyway, now that you have the perfect body, imagine that this body is unimaginably powerful. You're having trouble, aren't you? So let me elaborate..."

"In your mind's eye, your body can no longer be stopped. You can lift skyscrapers as if they were mere feathers, your legs can kick with a force that makes atom bombs whimper in envious inferiority. Your stomach is far harder than diamond, and bullets fragment and splinter, whether they're from the tiniest pistol or the largest artillery cannon. And your breasts... Well, you see how firm they are... You have to be careful when you turn your body lest anything in the path of your mighty chest be torn to shreds. You can outrun a laser, jump higher than Earth's gravity well, you can even fly if you want to! But that's not all... If you wish, your gaze can melt and incinerate anything in its path, whether it be an ice cube or a diamond wall."

"On the subject of heat, feel within your body, feel the rising heat within you... Feel the incredible furnace that is your body, able to make even a supernova pale in comparison once you're wound up. You have perfect control over this heat, and to you it feels like nothing but a comfortable warmth. As you get more excited though, you may find your internal heat leaking, so be careful of course. It doesn't matter though, as a goddess the affairs and fears of mortals should not bother you."

"Now, one more thing for you to think about... All those things I was talking about? They're not made up, I was just describing myself."

"I bet you're feeling better now, but I can tell you're confused, aren't you? I'm afraid to say that we're out of time for the day, but next week we can continue on the path to you becoming the best you that you can be!~"

(So, that was the first thing I've written in quite a while, and I'm very curious what you all think! If you liked it, I can try to write another session or two, or even expand it into a full story!)

Very nice piece, I think that you should continue I'd love to see where you're heading to with this piece.
BTW, this bit reminds me of some '60s Wonder Woman stories where the writer implied that any woman was potentially able to gain the same power of Wonder Woman by sheer force of will.
The following user(s) said Thank You: N_S1701

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29 Aug 2016 02:17 #49878 by Engineered-Sorcery
Replied by Engineered-Sorcery on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
(Alright, here goes the second part! Right now it looks like this'll be a three part mini-series-thing)

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"Hello again! No, don't panic, it's just me again! I could feel how confused you were last time, and decided for today's session I'd just visit you within your mind. As I said before, compared to a normal person I'm basically a goddess, and today I'm going to prove it to you, and teach you about the power you're going to get. I guess I should have mentioned that I'm telepathic as well, I'm currently just relaxing in my office, but back to the task at hand. I'll show you a few memories of mine, of my 'greatest hits' of sorts..."

"You're in my memories now, so just watch what I'm capable of. These aren't fantasies, they're real things I've done, I'm sure you've seen them on the news... First, this was when I was first getting used to my powers. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, what I was capable of. So I visited a junkyard, and let's just watch what happens. First I walked over to this car, and when I tried to pick it up to lift it my fingers cut through the rusted metal like it wasn't even there! As you can see, after that I decided to just summarily crush the entire thing against my body. You can feel my excitement at this point, my body is starting to heat up, and now the real fun begins. One look and that fridge over there becomes a puddle of molten metal and plastic, and just for fun, I run around the park a few times. The wind in my hair, and the feeling of a sonic boom is so exciting, but my feet dug way too deep into the ground, if I wasn't careful I could have done a LOT of damage. Now you can feel that I'm really, REALLY excited... The very ground around me is starting to melt, to saying nothing of the poor junkyard.... But one quick breath and it's all frozen again. As I said, I'm just. So. POWERFUL!" By now though, this poor junkyard is done, let's go to another memory."

"After all that fun, I decided to visit my ex-boyfriend. He did some terrible things to me, and since I was finally in a position to let myself get a bit of revenge. Don't worry, I didn't hurt him, just watch."

