
The Fate of Wicked City Girls

10 Jan 2019 00:12 #62551 by Random321
Replied by Random321 on topic The Fate of Wicked City Girls
I'll just summarize some of my thoughts:
  • Do I think the heroine power loving community that would support an independent studio is smaller than the peril community?  Yes, much smaller.
  • Do I think the peril fantasy community is larger than the heroine power fantasy loving community?  No.  However, there is more main stream and free content for the power fantasy community so sites like PSW have to rely on the strongest of fans.
  • Do I think the smaller your audience the more sharing hurts?  Yes, certainly.
  • Do I think if even 0.5% of those that consume shared content paid it would make a difference in the quality of content created?  Yes.  In some cases it might even be a life and death of the content creator difference.
  • Have I seen lower average sales recently:  Yes.  However, I have some ideas.
  • Would I try a main stream cosplayer like Lfan suggested.  Yes, I did!  AZPG.  Maybe it was what I created that didn't inspire, sharing, or lack of promotion by me, but she actually lead to lower sales than average even with a kick butt car carry scene and fun real world locations.  I was saddened when she posted about it on her page and someone commented something like ~ "we just want to see your chest ~ skip the rest."
  • What do you think of the story writers and photo manip'ers who do it for free?  I think the world of them!  Years ago I was one with "Manips of Steele" but video is another very expensive very time and money consuming animal.
  • Do I love monthly subscriptions:  No.  I don't want to upset when I don't create something of value each month.  PSW was a leader in "know what you are paying for" ~ I still like that.
  • Do I love the idea of Patreon:  Eh - it's really hard as a small shop to produce enough content to make that seem fair.
  • Have I taken donations:  Yes, sure so long as there are not strings attached and I'm free to do what I need and can.  I've had one angel in the history of PSW that made a nice offer at just the right time that was key to the last SuperAshley video.
  • Have I considered commissions:  Yes, but meeting peoples expectations, turn around, vision and them understanding how limited my resources are is hard to convey.  (A 3+ actress story with a gym scene is not so easy.)
  • Should I consider asking for support buying specific props like some cosplay amazon wish lists:  I've thought about that for this spring, but then worry about how long my turn around time can be.
  • Should I do bigger productions with more cast and more equipment and outsourced FX?  Well that would sure take the fun out of it, expose me financially, and expose me to a ton of drama and other peoples vision something I'd like to avoid.
  • What if I monetized on YouTube:  Not possible with my content and not enough views to make viable even if I could.
  • If I buckled down and released a video every two weeks, even every week, could I do this full time?  Not even close.  My editing time goes unpaid.  Which is probably why you'll see very "canned" effects from most and tough stories about costs from teams like WCG.
  • If you came across money what would you do:  Larger casts, more practical props, studio time rental for green screen, costumes, storage space (so my significant other doesn't kill me), software.  Stretch goal for someday:  A flying rig rental and costumes for it (they have to be modified) and the time to train an actress and/or an expensive high lift jack.
  • Where are you at with PSW?  I do this as a hobby.  Still, I'm a little worried.  I've been finding ways to cut webpage and payment processing costs and promote more ~ but carefully.  I have other family members who are supportive if it's not a drag on them but I have to answer to them.
I'm certainly open to ideas and desperate for constructive feedback.Question for the team:  I used to be a member at Saradas and people there used to post PSW content.  I'd ask for it to be taken down.  They would.  They now have the VIP section so I have no way of knowing.  How bad is it really?  I know about YouTube ~ I can handle that.  Anywhere else I should be looking these days?  My stuff doesn't show up on the hard core main stream video sharing that I'm aware of ~ I look from time to time but I'm also getting busier (or is it just older) it seems so I'm not as "with it" on where to look.
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10 Jan 2019 00:19 #62552 by Random321
Replied by Random321 on topic The Fate of Wicked City Girls

ace191 wrote: I think the only way this works is when a dedicated and talented individual like Random puts together modest budget productions and has a solid group of fans who support his work.  If it's a hobby, all you need to do is break even.

First:  Thank-you very much for the kind words.  Second:  From my seat - unless you are 1 in a Million lucky with something like Netflix and working with non copyright content it's a hobby for sure. 

I watched 2036 Origin Unknown on Netflix thinking - "It's got Katee Sackhoff in it, how bad could it be?" over the weekend.  Half way in I started thinking "Good grief, I could do this..."   ...but then also thought "would I want to do this!?!"

