
RP:Minah Jewerly: Something Has Started

08 Feb 2014 14:31 - 08 Feb 2014 14:36 #35469 by castor
"Gentlemen" said the woman "We are going to have three minutes in there. Not 4 not 5. If we stick to the plan we will get over 5 million dollars in jewels"

"We know" said Tom. He had versions of this speech five times already She was one for repetition-but well.. The woman was called "Mary" but he knew that wasn't her real name. Or her real hair. But a semi crappy brown wig. She was the kind of inexperienced that had over compensated. He had done of these kind of jobs before. Would do them again. Everything about her suggested overplanning, over work and overthinking...still better that then...

They where 6 in the back of a large van driving down the street it wasn't a good van either-but well tom was happy enough with it. Except her.

"When i set it off goes of, dozens of circuits are going to go off. they won't respond to this first. Maybe they spot the plate when we leave, not going to matter, will switch cars. But in. The longer we stay in there the faster someone is going to notice.

forth time for that. Thomas sighed. He wanted to shoot her but knew that was bad business. This wasn't the dark knight or maybe it was. If you start shooting your compatriots in crime, that was a good way to get shot. yourself.

And if half of what she planned was true- and she had given them a demo earlier-then well this might be fun

"How do you it" said john the driver "Wheres the generator"

Mary smiled. When they asked her about the trick, when they asked her about her secret weapion she was going to use for them. she smiled. It was the kind of smile that almost scared him-not because was scary. imperious yeah, a bit stern yeah she was just an a woman wearing a black blazer. But the smile....the smile suggested the world was hers, and she would take infinite pleasure from its destruction.

There had to be a shockwave generator-something big and heavy really pounding the earth. something that could make a lot of juice. Something big. Maybe there was an inside man. He liked those. Certainly just not this women he could have lifted up and tossed away.

The car stopped on the street.

"I get off here" she said "Get to your posts, at 4:!2 it starts. Good luck. If you get any stragglers anyone gets captured by the police. shoot em."

Ad she got out of the truck smiling and walked into the busy shopping street at the end of the alley.

Tom looked out. looked remarkably peaceful, in the earliesh afternoon on Thursday there where people on the street in the rich part of town-some people eating what was either an early dinner or a late lunch at a cafe. it looked...well like a street. This was the hard part. this was always the hard part.

the point where the normal met him.

He was a thief, at times a murder -but the actual committing crimes- that part of the job was maybe 5 hours a year. It helped that he did big jobs-because something in him didn't like disrupting it. He flashed back to the day he killed two men and had dinner with his aunt. Life was fucked. Because of him. And it would be wrong to say he didn't feel a bit of shame of it-but life was fucked. His only consultation was that each of these peoples lives was already pretty miserable.

He watched her walk down the street a bit, looking...maybe a little nervous, excited, the excited kind of nervous. He watched her

the car drove half way down the block into a back alley Sam looked on "okay in the count of 5....4...3....2...

And the earth moved.

A mighty earthquake - it felt huge-filled the street rumbling back and forth like a demon thrashing against its chains. h heard he saw people around screaming panicking, car alarms going off, chaos. Screams. Terrible Screams.

A car hit another, an awning came down, glass shattered half way down the street,t and the windows broke everywhere. it felt like anything. a tea cup fell of a cafe walk.

the car door opened and the five men raced out of the van, with tom behind them. maybe he should have listened as he moved a little slowly.

He saw her standing there, she was trying to look inconspicuous but there was that smile. that smile.

The moment had started.

The moment had started.
Last edit: 08 Feb 2014 14:36 by castor.
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08 Feb 2014 14:42 #35470 by Dru1076
Replied by Dru1076 on topic The Cheif's office...
"Do you feel that?"

"We don't get earthquakes at Cape Hope!" Cleaver observed, rising to his feet and grabbing his hat.

"Sure feels like a quake to me."

"We better get mobilised. The calls will start any minute. I want all off duty officers called in immediately."

