
Origin stories. No, not that kind of origin story...

16 Aug 2006 06:24 #6537 by YAGS
Besides ubergirl sites like this, I visit giantess sites also, and the subject of "How did you first become interested in giantesses?" comes up at least once a month. So I guess it's surprising that I don't recall ever seeing a similar topic here, or on any other ubergirl site I've visited.

So what's your origin story? Why are you so interested in powerful women? When did you first notice this affinity for something that isn't physically possible in the real world?

I'll post my own detailed answer later, since I'm asking without thinking about it first. I'll have to think about it and try to figure out my own early influences.


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19 Aug 2006 18:33 #6580 by YAGS
3 days, 50 views, and not a single response. This site really is dying from lack of interest. At least I'm trying to start conversations. Where are the rest of you?

Ok, as for why I like this stuff, I think it's a cross between nature and nurture for me: nature as to why I like dominant women, and nurture as to why I prefer fantasy domination instead of the "whips and chains" type of thing.

Nature: I was a very shy kid. I've outgrown most of that, but I'm still the type of person who has a hard time getting started talking to people I don't know. This also means I didn't date much in grade school, because I just didn't have the guts to walk up to girls and start a conversation. On the rare occasion that they started talking to me, though, I was ok, because they were leading the conversation.

Another part of it is that beautiful women really do have power over me. I was always attracted to them and in awe of them as unattainable, so it seemed that they were being almost cruel in taunting me with their beauty. Not that they did it intentionally, but that's how I felt when I was young and insecure. Yes, I had psychological issues, most of which are in my past. Now I just look at those really beautiful women and think "She is so out of my league". But I'm no longer afraid to try asking her out anyway, despite getting shot down more often than not.

So those feelings of knowing that women's beauty gives them power over me, and wanting them to be aggressive in a relationship, are probably the main reasons for my having a domination fetish as an adult.

Nurture: As for why my interests run towards fantasy instead of the more traditional whips and chains, that's easy. I have an overactive imagination. I was always into science fiction as a kid, reading serious stuff like Azimov and Heinlein as early as middle school. I'm pretty sure I was the only 11 year old in my school to do a book report on a book from the New York Times bestseller list.

Being a sci-fi/fantasy fan, I liked TV shows and movies that ran in that direction, too. Like most guys, I liked seeing beautiful women in those shows, and in my case, I liked it even more when they were in a position of power. So watching stuff like repeats of I Dream of Jeannie really got my attention.

My earliest influence was probably Ursa in Superman II, since that came out just as I was hitting puberty. I remember getting a major thrill from seeing how excited she was when using her powers to kill people. I still think her blowing the helicoptor out of the sky is one of the sexiest things ever in a mainstream movie.

Another one I remember from when I was a kid was the episode "Plato's Stepchildren" from the original Star Trek series. I'm too young to have seen it when it first aired, but I specifically remember seeing it in repeats as a kid. For those who don't remember the episode, the crew visits a planet with a small population of people who can all move things with their minds. So they control the crew of the Enterprise like toys, forcing them to be slaves. In one of the first scenes, a dwarf on that planet who doesn't have the power, annoys the lead woman on the planet, and she makes him bite his own hand to shut him up, telling him "You talk too much". That casual bit of cruelty from a beautiful woman was really exciting to me.

There were quite a few other examples of women with various powers, not just strength and invulnerability. Obviously, I like Supergirl and Wonder Woman. There was Courtney Cox with telekinesis in Misfits of Science (10 years before Friends), I Dream of Jeannie, Bewitched, etc. The original Attack of the 50 Foot Woman ad poster got my attention, too, since it was a beautiful woman with absolute power. The movie itself is a major disappointment, though, in case any of you have ever wondered.

Anyway, that's why I like beautiful women with super powers and a dominant attitude. How about the rest of you?


