
Infinity Crisis

04 Nov 2013 23:24 #34008 by d_k_c
Infinity Crisis was created by d_k_c
Ill throw a quick update on this story.

IMO, There are too many stories out there that are incomplete or abruptly stop. As a reader, its super frustrating. As a writer, I understand that I'm one of the culprits. So a few years back I had decided - The only thing I want to put out, Is a completed story. Its amazing how many stories Ive written since then and then realized half way through - this isn't going to work.

So Infinity Crisis is being re-written into a complete work. There should be 10 chapters total, and I just started chapter 9. Still a few months till she's done...But I think, if your a fan of the series, you'll like the changes made.

Natasha's still a bitch, but her sociopathic tendencies have been dialed down a notch.
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05 Nov 2013 03:08 #34015 by Caylane
Replied by Caylane on topic Infinity Crisis
Thats great to hear! I'd love to be a beta reader if the offer is available! Cant wait to read the finished version!

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06 Nov 2013 03:47 #34046 by pithlit
Replied by pithlit on topic Infinity Crisis
That's great news.

Can't wait.

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06 Nov 2013 10:25 #34059 by SCOTT R
Replied by SCOTT R on topic Infinity Crisis

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07 Nov 2013 00:44 #34092 by d_k_c
Replied by d_k_c on topic Infinity Crisis
So this is an example of some of the changes being made- This one being from the Halloween party. Oh and I should point out that, Helena from the scene just prior doesn't die.

Natasha looked at the room one last time before she left it, she was greeted by her sexy reflection by the mirror above the dresser. She flashed herself a wicked smile. This was the best day of her life and it wasn’t over yet. There was so much she wanted to show off. A wicked idea popped in her head. Spinning in one spot at a speed nearing that of light, the air molecules began to reform into a cloth-like material specified to her desire. She stopped in mid-spin and looked at her new Zatanna costume. She was wearing knee high black laced up boots with thigh high, black, fishnet stockings. She had tight little black shorts and an impossibly tight white bodice which pushed her massive cleavage up close toward her neck. She wore a tight high collared suit jacket with a long tail. She adjusted her magician’s top hat with her white gloves. It was definitely time to rejoin the party.

Natasha stepped down the stairs in her new outfit. Becky caught a sight of her, “Like fuck! How many costumes did you bring here?” Becky exclaimed

Stacey rolled her eyes, “Or, how many guys' virginity magically disappeared while you were up there?” Stacey laughed.

Natasha looked angrily at Stacey “Sorry Stacey…Did you just call me a slut?”

“Oh no, I’ve been calling you a slut for years.”

“Really,” Natasha said in mock surprise, “That’s very brave of you Stacey. To admit that, to my face”

“Just calling it the way it is…You know what they say…if the bra fits”

Natasha flashed a smile and her eyes slightly squinted “You have no idea who you are talking to right now”

Becky interrupted the two girls, “Now, now girls…why are we fighting?”

Stacey rolled her eyes “Why are we even hanging with this bitch!” Stacey added and then walked away.

Natasha was infuriated.

Becky began laughing, “Like what the fuck was that all about?”

Natasha’s pupils were red, it didn’t matter if people knew or not, she couldn’t control the rage she felt. Natasha’s body became increasingly hotter. Just as an intense blast of heat was about to vaporize Stacey, and anyone else unfortunate enough to be within an arm’s reach of her, Nancy interrupted her.

“Hey Natasha, where’s your stepbrother? I’ve been looking for him everywhere.”

Natasha snapped out of her anger and then looked at Nancy. And then looked through the walls of the house and easily spotted her step brother. He had actually made good time, he was only a few minutes away. Natasha cooled down before she spoke “He had to fly but he’ll be here soon.”


Nancy began walking away, when an idea came to Natasha. Jarrett was undoubtedly hurrying is way to the house to confront her. She could punish Jarrett for that…Or.. “Hey Nancy hold up!”

Nancy looked over at Natasha “Yeah?”

Natasha smiled sweetly at Nancy. She didn’t need super senses to tell that Nancy was drunk, “You like Jarrett, right?”
Nancy smiled as she was getting embarrassed “He’s cute…sure”

“Come with me?”

