
SGInc Story Workshop 1.12 Poll and Comments

26 May 2009 16:03 #15804 by Skye

Argonaut wrote:

You need a scalar -- like yarac's "super" -- that's independent of whatever units of measurement you decide to use.

A ton, as in 1000 kg is an international standard unit (or, to be really precise, a derivative of the SI-Unit, the kilogramm (kg) ). So using anything else for the calculation is wrong.
Otherwise you could as well use coconuts as a unit. And any number "independent" of a unit is just a number - without any significance, except for use as a factor in other formulae, like Pi for example.
(Sorry for the bitching but just today I've had to explain to university students that, in physics, you have to use the Kelvin scale for calculations, not Celsius and definitively not Fahrenheit. And it took the better part of the session until the last one of them at least pretended to have understood why.)

Aaand to write something on topic:
Since most of the stories had no real villainesses (IMO), I just voted for the one I had the most fun reading which was "My Turn Now". What kept me from voting for Stacie or the CEV was just one point each.
For Stacie it was the already mentioned question why she didn't put on the second bracelet. While reading, I just assumed she had put it on, until the story told me otherwise.
And the CEV... I liked the story a lot until, right at the end, after she cleaned out all US accounts. After that I just thought "Oh well, she now owns every major company and has just managed to bancrupt her primary customer base. D'oh!"

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26 May 2009 17:31 #15806 by argonaut
Harrumph ...

The point is not that international standard units of weight are "correct" and that other units are "wrong." The point is that using any unit of weight is misguided.

An ordinary human can lift 40 kg; Superman can lift 400,000 kg. An o.h. can lift 80 lbs; S. can lift 800,000 lbs. An o.h. can lift 25 "coconuts"; S. can lift 250,000 "coconuts." No matter what unit of weight you use, Superman turns out to be 10,000 times stronger than an ordinary human. That's the "super" that Yarac spoke of. He called it a multiplier, I called it a scalar, but it comes to the same thing -- the factor by which Superman's strength exceeds that of an ordinary human.

Anyway, that's the ony way I can interpret Ella's "exponentially greater" power.

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26 May 2009 21:43 #15809 by lfan
Just curious, Skye, how you came to this statement that the stories had no villainesses. Not being defensive, just curious on what you meant. Was it that the girls were more "misguided or mean" than 'a professional villain' (aka Lex Luthor). Or was it they had not formidible opposition (hero/heroine) in the stories? Or something else?

I thought the CEV was about as villainess-y as you could get. The others WERE kind of a little just power trippy bitches. But then again, they were like the profiles (in the list) that they came from.


Aaand to write something on topic:
Since most of the stories had no real villainesses (IMO), I just voted for the one I had the most fun reading which was "My Turn Now".

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27 May 2009 02:16 #15810 by ace191

I called it a scalar, but it comes to the same thing -- the factor by which Superman's strength exceeds that of an ordinary human.

And when that "Scalar" is only Ten, she is 158.5 times more powerful than Superman!

I just voted for the one I had the most fun reading which was "My Turn Now".

Alright! We Physics guys have to stick together! T1-T2/T1 Rocks!

At my house, just like at the Simpsons, we OBEY the laws of thermodynamics!

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27 May 2009 05:01 #15812 by marknew742
Replied by marknew742 on topic Re: SGInc Story Workshop 1.12 Poll and Comments

Harrumph ...

An ordinary human can lift 40 kg; Superman can lift 400,000 kg. An o.h. can lift 80 lbs; S. can lift 800,000 lbs. An o.h. can lift 25 "coconuts"; S. can lift 250,000 "coconuts." No matter what unit of weight you use, Superman turns out to be 10,000 times stronger than an ordinary human. That's the "super" that Yarac spoke of. He called it a multiplier, I called it a scalar, but it comes to the same thing -- the factor by which Superman's strength exceeds that of an ordinary human.

Anyway, that's the ony way I can interpret Ella's "exponentially greater" power.

I stand, happily, corrected! :D

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27 May 2009 09:57 #15813 by Skye

Just curious, Skye, how you came to this statement that the stories had no villainesses.

I thought the CEV was about as villainess-y as you could get. The others WERE kind of a little just power trippy bitches. But then again, they were like the profiles (in the list) that they came from.

Aaand to write something on topic:
Since most of the stories had no real villainesses (IMO), I just voted for the one I had the most fun reading which was "My Turn Now".

I thought that the CEV and Stacie were pretty good villainesses, but as I wrote, those two stories just had flaws (for me, that is) that prevented me from voting for them.
For the others, well, it was mostly a gut decission.
The dumb blonde seemed just that, not so evil but more overwhelmed, Super Hannah was nice but somehow didn't seem to be driven to anything beyond personal payback (which was at least in part understandable to me).
The women from "ten minutes" and "my turn now" also seem to be more on the good side, with a major reduction of available nukes in one story, and the (as I interpreted it) choice not to go after customer after customer, but to leave it with the pimp in the other.
If you're really interested in a detailed response, I'll re-read the stories and take notes, this time, but it will take a while.