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10 Jan 2019 01:40 #62555 by d_k_c
Replied by d_k_c on topic The Fate of Wicked City Girls
Be a good writer everything falls into place. But as well as being a good writer, the writer needs to understand the audience. You might think you have a good story, and it probably is, but your target audience is more interested in t&a than any type of story you're willing to tell. So work with that.

I once read when it comes to film making, never tell the the audience. Well that doesn't quite work when you are on a limited budget, so by all means tell the audience.

Here's a quick example.

We'll do a quick set up, Lisa and Rita are roomates. Both are beautiful, but Lisa has superpowers. Rita knows that Lisa has Superpowers but she's discreet about the crush she has for Lisa.

Lisa enters the room dressed in her casual clothes, "Hi Rita"

"Hi Lisa. Where have you been today?" Rita asks while sipping at her coffee

"Don't ask - It's been one of those mornings"

Rita noticed that there's a hole in Lisa's shirt around the chest area. "You have a hole in your shirt"

"tsk" Lisa said disappointed as she looked down at her shirt. "Another $200 dollar blouse ruined"

"Whatever happened to you just spinning in and out of your super suit? After al,l It is invulnerable, just like you are"

"Can I be honest - I'm not comfortable wearing it anymore"

"Why not?"

"It's just that, I've been feeling self conscious about it lately"

"Don't be silly, you look fantastic in it!"

"You don't think my boobs look to big in it?"

"Well, Lisa, you do have big boobs"

"I know but, lately every bad guy I come across seems intent on taking a shot at them. Like they get off on it. It's kind of embarrassing"

"I remember when you first got your powers, you told me how good it felt when you took one off the chest. If I recall, you said that you deliberately moved your chest so that the bullet would, what were you exact words, Deflect right off your nips"

"I know but, that was then. You know how it is. When you're with someone for the first time and you're mentally begging for them to feel you, and it feels so good when they finally do it".

"Umm, yup" Rita stated somewhat uncomfortably.

"But after that someone touches you, over and over in the same place day after day, it's like, move on already! Besides I don't want to be treated like a sexual object". Lisa looked down at her blouse, "I suppose I should change" Lisa said as she removed the blouse leaving her in just her bra. "Does your coffee need to be warmed up?" Lisa asked.

"Ummm sure..." Rita agreed, Rita couldn't help but watch Lisa lean over, showing her cleavage, moving her glasses slightly out of the way to allow the heat from her eyes to warm up her coffee.

"Thanks" Rita said almost nervously.

Lisa left to the kitchen. when a breaking news report was announced on TV. The national bank was being robbed. "Umm Lisa, I think you're up to bat"

"Tsk" Lisa said as she looked at the TV. "I suppose I should get going"

"You aren't going to change first"

Lisa rolled her eyes, and then spun n one spot until she became a bright light before reappearing in her ultra sexy costume. "This is live TV? count how many times I get shot in the boobs. I bet you over 12 times"

"I'll take the under bet" Rita smiled.

"You're on! Winner buys dinner?"

"Sounds good"

Lisa grabbed her chest in her ultra tight costume. "Alright ladies, lets go win ourselves a free dinner" Before zipping off.


So, not a riveting story by any stretch, but I'd pay to see their interactions. And you don't need that much of a budget for special FX. Film one long movie, and break up the interactions, to 5-8 minute segments at 5 dollars per, released every week. And take my money!

I write this not because I think i'm a good writer, I think mediocre, but I know there is plenty of talent out there....I wrote this to show - fuck the story, focus on the girls and the interactions they have with one another. People are going to start begging to see if Rita and Lisa hook up....tease it...but never show it.

Now when your videa hits youtube because some douche shared it, its advertisement for the next episode you intend to release....and people wont wait around for some one to eventually share it.

Long rant....I know.....I think  this would work....But I could very well be wrong. The problem I see, is that all you guys try too hard....dumb it down a notch.

my 2 cents 

The following user(s) said Thank You: Random321, kikass2014

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10 Jan 2019 03:07 #62557 by Sarge395
Replied by Sarge395 on topic The Fate of Wicked City Girls
Don't forget that we can report videos on YouTube and XHub sites to get them taken down.  Cutting out the obvious pirate places could assist those that we support.  

I know I just alerted a major producer here about a video on YouTube that was a 100% HD rip uploaded there.  
The following user(s) said Thank You: Random321, Markiehoe

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10 Jan 2019 10:28 #62566 by tks
Replied by tks on topic The Fate of Wicked City Girls
Really sad hear about the fate of WGC. Always made amazing content and was an inspiration to me as well as many others I’m sure. Best of luck with whatever your next ventures are.