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19 Aug 2006 20:56 #6581 by Sarge395
Replied by Sarge395 on topic Rainy day

We are all here. Many people lurk here and do not take a minute to chime in. This is a club for those of us with similar passions to yours. Wht you described is very similar to how I got 'hooked' on the dominant superheroine thing. Was just hitting puberty when women/girls became really interesting to me. Like you I was shy and found sexy females to be very intimidating. My awkward high school days are well behind me thankfully. I find sexy women to still be 'powerful' in a mental kind of way. After seeing all the strong or magical abilities of the superheroines or TV sitcoms of my era (Wonder Woman, Bewitched, I Dream of Jeannie, Supergirl, Bionic Woman, etc.) that solidified what I thought was the ultimate fantasy for me. I completely into the sexy and powerful female fantasy. You are not alone.

I'm so into it that I had 2 Supergirl costumes made for the heck of it. After my first tour to Afghanistan I even paid a model to wear it (Charity) and be photographed. I've joined the Steeles and paid for plenty of related comics, videos, etc. Not into the giantess or amazon theme. Prefer women that appear sexy and fit. Part of the mystique is that beneath the slim and tone exterior is a bundle of energy and potential destruction. Big fan of Conceptfan, the Aurora Universe, and any other story sites out there. That new story 'The Project' is wickedly good as well.

I'm even thinking about hiring another model to try the Supergirl costumes on that I have. Maybe a kind of story line. Not sure what the story would be. Probably do it all in my own home. There is a local girl who is interested. Blonde, thin, and beautiful! We'll see. I have some time to kill before I head back to the grind of work :D

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19 Aug 2006 20:59 #6582 by Spulo
I didn't actually notice this...

OK, um...well, to be honest, I don't really know where it (and, like you, my giantess interest) comes from. The closest thing to any regular superheroine-type presence in my formative years was Sharron Macready in The Champions.

Except...there is some vague memory of seeing a nurse in a corridor. She looks around, then starts to spin...and seconds later, she's Wonder Woman. And she's gorgeous.

I don't know how I have that memory, but I do. It's one of my earliest. But there's no real uber aspect to that...the earliest memory I have of that is Denise Crosby getting Superman's powers in the Dean Cain series, and being extremely impressed with her brief spell as a superwoman.

And then a thought, maybe connected to the Wonder Woman thing...wouldn't it be great if she were wearing Superman's costume?

Ooh, and another thing - a girl finding that she's actually a Q in a Next Generation episode. That was fairly affecting, too. So, yes - a beautiful woman made even more beautiful because she can do anything, she wants too.

And if she wears a funky costume, that's great too.

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19 Aug 2006 22:27 #6583 by Sarge395
Replied by Sarge395 on topic More info
There are some great stories out there of superficial girls getting powers from some male super do-gooder. Marknew I believe was a pioneer in that. Wonderful stuff.

I also enjoy mind control stuff. Either male or female dominant. Female preferred but most of the stuff is written from the male point of view. Not sure what I would do if I had mind control powers. But I really wonder what a spoiled girl would do with them.

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20 Aug 2006 01:10 #6586 by Grayface
Give me some time, mines longer than I thought :oops: boy an I f'ed up! :twisted:

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20 Aug 2006 12:43 #6595 by argonaut
Does anybody know whether this fascination of ours has received any attention from psychologists? Are there any articles on "superwoman fetish" in the professional literature? I'm not sure I'd put much stock in their conclusions, but I'd be curious to see what they had to say.

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20 Aug 2006 15:02 #6596 by lfan
Hmm....well, I guess like many here I was influenced by the Network Execs at CBS and ABC for putting Wonderwoman and Bionic Woman on in key timeslots in my young impressionable youth back in the mid 70s. From there, it planted the seed that kinda grew and grew into the fascination it is now. As a sidenote, the helicopter scene with Ursa in Superman II did nothing to quell the fascination at all!

From a fictional standpoint, I was a fan of Shadar's early works "Aurora" back way back when it was in the Amazon Arena BBS system, even before the web. Have to say I liked it much more back in the days when it was lighter without all the sci-fi overtones -- just good comic fantasy, albeit with an 'R' rating.

From there, I started reading any and everything I could in the genre till I read one profound story on DTV one night whose subtitle read "She has the strength of 10 men" (or something like that). Giving it a second glance, I follwowed the link to Christina McCallister by Seafoam247 (later known as 007). WOW! I couldn't believe what a great story it was! That took it to another level creatively for me as I penned "Lara: The Awakening" shortly thereafter and submitted it to Paul Smith's site.