"So, first I gave him a moment to answer when I knocked on the door, then I knocked a bit harder... I didn't mean to shatter the door, but when you're this strong, sometimes you misjudge how much raw power you're putting into things. That definitely got his attention, but now I was having way too much fun to stop. He was surprised to see me, but I could tell he was stunned too. A lingerie-clad superwoman will do that to a man. The next thing he noticed was that my bare feet were splintering the wood, and before he could react to that I was in his kitchen. Just for fun I turned on all the burners and sat down, just to feel a nice bit of heat against my body. At the same time, I decided to show off a bit so I grabbed a pot and pressed my chest against it. My firm, solid breasts caved in the metal instantly, it was like water against me. That got me a bit excited, and without thinking I let my thighs contract and they completely crushed the oven, it was like tinfoil in a hydraulic press... Thankfully I managed to react and stop the gas leak from hurting anyone, but it made me feel so good! The poor guy had no idea what was going on, so I just left him there and let myself have some fun on the bottom of the ocean. You probably remember that earthquake pretty well, sorry about that!"

"Anyway, now that you've gotten some proof, there are some things that I should explain to you... I chose to visit you because I want you to become like me. I know it sounds crazy, but you have the potential, and I'll help you along if you are willing and able to improve yourself. The thought experiment I took you through is a good start, but you have to really believe in what you're capable of. And next week I'll check up on you. If you really improve, and I think you will, I think you'll find yourself surprised by the results."
The following user(s) said Thank You: Woodclaw, ChaozCloud, Ravens_ghost, Caylane, N_S1701, bach2990, delta7447, AuGoose

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30 Aug 2016 05:06 #49894 by Engineered-Sorcery
Replied by Engineered-Sorcery on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
(And now it comes! The conclusion to our little saga of a therapy client gaining transcendent power. Apologies for giant picture, didn't really know how to scale it down.)

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"Welcome to your last session! As I promised, and you can see, you are no longer the shy, insignificant person you came here as. Your body is now the envy of anyone you may see. Men want you, women want to BE you, and I'm sure you've noticed how easy it is to move around. What's that? You ran here instead of walking? How was that? It was fun wasn't it? Allow me to unlock your true power, and then we'll go somewhere for you to test yourself. Come with me. You don't know how to teleport yet, but I'll take you."

"Isn't breaking the laws of space-time fun? There's an old naval base that has some ships to decommission, why don't we do them a little favor? Remember, you're unstoppable now, so little tin cans couldn't possibly be much more than something fun for you to play with. Come on!"

"Yes, that's it, don't be shy! Just take your hands, yes, exactly like that! Crush that insignificant metal like it's tin foil! Doesn't that feel good? Doesn't it feel AMAZING to make the mightiest human machines easily yield to your whims? Keep crushing and bending it, it feels kinda like play-dough doesn't it? Now, put your hands together and watch what happens! The metal disappears, just like magic! It actually just flash-evaporated, but it's still quite fantastic isn't it? Now let's try something a bit more extreme. See that tower up there? Yes, the big one. Focus your gaze on it and let your vision vaporize that whole damn thing. It'll take a minute to get used to- DAMN!"

"Well... You're learning this far quicker than I thought you would! Now you get to have the ultimate test of your power. I want you to fly up as high as you'll dare, then come crashing down and tear this ship in half. After that, I just want you to go wild! Just like that, I'll get out of the way so you can wreak havoc for yourself! Higher, higher! Now, do it!"

"Oh my god... I felt that from here! I didn't expect the shockwave to completely vaporize the ship, your power may even surpass mine! What are you doing with those ships? You want to see if you can crush them all together? Be my guest! Wow, I'm pretty sure a normal person would have been deafened by the sound you're making! That's a hell of a lot of metal you're folding together. Ten ships, an entire group of the most powerful navy on the planet, and it's all just a tiny little ball now. I'm just glad that you're good. I can see it in you, you'll be a worthy second person for this power. However, now that you've had your three sessions your fate is your own. I really do hope you'll be a good girl, but it's all up to you whether you'll be good, or bad."

(Aaaaaand scene! I hope that you guys enjoyed, this is more than I've written in a very long time. The project went from a one shot, to a three-shot thanks to your guys' encouragement and thank-yous! I'm curious what you all thought of the second two parts though, feedback is always appreciated!)

The following user(s) said Thank You: lfan, Woodclaw, Kamelmann, ChaozCloud, Ravens_ghost, N_S1701, Lulu, Chelon, bach2990, KarkClent, delta7447, AuGoose

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30 Aug 2016 20:30 #49903 by fats
Replied by fats on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
I'm just throwing this up here

can you guess why???