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27 May 2009 14:06 #15814 by Woodclaw

The women from "ten minutes" and "my turn now" also seem to be more on the good side, with a major reduction of available nukes in one story

Well that was simply a power show, Caridad didn't reduce the number of avaible nukes, she simply took a substantial number of them under her own control. She could have done the same with a number of other things, but another target shouldn't have the same significance.

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27 May 2009 21:43 #15817 by Berkhart
Argonaut and Anon, I appreciate your honest opinions. Definitely not my best work, but I decided to turn the story in before going on vacation, despite it's flaws. Hope to take another crack at the story sometime down the road.

Everybody has their own idea of what a super villainess is, but I'm pretty sure my baddy fits the bill in most definitions. Hell, I'd say she was a villain before gaining her super powers...

As a HUGE fan of super villainesses, I was very happy to see my list have a part in bringing in some really outstanding bad-girl fiction! Thanks go out to everybody who submitted a story.

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15 Jun 2009 22:29 #15930 by argonaut
I was waiting for admin-2 to post something, but it's been ten days since the poll closed, and I wanted to congratulate Lfan on his victory.

It was a well-deserved victory, IMO, but the other writers provided some real competition. I feel flattered that three readers voted for my story out of such a strong field, and any writer who got even one or two votes should feel the same way.

I don't think we should start a new workshop too soon. I think the original workshop series became a case of going to the well too often. So let's let our writers take a break -- maybe work on their own story projects for a while.

Still, any ideas for the next one?

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16 Jun 2009 19:08 #15931 by admin
Forgiveness for not checking back, but you are correct in that the poll was closed 14 days after it opened. Congrats to LFan for his "The Chosen One" story which narrowly beat out Marknew's "DBUG". Many thanks to all the authors that contributed as well as the readership for their comments and support. I agree with Argo that we will wait a short respite before entertaining the ideas of another workshop.


I was waiting for admin-2 to post something, but it's been ten days since the poll closed, and I wanted to congratulate Lfan on his victory.

It was a well-deserved victory, IMO, but the other writers provided some real competition. I feel flattered that three readers voted for my story out of such a strong field, and any writer who got even one or two votes should feel the same way.

I don't think we should start a new workshop too soon. I think the original workshop series became a case of going to the well too often. So let's let our writers take a break -- maybe work on their own story projects for a while.

Still, any ideas for the next one?

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16 Jun 2009 23:43 #15934 by YAGS
I hadn't even noticed the voting had ended. Life's been busy, and I haven't had a chance to read ANY of the stories yet, let alone vote, so I'd been intentionally avoiding this thread.

Thanks for all the kind words, everyone. I can't believe I got so many votes for a story that's so unfinished and didn't even include superstrength! I wasn't planning to keep going with it any time soon, as I got kind of burned out on writing from trying so hard to get this much written before the deadline. But with this kind of encouragement, I might have to reconsider and try to find time for it.

With the way life is right now, though, it'll probably be another month or two before I have time to work on it again. I do have specific plans for where it's going, though. I think that's what bugged me the most about submitting it as is for the workshop - I have some cool plot twists coming up that I didn't get to yet.

Anyway, I'm still looking forward to checking out everyone else's stories, but as I said, life's a little busy right now.


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17 Jun 2009 13:45 #15939 by lfan
I've been sorely absent from the forums of late as well as summer is in full swing over here but work did not apparently get the memo! Thanks to everyone who voted for my story. I was surprised and shocked at the victory, given the solid group of stories submitted, all of which I enjoyed very much (I voted for Celebutante).

I agree with Howard Johnson in that we should wait a little time before starting another workshop. Hopefully, this place will still be around (admin?) then.... :P

Thanks to everyone again!


I hadn't even noticed the voting had ended. Life's been busy, and I haven't had a chance to read ANY of the stories yet, let alone vote, so I'd been intentionally avoiding this thread.

Thanks for all the kind words, everyone. I can't believe I got so many votes for a story that's so unfinished and didn't even include superstrength! I wasn't planning to keep going with it any time soon, as I got kind of burned out on writing from trying so hard to get this much written before the deadline. But with this kind of encouragement, I might have to reconsider and try to find time for it.

With the way life is right now, though, it'll probably be another month or two before I have time to work on it again. I do have specific plans for where it's going, though. I think that's what bugged me the most about submitting it as is for the workshop - I have some cool plot twists coming up that I didn't get to yet.

Anyway, I'm still looking forward to checking out everyone else's stories, but as I said, life's a little busy right now.


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17 Jun 2009 14:20 #15942 by argonaut
Van Johnson is right!

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17 Jun 2009 18:07 #15943 by lfan
hehe...."Now our town has turned to shiiiiiiiiiiiit....."

ElF :P

Van Johnson is right!

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26 Jun 2009 02:29 #16011 by inactive
I apologize for not having commented since the poll went up. Life and work have been kicking my butt. I've been slowly working my way through the entries.

Congratulations to lfan. Thank you to the people who voted for my contribution.

I did not vote before the poll closed, but I probably would have voted for 'Payback's a bitch' or possibly 'Chief Executive Villainess'.

- GeekSeven

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