
Ask a Supergirl

10 Sep 2012 16:59 - 10 Sep 2012 22:13 #28477 by Camille Jones
Ask a Supergirl was created by Camille Jones

My name is Camille Jones, and I'm what you guys would call a supergirl.

How did it happen? Well, it's a bit of a story really.

I was home for summer, I had about a week or two left in my vacation before I went back to school. I was home alone one night, browsing mindlessly on the Internet when I looked out the window and barely saw a bright ball of fire crash into the woods behind my house. Naturally, I went outside to go and check it out.

When I got to the crash site, I saw a glowing pink rock in the middle of a sizable crater. As I leaned closer, I didn't realize that the ground was still soft, causing me to slip and fall right into it. So, there I was, mere inches to the rock and I can definitely feel the heat from that distance.

I don't know how to explain it, but I could 'feel' the rock calling to me. As if it was a warm and familiar voice calling me to touch it. So I reached out, my hands just centimeters away from touching the scolding hot rock.

What happened next was both amazing and frightening beyond all senses.

I felt that pink energy 'jump' from the rock onto me, starting to envelop me from the feet up. As soon as it reached my head, I felt this pain shoot into my body. It was like someone was injecting molten lava right into my veins. The pain was too much to bear, to the point I simply passed out on dirt below.

When I awoke, I immediately felt much different than before. I brushed off the dirt off my body and realized that I've gained muscle size and definition. I also noticed that my cup size went up, stretching my now-small shirt. But I definitely felt different, better even. Like I'm now filled with this boundless energy and that there is nothing I can't do.

After that, I guess you can say the rest is history.

Still, I was confused as to what the hell has happened to me. So I typed in superwomen on Google and this website popped up. After looking at it, I figured it was a good idea if I posted here. I'm still pretty new to this whole thing and you guys definitely know more about this subject matter than I do. After talking to Fats, I figured it'll be a good idea for you guys to help me get adjusted to this whole thing by asking me questions about it. I guess it'll help if I had someone to talk about it.

Also, if there are any feats that you should think I should try out, let me know and I'll let you know how it went.

Some of the powers that I've observed so far is superstrength, speed, flight, laser vision, x-ray vision and superbreath. All of my senses are also heightened to superhuman levels as well. I also noticed that when I'm out in the sun, I feel "better" than before, as if I was recharging my batteries or something, I dunno I don't have better analogy right now.

As for some more personal tibids, I'm a full time student, living by myself in a suite dorm and I also work part-time as a secretary. I am going to school for Education but I may switch that now because of my powers. Dunno about that yet.

Looking forward to answering questions from you.


Camille <3

You'd think that superspeed would make me more punctual, huh?
Last edit: 10 Sep 2012 22:13 by Camille Jones.
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10 Sep 2012 17:23 #28478 by Captain Marbles
Replied by Captain Marbles on topic Ask a Supergirl
(Reserved) for what?

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10 Sep 2012 22:04 #28481 by Woodclaw
Replied by Woodclaw on topic Ask a Supergirl

Captain Marbles wrote: (Reserved) for what?

One of the initiatives discussed yesterday was the creation of a "Ask to" thread, in the same vein of the old Xtreme Strength ask Caroline .

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10 Sep 2012 23:25 #28482 by Camille Jones
Replied by Camille Jones on topic Ask a Supergirl
Yep. That's right! By the way, this forum is now open to questions.

You'd think that superspeed would make me more punctual, huh?

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11 Sep 2012 00:19 #28485 by bigbrian
Replied by bigbrian on topic Ask a Supergirl
do you have a costume yet and a alter ego planed?

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11 Sep 2012 00:21 #28486 by Markiehoe
Replied by Markiehoe on topic Ask a Supergirl
Are you a "Good" girl or is all this new found power gonna go to your head?

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11 Sep 2012 00:57 - 11 Sep 2012 01:07 #28487 by Camille Jones
Replied by Camille Jones on topic Ask a Supergirl

bigbrian wrote: do you have a costume yet and a alter ego planed?

