
8 Faces of Power

12 Nov 2009 00:51 #17392 by Berkhart
8 Faces of Power was created by Berkhart

"We are the union of South-East Asian supergirls, and here are our demands...."

This quote made me want to put together a few short stories...

They sat around the black conference table, a smug, superior expression on each of their beautiful faces. Only hours ago, the eight women were simple girls with only modest goals. Winning the Miss Southeast Asia beauty pageant was their greatest dream, but then they became exposed to the alien ray. In a flash, they were transformed from simple minded swimsuit models, and into the most powerful beings the planet had ever seen.

Each extraordinary beauty was given abilities that other Earthlings could only dream of...

Dozens of powers were at their disposal, but the most obvious were: Super strength, Super speed, Super senses, Super breath, and of course, the ability to fly.

There was one side effect to all of these wonderful new gifts though...

All eight, were twisted into power hungry, self centered women. In a word, they were now completely “evil”.

Within an hour of evolving into goddesses, they appropriated a suitable lair, and began plotting a course toward world domination.

Seated at a round table, the eight were clad in the same bikinis they wore during the pageant, along with a sash proclaiming their names...

While each girl was more-or-less equal in power, it was MISS CHINA who was looked to as the group’s informal leader.

“My fellow empresses” she purred. “The world as these...simple humans know it is over”

A round of polite applause, deafening to normal ears, greeted MISS CHINA’s proclamation. Once her sisters quieted down, she continued.

“Each of us shall do our part in subduing this planet, while moving past our former differences”

The tall, statuesque woman paused, and stared down at two of her compatriots.

“I’m talking specifically to you MISS SOUTH KOREA and MISS NORTH KOREA

Both diminutive Koreans glared at each other for another moment, before assuming a serene, if not haughty expression. While they may have despised each other, the duo could set aside their hostilities in the name of conquering the planet. Once the world was properly subdued, then maybe they would resume their attempts to destroy each other. In the meantime, they would respect MISS CHINA’s wishes.

Satisfied the two warring sex symbols were in no immediate danger of obliterating half the planet in a superpowerd catfight, MISS CHINA placed her hands on her hips, and declared.

“I shall be the first to act!”

. . . . .

24 minutes later...

Taking over mainland China was disappointingly simple. MISS CHINA had hoped for a showdown against the world’s largest military, yet the soldiers surrendered to her without a fight. The public too simply accepted MISS CHINA’s rulership without so much as an angry word. Of course, that was probably understandable for a country used to dictatorship: Might meant Right in the communist state, and MISS CHINA certainly had the most might.

Despite not getting to humiliate the army, she did take comfort in the fact that she now was the unquestioned ruler of over a billion people. Only nineteen years old, and MISS CHINA could proudly boast that she commanded the slavish devotion of the world’s largest nation. That was really quite delicious she had to admit.

As a gift to her new subject’s obedience, she decided to...

No, it wasn’t really a gift, MISS CHINA was doing this solely for herself. Still, if her interests, and the interests of her new slaves intersected, then so be it.

Anyway, as the super Chinese woman flew across the northern edge of the South China Sea, she began to cheer up over her lack of a fight with the million man army. The plan she concocted would be a more spectacular test and demonstration of her power...

Within seconds of leaping into the sky, MISS CHINA found herself some eighty miles away, and hovering over the city of Taipei in Taiwan. She ran a hand through her already perfectly arranged hair, while soaking in the view of the city at her feet. Smirking, MISS CHINA took a moment to arrange her bikini, before speaking.

“Listen up insects, because I’m only going to say this once: you belong to me now.”

MISS CHINA’s voice washed over Taipei, causing its towering skyscrapers to shake to their very foundations.

In only a few moments, the arrogant superwoman had the fight she was looking for.

A pair of jet fighters roared in from the south of MISS CHINA. She watched them approach, not even bothering to stifle a theatrical little yawn.

“That’s all?” she sneered.

The two aircraft circled MISS CHINA from a respectful distance, unsure how to proceed. Their smirking target would never give them a chance to act. Staring at the lead jet, MISS CHINA was slightly surprised to see a hyper concentrated heat beam blast from her eyes. Moving at the speed of light, her energy ray struck the fighter, causing it to disintegrate in a flash.

“Ha, ha! Heat vision!” she said with a laugh.

As she prepared to dispatch the second aircraft, a massive explosion distracted MISS CHINA from the task at hand. Turning her head, she realized the explosion came from a missile hitting her back. The destructive projectile didn’t hurt in the least, in fact, it didn’t even leave a smudge on her golden bikini.

MISS CHINA growled. “So that’s how it’s going to be? Well, I’ll show you...”

Bolting downwards, she dove into the sea until she reached the ocean bottom...

It would be an ambitious weight to lift for her first try, yet MISS CHINA wasn’t overly concerned. Brimming with confidence, she plunged her hands into the continental shelf connecting Taiwan to the Earth’s surface. Instantly, massive fissures snaked through the solid rock as MISS CHINA began to lift. She imagined a task this large would require a tad bit of effort, yet the entire island seemed to weigh less than a saucer one would put their teacup on.