Natasha took Nancy to a secluded room.

“What’s going on?”

“Do me a favor, and think about Jarrett”

Nancy giggled “okay”

Natasha’s focused in on Nancy’s thoughts making the image she held in her head that much more desirable. Nancy snapped out of it.

“What do you think of him now?” Natasha asked

Nancy was practically panting, “Oh my God, I want him so bad!”

Natasha smiled wickedly “Good, be a sweetie and make sure you keep him occupied for the rest of the evening”

Nancy headed for the door, hungrily eager to intercept Jarrett. “Oh! One last thing” Natasha snapped her fingers and Nancy went perfectly still.

Natasha approached her and looked at her in shock. It was like Nancy was frozen in time. Natasha’s finger traced across the rubbery contours of Nancy’s tight cat suit, Nancy never made a motion. Not even with her eyes. How did she do that? She wondered. She wanted Nancy to stay still, thought about it and then snapped her fingers. Natasha used her x-ray vision to scan the party goers outside the room. Everyone else seemed unaffected. Natasha began to giggle and then laugh “I’m a fucking God!” she triumphantly declared. “Now! Let’s make sure you get Jarrett’s Full! attention. Natasha cupped Nancy’s small breasts and then began making them grow. Like two balloon they stretched Nancy’s cat suit to the limit before ripping down the middle revealing her fantastic cleavage.
Natasha stepped away from Nancy and then snapped her finger again, Nancy hurried out the door as if nothing had happened. “I must be the best Step sister a guy could ever have” Natasha complimented herself.

Natasha walked back out into the party and stepped into the living room and stared at Stacey. Stacey eventually caught Natasha staring at her and confronted her. “You got a problem Skank!”

Natasha’s eyes callously looked on at Stacey, “Call me that again, and no amounts of apologies are going to prevent me from doing something… nasty to you”

“Skank! Whore! Slut!”

Natasha snapped her fingers and the party stopped, as if everyone were frozen in time, except of course Stacey and Natasha.

“What the fuck?” Stacey looked around in shock “What’s going on?” Stacey shook Becky who was just about to bite into a tostito chip still smiling from Brad’s pathetic advances.
She shook one of her best friend “Kim! KIM!” No response, no reaction from anyone of any sort.

Natasha smiled “I don’t think they’re going to hear you”

“What?…I…I don’t understand…This isn’t real!”

“Ha! If you think this a mind trip, watch this!” Natasha pointed her finger at Stacey and began twirling it.
Stacey gasped as her body tingled and then she shrieked as she became smaller and smaller until she was no bigger than a mouse. She looked up Natasha and knew exactly what was going to happen next she raised her arms screaming “No! No! No! No!” As the shadow of Natasha’s boot encompassed her and then splatted her on the rug.
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07 Nov 2013 05:18 - 07 Nov 2013 05:25 #34096 by pithlit
Replied by pithlit on topic Infinity Crisis
Amazing rework.

I want it all!!

When are we going to get the first chapter?
Last edit: 07 Nov 2013 05:25 by pithlit.

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07 Nov 2013 06:35 #34097 by SCOTT R
Replied by SCOTT R on topic Infinity Crisis
INFINITY CRISES needs to be made into a feature length movie.

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07 Nov 2013 07:50 #34098 by d_k_c
Replied by d_k_c on topic Infinity Crisis
Lol - I wish

As for the actual story - the above post is a revision. It still needs to be edited...when all is said and done the story is over 200 pages long....lots and lots of editing to do. I really hope that I'll have the completed version put out there by Christmas or the news year.

I put this post out, to show Natasha's new range in power. Just making sure it's accepted.

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07 Nov 2013 08:30 #34100 by Woodclaw
Replied by Woodclaw on topic Infinity Crisis
Just for the sake of completion I would like to ask you not to take down the old chapters, we already had some revised stories in the Library (like Mindy Marvel) and I think it's better to have both versions.

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07 Nov 2013 13:47 #34106 by Woodclaw
Replied by Woodclaw on topic Infinity Crisis

d_k_c wrote: Lol - I wish

As for the actual story - the above post is a revision. It still needs to be edited...when all is said and done the story is over 200 pages long....lots and lots of editing to do. I really hope that I'll have the completed version put out there by Christmas or the news year.