I do have an alter-ego planned out and everything. Though I may do most of my patrolling around night and probably around the city my university is in. Though I can't come up with a name for it yet. Marvel Girl? Mighty Girl? Incredi-girl?

Okay, that last one was pretty corny.

However, as far as costumes go, they don't really hold up that well. I'm probably going to have to invest in buying a couple of good suits that's fire-retardant and bulletproof. Not because I can't take a bullet, just so I don't have to keep restitching it after a gun spray.

Markiehoe wrote: Are you a "Good" girl or is all this new found power gonna go to your head?

I try to be a good girl. I know that in the wrong hands, these powers can definitely go to someone's head. So I try to keep myself in check and just do what's right.However, I've had a few 'moments' per say.

Ugh, and I'm still embarrassed to even think about it. Okay, so this one time, I was getting some coffee at Starbucks. (not that I needed it, but their vanilla latte taste incredible now that my tastebuds are heightened.) And this very rude customer was holding up the line, pretty much bantering and raving at the cashier on how her coffee should be. You know, the type that has a single coffee order that's more complicated than defusing a bomb. Anyways, the cashier makes a simple mistake on her order. And she flips out on her. Pretty much reduced her to tears.

At this point, I had enough. After I placed my order, I see her order about 15 feet away from where I was standing. Making sure that no one was looking, I pursed my lips and blasted a jet of ice-cold air on her coffee. Everyone around me shivered, wondering about that sudden draft as I just giggled to myself before taking my coffee and walking out. Sure enough, I saw the confused and bewildered look on her face as her frozen cup of coffee smacks her in the face. I was giggling loudly, though that faded when started to yell profusely. Though I was outside, I clearly heard what she said and I don't even think I want to repeat it. Sure enough, the manager had to refund her money, something he wasn't happy with. She left in a huff, pretty much vowing to never come back.

I felt like crap, they went through all that hell because I just wanted to get some justice. And it was a pretty cheap payback now that I think about it. So I went back in and gave a cashier a tip and tell her that she dealt with it well. Seeing her smile made my day, but knowing that I was the cause for it kinda hampered it.

Point is, I learned to be more careful with how I deal with situations. Especially when it comes to using my powers.

You'd think that superspeed would make me more punctual, huh?
Last edit: 11 Sep 2012 01:07 by Camille Jones.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jbell, Markiehoe

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11 Sep 2012 01:14 #28488 by pansardum
Replied by pansardum on topic Ask a Supergirl
First of all i want to welcome you to this site.
It is always nice with new members and as you are the first supergirl, that i know, it is extra fun.

I find it quite interesting how you got your powers, you say that you felt full of energy.
But I wonder if you knew then what you could do? or did your first super feats come as a surprise?
I am also interested if you have told anyone like a family member of BFF?

Once again welcome and I hope you will enjoy your stay as much we will

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11 Sep 2012 01:40 - 12 Sep 2012 02:10 #28490 by Camille Jones
Replied by Camille Jones on topic Ask a Supergirl

pansardum wrote: First of all i want to welcome you to this site.
It is always nice with new members and as you are the first supergirl, that i know, it is extra fun.

I find it quite interesting how you got your powers, you say that you felt full of energy.
But I wonder if you knew then what you could do? or did your first super feats come as a surprise?
I am also interested if you have told anyone like a family member of BFF?

Once again welcome and I hope you will enjoy your stay as much we will

Thank you so much for the welcome! And yeah it has it's perks for the most part.

1) Actually, it's a bit of both. I mean I was very surprised when I started finding out what I'm capable. But deep down inside, it felt "natural", as if I knew it all along. Though the first thing that took me by surprise was when I found out I could fly. Just that feeling of weightlessness, just hovering there. That feeling is just beyond anything I can describe. Though that one took me some time to control and I still don't have a complete handle on things since my flight powers is connected to me feeling happy. And even the simplest of things can get me to hover, like chocolate for example. Mmmmm!

Well, would you look at that, I'm now hovering above my bed now. Hmm, I might stay like this for a bit.