Who woulda thunk that that would have kicked off a feature movie of the character, about 15 other short/long stories of the same ilk, one mini-comic (SuperJen), and a two year run of creating Supergirls Inc (R.I.P.) which was, at its height, I thought the premier ubergirl site ever!

Since the release of The Awakening and the demise of SGI, I've kinda kept a much lower profile for various reasons -- mainly work. I don't even try to kid myself in taking a break from the genre or finally outgrowing it cause I imagine I'll inevitably return, so I still do the occassional posting/story here and there and serve on the Advisory Committe of SWM while I hope that some of the 'Next Generation' such as Argo, Ace, Helix, Spulo, YAGS, etc. take up the mantle and continue to carry on the torch. However, I'm still very much in touch with what is going on in the genre and its periphery eventhough I lurk a little more these days. I'm still here -- and probably always will be, with maybe a couple of surprises every now and then! :)


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21 Aug 2006 01:48 #6604 by Grayface
I don't think this is exactly what you were expecting I cant just say when with out the why. I decided to cut this a bit short, but my fantasy have changed slightly over the years as my relationships with women have changed. First came Mega giantess stuff when women seemed all but totally unreachable to me. I mean that is the ultimate expression of how unreachable a woman can be (to me), i mean the woman is there but so big and powerful that you (me) are totally and absolutely insignificant and all you can do is react. Then after women became less mysterious to me the amazon/super strength type fantasies, which encompasses most of my fantasies.

Stop reading now if you don't care about the why part!
I was always a very imaginative pup, one of my very first memories that I have is from when I was about 3ish (I was a late potty trainer) I remember sitting on my toilet seat it had a plastic horses head and I was imagining little people parishutiting from the skylight dropping down to play with me, yes I know i was pooping, I was 3 man give me a break.
My childhood memories are sparse I really don't remember much but the next childhood memories that stand out were not as good as those of my little parachuting friends, my family life was okay it was school, I remember pre-first grade/kindergarten It wasn't nice I was always the last one done. The teacher made the class chant “shame shame shame Grayface is slow poke” complete with the shame on you finger motion you know what i mean right? Yeah well every morning I would be begging not to be sent to that awful place I was scramming and crying i would wrap my arms around the coffee table and my mother would pull me by the waist and i would drag the table damn near out of the house. Well it turns out that I was legally blind in my left eye found that out in 2ond grade I had to ware eye patch over my right eye, and later on in the 3rd grade they figured out that i have some learning disability, tho this was not diagnosed till I was 7 years old and in the 3rd grade, I had to repeat the second grade. The teachers said it was because we moved from NY to VA and they really didn't have much of a clue as to the BS they were spouting at the time. this was the mid to late 70's and you were either smart or you were dumb.
Anyhow I remember in first grade I for what ever reason fantasized (not in a sexual in any way I was 6 or 7) that my teacher was a giant and we, the class, was actually under her desk and through the use of mirrors she appeared normal size. I know it doesn't make much sense I was a dumb kid. We moved again for second grade and I had to go through 2ond grade a second time the teachers said it was because of all the moving we did. Like I said before it was really because I just couldn't understand what they were teaching. They figured out some time in the 3rd grade that I had a learning disability, I remember going to some off site building and going through test after test. no it's not dyslexia, there are plenty more learning disability's than just dyslexia. Okay lets just assume that grade school years were shit off cores I was super shy and introverted god dammit I was a slow poke! Getting older and moving into puberty I was shorter than my friends and not developing as quickly if you know what i mean. I went to some hospital and was put on growth hormones to speed things along (I'm 5' 7” just in case you wondering) so during high school I was shy, smaller, and I went to a special class once a day, hmmm can you say target? I was even picked on by my sisters, both younger one by 2 yrs, and the other 7yers. Go figure they were both popular, smart, and cheerleaders So it's kind of no wonder to me anyhow why I have the strange complexes that I do.
Wow thats probably T M I to most of you oh well. well anyways I one of the first comics I read and incidentally this is what got me into reading, was a spider man where he had on a black and white costume, in the end on the comic it said see the marvel superhero secret wars! I knew then I must read this, I don't know why? I just knew I had to read more. And I got my mits on the first 3 MSHSW and it was awesome reading! Especially #3 the transformation of Skeeter MacPherran (i had to googel her name just for the spelling i still remember her name after all those years) was so erotically powerful to my teenage mind and body remember at 14 i was still going through puberty thanks to being a very late bloomer. Comics occupied a huge chunk of my teen years. So I could keep going on in detail but I don't want to sound like I'm whining or saying boohoo look how tough I had it, I'm not trying to compare psychological dicks with any one.
I know some people had it worse than me growing up. I've come to terms with most of it. I don't hate my parents or anything like that. Also I'm not say I have a learning disability woes me! I've worked in grocery store a long time now, currently I'm in charge of pricing integrity for the store which i think is pretty good for a guy that can barely add. I don't know this is kinda rambling on so I'll stop now.