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The following user(s) said Thank You: N_S1701, Markiehoe

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30 Aug 2016 21:01 #49906 by Engineered-Sorcery
Replied by Engineered-Sorcery on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

fats wrote: I'm just throwing this up here

can you guess why???


I've been puzzling over this for like 10 minutes and I can't figure out why aside from you see her as super... Why is it?

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30 Aug 2016 23:38 #49909 by Raa
Replied by Raa on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
With how you like twins, namely the West ladies, I would say she is a twin. But with the scare on her right knee, I don't think she is a twin.

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31 Aug 2016 02:24 #49912 by Markiehoe
Replied by Markiehoe on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
The super sized BOOBS might be a start.

fats wrote: I'm just throwing this up here

can you guess why???


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31 Aug 2016 03:17 #49915 by Chelon
Replied by Chelon on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

Sorry, I'm busy tonight. I'm going Asian bowling with some friends. It's like normal bowling, but instead of normal pins we use skyscrapers, and we make our own bowling balls out of aircraft carriers. The hardest part is not accidentally squeezing the ships too hard and just crushing it out of existance by accident.

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31 Aug 2016 11:04 #49929 by N_S1701
Replied by N_S1701 on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

fats wrote: I'm just throwing this up here

can you guess why???


It's been a while since I've posted here. Thanks to Fats for sorting out my name change. Here's a bit of writing, to shake off the rust.

The image didn't garner much attention at first. She gathered a cult following on Instagram, and the pictures were circulated amongst a few, select, websites by her fans. As far as anybody knew, she was just an improbably cute Korean teacher with a pair of impossible assets. The accompanying text read like something a typical girl her age would say; little did the world know about the deadly serious tenor it was mean in.

"So, you think you can handle me?"

A few days later, news headlines around the world were dominated by images of her casually attacking a US military base in Germany. She was wearing the same outfit - a black one-piece dress with thigh-high stockings and a pair of absurdly high black platform heels. She sauntered through the main entrance of the base, ignoring all warnings to stop. The first guard fired a warning shot, which she didn't pay any heed to. Another guard put a burst of bullets into her torso, and was stunned when she simply continued walking forward. A machine gun opened up on her, but she strode through the hail of bullets like a girl frolicking in the rain. Not even her clothes were scuffed by the barrage of gunfire.

She took pleasure in toying with the base, it's personnel, and its weapons. She waited patiently as tank crews mounted their vehicles, and stood perfectly still as they targeted her with their main cannons. She giggled impishly as the high explosive and kinetic penetrator rounds bounced harmlessly off her curves (though the penetrator rounds did manage to cause her ample chest to jiggle, just a little). When the tanks were out of rounds, she uttered some words that Korean speakers would have recognised as "my turn." Her eyes flared with baleful red energy as a lance of crimson light shot towards the lead tank. She knew that she could vapourise the whole contraction in a nanosecond if she wanted to, but she didn't. She kept her eyes focused on the lead tank as it slowly heated up and started to glow red. Its crew bailed and ran long before that point.

After a few seconds, the tank had reached her perfect temperature. She blinked cutely as the beams disappeared and she started to stride towards the molten tank. When she reached the incandescent war machine, she extended her arms as if to embrace it. In fact, she did embrace it... sort of. She pressed her impressive breasts into the front armour of the tank. The tortured metal didn't even resist as her chest left its impression in the strongest part of the battle tank. By the time she was done, the proud weapon was little more than a pile of slag with two very distinctive shapes imprinted forever in it. She smiled as she admired her handiwork and dusted her untarnished dress.

Having had her fun, she disposed of the rest of the tank unit in faster, cruder, ways. Turrets were torn off and hurled into bunkers. Chassis were smashed into ribbons and flung around like confetti. She left only a few survivors (and the base surveillance suite) to show the world of her power before catapulting herself into the sky to continue her fun. The the following hours and days, airbases were annihilated by hurricanes and naval fleets entombed in ice from her breath. In every attack she waited for the unfortunate targets to throw every ounce of ordinance they had at her before wreaking her havoc.