"Yes sir. I'm on it."
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13 Apr 2014 15:03 #36164 by castor
Replied by castor on topic RP:Minah Jewerly: Something Has Started
Linda walked into the square. with a smile on her face. in her perpheral vision she could see her men enter the jewlery store like good little boy, through the little hole s. The plan was she wasn't going to join them- at least today. Better to keep some distance be part of the crowd. she looked around. it wasn't that crowded around her and as the earth quaked they where starting to panic to flee.

it slightly startled her the panicing. Over the last several months it was like going to sea. She had her Earthquake legs and it did little to her.

but here people where screaming a bit and hiding under things. she felt a twinge off.. a car hit another

Now Linda suspected that there may be casualities, of both the people dying variety and the likely people getting there arms breaking. This wasn't such a huge-maybe 5.6 that usually produced all that much. this was a large american city with big well built buildings-she should everything should walk away with damages yes things falling down and..

she didn't realize how gloriious it would be. how bueatiful.

Now she didn't think of herself as some pyschotic monster-she was just after what the world had-greed not pain was her motive.....but there was something to this...a grace of it all...

She liked it. god help her she did. and as she ende the first quake, and first really used her awesome powers leaving panic in the streets-it felt-almost a pain .

Ahh well.
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14 Apr 2014 09:52 #36172 by Dru1076
Replied by Dru1076 on topic RP:Minah Jewerly: Something Has Started
Mary had been waiting for a few minutes for her boyfriend to show up when all hell broke loose. The ground settled, but things did not go quiet. Alarms were sounding everywhere, coming from both cars and multiple buildings. As Mary took all this in, she noticed a broken awning start to move, and instinctly moved to protect the people standing under it. She took the weight as it fell into her hands and the people she had saved ducked and moved out quickly from under it. Holding it in her hand a moment, Mary realised people were starting to stare at the small teenager holding up a heaving shop awning. The weight was nothing to her strengh. She could have hoisted a hundred of them. But she didn't really want to let people know about this, so she made a show of loosing control it and let it fall the rest of way to the ground with a crash.
Mary walked away before anyone could ask her any questions.
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14 Apr 2014 15:02 #36174 by castor
Replied by castor on topic RP:Minah Jewerly: Something Has Started
out of the corner of her linda noticed the small teenager seemingly overwelmed by the event. It was just an awensoning-it would be kind of dumb to be hurt to bad by the weight of Cloth, and she felt a ting of sympathy that wracked her a bit out of her revels. Ahh well such is life. There was an omlete quality to this...

she stood and watched... passively vaugely excited.

which was odd. Becuse this was something that she didn't quite think. If you read comicbooks you see the hero standing strong while the world is chaos. That is perhaps the definition of a hero...but a villian, well she does it also.

And in a scene of mass panic that tends to stand out.
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15 Apr 2014 08:00 #36178 by Dru1076
Replied by Dru1076 on topic RP:Minah Jewerly: Something Has Started
As Mary walked through the chaos she was approached by a young man.
"Excuse me...I have to talk to you about something."
"This is going to sound really weird. I mean...really weird. But i have a feeling you'll know I'm telling the truth."
"Well..." Mary looked around, silently cursing her boyfriend's tardiness. There was a time being approached like this by a strange man would have scared Mary Ledbetter out of her wits. After her recent discoveries she knew it was he who should fear her, because there was nothing her could do to hurt her.
"I know who are."
"A lot of people..."
"No. I mean...who you really are. What you can do."
"I'm sorry, I don't think you've got the right person."
"You're strong. Like...really strong. That's your gift. That's your power. So strong it makes you invulnerable to just about anything. Just about."
"You definitely have me confused with someone else," Mary told him, a little too quickly. "I really have to get going."
"Wait! You gotta help me! I know who's done this! She's right here, but I can't take her down...she'd make mincemeat of me."
"What do you mean you know who's done this?"
"That wasn't a natural earthquake. No earthquakes around here ever are. She made it happen."
"She made the earthquake?" For a crazy guy he was sure inventive.
"Look...I'm right about your power, aren't I? I can tell by that look on your face. And I'm just as right about her."
"Who?" Mary wanted to run away from this odd man who knew her deepest secret, but she had to know what he was talking about.
"I don't know her name...but she's just down there a bit. If you hurry you can stop her!"
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15 Apr 2014 17:11 #36179 by castor
Replied by castor on topic RP:Minah Jewerly: Something Has Started
3 minutes

thats how long they where supose to be in the jewelery store.