Feeling cocky, MISS CHINA removed one arm from beneath Taiwan, and delighted in lifting the island with a single hand. A moment later, she succeeded and the evil beauty queen held an entire nation aloft on her palm. Snickering, MISS CHINA tensed her long, powerful legs and leaped. Into the sky she flew, with a 13,000 square mile land mass and its 23 million people balanced on her fingertips.

“I’ll put you traitors on the mainland, so that my army can keep a closer eye on you.”

As she flew toward her destination, MISS CHINA wondered how the other girls could top this feat...


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12 Nov 2009 01:33 #17393 by Sarge395
Replied by Sarge395 on topic Re: 8 Faces of Power
Great treat! Thanks

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12 Nov 2009 01:49 #17395 by inactive
Replied by inactive on topic Re: 8 Faces of Power
Looking forward to seeing what these evil beauties are up to next.

- GeekSeven

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12 Nov 2009 03:40 #17396 by martinblasick
Replied by martinblasick on topic Re: 8 Faces of Power
So I'm guessing they're villains. :twisted:

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12 Nov 2009 05:01 #17402 by Raa
Replied by Raa on topic Re: 8 Faces of Power
So why are they villains? Are we villains for killing ants as we walk down the street. From our point of view they maybe villains. From theirs they are the good guys. Plus history is always written by the winners. Something tells me they will win. So history will have them shown in a more favorable light. They are spreading their version of enlightenment. LOL.

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12 Nov 2009 13:35 #17406 by Captain Marbles
Replied by Captain Marbles on topic Re: 8 Faces of Power

Berkhart wrote:


An evil super powered Miss Philippines, eh? Wonder if Darna exists in this universe? Might be interesting if she does—we could have a serious super cat fight on our hands!

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12 Nov 2009 20:45 #17413 by JKIJ
Replied by JKIJ on topic Re: 8 Faces of Power
A nice little beginning. I look forward to reading what the rest of the cabal get up to. One quick question; is their lair at the heart of an active volcano? If not, it should be.

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13 Nov 2009 00:28 #17416 by Berkhart
Replied by Berkhart on topic Re: 8 Faces of Power
Appreciate the interest in comments

As for your question JKIJ, not really sure where the secret lair is, or even why eight superwomen would need a secret lair. I wouldn't be surprised if the Cabal is headquartered in that volcano...or the moon, or a submarine...or any of the other classic spots.

Anyway, here's the next installment:

Everything was going according to plan, and MISS JAPAN couldn’t be more pleased. Despite her soul being twisted as it was by the alien ray, the pixie like girl still retained parts of her old sunny personality. Like the other members of the Cabal, MISS JAPAN was impressed with MISS CHINA’s conquering of China, not to mention, stealing the entire island of Taiwan. Still, the diminutive ray of dark sunshine, as MISS JAPAN referred to herself, had no intention of being outdone.

Hovering over Tokyo, she squealed with absolute glee as her newest toy was unveiled...

Besides coveting the Miss Southeast Asia Beauty title, and now of course, world domination, MISS JAPAN had always dreamed of owning the Hello Kitty corporation. After a short negotiation with the former owners, she had become its sole proprietor.

(MISS JAPAN took pride in the fact that she conquered Hello Kitty in a quarter of the time it took MISS CHINA to assume rulership over China)

Now, not only did she have the greatest Hello Kitty collectable of all (the entire company) in her possession, but MISS JAPAN also had the power to create new toys...

For example, The Hello Kitty Nuclear Missile was quite adorable. As was the Hello Kitty Weather Changing Satellite...

But MISS JAPAN’s pride and joy was the company’s television studio. Here she discovered a way to show the world her own personal super power (MISS CHINA had heat vision...phooey) Instead of that ever so lame power, MISS JAPAN was the only member of the Cabal to possess “mind control and other freaky brain abilities”

Harnessing this power was remarkably easy, especially with the muscle of Hello Kitty’s multinational reach backing MISS JAPAN up...

With her master plan in place, the giddy supervillainess presented, “The Hello Kitty and MISS JAPAN Super Fun and Fantastic Super Show!!!!” She saw the new program as one that would entertain and educate, as well as impart a potent mind control message. As the inaugural broadcast began, MISS JAPAN watched from high above with her Hello Kitty Portable Hi-Def Television.

As the ever so cute cartoon cat piped her lines, MISS JAPAN clapped happily...

“I love all of you” the pink kitty promised. “And I love MISS JAPAN. You love MISS JAPAN. The whole planet will love MISS JAPAN...”

Then, the dialogue quickly transformed into song. In moments, thousands sat in front of their televisions...then millions...

“I love MISS JAPAN” they all mindlessly droned along.

The song continued, “All bow before the might of MISS JAPAN. Her word is our command...”