2) Well, I kinda figured out that it's rather hard to hide a lifetime changing event to your mother. Me and my mom are pretty close, but even then, I was reluctant to tell her about it until she figured it out. Though she kinda took it pretty hard at first, she actually has come to accept it though I told her to keep it under wraps as well. She says she's just afraid of me getting hurt, to which I laughed. I'm pretty sure I can take a sidewinder missile and brush it off like nothing now.
As for a best friend, I have told her as well. She's a lot more into the comic books, like Supergirl and Powergirl, so she immediately thought that she's best friend's with a living, breathing supergirl is the coolest thing ever. We go to different colleges but I drop by every now and then. Her being on the other side of the country isn't much of a problem anymore ;).

You'd think that superspeed would make me more punctual, huh?
Last edit: 12 Sep 2012 02:10 by Camille Jones.

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11 Sep 2012 04:18 #28491 by Caylane
Replied by Caylane on topic Ask a Supergirl
Out of all of them, what would be your favorite power?

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11 Sep 2012 05:11 - 11 Sep 2012 05:13 #28492 by Camille Jones
Replied by Camille Jones on topic Ask a Supergirl

Caylane wrote: Out of all of them, what would be your favorite power?

Ooh, that’s a tough one!

I mean, I like them all to be honest. They are all pretty cool and I find them to be awesome in their own way.

But if I had to pick a superpower to be my favorite? Nah, I still can’t do it. But I can probably give you my three absolute favorites.

Heat vision is just so useful and handy that I couldn’t imagine life without it. I use it to pop popcorn, heat up coffee or hot chocolate, cut something in half; I even started cooking food with it! It’s one of my favorite and one that I find to have the most control over. For example, one of my classrooms is just frigid. I don’t really notice since extreme temperatures don’t bother me but my classmates are not as lucky. So a gentle bask of my heat vision and the room is now more tolerable.

Being superstrong is amazing and pretty cool too! I just find that lil’ ol’ 5’5 me is stronger than the entire student body combined. I can lift anything without a problem; though I’m rather curious on how strong I am so I’ve been doing most of my weight training at scrapyards, junkyards and trainyards late at night. I’m kinda getting the scope of my strength when I was finding myself lifting fully loaded trains high above my head. Though the lifting part is pretty much under wraps, the control part is still a bit iffy. Broke a few pencils, pens, stainless steel pens, keyboards, door handles, you name it and I’ve probably mangled it. So I’ve been practicing more control exercises if anything. Like crushing a spoon with one hand while moving a glass ball in between my fingers on my other hand. That and playing on an acoustic guitar.

However, I think that being able to fly is hands down the coolest thing ever. I just don’t know how to describe it other than amazing, but even that doesn’t do it justice. I just love to fly myself in the air, sailing high above the city. The wind nipping through my hair and coursing through my body, right down to my toes. I sometimes fly high above the clouds, giggling as I feel the sun right on my body. Just knowing that I’m telling gravity that I’m free from it…It’s just beyond amazing. Though I’ve also gotten in trouble with it once.

So I was flying high into the skies, past the clouds and at airplane altitude. Little did I know that the air traffic was rather busy that day. I just couldn’t help myself but show off a bit, so I flew a bit closer to one. Luckily, the only window that was open was that of a little girl in the back. So I gently tapped at it, causing her to gasp and wanting to shake her mom awake so she can see me flying next to them. Realizing how bad I could’ve blown my cover, I flew back down to my university before she had a chance to turn to the window again.

Still though, flying is definitely my favorite. Whether it’s just hovering a few inches in my dorm, which I do all the time now, or up in the stratosphere.

Oh and because of it, I tend to go barefooted or in my socks. I practice my flight skills by ‘airwalking’ a centimeter off the ground to make it seem like I’m still walking on ground. Though I only do this at my house or on some off-beat trail nearby my house.

You'd think that superspeed would make me more punctual, huh?
Last edit: 11 Sep 2012 05:13 by Camille Jones.

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11 Sep 2012 05:29 #28493 by bigbrian
Replied by bigbrian on topic Ask a Supergirl
where are you from? also have you thought of colors and a logo for your costume? and are you on any other social sites?

