
A Little Bit Of Fun

17 Feb 2005 03:26 #134 by Sarge395
A Little Bit Of Fun was created by Sarge395
Probably my favorite CF story. Despite the fact that the 2 supergirls don't fly. Ultra hotties who just don't care what they wreck or who they destroy. Anyone else have favorites?

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17 Feb 2005 11:08 #143 by conceptfan
Replied by conceptfan on topic Re: A Little Bit Of Fun
Thanks, Sarge.

Actually, flying is about the only thing these two don't do. You've probably realised by now that our young pan-dimensional day-trippers are stuck on planet Earth (for the time being anyway). That's key to the story, so I couldn't have them flying away!

I hope Tara and Lyda make up for their lack of flight with their just-about unlimited strength, so-far-total invulnerability, super-speed, super-senses (including X-ray vision), weird ability to understand and speak any language and ultra-powerful super-breath. All that, of course, hidden in their deceptively slender, sexy, bikini-clad curvaceous bodies.

As they come from another universe (or dimension - never was too sure about the sci-fi element in my stories) they have no connection with the inhabitants of our world. Basically, they couldn't care less about us.

There are two of them which means they can team up to be even more imaginative in their havoc-making, goad each other on and show off for one another. And that's before we even get to the "L" word...

I won't post any spoilers here for now, but there's more from the girls in the pipeline. Folks have been very patient with me for quite a while now and I hope to say "thank you" very soon.


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20 Feb 2005 21:48 #174 by Sarge395
Replied by Sarge395 on topic A Little Bit Of Fun

You don't owe us anything. You pretty much only give in my opinion. Hopefully our encouragement is enough.

Maybe the girls could get some technology from their world like anti grav boots that allows them to fly. The power is increased in our world to be equal to the level of their powers. For some reason a girl without flight powers is not a true 'Supergirl' in my book. Just my quirk I guess.

Can't wait for your new chapters.

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21 Feb 2005 11:02 #194 by conceptfan
Replied by conceptfan on topic Re: A Little Bit Of Fun
Thanks for the kind words Sarge.

Maybe the girls could get some technology from their world like anti grav boots that allows them to fly. The power is increased in our world to be equal to the level of their powers. For some reason a girl without flight powers is not a true 'Supergirl' in my book.

Anti-grav boots, eh? It's a good idea, alright. It's just that (don't laugh, I'm not being deliberately difficult) in my book a girl who needs technology is not a true Supergirl. Her powers have got to work the same when she's naked! Also, I like the fact that the girls are barefoot; it seems to enhance the sense of their invulnerability. I think, for now, anyway, the girls are to remain (in all senses) Earth-bound.


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05 Mar 2005 09:53 #359 by YAGS
Replied by YAGS on topic Favorite
"A Little Bit of Fun" is my favorite of your stories. I am glad to hear you're still working on more chapters for it. Given that you've updated several of the other stories since this one was last updated, I was starting to think you'd abandoned this one.

There is one thing I thought about, which you might want to consider using in this story in the future, if you don't mind suggestions from your audience.

Now that the girls are stuck on Earth, wouldn't the authorities from their dimension do something about the device that they stole? Obviously, the authorities would notice it was missing by now, and they might send someone to retrieve it, along with the people who stole it. I'm thinking they could send a more mature woman (both physically and emotionally), who has orders to bring them back no matter what, but also has been told not to disrupt our world any more than absolutely necessary to accomplish her mission. Of course, if any human did see her use her powers, she'd have to dispose of them to keep her presence a secret. This might include anyone she had to interrogate while trying to track down the source of the damage that's been done by the girls. And, like the girls, she might enjoy being here a little too much, although she'd be more mature about covering her tracks along the way.

Just a suggestion.

Anyway, thanks for all your great work, on this and your other stories.


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05 Mar 2005 11:46 #361 by conceptfan
Replied by conceptfan on topic Re: Favorite

"A Little Bit of Fun" is my favorite of your stories. I am glad to hear you're still working on more chapters for it. Given that you've updated several of the other stories since this one was last updated, I was starting to think you'd abandoned this one.

OK, Yags - I know I've not been exactly prolific lately, but for the record, NONE of the series on my site have been abandoned. It may take a long time, but they'll be fresh chapters for all my sagas eventually...

if you don't mind suggestions from your audience.

I don't mind them, I love them :D

Now that the girls are stuck on Earth, wouldn't the authorities from their dimension do something about the device that they stole? Obviously, the authorities would notice it was missing by now, and they might send someone to retrieve it, along with the people who stole it. I'm thinking they could send a more mature woman (both physically and emotionally), who has orders to bring them back no matter what, but also has been told not to disrupt our world any more than absolutely necessary to accomplish her mission. Of course, if any human did see her use her powers, she'd have to dispose of them to keep her presence a secret. This might include anyone she had to interrogate while trying to track down the source of the damage that's been done by the girls. And, like the girls, she might enjoy being here a little too much, although she'd be more mature about covering her tracks along the way.YAGS

Hard to reply without giving too many spoilers away. OK, it's fairly obvious that the transporter band system the girls used is also available to others from their dimension. Can anyone trace where the girls are? Would they follow them to a forbidden planet? Who would they send?

