
Baker's Dozen

30 Dec 2016 22:13 #51991 by Woodclaw
Baker's Dozen was created by Woodclaw
I just realized (shame on me) that we never have a proper comment thread for Argo's ongoing narrative "Baker's Dozen". Since we got a nice end of the year present in the form of Chapter 11, I believe it's due time to fix this terrible shortcoming.
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31 Dec 2016 06:41 #51994 by AuGoose
Replied by AuGoose on topic Baker's Dozen
Woohoo! Bobby's back! And another FIIIINE muffin just came out of the oven :D!

(Though I admit with a crowded frat party I thought this might be the time his aim was finally off. Still, Nicole's a born force for good, isn't she? I think Kenny will manage to cope adequately with some changes around his household...)
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31 Dec 2016 08:53 - 31 Dec 2016 20:02 #51997 by Monty
Replied by Monty on topic Baker's Dozen
Looking forward to reading a future scene at the WWE event where Cindy and the girls may get to taunt the musclehead wrestlers in the ring after a ring stunt goes accidentally wrong, spilling into the audience ....a few scenarios running through my head with that one :)
Last edit: 31 Dec 2016 20:02 by Monty.
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31 Dec 2016 18:47 #52002 by inactive
Replied by inactive on topic Baker's Dozen
Great installment. Looking forward to morw of Nicole, the one-woman justice league.

- GeekSeven
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01 Jan 2017 00:21 #52009 by argonaut
Replied by argonaut on topic Baker's Dozen
Thanks for the props, guys.

AuGoose: Back when I was outlining the second half of the story, I did toy with the idea of having one of Bobby's wishes "misfire" -- by having his annoying younger sister inadvertently step into his line of sight just as he's about to use the card on another girl. But I eventually scrapped the idea. (Though I did write a dream episode in which a super-powered Amy makes Bobby's life miserable. It's in the Library as a "deleted scene.")

Although I haven't established this in the story, I've decided that in order for the card's magic to work, two conditions must be met: a direct visual "lock" on the target and intention on Bobby's part. So if another girl were to step into his line of sight while he's saying the magic words ... nothing would happen.

By the way, I've only just discovered the story you've been posting on the forum. Loving the bratty super-sister angle!

Monty: Bobby, Cindy, Darcy, and Kenny will be going to that WWE event in the next chapter. Things won't turn out exactly as you suggest, but it should be a fun night out for everyone!

GeekSeven: I'm fond of Nicole myself. Gotta love a girl who can chasten a roomful of frat boys, crush a beer keg in her bare hands, and rock a little black dress -- all at the same time. She'll return in Chapter 12, along with a few super-girls from the first half of the story.
The following user(s) said Thank You: smoki07, Monty, AuGoose

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19 May 2017 15:54 - 19 May 2017 15:55 #54179 by smoki07
Replied by smoki07 on topic Baker's Dozen
any update soon, argonaut?
Last edit: 19 May 2017 15:55 by smoki07.

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19 May 2017 16:35 #54181 by Woodclaw
Replied by Woodclaw on topic Baker's Dozen

smoki07 wrote: any update soon, argonaut?

I have on good authority that Argo and Ace are currently working on the Workshop entry so it's very likely that Baker's Dozen is currently on the back burner.

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20 May 2017 04:03 #54189 by argonaut
Replied by argonaut on topic Baker's Dozen

Woodclaw wrote:

smoki07 wrote: any update soon, argonaut?

I have on good authority that Argo and Ace are currently working on the Workshop entry so it's very likely that Baker's Dozen is currently on the back burner.

What Woodclaw said.

Thanks for asking!

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24 May 2017 17:06 #54277 by smoki07
Replied by smoki07 on topic Baker's Dozen
Ok but I sent a suggestion about the story by PM. Please read it and tell your opinion!

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01 Sep 2017 15:14 #56079 by smoki07
Replied by smoki07 on topic Baker's Dozen
Argonaut, plz, tell me some news about a new chapter soon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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09 Sep 2017 02:36 #56171 by AuGoose
Replied by AuGoose on topic Baker's Dozen
I must admit I find myself craving another muffin/bagel/carbohydrate-laden-delicious-baked-good from this batch :).

It's a simple premise that yields such a delightful array of flavors.

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09 Sep 2017 13:34 #56180 by Woodclaw
Replied by Woodclaw on topic Baker's Dozen

AuGoose wrote: I must admit I find myself craving another muffin/bagel/carbohydrate-laden-delicious-baked-good from this batch :).

It's a simple premise that yields such a delightful array of flavors.

One for the wait ;)

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22 Oct 2017 17:09 #56696 by smoki07
Replied by smoki07 on topic Baker's Dozen
Someone did wake LaPortes thread up to get some hint/news for future of story. It worked so I'm doing the same for this story lol So UP.
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22 Oct 2017 18:19 - 23 Oct 2017 23:50 #56697 by Monty
Replied by Monty on topic Baker's Dozen

smoki07 wrote: Someone did wake LaPortes thread up to get some hint/news for future of story. It worked so I'm doing the same for this story lol So UP.

I pm'd Argo a few weeks back to share an idea about Baker's Dozen (didn't want to put the idea on here), but he's not replied.
Last edit: 23 Oct 2017 23:50 by Monty.

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24 Oct 2017 17:35 #56710 by smoki07
Replied by smoki07 on topic Baker's Dozen

Monty wrote:

smoki07 wrote: Someone did wake LaPortes thread up to get some hint/news for future of story. It worked so I'm doing the same for this story lol So UP.

I pm'd Argo a few weeks back to share an idea about Baker's Dozen (didn't want to put the idea on here), but he's not replied.

I also shared an idea about the story with argonaut but it's true the he take his time to reply (I got a response.) but nothing since!