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11 Sep 2012 05:46 #28494 by Camille Jones
Replied by Camille Jones on topic Ask a Supergirl

bigbrian wrote: where are you from? also have you thought of colors and a logo for your costume? and are you on any other social sites?

1)I'm from New York, just a bit off the path from Syracuse.

2)Yeah I have actually. Mostly white with pink accents or black and silver. I'm kinda going for a one-piece full body catsuit with no cape. I want to keep it as simple and as streamlined as possible. Functionality in mind over style, so that means I'm not going to crack out the high heels anytime soon. No logo yet though, I'm still debating on doing one or not.

3)Yes, but that's more for my private life.

You'd think that superspeed would make me more punctual, huh?

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11 Sep 2012 05:53 #28495 by oldHarmonyMotion
Replied by oldHarmonyMotion on topic Ask a Supergirl
Of course we're all fascinated by the super you, but I want to know the real you too! What do you study? What do you like to do? Anything made even more interesting or trivial by your superpowers?

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11 Sep 2012 06:32 #28496 by Camille Jones
Replied by Camille Jones on topic Ask a Supergirl

goobers wrote: Of course we're all fascinated by the super you, but I want to know the real you too! What do you study? What do you like to do? Anything made even more interesting or trivial by your superpowers?

Ouh, alright then. And I actually appreciate that you guys want to get to know me.

1) I'm studying Education, namely Early Childhood to be exact. However, with these powers now, I might switch over to Law or Criminal Justice. That's still a toss-up though.

2) I like to read, play video games, I like to listen to music and play music (I play guitar and bass mostly). I like to cook, you may catch me talking about food quite a bit to be honest. And I like to go shopping as well. My best friend Jessica is coaxing me into collecting comic books so I've been dabbling into some Marvel, DC and Evil Ink/Boom! Studios.

3) Some things that got even more interesting with my superpowers is food and music. For food, something as simple as coffee just became a whole lot more complex. Not only am I able to taste the bitterness, the acidity, the notes of tart berries or the nuts, but I swear I can taste the Andean Mountains with every sip. As for music, it's just being able to hear every note harmonizing together at their tempos, matching melodies together. For some reason though, even with the most well-composed symphonies, I found myself "correcting" a few things so the song can mesh well together. And this is actually the same reason I stopped listening to mainstream music. It's beyond correcting to be honest with you.

There are some things that became rather trivial. For example, I've managed to read all of my required textbooks in a few minutes. And though I can't confirm whether my intelligence has increased or not, I know that my memory is pretty much photographic and my learning capacity is extremely high. Had I known that a week earlier, I would've just read them at the library and saved myself quite a bit of money. On that note, I can get a full day of work done at the office in a matter of minutes. However, I don't want to do that since that will raise a lot of questions so I just pretend to do some work or finish it as close as a normal pace as I can.

Sleep is also nearly trivial for me, I can feel rested and refreshed after only 3 hours of sleep. So is eating actually. It's as if some sort of energy is keeping me sustained and full so I eat only for appearance or for my enjoyment. However, I feel I can put away a buffet and not gain a single ounce out of it.

You'd think that superspeed would make me more punctual, huh?
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11 Sep 2012 06:35 #28497 by Caylane
Replied by Caylane on topic Ask a Supergirl
As myself being a gamer, and guitar player. I only hope for your equipment and controllers sake that you don't get to frustrated while playing a game or practicing a song.

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11 Sep 2012 06:41 #28498 by Camille Jones
Replied by Camille Jones on topic Ask a Supergirl

Caylane wrote: As myself being a gamer, and guitar player. I only hope for your equipment and controllers sake that you don't get to frustrated while playing a game or practicing a song.

Hence why I'm doing control exercises. Though I'm not going to lie and say I didn't have any controller casualties or that I haven't broken a string yet. ;)

You'd think that superspeed would make me more punctual, huh?

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11 Sep 2012 06:43 #28499 by njae
Replied by njae on topic Ask a Supergirl
Are there any situations that you avoid now that you're super that you wouldn't normally? Like situations where your powers would easily get exposed or could even harm those around you?