Within a week, the entire planet's militaries were neutered by her games. All the while, new images showed up on her Instagram account in real time, showing her destruction of the planet's pathetic ability to resist her. Each photo was accompanied by a short Korean blurb about how easy it all was, and hinting at something bigger to come. The leaders of the world attempted to sue for peace with her the only way they knew how to contact her - through Instagram messages.

A month later, she strode confidently into the UN General Assembly. Every head-of-state was there, under no uncertain impression that their absence would mean their death. She walked slowly past the assembled leaders; she knew the procedure and so did they. As she walked by, each head of stated knelt down and placed a single kiss on her platform shoe. Within half an hour, she was the undisputed ruler of the world. She turned to the assembled cameras, smiled like a teenage girl stringing on her first boyfriend, and said in Korean:

"Looks like you couldn't handle me. Let's see how you handle being my slaves..."

With a wink, she concluded her subjugation of the human race.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Esteban, ChaozCloud, Chelon

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31 Aug 2016 14:57 #49947 by fats
Replied by fats on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
here she is looking out over the water to lands far afield


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The following user(s) said Thank You: N_S1701, Markiehoe

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01 Sep 2016 14:58 #49996 by Woodclaw
Replied by Woodclaw on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

Engineered-Sorcery wrote: (And now it comes! The conclusion to our little saga of a therapy client gaining transcendent power. Apologies for giant picture, didn't really know how to scale it down.)

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"Welcome to your last session! As I promised, and you can see, you are no longer the shy, insignificant person you came here as. Your body is now the envy of anyone you may see. Men want you, women want to BE you, and I'm sure you've noticed how easy it is to move around. What's that? You ran here instead of walking? How was that? It was fun wasn't it? Allow me to unlock your true power, and then we'll go somewhere for you to test yourself. Come with me. You don't know how to teleport yet, but I'll take you."

"Isn't breaking the laws of space-time fun? There's an old naval base that has some ships to decommission, why don't we do them a little favor? Remember, you're unstoppable now, so little tin cans couldn't possibly be much more than something fun for you to play with. Come on!"

"Yes, that's it, don't be shy! Just take your hands, yes, exactly like that! Crush that insignificant metal like it's tin foil! Doesn't that feel good? Doesn't it feel AMAZING to make the mightiest human machines easily yield to your whims? Keep crushing and bending it, it feels kinda like play-dough doesn't it? Now, put your hands together and watch what happens! The metal disappears, just like magic! It actually just flash-evaporated, but it's still quite fantastic isn't it? Now let's try something a bit more extreme. See that tower up there? Yes, the big one. Focus your gaze on it and let your vision vaporize that whole damn thing. It'll take a minute to get used to- DAMN!"

"Well... You're learning this far quicker than I thought you would! Now you get to have the ultimate test of your power. I want you to fly up as high as you'll dare, then come crashing down and tear this ship in half. After that, I just want you to go wild! Just like that, I'll get out of the way so you can wreak havoc for yourself! Higher, higher! Now, do it!"

"Oh my god... I felt that from here! I didn't expect the shockwave to completely vaporize the ship, your power may even surpass mine! What are you doing with those ships? You want to see if you can crush them all together? Be my guest! Wow, I'm pretty sure a normal person would have been deafened by the sound you're making! That's a hell of a lot of metal you're folding together. Ten ships, an entire group of the most powerful navy on the planet, and it's all just a tiny little ball now. I'm just glad that you're good. I can see it in you, you'll be a worthy second person for this power. However, now that you've had your three sessions your fate is your own. I really do hope you'll be a good girl, but it's all up to you whether you'll be good, or bad."

(Aaaaaand scene! I hope that you guys enjoyed, this is more than I've written in a very long time. The project went from a one shot, to a three-shot thanks to your guys' encouragement and thank-yous! I'm curious what you all thought of the second two parts though, feedback is always appreciated!)


Well, E-S you really delived on this piece.
While I think that a full Library entry would need some polishing a bit more context (for example providing some details on the patient and her reaction to her progressive changes) to work the basics are rock solid and the potential for a full fledged short is all here..