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04 Feb 2018 18:28 #58451 by smoki07
Replied by smoki07 on topic Baker's Dozen
Come'on Argonaut, post something, you login regularly it would be nice !

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19 Feb 2018 21:45 #58623 by argonaut
Replied by argonaut on topic Baker's Dozen
Yeah, I've been inactive for a while. Two bouts of pneumonia since the summer (and I'd never had anything worse than a cold in my life). I'm fine now, but for a while I just didn't have the energy for writing.

Thanks for the prod, smokio. I know you're a fan of "Baker's Dozen," and appreciative readers like you are the spur that keeps me going. I've written most of the next two chapters, and I'll try to get them finished during a two-week vacation coming up in March.

Now if you'll excuse me -- I'm going to post something.
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20 Feb 2018 12:02 - 20 Feb 2018 13:24 #58639 by smoki07
Replied by smoki07 on topic Baker's Dozen
Yes! FINALLY lol. But seriously I am sad to know about your pneumonia. I hope that you're fine now. I know that I was annoyed (and annoying) sometime i apologise for that. Can't wait to see the next chapters!
Last edit: 20 Feb 2018 13:24 by smoki07.

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21 Feb 2018 20:25 #58665 by AuGoose
Replied by AuGoose on topic Baker's Dozen

Ahem. Rather, hey, welcome back. Glad to hear you're feeling less like roadkill :D.

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21 Feb 2018 23:02 #58668 by Monty
Replied by Monty on topic Baker's Dozen
All the best on your recovery Argo! We've missed your insights here.

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08 Mar 2018 10:51 #58806 by The Highlander
Replied by The Highlander on topic Baker's Dozen
Sorry to hear about your pneumonia but glad to hear there's more coming. I've really enjoyed reading about all the different girls and can't wait to see who ends up gaining powers next.

One small thing I have been thinking about since this series stared, normally a baker's dozen is of course 13 rather than 12. I wonder is something special is going to happen once Bobby uses his 12th wish?

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08 Mar 2018 11:50 #58807 by Woodclaw
Replied by Woodclaw on topic Baker's Dozen

The Highlander wrote: Sorry to hear about your pneumonia but glad to hear there's more coming. I've really enjoyed reading about all the different girls and can't wait to see who ends up gaining powers next.

One small thing I have been thinking about since this series stared, normally a baker's dozen is of course 13 rather than 12. I wonder is something special is going to happen once Bobby uses his 12th wish?

My guess is that the 13th wish will be something like: "This is your last chance to get things right, you can cancel all of your previous wishes at once. All or nothing." This would put Bobby in a pretty terrible spot especially if things are going to escalate as the last chapter seemed to imply.

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09 Mar 2018 03:34 #58812 by argonaut
Replied by argonaut on topic Baker's Dozen

The Highlander wrote: One small thing I have been thinking about since this series stared, normally a baker's dozen is of course 13 rather than 12. I wonder is something special is going to happen once Bobby uses his 12th wish?

I've been wondering if anyone was going to bring this up.

My original idea for the story was to let Bobby have the traditional three wishes. He uses two of them to give Cindy and Megan super-powers, then finds himself caught in the middle of a Betty-and-Veronica rivalry over him:

But then I began to see lots of possibilities in the premise of a guy who can endow girls with super-powers just by wishing, so I upped the number of wishes to twelve. It seemed like a manageable number that would allow for plenty of variety. So when I was trying to come up with a title, I thought about phrases with the word "dozen" -- The Dirty Dozen, cheaper by the dozen ... then I hit on "baker's dozen," changed the guy's name to Bobby Baker, and sent in the first three chapters.

But the implication of that phrase didn't occur to me until later. My outline for the story has gone through a number of changes as the story itself has taken shape, but it's always involved twelve transformations.

Of course, if a thirteenth wish should come in handy, I have a justification for using it!

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09 Mar 2018 12:18 #58815 by The Highlander
Replied by The Highlander on topic Baker's Dozen

argonaut wrote:

The Highlander wrote: One small thing I have been thinking about since this series stared, normally a baker's dozen is of course 13 rather than 12. I wonder is something special is going to happen once Bobby uses his 12th wish?

I've been wondering if anyone was going to bring this up.

My original idea for the story was to let Bobby have the traditional three wishes. He uses two of them to give Cindy and Megan super-powers, then finds himself caught in the middle of a Betty-and-Veronica rivalry over him:

But then I began to see lots of possibilities in the premise of a guy who can endow girls with super-powers just by wishing, so I upped the number of wishes to twelve. It seemed like a manageable number that would allow for plenty of variety. So when I was trying to come up with a title, I thought about phrases with the word "dozen" -- The Dirty Dozen, cheaper by the dozen ... then I hit on "baker's dozen," changed the guy's name to Bobby Baker, and sent in the first three chapters.

But the implication of that phrase didn't occur to me until later. My outline for the story has gone through a number of changes as the story itself has taken shape, but it's always involved twelve transformations.

Of course, if a thirteenth wish should come in handy, I have a justification for using it!

How about if Bobby doesn't get to use the Thirteenth wish but it instead acts as a reward/punishment for his actions, perhaps based on some sort of moral dilemma in the last chapter? Something like deciding to wipe all the girls powers (and/or his relationship with Cindy) to prevent some catastrophe, and by showing he is willing to sacrifice his own happiness for others he is rewarded by getting his superhuman girlfriend back.

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09 Mar 2018 16:24 #58817 by Woodclaw
Replied by Woodclaw on topic Baker's Dozen

argonaut wrote: My original idea for the story was to let Bobby have the traditional three wishes. He uses two of them to give Cindy and Megan super-powers, then finds himself caught in the middle of a Betty-and-Veronica rivalry over him:

Something's gonna give. My money is on Archie's shoulder sockets.

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