Not very long

If you ever watched a clock you know that can take forever. Linda was observing it herself.

she looked down at her blouse. she pulled off a peice of lint. it was a nice blouse-a cute red and brown number. she hadbriefly thought of wearing a garish outfit-become the great Quake-but really It had made more sence just to be a business woman on the street. Looking around a bit- she realized she was slightly over dressed for outside-people in business suit rarely walked places in Cape Hope...but well..she tried.

Two minutes.

this had taken about two months..but the two minutes..that was the killer.
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16 Apr 2014 08:08 - 16 Apr 2014 08:10 #36187 by Dru1076
Replied by Dru1076 on topic RP:Minah Jewerly: Something Has Started
"What exactly do want me to do?" Mary asked him.
"Stop her before she hurts someone!"
Mary had to think hard. If she helped him out, it would confirm crazy-mans accusation of her superstrength. But what the hell...he seemed confident enough anyway. "Stop her how?"
"Just back me up, okay?"
"Before I help you, how do you know all this?"
"You have superstrength, she can make earthquakes. I saw a dude the other day who can shoot energy blasts."
"Did you see him do it?"
"I don't have to. I just know when someone's different, and in what way. That's my power."
"We don't have time for this...she's getting away!"
"Wait. What does she gain from this? Making an earthquake, I mean."
The fellow was getting very impatient now. "I say the best way to find out is to ask her. Now, we've got to move! I'll do the just stop her from hurting me, or anyone else, okay? You're capable of doing that, more capable than anyone else around here right now."
Mary didn't feel particularly good about this, but if there was even a chance this guy was right about this mysterious walking earthquake machine and she didn't try to help...and something terrible happened....that wasn't a risk Mary was willing to take. Better a moment of embarrassment than a lifetime of guilt.
"Alright. Lead the way...I'm with you."
With no time for thank yous, the man took off after his alleged earthquake girl, looking back to make sure Mary was following him. He seemed to spot her, and yelled out.
"Hey! Stop right there, you!"
Last edit: 16 Apr 2014 08:10 by Dru1076.

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16 Apr 2014 08:34 #36189 by castor
Replied by castor on topic RP:Minah Jewerly: Something Has Started
Linda looked....suprised at the little man.

that was her first mistake. she shouldn't have looked. Looking implied guilt.

ahh well

but she stood in place. she moved her eyes to challenge him. to give him daggers in her eyes. She knew that there where two kinds of power in this world-sometimes the physical, guns fires, the ability to sonically generate earthquakes-and well..the ability to be stronger then the other to let this situation go. She had violated the laws of nature. but right now she hadn't violated the laws of man yet-well as far as he could prove in court. Let this situation end, let it go out before the police come....or

"What?" said Linda

or she saw 9 men in the jewlery store in her perpheral vision-and heard a gunshot from inside.

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17 Apr 2014 11:55 - 17 Apr 2014 14:07 #36199 by Dru1076
Replied by Dru1076 on topic RP:Minah Jewerly: Something Has Started
Mary turned her head toward the gunshot. Was that what this was about? She was a cops daughter...a very good cop's daughter. The idea that this woman could make earthquakes was hard to accept...but then, was her ability any easier to digest? And if she could make earthquakes, well...that would be one hell of a distraction.
"I know it was you!" the man declared. "You may as well confess!"
Mary turned away from the heist briefly, amazed that the guy was pressing his point in the light of a gunshot, but her was determined. She groaned inwardly at his approach, and wondered if agreeing to help this guy was a good idea after all. She didn't even know his name! This was all happening so fast...people were already spooked by the earthquake, and throwing in the gunshot made everyone scatter.
Mary suddenly realised that she was suddenly in a position to maybe do something...nobody was paying her attention whatsoever.
Last edit: 17 Apr 2014 14:07 by Dru1076. Reason: Noobness

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17 Apr 2014 14:50 - 18 Apr 2014 04:17 #36200 by castor
Replied by castor on topic RP:Minah Jewerly: Something Has Started
Linda looked at the guy -and looekd up at him. Linda was a triathelete, which was another word for "jock" her body was covered with a lot of lean tight muscle over her older frame that had been sculpted by years of running, swimming and biking-combined with a long regime of hiking and camping, with even a little rock climbing. she was fit and strong.

