
Celor's Vamp comic

23 Feb 2016 10:01 #46538 by superfunk
Celor's Vamp comic was created by superfunk
Celor, the creator of Supergeneral comic, starts his own comic project on Patreon. It will include the supergeneral character as well. You might want to check his page and support him;
The following user(s) said Thank You: lfan

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23 Feb 2016 13:32 #46542 by lfan
Replied by lfan on topic Celor's Vamp comic
As a refresher, here is SuperGeneral:


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24 Feb 2016 10:56 #46550 by Sarge395
Replied by Sarge395 on topic Celor's Vamp comic
Cool style. Devil Girl, a Magician, and a female Zod in my opinion. Don't care for Devil Girl as it has a head covering costume but the other two are interesting. I would consider being a tiny investor.

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14 Jun 2016 21:48 #48561 by superfunk
Replied by superfunk on topic Celor's Vamp comic
It is now a indiegogo campaign

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14 Jun 2016 23:21 #48563 by Markiehoe
Replied by Markiehoe on topic Celor's Vamp comic
Well I don't like the Purple girl's look with her facial piercings.
That is a BIG turn off for me.
But the Devilgirl and the Army girl look really good.

As an action comic this is a pretty good idea but I need some dialogue.
I like banter between opponents.

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19 Jun 2016 19:27 #48685 by TwiceOnThursdays
Replied by TwiceOnThursdays on topic Celor's Vamp comic
The nose ring doesn't bother me even though it's not my thing really. There are multiple characters, some variety is cool.

I did like the page with the "army girl". The art is quite what I'd prefer, but I like the expressions (I love the faces on the woman and the terrorist before she attacks). I think the action is great, and that tilts my impression of the art to a positive. I find the panel where she knocks in the door awkward, she seems a bit disporportinate, but I let it slide as it's action/fun.

And I think I'll really like "devil girl". Not sure I know enough about Arinna yet, but like the difference. I wonder how well they map to the Power Puff girls in personality. Lalit is Buttercup, all kick but. Inana is Blossom, all serious and to the point. I don't think Ariana is Bubbles though. ;-)

OTH, I'll miss dialog. The existing pages do a reasonable job w/o it as an action thing. But I do like some banter.

I do like comics with diversity in creators -- it's fun to get comics from other parts of the world other than US/UK. Marvel/DC do some of this, but I do like the totally independent view. (One of my Kickstarters is a russian comic.)

Anyway, it was interesting, so thanks for pointing me to the campaign.

I find non-kickstarter kickstarters annoying. So I'm going to rant here for a bit. Sorry. ;-)

I mean I know that sometimes there is a reason for it (countries, duration of the project, what happens when funding doesn't work, etc). My guess is this might be a country of origin thing (does kickstarter work in Turkey?)

But KS has a nice network effect going, and I find that I'm supporting 3-4 kickstarters at any given time. I log in, and i can check up on everything. I've also never had a single problem with KS. I have no idea what their tech support is like as i've never had to even think about using it. I have 8 currently running, and 2 that are still collecting.

Indigogo I had to fight with for a few days to even make an account, and it took days for them to get back to me, by which time I'd figured out the problem. I use a password manager, and my password was too long, but the site didn't tell me that, and just kept failing. Worse they seemed to know this (the first reply asked if I was using a password manager to create my pass), but didn't put "and can't be longer than X characters" as a condition in their docs or error message (they DID have a section on passwords). Hopefully they've fixed that now, it was pretty annoying, and colors my perception of them to this day. (this was in 2015).

Nope, someone tripped it 3 months ago:

This is the kind of shit that is SIMPLE to fix and you just fix it. "Passwords can't be longer than X Characters". And you add it into that stupid message. I want to write them another nasty gram because I think they thought they "fixed it" by changing it from 20 to 40. THAT WASN'T THE PROBLEM.


Patreon has some problems too -- but they have tools that made it easy to fix when it happened. A few months it failed to run pledges, but it's simple to re-run them all or singly. (I think they added the "re-run them all" after the first time.) This is helpful not only when something on the site goes wrong, but when there is something wrong with your card (which since I forgot to update it when i got a new card, also happened to me). So, fixed a bug, BUT had nice workarounds that also happened to be HELPFUL. Also, I each time I got a nice note from Patreon explaining the problem and what to do. That is, I got contacted by THEM, and never actually had to get around to using their tech support as they were pro-active.

It also fits a different niche than Kickstarter, so I grok using it. It doesn't work well for a comic, but works well for art/webcomics, things delivered regularly.

But for everyone else, as a user, my advice is "just use Kickstarter". And if not, sadly part of your pitch should be "this is why we didn't use Kickstarter..." maybe in a faqs somewhere.

You already have a problem of getting attention. It doesn't take too many people to fund a comic or a book.

Here are real #'s of SUCCESSFUL campaigns and the # of contributors (the last 8 things I funded): 806, 182, 550, 366, 1782, 788, 180, 680. Note this is separate from the $ raised, but it's very related.

All these were comics or a books. Other than the 1782 one as an outlier, most are 200-800 people. The biggest problem is getting people to LOOK at your project, and then attempt to convert them into a funder. Everything that makes a user go "I have to think about this" is your enemy. More people have KS accounts, so it's easier for them to go go "fund". With Indiegogo, I had to stop and actually care enough to create an account -- and it took until Tudyk's Con Man to get me to do that, and care enough to fight through the process. I can remember passing on 2-3 things before that because I couldn't be bothered (didn't have the time at the moment, then forgot about it, etc).

I eventually funded this, but man did I think about working with Indiegogo again...and now it's this other thing I have to track and handle. It doesn't help that I had to figure out which of the four passwords in my manger was the right one, but that's really my fault for not cleaning it up. It did however remind me that I HAD to do that, and why.

But it's no accident that I funded it at the lowest level to get a PDF (on KS I tend to fund to the "get a physical copy of the book, and if it's +$5, I get them signed.)

I have a window open somewhere in the background for the Taurus Movie Indiegogo page for the same reason. I can guarantee if it were a kickstarter I'd have already clicked fund at some level... I probably should go do that, last I looked it only had a few people backing it ... but since I'm ranting and I need to go get lunch, I can assure you that I'm probably not going to find the window and figure it out right now... so they miss ANOTHER chance to get my money. And I feel bad as it seems like it's the kind of thing I should be funding, but oh well, maybe they get my $$ maybe they don't. I might be mercurial, and more than a bit wonky, I certainly won't deny it.

But you only have to convince ~200 people to fund a comic -- probably more for a movie (I don't remember how much they were asking for.)

Am I the only one who thinks like this? I have no idea and that's part of why I'm ranting. The other is that so few things actually piss me off and Indiegogo was one of them. ;-)

Rant over.

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