The answer to the all three questions is: it's a Conceptfan story, what do you think?

Now, it's more than likely that any society would select a slightly more senior person to go and bring their mischevious teens to justice. But how would such a person react to suddenly having limitless power? Would she, perhaps, be not different from Tara and Lyda? Would the folks back home have to send yet another bounty huntress on the trail of their growing posse of renegades? Where would it end? Badly (for us Earthers anyway). :wink:

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21 Apr 2005 16:19 #871 by conceptfan
Replied by conceptfan on topic Chapter 7
Chapter 7 is now on the drawing board.

This one's going to be violent! Expected publication date: about 9 days' time.

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03 May 2005 18:07 #1009 by conceptfan
Replied by conceptfan on topic Chapter 7 now released!
OK, SWM members can read the story before anyone else. It's currently in the SWM "Story Bank" as part of the SGI Workshop 1.3.

(You can see A Little Bit of Fun Chapter 7 and all the entries at )

My website should be updated later in the week.

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08 May 2005 01:52 #1084 by argonaut
Replied by argonaut on topic Re: A Little Bit Of Fun

I'm with Sarge and YAGS -- "A Little Bit of Fun" is my favorite of your stories (although "Empress Ria" runs a very close second).

Chapter 7 did not disappoint.

Even though Lyda and Tara are now lovers, I hope they resume the bickering they carried on in the previous chapters. That added humor to the story and helped to distinguish the girls from each other.

IMO, nobody takes the ubergirl fantasy and makes it real the way you do. Your vivid imagery and attention to detail make your stories unfold in my mind as if I were watching them on a movie screen. I'm sure that if I were ever to see an ubergirl crushing an automobile in her bare hands, it would look exactly as you describe it!

BUT! Much as I enjoy each episode you post, I often wonder where your plot lines are heading. I'm not asking for "spoilers," but I AM curious to know whether you have long-term plans for your characters. You've hinted that a truant officer (female, presumably) from Lyda and Tara's world will follow them to Earth. What about your other stories? Will we see Earth under Ria's rule? Will we find out what the super models will be doing a year from now (in their time, not ours!)?

And as long as you're listening to unsolicited suggestions:

None of your ubergirls (except maybe Milena) seem to care about maintaining a low profile. We've seen the reactions of those unfortunate enough to come into direct contact with them; it would be interesting to see the reaction of the general public as they learn of the existence of these uber-sociopaths through the news media. That could make for an interesting chapter in just about any one of your stories.

Hey, you were the one who said you love suggestions from your readers!

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09 May 2005 00:41 #1092 by conceptfan
Replied by conceptfan on topic Re: A Little Bit Of Fun
Hi Argo - thanks a lot for all the praise. It's gone straight to my head, of course, leaving me a happier man than before I logged on. Cheers for that!

OK, OK: Whilst I haven't planned all my sagas to completion, I do have a (fairly) decent idea where most of them are headed. Yes, we will see Earth under Ria's rule in not too many chapters' time. And - look away now if you don't want spoilers - the girl from Prytkon goes very, very public in the next installment. Also, The Supermodels will put on a show in front of a large crowd in their next outing. Lyda and Tara, once they continue their game (this time using an army division as props) will head for the nearest town and ultra-high-profile chaos (and points scoring). Don't forget Lisa from Plan 8 - she's going to be causing plenty of turmoil too. Milena will stay reasonably private, as will Lorren. Hope that answers your questions.

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09 May 2005 10:12 #1095 by conceptfan
Replied by conceptfan on topic Re: A Little Bit Of Fun
Sorry, Argo: forgot to add that now that Tara and Lyda are lovers, it doesn't mean they won't have the odd lovers' "disagreement". And the little game they've just started gets very competitive in Chapter 8...

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12 Nov 2005 06:06 #3503 by dr lazarus
Replied by dr lazarus on topic Re: A Little Bit Of Fun
I could see these girls in the $200 million dollar production of A Little Bit Of Fun ... rated R, of course.

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(Chyler Leigh & Mia Kirshner)

I loved the part in Chapter 6 where Tara and Lyda do their version of the Flintstones. Damn that was cool. I have a bit of a foot fetish so that part really appealed to me.

Ursa. Her time has come.

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14 Nov 2005 01:35 #3516 by conceptfan
Replied by conceptfan on topic Re: A Little Bit Of Fun

I could see these girls in the $200 million dollar production of A Little Bit Of Fun ... rated R, of course.

Thanks, doc. Nice pic! Imagine being the meat in that sandwich. I still like the models I cite as "inspiration" on my site for Tara and Lyda (I still like them a lot, actually) but these two would do just fine in the roles if they could carry off the atitude.