She was however a woman and still a little smaller then. the guy. This wasn't a movie either. if this was a straight fight-well probabbly he would win.

But well..he figured it out. some form of telepathy. Linda when she had devoloped her superpowers gave some thought to well others. Superheros, people whould fight her.

She didn't expect the Receding Hairline.

Well not quite baldy was the superhero. she was the supervillian. he had a power so did she. She looked at his companion. she had the look of getting less confused by the second. The fact that there was still confusion was in someways her ally...

When an earthquake errupted just as big as the one before seemingly centered not that far away. linda watched as a sink hole opened up underneath a medum sized truck across the way and it seemed as if it was going to fall over on to a pet store Linda could out of the corner of her eye see very confused dogs in the window. That was a nice touch.

Linda for her part fell to the ground as the earth shaked and covered her face with ehr hand and let out a scream.
Last edit: 18 Apr 2014 04:17 by castor.

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18 Apr 2014 01:24 #36202 by Dru1076
Replied by Dru1076 on topic RP:Minah Jewerly: Something Has Started
Mary looked worried. She should save the pet store...she could do it easily. But the toppling truck had already garnered too much attention.
"Stop it!" The man commanded, actually slapping the girl.
The robbers, meanwhile, were well on their way out of the store now and getting in their car. Whether or not the man and his odd accusations about the woman he'd led her to had anything to with it, Mary was determined to stop the robbery. She waited until all the robbers got in their getaway car, then she went to work. She bolted to the car, her strong legs giving an incredible sprinting speed. Not concerned if anyone was watching or not, Mary kicked a tire, her foot popping the rubber off the wheel with a very loud pop. She did the front tire too, and then went down both sides of the car grabbing hold of the centre pillar. Her fingers smashed through the glass easily and she squeezed. The robbers were trapped, but could still drive off even with all the damage she had done. and they tried. A little annoyed with them, Mary glanced around. There were a few people watching, her only hope was that what she was about to do would be regarded as impossible and written off as such. As the car passed her, Mary gave it a hard shove. The back of the car slewed sideways, and the criminals found themselves smashing into the front a store. They tried to get out, but the doors were very effectively sealed.
Her mission accomplished, Mary moved away from the scene and returned to the man who had recruited her. There was a massive crash as the teetering truck fell onto the pet store and silence quite a few barking dogs.
"You're coming with us!" The man was saying, taking the woman by the shirt and trying to get her to her feet.

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18 Apr 2014 04:27 #36203 by castor
Replied by castor on topic RP:Minah Jewerly: Something Has Started

The woman had the choice between saving kittens and stopping the theftsdiamonds and emeralds.

In a cosmic sence the contents of the jewelery store were worth a million times more then the pet store-but wow. Living things. Linda had done a fair amount of hunting, and she was a criminal of several kinds--but wow. A couple of rubbies for a kitten.

you always fucking save the cat.

Now Linda had killed the cats...technically...and made her feel guilty. She was perfectly okay 3 minutes ago likely at the very least hurting people with her incidence. it was part of what she was and what she was doing....and she was feeling bad about some puppies.

She looked at the men the people who where depending on her. Those she didn't care a snot about really-maybe if she had a chance she would see about getting them out-but well know the risks.

She looked at the little man who slapped her. This ugly horrible looking man. He pulled her to her feet. and she looked at him.

And she spit on him.

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19 Apr 2014 08:22 - 19 Apr 2014 08:25 #36210 by Dru1076
Replied by Dru1076 on topic RP:Minah Jewerly: Something Has Started
Mary was expecting everyone to be staring at her in awe, but there was much going on that one really noticed what had raally happened. They were either focused on the trapped criminals or the disaster at the pet store, or wrapped up in their own worries. What she was unhappy about was the way the crazy fellow who had recruited her aide was accosting the woman he accused of causing the earthquake. It wouldn't be long before someone went to the woman's aide.
Moving fast, Mary approached behind the woman and grabbed her arms, hold her still.
"I don't know how made the earthquake," Mary said quietly, stopping short of adding "Or even if you did," before continuing. "And I don't know if you had anything to do with that robbery...but it didn't work."
"Let's take her to the police."
Mary baulked at that. The idea was a frightening one. If she walked into a police station anywhere in the city with this guy her father would find out and she'd be grilled for hours. No...that wasn't going to work. And besides, she knew fully well that the accusation the man was levelling at her wouldn't be accepted by any sane policeman, even if there was a lot of strange things happening in this city.
"No. We can't take her to the police. Grab her purse."
Last edit: 19 Apr 2014 08:25 by Dru1076.