On and on it went, as the colorful, yet diabolical cartoon caught the eye of millions more channel surfers. As they fell under MISS JAPAN’s thrall, she cupped a hand to her ear and focused her super hearing, and began to smile. All over Japan she could here her new minions dutifully repeating Hello Kitty (and MISS JAPAN’s) message.

“Yay!” she clapped. “Slaves! Millions and millions of slaves! And they all belong to Me! Hee-Hee!!”

With her own evil plans all but completed, MISS JAPAN looked at her pink watch, and smiled again. A full two hours ahead of schedule! This gave her the opportunity to take some time for herself...

Taking off with a sonic boom, and a flurry of sparkles and stars (another unique power), MISS JAPAN roared out of the atmosphere and into space. The tiny supergirl absolutely adored a nice hot bath, but unfortunately there wasn’t any water on Earth capable of satisfying her. Instead, MISS JAPAN zipped toward the center of the solar system. Once she cleared Earth’s orbit (gravitational pull was super cool, but lamely weak), the diminutive dictator sped up, reaching light speed in moments...

150,000,000 kilometers and 9 minutes later...

The sun wasn’t as hot as she hoped, but MISS JAPAN still delighted in bathing in its molten surface. After all, how many people could claim to have swam on the sun? Interestingly enough, the slender girl’s presence actually caused the star to warm up. While the exact science was foreign to MISS JAPAN, she assumed if she were to travel to the sun’s core (child’s play), she could force the comparatively feeble star to go supernova...

What fun would that be though?

MISS JAPAN wanted to rule the Earth, not destroy it

Just as she washed her long hair with the star’s molten liquid, the super beauty pageant contestant was interrupted by her indestructible wrist communicator (Hello Kitty natch!)

“MISS CHINA to MISS JAPAN, have you completed your assignment?”

The relaxing girl rolled her lovely brown eyes at the ever bossy MISS CHINA’s seriousness.

“Of course” she squeaked. “It was super easy”

MISS CHINA’s condescending tone came through the communicator loud and clear. “Excellent, so you’ve taken over all Japan and the Pacific Island?”

Hesitating, MISS JAPAN tried to come up with a good answer...

“Well, most of them...I think. At least the ones who watch Chanel 6.”

Realizing the Cabal (or SHEAC: Super Hot Evil Asian Chicks...another MISS JAPAN original!) would be annoyed if she didn’t finish enslaving the rest of Japan, she reluctantly lifted off from the sun. As she made her way home though, MISS JAPAN noticed the sun seemed to be growing bigger and hotter by the moment. Realizing her body heat was still spawning a potentially solar system destroying reaction, she turned around to face the expanding star.

“Nutty Fudgekins” she piped. “Oh well, looks like its up to MISS JAPAN to save the day”

Eager to try out her favorite power, she exhaled one...and then two tiny puffs of super breath. Obediently, the star shrank in the face of MISS JAPAN’s ice-age cold air.

“There! All better!”

And then MISS JAPAN was off in another shower of sparkles and stars...


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13 Nov 2009 03:15 #17417 by Sarge395
Replied by Sarge395 on topic Re: 8 Faces of Power
Lovely. I would really like to hear about how she 'convinced' the Hello Kitty owner to turn the company over.

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13 Nov 2009 03:31 #17418 by Raa
Replied by Raa on topic Re: 8 Faces of Power
Well the quickist answer would be, She walks in bats her eyes. Wiggles her breasts back and forth. Then wrap their collected minds to her will and call it a day.

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13 Nov 2009 03:47 #17419 by Captain Marbles
Replied by Captain Marbles on topic Re: 8 Faces of Power
So why doesn't Miss Japan use her mind control power on the other seven Super Bad Asian Super Girls and make herself Supreme Goddess of the Earth?

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13 Nov 2009 03:50 #17420 by Captain Marbles
Replied by Captain Marbles on topic Re: 8 Faces of Power
Excuse me, I meant the other seven Super Hot Evil Asian Chicks!

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13 Nov 2009 19:23 #17427 by JKIJ
Replied by JKIJ on topic Re: 8 Faces of Power
Very fun. Nice to see that although MISS JAPAN's now evil she doesn't want to destroy the Earth (although maybe she would find the idea of destroing one of the other planets fun). And that breath must be very cold.

As for why she doesn't mind control the others, I would guess that she tried and found that her power doesn't work on them.

I want to know why she wants a nuclear missile. After all, she can do far more damage than any nuclear weapon.

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13 Nov 2009 19:49 #17428 by Captain Marbles
Replied by Captain Marbles on topic Re: 8 Faces of Power

I want to know why she wants a nuclear missile. After all, she can do far more damage than any nuclear weapon.

Here's why:

(check out the entries for Tuesday, November 8, 2005!)

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14 Nov 2009 00:38 #17442 by Sarge395
Replied by Sarge395 on topic Re: 8 Faces of Power
Ahh the good old days of 2005 and Blogger!

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15 Nov 2009 10:03 #17459 by JKIJ
Replied by JKIJ on topic Re: 8 Faces of Power
Of course. How stupid of me to forget the other uses of nuclear weapons.

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