I put this post out, to show Natasha's new range in power. Just making sure it's accepted.

Just two little things from me.
First of all given the potential length of the whole story, it might be better to pst it divided by chapaters as before, this way it might be easier to handle for the Library and the readers.

The secnd by is about Natasha's new power level, right now I don't mind it, you have knack for showcasing characters with a big power advantage, but there's one bit that make me wary. In the old version Natasha needed a bit of time to discover all her abilities - in no small part thank to her careless attitude - now she seem much more knowledgeable of them from the beginning. I don't know what you're planning, but this might hinder the following chapters a little, I think. Also, while you said that you've dialed down her psycho attitudes, this isn't too apparent in the above segment, but this probably just my impression.
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07 Nov 2013 15:59 #34108 by lfan
Replied by lfan on topic Infinity Crisis
Sounds great, DKC....look forward to reading the reboot!

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07 Nov 2013 17:19 #34110 by d_k_c
Replied by d_k_c on topic Infinity Crisis
Excellent points Anon - I'll give myself the late December deadline, after that - if not complete, i'll post it in segments.

Natasha does learn her abilities a bit quicker...And becomes supremely confident of them, until she meets Thomas who's otherwise immune to them all, other than her Super strength and heat vision. It keeps her in check, at least for a little while.

As for her sociopathic tendencies...Your probably right, this scene isn't the best example of it being toned down. But there are other parts, where she vaporizes a girl in the school for no apparent reason...or her Lobotomy of Helena that have been removed from the story. Still....A direct confrontation with Natasha, is going to result in a characters death.

Thanks for the point out Anon. When I'm a week away from submitting i'll throw it your way and who ever else wants to be a beta reader....Maybe advise me which scenes work, and which don't.

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07 Nov 2013 18:12 #34113 by Woodclaw
Replied by Woodclaw on topic Infinity Crisis

d_k_c wrote: Excellent points Anon - I'll give myself the late December deadline, after that - if not complete, i'll post it in segments.

Natasha does learn her abilities a bit quicker...And becomes supremely confident of them, until she meets Thomas who's otherwise immune to them all, other than her Super strength and heat vision. It keeps her in check, at least for a little while.

As for her sociopathic tendencies...Your probably right, this scene isn't the best example of it being toned down. But there are other parts, where she vaporizes a girl in the school for no apparent reason...or her Lobotomy of Helena that have been removed from the story. Still....A direct confrontation with Natasha, is going to result in a characters death.

Thanks for the point out Anon. When I'm a week away from submitting i'll throw it your way and who ever else wants to be a beta reader....Maybe advise me which scenes work, and which don't.

If you want I'm here to help.
As for the characterization, this Natasha seem less of a casually cruel character and more calculating
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08 Nov 2013 06:34 #34134 by ace191
Replied by ace191 on topic Infinity Crisis
Maybe you could make a couple bucks by auctioning off the rights to be a Beta Reader on EBAY. I know I would bid on that!
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08 Nov 2013 08:11 #34138 by d_k_c
Replied by d_k_c on topic Infinity Crisis
Well, that's certainly the strongest compliment I will ever receive, thanks Ace

But when you get down to it....It was the free endless content on this site and of site's long since gone, that inspired me to write Infinity Crisis. Stories that truly are SWM classics were my inspirations and sometimes model for IC. I guess in a way, I owe.

Also, I've got a long way to go (Skill wise) before I make any money off my stories. But, that being said...I do hope to publish a story someday, sadly...there are no Super-girls in that story ....But...Lets just say, I don't plan on quitting my day job anytime soon =) Just a fun dream

Thanks again!

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08 Nov 2013 10:42 #34140 by SCOTT R
Replied by SCOTT R on topic Infinity Crisis
Just curious, why did you delete some scenes from the prior version? Did you decide they were to disturbing?