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10 Jan 2019 12:35 #62568 by kikass2014
Replied by kikass2014 on topic The Fate of Wicked City Girls
d_k_c  imo has the right of it.  And it applies to pretty much all commercial forms of entertainment, including, especially, Hollywood.

If you are doing it for yourself, it doesn't really matter.  You write, film, play what you enjoy.

If you are doing it to make money, you need to understand what your audience wants out of the product.

I appreciate the narrative aspects of a superheroine video, but I also understand it is not the primary motivator, for me and maybe other members  of the audience.

Its about the sexualisation of the heroine, the power (and displays of), that are the main draw.

If the story is about the heroine rescuing a person, a man for example, the viewer wants to imagine themselves as that man.  If the heroine is defeating a villain/villainess, they want to see the powers of the heroine as she takes out her foe.  It doesn't necessarily matter what the reason is, hence why there are so many tropes in this, and all genres for that matter.  You are selling the fantasy rather then a story, if you know what I mean.

This isn't to say that it has to be done in a fetishistic form, but nonetheless, its the key element imo.

Just my thoughts.


The following user(s) said Thank You: d_k_c, Random321

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13 Jan 2019 20:02 #62602 by ace191
Replied by ace191 on topic The Fate of Wicked City Girls
Hey Random, I have an idea.  Why don't you team up with DKC?  He could be your script writer/story consultant and you could "pay him" with free videos.  And perhaps other writers on the site might want to send you their scripts and ideas for a similar deal.  
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14 Jan 2019 11:19 #62612 by d_k_c
Replied by d_k_c on topic The Fate of Wicked City Girls
umm, as much of a compliment as that is. Im not that good of a writer.. im not bad, just not that good. But since I’ve written the above, I followed it up with an entire series. I’ll post to the stories section in a few weeks. All I can say is, I’d be happy dish out money to pay to see these clips. N screen. But I can’t say definitively many others would. 

Once again though, Ace thx for the compliment. 

Returning to the subject at hand - it’s always painful to see a superheroine site leave. I remember a time not so long ago when infinity bridge was the only place you could go to find a good superheroine story.

it’d be great if one could make a superheroine video and turn a profit. Image the content we”d have, the models you could afford. and one thing Wicked city had going for it, was most certainly the girls.

shame to see you go, 

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14 Jan 2019 23:23 #62637 by ace191
Replied by ace191 on topic The Fate of Wicked City Girls
While you may not be technically the best writer on this site, you are certainly near the top, but your imagination and story lines are second to NONE!  Just my opinion.

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15 Jan 2019 01:48 #62640 by willow
Replied by willow on topic The Fate of Wicked City Girls

d_k_c wrote: umm, as much of a compliment as that is. Im not that good of a writer.. im not bad, just not that good. But since I’ve written the above, I followed it up with an entire series. I’ll post to the stories section in a few weeks. All I can say is, I’d be happy dish out money to pay to see these clips. N screen. But I can’t say definitively many others would. 

You are a very good writer. I always enjoy your work and hope that you publish more in the near future (*cough* Infinity Girl *cough*).
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31 Aug 2019 17:06 #64888 by SHTL
Replied by SHTL on topic The Fate of Wicked City Girls
Thank you for all your efforts, I immediatly bought all video WCG produced and I did everything I can to gice you all pubblicity; very sad you stopped your so great work, It's true that you did something different from any others into superwomen videos, relly true.
I would like to contribute but I haven't enough money to give you a real help to re-start; I also would like really to see "Iridium", if your finished it why don't release ? Please tell us where and how download.

Thank you again,

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02 Sep 2019 17:07 #64892 by Hidden_78
Replied by Hidden_78 on topic The Fate of Wicked City Girls
I'd like to second everything said above here.  I took the news of no more WCG a lot worse than is somebody told me there'd be no more marvel films!  Though everything released was awesome and, if there is a film still in the can, I'd love to see it.  We may not be the biggest audience in the world, but we'd be the happiest.

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07 Sep 2019 18:20 #64917 by Jim T-Shirt
Replied by Jim T-Shirt on topic The Fate of Wicked City Girls
Thanks for the kind words!
The release of our final movie, Iridium, is out of my hands at the moment, but it will come out! (Hopefully sooner than later!)
When it does, y'all will be the first to know!
The following user(s) said Thank You: SHTL, Sarge395, kikass2014

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