Great work and I hope to see more :)
The following user(s) said Thank You: Engineered-Sorcery

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01 Sep 2016 19:27 #50014 by Engineered-Sorcery
Replied by Engineered-Sorcery on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

Woodclaw wrote:
Well, E-S you really delived on this piece.
While I think that a full Library entry would need some polishing a bit more context (for example providing some details on the patient and her reaction to her progressive changes) to work the basics are rock solid and the potential for a full fledged short is all here..

Great work and I hope to see more :)

Thank you for your feedback! I already know that I have to expand it if this turns into a story (the patient will definitely need some expansion, and I have to add more detail to what's going on with the actions themselves), but the thing that I'm puzzling over right now is whether I want to make the story 2nd person, or 3rd person. Right now I'm leaning toward 3rd person, but either one could be interesting for different reasons.

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04 Sep 2016 06:52 #50056 by Engineered-Sorcery
Replied by Engineered-Sorcery on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
(well, I'm still waiting for that spark of a full story to hit me, so you guys get another vignette! Hope you enjoy!)

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The explosion had been epic, shattering hundreds of square kilometers of land around its epicenter and making the entire world tremble with an earthquake of unprecedented scale. It had been an accident, a containment leak at a new experimental generator called the 'singularity drive'. Using previously-undiscovered advances in magnetism, particle physics, and other fields, the engine created a small black hole, then used it to superheat water and directly harness residual heat to create power. Supposedly, it could power an entire country with ease. Naturally, the first experiment occurred in China, who looked forward to their nation's power needs being filled.

While the official line was that an unchecked reaction caused the entire system to destabilize and ruin the surrounding environment, a few knew the truth. A Japanese scientist had been brought on to help facilitate the operation of the facility, and she had a secret she hadn't told anyone.

You see, this scientist was not actually a human anymore. Granted power by a freak accident in the lab one day, she had gained not only phenomenal power of her own, but the ability to absorb more energy and power in order to become stronger and stronger. By the end of her own experimentation she was stronger than anything on earth, and in her estimation she could likely lift around sixteen hundred tons with each hand. She thought the opportunity was too good to be true, a chance to work on the most powerful reactor in history, the perfect chance to increase her power to a level never before seen by the human race.

And so she began to work, boosting the power of the reactor far beyond spec and preparing herself for the moment when her time would come. It was hard to work in secret, not letting anyone see her plans or know the strength that she possessed, especially when equipment was found mangled or stolen. But against all odds she managed to do so, and on the day the reactor was to be turned on she had a bright, almost beaming smile on her face. The safeties were switched off, and at the very last second the researchers watched in horror as a single woman walked casually into the chamber, tearing the door away as if it were made of paper.

Temperatures beyond that of even stars bombarded her skin, but somehow the woman was still standing, and even seemed to be enjoying it! She stood in the reaction chamber for nearly an hour, until the reactor’s fuel for the test run was spent, and at the end she was glowing. Her labcoat had been reduced to a grey square of clothing that barely covered her expanded bust, which drew the stares of everyone in the observation room.

Meanwhile, the woman herself was over the moon. She had thought they would turn off the reactor, but they hadn’t, and now her power was beyond monumental. Her previous strength seemed positively anemic, and she had noticed something else. Even after the reactor had managed to shut off, her power was still growing! Something had changed, and she could feel herself growing stronger and stronger, more and more powerful with each passing moment.

Then came the ‘explosion’. In reality, the newly-empowered superwoman had merely placed her foot down to take a step toward the outside of the room, and the resulting shockwave of the step had created a blast wave that would be confused with an explosion to the rest of the world. The single, gentle movement had created a blast on par with one of the world’s largest meteor impacts, and by the time the dust settled her eyes were wide in awe at her own power.

Now, she’s no longer a mortal. With her power still growing, even calling her a goddess would be stretching the definition of the word. The Earth and its inhabitants bore her, and she has disappeared to worlds beyond to test her power against others. However, she has begun to suspect she’s beyond existence herself, and who knows, maybe she’ll take an interest in you.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Woodclaw, ChaozCloud, Ravens_ghost, N_S1701, Lulu, rednecko, Chelon, delta7447, AuGoose

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04 Sep 2016 11:32 #50058 by Whatever
Replied by Whatever on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
Got to admit, this right here was the reason for me to sign up. Such great stuff!