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19 Apr 2014 13:10 - 19 Apr 2014 13:11 #36216 by castor
Replied by castor on topic RP:Minah Jewerly: Something Has Started
Linda paused. something was going on here. This woman was super strong, a regular Wonder woman.. She wasn't going to beat her in a boxing match. But that was the thing about wonder woman. Wonder woman-well was was wonderful. this woman clearly had no idea of what to do really how to react. Also she was terrifed. That made her probabbly a lot more dangerious then Wonder Woman.


Linda started to scream-not the sonic scream that she used to create earthquakes-but well a real super loud honest to goodness scream. And she had better lungs for it then you might sound it. was a scream of fear of anger.

people turned there eyes to her watching the little scene in front of them.


Camera phones...linda really hoped for camera phones...

Last edit: 19 Apr 2014 13:11 by castor.

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19 Apr 2014 13:23 #36217 by Dru1076
Replied by Dru1076 on topic RP:Minah Jewerly: Something Has Started
Mary felt really stupid. She ducked away from the view of any cameras, actually lifting the woman an using her as a shield. Thinking fast, she knew she had to get out of there. Praying that nobody got her photo, Mary decided to cut and run. She had no intention of letting her father know about her powers this way. No...not like this. But at the same time, she wanted to know who this woman was. So, without any hesitation, she let go of the screaming woman and reached into her handbag to grab her purse.
"I'll bring this back to you later," Mary promised, trying not sound too menacing but unable to hide all her frustration. Then, before anyone could get a clear shot of her, Mary shot off down the road at a speed nobody present could have hoped to match, taking the guy who recruited wit him and hoping she didn't hurt him too much with her firm grip....but not particularly caring if she did. He had some serious explaining to do.

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19 Apr 2014 13:37 #36218 by castor
Replied by castor on topic RP:Minah Jewerly: Something Has Started
Linda paused. and waited for her to leave with her purse.

Okay. her men where at an angle embeddedi n the store. Fair enough. She couldn't do much for the car itself....but

a small for her sonic wave came out and the material in the store wall crumbled around knocking the car to the ground.....upside down. she hoped they where holding on to something when she did it.

They a tleast had that sence. they got out... and raced around. She didn't really want to talk to them, and she hoped they managed to do something halfway intelgent.

She hoped they whould steal another car or somehting.....but....

She ran off a bit into the crowd as people smeared around in the oposite direction.

What was in her purse, she thought to herself. 25 dollars, A burner Cellphone you can buy at radio shack without an ID(she had watched the wire), a pen, a hairbrush and her Drivers Liscense.

Ahh that was her plan. .

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19 Apr 2014 14:53 #36220 by Dru1076
Replied by Dru1076 on topic RP:Minah Jewerly: Something Has Started
Once they got far enough away Mary stopped.
"What the hell?" the flustered man demanded, dusting himself even though there was no dust.
"you don't think anyone would believe you, do you? What would you tell the judge?"
The man just looked at Mary stupefied.
"Why did you steal her purse?"
"So I can find her and give it back to her. But first I want to know who you are and how you know about her, and about me."
"I can't explain. It's like...i just know."
Mary reached into the purse and pulled out the drivers license.
"Well, At least we know who she is, and where she lives..."
Mary felt the ground shake once more.
"Is that her?"she demanded, looking back the way they had come.
"Wait here."
Mary returned to the scene, pulling her hood over her head. When she saw how the latest earthquake had so conveniently assisted the robbers, she knew what the strange man had told her was true, and that these robbers were working with her help. But what to do?
Thinking fast as always, and not really liking the idea very much, Mary bolted at the thieves with determination. There would be no escape for them. Before they could get far at all, she ran up to each man and very carefully reached down and struck one his shins. A moment later all the robbers were on the ground in great pain. Convincing herself they would heal, and that time did not allow for a softer approach, Mary was satisfied she hadn't really done anything wrong.
This was not the time to talk to the woman. There were too many people gawking, so Mary made a getaway, making sure to take all their weapons with them.