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08 Nov 2013 11:18 #34141 by d_k_c
Replied by d_k_c on topic Infinity Crisis
No, I don’t think so. I think the scenes just don’t fit, or work. Anytime I think of writing a story, I always begin with the end in mind. The next big step, other than actually finding the motivation to sit down and write…Is to get to that end.
So the scenes that have been eliminated, simply don’t work with the direction the story is heading. But I will say, that the overwhelming majority of what’s already posted, Is still in the new version. It’s just edited and elaborated on. It’ll be easier to understand and more explanations are given.

The most disturbing scene, I think in that entire story is the class room scene, where Natasha confronts the teacher. I blame Yosh for giving me that idea. And I was tempted to edit it out of the new version….But, it does stay true to Natasha’s character, so I kept it in.

So if you’re wondering if im making a PG version of IC. If anything, quite the opposite.
At the end of the day, A very long time ago, I thought up the story and knew exactly where I was going with it, and how it would end. I intend to stay true to that thought process from way back when.

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08 Nov 2013 11:55 #34143 by SCOTT R
Replied by SCOTT R on topic Infinity Crisis
Thanks for the explanation DKC. It's to bad the lobotomy has to go byebye cuz I think that part rocks. I also appreciate the input on your workflow. I'm writing a story now and it's going really really slow. I have no concrete ending in mind yet so maybe that's the problem.

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08 Nov 2013 12:01 #34145 by Woodclaw
Replied by Woodclaw on topic Infinity Crisis

SCOTT R wrote: Thanks for the explanation DKC. It's to bad the lobotomy has to go byebye cuz I think that part rocks. I also appreciate the input on your workflow. I'm writing a story now and it's going really really slow. I have no concrete ending in mind yet so maybe that's the problem.

I have to agree with Scott - although probably for different reasons - while the lobotomy scene was distrubing as heel, it also showed several key points about Natasha. Simply put the lobotomy showed clearly her inexperience, her ignorance and her utter carelessness about other human beings.

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08 Nov 2013 12:30 #34146 by SCOTT R
Replied by SCOTT R on topic Infinity Crisis
I have to agree with Scott - although probably for different reasons - while the lobotomy scene was distrubing as heel, it also showed several key points about Natasha. Simply put the lobotomy showed clearly her inexperience, her ignorance and her utter carelessness about other human beings.

Yeah, I meant to write all that but I'm tired.

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08 Nov 2013 14:26 #34148 by lfan
Replied by lfan on topic Infinity Crisis

Anon wrote:

SCOTT R wrote: Thanks for the explanation DKC. It's to bad the lobotomy has to go byebye cuz I think that part rocks. I also appreciate the input on your workflow. I'm writing a story now and it's going really really slow. I have no concrete ending in mind yet so maybe that's the problem.

I have to agree with Scott - although probably for different reasons - while the lobotomy scene was distrubing as heel, it also showed several key points about Natasha. Simply put the lobotomy showed clearly her inexperience, her ignorance and her utter carelessness about other human beings.

FWIW, I agree with Anon and Scott as well. Besides the reasons that Anon said, I "enjoyed" the scene cause it was a fairly creative use of her superpowers that we don't normally see in 95% of the stories around here (I have seen Marknew use a similar use of her heat vision in Jilly Milly, though it wasn't for a lobotomy). Everyone has their characters lift cars, bend bars, etc. but I really appreciate a creative use of superpowers, even ones with evil designs.

My $.02

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23 Dec 2013 04:12 #34803 by pithlit
Replied by pithlit on topic Infinity Crisis
Bump.'s the end of December. I have been checking every day for about a week for this story to return.

One of my very favourite stories from one of my very favourite writers.

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23 Dec 2013 05:10 - 23 Dec 2013 05:11 #34804 by d_k_c
Replied by d_k_c on topic Infinity Crisis
Thanks Pithlit and My bad.

I under estimated how long this story is.
Last edit: 23 Dec 2013 05:11 by d_k_c.

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23 Dec 2013 05:51 #34805 by pithlit
Replied by pithlit on topic Infinity Crisis
Knowing that it is longer will make it work the wait.

Take your time and make it excellent.

The long stories are the best.

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24 Dec 2013 00:27 #34811 by Caylane
Replied by Caylane on topic Infinity Crisis
Should really be more patient. Cant rush great writing!

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