Oh, and hi, nice to meet you all.

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04 Sep 2016 17:41 #50065 by Engineered-Sorcery
Replied by Engineered-Sorcery on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

Whatever wrote: Got to admit, this right here was the reason for me to sign up. Such great stuff!

Oh, and hi, nice to meet you all.

Well, we're glad to have you here! Welcome to the forums, it's nice to meet you as well!

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04 Sep 2016 20:59 #50073 by fats
Replied by fats on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
In black she look positivly evil.


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The following user(s) said Thank You: Ravens_ghost, N_S1701, Markiehoe

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05 Sep 2016 09:19 #50084 by N_S1701
Replied by N_S1701 on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

fats wrote: here she is looking out over the water to lands far afield


Even after the Surrender, some of the planet's military forces refused to concede defeat. They tried their best to resist her rule, most often by pointlessly trying to assassinate her. This time, they had wagered that the sad remnants of the world's navies would have the firepower to take her down. They tried to close into weapons range when she was at one of her many private seaside retreats. She saw, heard, and sensed them coming long before they even figured out where she was.

For her, it was a trivial matter to reach out into the minds of the crews of those few frigates and missile boats. She dove into their subconscious, guiding their thoughts and their hands as they entered firing solutions for all of their weapons. The admiral of the rag tag fleet finally ordered them to fire. A flurry of missiles left their launchers as guns roared as fast as their loaders could feed them shells - into the other ships of the fleet.

She smiled as her enhanced vision allowed her to witness the death-throes of the rebel fleet as if they were mere metres away from her. Usually she was the hands-on type, but sometimes it felt damn good to express her limitless power over humanity without even lifting a finger. She wondered what new scheme the rebels would concoct next to amuse her.

All she knew was that she couldn't wait.
The following user(s) said Thank You: ChaozCloud, Ravens_ghost, fats

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10 Sep 2016 15:45 #50180 by fats
Replied by fats on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
Here is the last of her for now


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The following user(s) said Thank You: N_S1701, Monty

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20 Sep 2016 15:58 #50341 by fats
Replied by fats on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
"and you say that this concrete is strong?"

"What do you mean you can't see the Aircraft Carrier? it'sonly 15 of your miles of shore."


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23 Sep 2016 12:52 #50401 by KarkClent
Replied by KarkClent on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
Shoutouts to Geekseven.

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04 Feb 2017 16:51 - 04 Feb 2017 16:59 #52384 by barber
Replied by barber on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
"Wahhhh all the OTHER super girls can FLY daddy, now get your scientists to FIX IT" Kenji didn't really have a choice - each landing from the teenaged juggernaut's 'flying' attempts violently threatened to obliterate their home. Of course, the double dose of formula would cause Vyvan's powers to go far beyond what was thought possible.

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Last edit: 04 Feb 2017 16:59 by barber.
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05 Feb 2017 19:23 #52407 by Chelon
Replied by Chelon on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

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The other day I met the strongest man in the world, and started lifting his weights. I knew he had been working out hard for the past couple of months to prepare for the encounter, so I was sure it was at least a couple tons. I hadn't lifted weights that light in years, so I was having trouble feeling exactly how heavy it was. I'm sure you can imagine my surprise when I found out he could only squat 1200 lbs! This massive man, who was 2 feet taller and weighted 200 pounds more than me, was having trouble lifting weights that I could easily lift with individual fingers!
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06 Feb 2017 10:40 #52421 by N_S1701
Replied by N_S1701 on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
Note: These entries contain some messed up stuff, including descriptions of a character slipping things into girls' drinks. I obviously don't condone anything written here and this is all fantasy.

Entry Zero

I give girls in nightclubs superpowers.

Why? Why the fuck not? Maybe they deserve them. Maybe my job paid shit and I hated my boss. Maybe I just want to see the world burn.