$200million might be a bit tight (especially given my fee) but I guess we could cut out some of the expenses. Wardrobe for the girls, for example, would be pretty minimal. Not sure if they'd even GIVE it a rating for public release though (especially if they knew what I'd got planned for the next 2 chapters!)

I loved the part in Chapter 6 where Tara and Lyda do their version of the Flintstones. Damn that was cool. I have a bit of a foot fetish so that part really appealed to me.

Glad you liked it. It was fun to write. Actually, thinking about it, with the exception of the thirsty young ladies of Teuser's Formula and some of the chicks from my one-off short stories, ALL my main characters are constantly bare-foot. I think it adds to the impression of their invulnerability. And it's even more impressive when they kick a car two hundred feet into the air and even more intimate when they step on someone...

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05 Jul 2006 03:52 #6107 by paulsamiga
Replied by paulsamiga on topic Re: A Little Bit Of Fun

Lyda and Tara, once they continue their game (this time using an army division as props) will head for the nearest town and ultra-high-profile chaos (and points scoring).

An army you say?

hmmm... For some reason the phrase “Guns, Tanks, Bombs, There like toys against them.” from the sargent in the old film War of the worlds just poped in my head.

Can't wait for the next chapter and see the mightiest girls in the universe do there stuff.

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05 Jul 2006 11:40 #6109 by conceptfan
Replied by conceptfan on topic Re: A Little Bit Of Fun
Thanks for the encouragement, Paul.

The cogs are turning...

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06 Jul 2006 00:17 #6124 by paulsamiga
Replied by paulsamiga on topic Re: A Little Bit Of Fun

Thanks for the encouragement, Paul.

The cogs are turning...

Here try this for those cogs of yours.

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Hope this hellps.

May be we'll finaly get to see a just a googolplex of there full strenth of there little fingers. Or is that too much power for humanity too stand?

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06 Jul 2006 10:31 #6133 by conceptfan
Replied by conceptfan on topic Re: A Little Bit Of Fun
Ah Water Displacement formula 40, beloved curer of wet engines and squeaky doors. Now available with handy applicator "straw". Coming soon in new Strawberry flavour...

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19 Oct 2006 17:08 #7055 by conceptfan
Replied by conceptfan on topic Re: A Little Bit Of Fun
Part 8 has now been deposited in the SuperWomenMania story bank! (There's a link at the top of this page)


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19 Oct 2006 22:29 #7061 by Sarge395
Replied by Sarge395 on topic Re: A Little Bit Of Fun

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20 Oct 2006 17:47 #7070 by conceptfan
Replied by conceptfan on topic Re: A Little Bit Of Fun


Sarge, I'm writing to Websters to ask them to include that word in all their dictionaries from now on.

Thanks for the feedback. I'm really happy you enjoyed the chapter!

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23 Dec 2006 03:21 #7728 by Corsair
Replied by Corsair on topic Re: A Little Bit Of Fun
Hi Conceptfan!

I just read part 8 and it is outfreakingstanding indeed!

Damn! I'm always looking on your website for updates, I didn't notice until yesterday that a new chapter was available on the story bank! I'll check more often from now on!

I really can't wait for the next part! (and I mean really!) Your stories are just too good!


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23 Dec 2006 15:56 #7732 by paulsamiga
Replied by paulsamiga on topic Re: A Little Bit Of Fun
I all ways look on Conceptfan's website to. Well now we know better. Check here first. :D

Part 8 was better than "outfreakingstanding." It was unfreakingbelievablyoutstandinglysuperb

Did I read right these a tank on the way?
I feel sorry for the tank all ready, Humiliation before destruction. Can't wait.


Hi Conceptfan!

I just read part 8 and it is outfreakingstanding indeed!

Damn! I'm always looking on your website for updates, I didn't notice until yesterday that a new chapter was available on the story bank! I'll check more often from now on!

I really can't wait for the next part! (and I mean really!) Your stories are just too good!


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23 Dec 2006 21:02 #7734 by conceptfan
Replied by conceptfan on topic Re: A Little Bit Of Fun
Corsair and Paulsamiga,

Thanks so much guys! I'm over the moon that you enjoyed the chapter. I had a good time writng it, too :wink:

As for checking my site, sorry to complicate things but I do sometimes update my site with things that don't appear in the SWM StoryBank, as well as other times posting stories exclusively here on SWM for quite a while before they appear on So, the only thing I can suggest is that you check here AND on my site. Alternatively, the SWM Update Tracker (see link at top of page) monitors both my site and the SWM StoryBank. (Oh, and in case Marty's reading this, my site never reports a false update...)

And, Paul, you only read half-right. It's not a tank. It's a fleet of tanks :D

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24 Dec 2006 03:26 #7736 by Corsair
Replied by Corsair on topic Re: A Little Bit Of Fun
But first they'll score more points with the other garrisons and then it's going to be the tank columns turn!

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24 Dec 2006 12:36 #7737 by puzzler
Replied by puzzler on topic Re: A Little Bit Of Fun
will your own website be updated before the new year

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