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21 Aug 2006 05:08 #6606 by YAGS
Glad to see this conversation catching on. Sometimes I wonder if anyone reads some of the conversations that I try unsuccessfully to start.

Grayface, I never would have guessed that you have a learning disability. That post kind of rambled a bit, but you certainly don't seem stupid or anything.

Actually, it actually sounds like you and I have a few things in common. I don't have a learning disability, but I can relate to the height and vision problems. I was so small as a kid that my family was afraid I'd turn out to be a midget, but I grew up to be 5'8".

I also went through the eye patch thing over the good eye to help train my lazy eye to work better. It was actually a positive experience for me, though. I started wearing glasses in kindergarten, and I had been picked on for that, but wearing the eye patch to school in 2nd grade was actually a source of positive attention for me. The teachers asked if I'd been in an accident, and the other students thought it was cool. It's kind of like the positive attention at that age from breaking a bone and coming to school in a cast. I still wear glasses, but I've been considering switching to contacts, for the sake of my social life.


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21 Aug 2006 05:41 #6607 by yaracyrrah
I'd been waffling over how much to say, but Grayface opened the door for me--thanks! I also had childhood disability that wasn't diagnosed; in my case, mild autism. All through my childhood I was a super-introvert (now I'm just shy and awkward, as y'all may have noticed). It doesn't take a professional shrink to guess that my attraction to power, especially the overwhelming-unsubtle-force kind of power, arose in response to not being able to control my own life because I never quite understood other people. The "female" part is mostly just hormones.

I do remember the sparkplug, though: this book . I was in 4th grade at the time; shortly thereafter my first imaginary supergirl debuted, based on an attractive classmate. From there it was up, up, and away.


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21 Aug 2006 06:05 #6608 by Sarge395

I don't know wether to laugh or to cry. Very interesting life you have there. Honestly it took some guts to come out and describe what you went through. Many of us to include the lurkers here will say they are simply interested in hot chicks in spandex. But really a lot of us like the overpowering and dominant side to superheroines.

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21 Aug 2006 14:56 #6612 by supergirls sex slave
Replied by supergirls sex slave on topic Re: Origin stories. No, not that kind of origin story...
On my home planet, all the women are superhuman. I saw no reason to alter my tastes once I'd escaped from my owner and fled to Earth.

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22 Aug 2006 01:05 #6618 by YAGS

On my home planet, all the women are superhuman. I saw no reason to alter my tastes once I'd escaped from my owner and fled to Earth.

What planet are you from and how do I get there? :D


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22 Aug 2006 01:29 #6619 by argonaut
At the risk of sounding both obvious and pretentious --

It seems that projecting the fantasy of superhuman physical power on women both symbolizes and intensifies the erotic power that women have over men's imaginations. It also puts that power into a visualizable form -- and the male erotic affect is strongly visual in nature.

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22 Aug 2006 04:07 #6620 by YAGS

At the risk of sounding both obvious and pretentious --

It seems that projecting the fantasy of superhuman physical power on women both symbolizes and intensifies the erotic power that women have over men's imaginations. It also puts that power into a visualizable form -- and the male erotic affect is strongly visual in nature.