How? I work in military R&D. My team developed a serum that was supposed to make supersoldiers. It worked, only too well. The first test subject we tried it on damn near destroyed the whole facility. The higher-ups decided to shut the whole thing down rather than explain it to the public. Transferred everyone to dead-end positions out of the way. They don't know that I swiped a case of the stuff on the way out.

What does the serum do? All sorts of things. Technically, we never found a limit to what the Super Sauce could do to a person. As far as anybody could tell, its effects were based on the personality and desires of the user. I suppose I'm putting that to the test, in my own little way.

As for how I get the Super Sauce into the girls? That depends on the girl. Some of them want it and chug it down as soon as I hand it over. Some of them are so drunk that they'll drink anything you give them. Some of them I just slip a bit into their drink when they're not looking. I do whatever it takes to get this stuff into girls who I think deserve it - the hot ones, the drama-queen divas, the ones that I just know will tear shit up.

This is me, documenting my work. Guess the inner scientist dies hard.

Entry One

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Every experiment has its initial kinks to work out. I wish I had gotten a better picture of my first subject.

I wanted to start things up with a bang. I needed to know that the Super Sauce worked on subjects who weren't the usual buff military type that we experimented on. What I needed was someone who would abuse the living shit out of her powers the instant she realised she had them. I knew I had the perfect subject when I saw her limo roll up.

She sauntered out of the damn thing like she owned the place. Maybe she did, or maybe daddy did. Either way, every staff member there treated her like fucking royalty. They brought her drink after drink as she walked around the dance floor like a god damn Empress. Typical rich bitch behaviour - exactly what I needed.

It took a bit of careful manoeuvring to get the Sauce into her drink. I finally managed to tip some into a flute of champagne that she was sipping on. I withdrew to watch her from the second floor balcony of the club. A few minutes (and a couple of drinks for me) later, she started noticing the effects of the serum. Some simpering sycophant shoot hands with her and ended up with a crushed stump where his hand used to be. His screams brought the whole place to a standstill, and all she could do was stare at her blood-soaked hand in disbelief.

The shock on her face turned to anger instantly when she saw the bloodstains on her dress.

"How dare you get blood on my dress, you worthless shit?" She screamed in Korean. With a quick kick from one of her legs, she sent the poor bastard flying into the wall behind the DJ. The fucker ended up like a splattered fly on the wall.

The panic erupted instantly. The other patrons were screaming their bloody heads off and trying to rush the exit when she stamped down with her foot. The jolt sent everyone to their feet, and almost collapsed the balcony I was standing on.

"My shoe is messy now" she announced imperiously. "Lick it clean."

Nobody knew how to respond. They were dazed from the impact and just stared dumbly at her. She walked over to the nearest man.

"Lick!" She barked. He continued staring.

With the same bloody shoe, she stomped on his head, bursting it like an overripe melon. Without pause, she pointed her shoe at the girl next to him.


The girl shook like a leaf as she inched her tongue towards the bloody shoe. She could barely contain her revulsion as she started licking up the gore and blood. The subject just smiled and nodded with approval. It didn't take long for the next person to start crawling over to lick. Then the next. Then the next. Soon, half a dozen people were gathered around the shoe, trying to lick it clean.

"Mmmm, owning the world is going to be so much more fun than owning this little club." She purred, seconds before she leapt into the air, busting a hole in the roof of the club. I wonder if she cared that she decapitated most of her shoe-lickers, or that the debris crushed almost twenty people. Hell, I wonder if she even noticed.

Last I heard, she had set herself up as the Queen of Libya or Liberia or something. The world's military powers stopped trying to stop her after the second UN combined task force they sent in went dark without a single survivor. Rumours are that she runs the place like her own personal party.

I wonder how long it'll be before she emerges, looking for bigger things...
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09 Feb 2017 15:27 #52460 by D_Berkhart
Replied by D_Berkhart on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
"What I needed was someone who would abuse the living shit out of her powers the instant she realised she had them."

So well put!

Glad to see this thread still getting love six years after it started. Thanks N_S1701 and everybody else who has added the great content . . . and increased the world's number of Super Asian Girls!
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