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11 Sep 2012 07:02 #28500 by Camille Jones
Replied by Camille Jones on topic Ask a Supergirl

njae wrote: Are there any situations that you avoid now that you're super that you wouldn't normally? Like situations where your powers would easily get exposed or could even harm those around you?

Yeah actually, there are a lot of situations now that I wouldn't think twice.

Participating in sports events and sports clubs are out of the question for me. I used to play soccer and did martial arts when I was younger. I was thinking of going back to sports or join a sports club but that's out of the question now. Hell, I don't even get physical check-ups anymore because they would have to draw blood, which will be impossible since I'm invulnerable. Though the added perk of not falling sick anymore is a plus, so that's an easy situation to dodge.

Another one would be when I go at the speed of sound. I pretty much do it when I'm at a high enough so I wouldn't pop someone's ear drum or shatter glass windows when I'm going Mach 1 and up.

Even walking has proven to be troublesome, especially in large crowds where I can bump into someone by accident. I'm able to 'slow' my perception down so I can dodge at the last minute but I still bump into to someone, so I have to feign them budging me. I was able to get away with it a few times.

However, it's not just the bumps. Not to sound vain or anything, but I've been known to stop a few guys and girls in their tracks. I could be wearing a simple shirt and yoga pants and that's been enough to cause people to stop their cars in the middle of traffic. No bueno at all. I'm still not used to the attention yet so I don't really know how to handle it. But I kinda had to switch to a much more conservative set of clothes when I am outside. Less attention I draw to myself, the better.

You'd think that superspeed would make me more punctual, huh?

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11 Sep 2012 07:12 #28503 by Caylane
Replied by Caylane on topic Ask a Supergirl
This just came to mind. Before you were changed has there been that person you've had your eye on to pursue, but after you changed they have noticed you? Sorry if the wording confuses you.

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11 Sep 2012 08:08 #28505 by Lulu
Replied by Lulu on topic Ask a Supergirl
Ever tried to find a limit to your strength or your speed? I wonder how strong and fast you really are. Oh and of course also an warmly welcome from me.

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11 Sep 2012 09:50 #28507 by SophiePortmane
Replied by SophiePortmane on topic Ask a Supergirl
I'll start with two questions:

1. You said that people stop their track staring at you so I guess you must be incredibly georgeous. Plus, You now have some sort of god-like power, You just can do everything you want at anytime. My first question is: Even if your friend told you she's glad for what happened to you, don't you think inwardly she's dying whith envy? I mean, it must be a bit frustrating for her!

2. With such an amount of power and ability and a body to die for, have you really never felt a littlte bit... superior? Like you're now just better than anybodyelse?

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11 Sep 2012 11:32 #28508 by ChaozCloud
Replied by ChaozCloud on topic Ask a Supergirl
I'm going to go with my favorite question: Have you ever lost control of your powers? And if yes, what happened?

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11 Sep 2012 12:37 #28509 by njae
Replied by njae on topic Ask a Supergirl

Camille Jones wrote: Though the first thing that took me by surprise was when I found out I could fly. Just that feeling of weightlessness, just hovering there. That feeling is just beyond anything I can describe. Though that one took me some time to control and I still don't have a complete handle on things since my flight powers is connected to me feeling happy. And even the simplest of things can get me to hover, like chocolate for example. Mmmmm!

Well, would you look at that, I'm now hovering above my bed now. Hmm, I might stay like this for a bit.

Sounds like it'll be troublesome for you to keep your feet on the ground. How do you deal with this in public?

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11 Sep 2012 13:50 - 11 Sep 2012 13:57 #28510 by supian
Replied by supian on topic Ask a Supergirl
Hi Camille - during the time since your body has 'buffed out' to superheroine proportions, have you had any embarrassing wardrobe malfunctions wih your everyday clothing, or have you given yourself a new set of clothes to cope with your new body? Have your boobs grown by alot meaning you've needed to buy new bras?
Last edit: 11 Sep 2012 13:57 by supian.

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