What if it's not a physically visual power? My favorite power is telekinesis. Mind control is also on my list, though not really high on it.

On the other hand, a beautiful woman being 50 feet tall is a very visually obvious show of power, which explains my attraction to the giantess genre. Super breath is another one that's very visual for me. Just knowing the blast of power that's going to come out of those sexy, puckered lips is a major turn-on.


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03 Sep 2010 23:07 #20215 by naked.superpower
Replied by naked.superpower on topic Re: Origin stories. No, not that kind of origin story...
Hi everybody! I'm very happy to find this thread but tis sad it died out. I'm very interested in psychological causes of my fantasies. I've been shy for that for many years, now I'm trying to enjoy this part of my psyche though I won't openly share my fantasies with all the people around.
Two words about myself. I live in Russia, born in the beginning of 80s. I have a wife and a small son. I'm quite a happy person :)

Now prepare for a long story - or run, just run:) You may be interested in that I have something interesting to say I learned from psychologists.

Since the topic is our 'psychological origin' I'll first tell what's special about my fantasies. They are focused only on a part of aspects of female power. I don't like gym and pumping up stories, neither i like grow up stories.
What turns me on is invulnerability and strength. I don't like supergirls in costumes, I like bullets bouncing off naked flesh, blades breaking on bare skin, fire of acid burning off clothes etc. Durability to cold arms and bites of, say, sharks and dogs is specially arousing. These girls have to be totally invulnerable. I like when they ignore or get aroused from being shot or stabbed (something I'd call 'antisadism'), specially into their breasts, groin and butt . My supergirls mostly not kill but may rape a man and always enjoy being attacked and showing that there's nothing you can do to prevent them doing what they want. Strength is usually important too, I like when they can break chains or walk through a metal door. Eternal youth is important too, though you cannot draw it and it's something you not imagine but just know. I think this is because it guaranties "invulnerability" to getting old. Abilities other then strength and invulnerability, like heat vision, flight, superbreath etc are not essential for me.
I don't like "good" supergirls. Mine are usually just on themselves doing what they want. I hate bulletproof costumes. I don't believe in them :) In my imaginary worlds they do not exist.
Generally I like slim athletic women, and they have to be feminine with young cute faces . I'm not aroused by giant women. Mine sometimes may be 'very tall' (2 m) but typically they are just tall or middle height (1,65-1,85m). I sometimes fantasize of them looking petite and fragile but in truth being unkillable and unstoppable.
And yes, I have a foot fetish. Combined with the aforementioned this is bare feet walking on lava or grinding glass into shards with bare soles.
Examples of my favourites are Supergeek's stories about Bulma, "I Dream of Janey" at Jay's supergirls website, The project, Conceptfan's stories etc.

Now what's there in my life that could make my fantasies be like that?
I'm not small, almost 2m high, so the 'hieght' hypotheses about being fascinated by strong women doesn't pass. I've been really shy being a teenage, especially communicating with girls. Not self confident. That seems to be the point we all share here. Later I became much more social but I keep having those fantasies and I quite enjoy them.
I remember myself being attracted by the idea of my own invulnerability since being some 5 yo. I was jealous to fairytale characters being invulnerable (usually these were evil rulers or magicians). I even once told my mother I want to be invulnerable. I liked armors. I liked knights cause they were as if having a steel skin. I remember myself feeling arousal from idea of invulnerability, bullets and knives bouncing off (mine or someone else's) in less then 10 years. I was also jealous to strong kids of my age shown on TV, e.g. like circus aerialists.
Superman came later (remember, we had an iron curtain culturally still working up to early 90s), and it already was time when I was more up to invulnerable girls. But I remember my heart beat hard when in Robocop 4 a man hits the ninja robot into his jaw with a buttstock, and the ninja just buts it back. Robocop himself didn't pass, cause he was metal. And ninja looked like a real man, his power was disguised.
I drew a lot. Some dragons, helicopters, soldiers, anything. When I was 12 I started drawing strong beefy men, like terminator. I felt some arousal from their power. But very soon, I think in a year's time, when I started thinking of girls with more interest I invented to apply my invulnerability fantasies to them. That was a really great idea! And that's how it all started. I drew girls since then (13 or 14, I don't remember). They were muscular, sometimes even very muscular (now I usually don't draw them that beefy). They were hard like steel - bullets wont's dimple even their tits (now it depends, and mostly they are to some degree and in some places quite supple).
Tis a great pity I used to destroy pictures, because I was afraid to be discovered. I started scanning only about 6 years ago, and I see that my preferences changed even in this period of time. Now I'm much more daring in imprinting my fantasies, though they might seem weird to someone, like breaking weapons on intimate flesh of a girl.