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19 Apr 2014 16:33 #36221 by castor
Replied by castor on topic RP:Minah Jewerly: Something Has Started
Linda went into a restrautnt 5 blocks away-she sat down at the korean barbeque, and considered.

she sat down at a table despite not having her wallet. Fuck. Or her car keys. Fuck. or her cellphone. Fuck.

Damm criminals.

Oh wait hah.

she got a watter, without intending to order any food- THE FIEND!!!!!!!!

Her drivers license was 4 years old- and she reasonably sure was attached to a triplex address that she now rented out. Linda was one of those supervillains, like Dr. Doom or Posion ivy who invested a lot in residental real estate. If someone went there directly they would find she thought an hispanic couple who spoke questionable english. Fine.

However a mildly competent Detective whould be able to find her easy.


It probabbly wouldn't be a good idea to go there for 72 hours or like that. she could do that. If there was a major police manhunt for her, well there was that. If that woman went to the police-but something about her said no.

so what was she going to do.

the cyncical part of her brain said-well why not go to the police and report a missing handbag. However if some or all of her men where captured(and she hadn't stuck around enough to know) they could get a description of her. That wasn't good.

Now one of those big comicbook rules was batman didn't kill people-and the way she acted suggested that she didn't have a perfect understanding of what she was going to do.



This robbery was supose to make her rich. Instead of someone scrapping buy on some real estate invesmtent this was supose to...fuck...

She drank water. A waitres came" what do you want?"

"um i just got a call. My boyfriend is at another restraunt i am sorry"

She walkd out about 5 blocks from the robbery and considered.

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22 Apr 2014 04:08 #36244 by castor
Replied by castor on topic RP:Minah Jewerly: Something Has Started
Tom sighed.

He and 4 of his friends-had well decided to go to the diffrent car. they had watched the flash scene something...and

Got away. it was in the crowd.

This was a day he wouldn't forget. He had seen people throw cars around and the earth movie, he had been in it.. seen an epic battle of a kind of anti climatic, but there was a momment..a momment when the earth movie

and He been part of it.. Granted he kind of felt at points he should have been wearing one of those stupid fake burglars masks with holes in them, becuse that was his part-but he had been a witness to something he never expected, never wanted but had....he was

now it was over

well nothing is over is it?

He opened the door to the hideout-which was a not very impressive old storefront. 5 of the guys had been captured he really strongly suspected, and he suspected that one of them may give up the boss..which meant.

he opened the door.

They where all coming now after escaping in a diffrent car they got a block away. Well the five who managed to escape.

inside she was sitting in an old ratty chair.

She looked at them.

one of the leaderslooked at them "Where the only ones who got away"

"did you get anything" said the boss.

Tom dropped his bag. in it was a fair amount of gold and jewels. Enough lets say to buy a luxury car-but not one of those real luxuruy cars with a big motor and Italian names. But a sennsible one from like lexius where you have to pay extra for leather.

another of the .fellows dropped his. That was what they got. and his bag had less.

"i know what your thinking. Now i told you before this started. if we get captured. i could make my displeasure known-if you don't talk for 24 hours. i am going to hold that. I suspect some of you when the cops get through with them, may get fingered. Sucks to that. Thats your damm fault. I know they can't do that. I would like to go to a pawn man and do this, but we don't have the time. i took the liberity of getting a jewel apraisal book and i am afraid we are going to have to do this quickly..but..."

tom nodded. he had to ask.

"Are you going to"

"What" asked the leader.

"kill us for our incompetence"

Linda paused for a second. then she smiled as if it was the funniest thing in the world. then she frowned. the she paused for a longer second. she stood

"I am going to tell you what i am going to do with my money" she said at last "I am going to change things a bit...i am going to devolop..a nice costume i think something garrish. Something you can laugh-no she will laugh at. until she is killed. killed by our hand. becuse each of you will get a call, and you will come and you will serve me and if you want to live and enjoy the money you have gotten you will. And you will get more. But we will get revenge on her. We have started something here today. Something very grand, and big. and when it is over..

she turned.

"but thats getting ahead of ourselves.. Lets all try to get out of here in an hour".

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