I asked my psychotherapist what could be a reason for my bulletproof girl fantasies. She hasn't yet told me (she promised to find it) but she says it might be connected with war experience of my grandfather where he survived a wound. That is consistent with the point that I started with: my own invulnerability.
That 'war' thing later probably interfered with some other, independent of that, factors in family. Psychologists say family relations form much of sexual preferences. My mother is a person I like very much, I'm quite bound to her. She is not dominant in some aggressive way. But what I noticed is that she is the one who generates new ideas and builds up plans, and since I was small I remember myself avoid thinking out how to solve some unexpected new problems, like building a house of matchboxes or making a knight helmet - steel skin again, alas of paper:). I learned to pass creativity to women. Now I know that, I create a lot, but I can hear that good old small creature in me saying 'Ask you wife' or 'Ask your chief'- who's, by the way female. I just pass over this voluntary. So, my mother's domination and manipulativity was very unobvious and far from conscious of her and mine and father's.
I hated upseting her. I felt some special guilt. I had troubles with expressing my emotions (now it's better but still). This is probably because I blocked negative emotions towards my mother together with the rest of them. Probably that's where my unbreakable supergirls come from, that is why I enjoyed inventing an invulnerable girl so much. I could do anything to her, beat and bite her, shoot or stab - she would just ignore me, say, reading a book lying on the grass or even enjoy that. I could free my emotions and pour on her unable to hurt her at all.
One more thing. This's important for us all, though in some point of view might sound sad. Some psychologists consider weapons to symbolize manhood. Weapons broken on girl's muscles in this sense correlates with my dependence in sexual relations. I always was concentrated on girl getting pleasure and was upset if she didn't get it. I think here I was seeking sexual domination over me (I haven't tried anything beyond hands tied above the head - and that was great!). I always was afraid of loosing my girlfriend, as if it would be an apocalypse (I would even quit first not to get into it). Now when I learned all I write here about the possible reasons (I gradually unraveled all that in past 2 years) I have much more equilibre relations with my wife (who btw knows about my fantasies, and she was the first living soul to be told - about 2 ears ago, when I started digging into it). I've put my fantasies apart from my relations, and now I don't have to quit fantasizing to be more confident in society, I respect my fantasies.

Now something good for those who's read that far. I started posting some pix at, you can watch it like an illustration to my story. Hope you like them :)

And I hope it was interesting for you, and I'm waiting for your replies if you found something similar in yourself with my 'psychologicalized' story. We're from the same planet, we just don't remember it :) This would help us understand our origin :D
And I'm very keen on finding out as much as I can. What I found - really helped me to become more open generally and even in drawing supergirls (earlier I won't dare draw what I posted on DA) :D :D

May the Force be with you
and you girlfriend :D

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04 Sep 2010 01:52 #20216 by supian
Dunno about others on here - i got a quarter way thru that an i'm thinkin' "please keep these things to yourself" From a True Yank

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04 Sep 2010 16:11 #20217 by lfan
Wow! You really delved into it, Sidd. Probably more than anyone I've seen on here, Amaz0ns has a thread similar to this and its a shame more people here don't share their experiences on how they got into this genre.

For me, I don't know 'why' I like it, I just do. I've chalked it up as someting wired in my DNA, an while the interest flickers at time, its still a very core part of my imagination and fantasies. I blame the execs at the networks in 1975-77 who featured the Bionic Woman and Wonder Woman on TV in my youth that imprinted that image of Girl Power in me (in a very nicely built package). Other than that, I really cant trace anything back psychologically for me. I just dig it....

My $02

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