
Season 1 x 09 Spoilers and Discussions Blood Bonds

14 Dec 2015 23:23 - 19 Dec 2015 14:32 #45659 by five_red
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“Blood Bonds” – With Astra in captivity at the DEO, her husband, Non (Chris Vance), captures Hank, leading to a tense standoff between the two sides. Also, Kara continues to refute Cat’s allegations that she is Supergirl, on SUPERGIRL, Monday, Jan. 4 (8:00-9:00 PM) on the CBS Television Network.

Kryptonsite has the scoop, including photos:

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Last edit: 19 Dec 2015 14:32 by five_red.
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01 Jan 2016 10:49 - 01 Jan 2016 11:06 #45882 by Monty
I like the 3 trailers over at SG.TV, especially the second one which shows Kara getting into a right tizzy over Cat knowing her secret in the office, with overheated coffee and the glasses, (especially the glasses!)
Last edit: 01 Jan 2016 11:06 by Monty.
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01 Jan 2016 14:22 - 01 Jan 2016 14:24 #45883 by five_red
If you've been following the CBS Supergirl Database (PLUG), you'll know I added the three videos yesterday, as soon as they were released.

Last edit: 01 Jan 2016 14:24 by five_red.
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03 Jan 2016 18:35 - 03 Jan 2016 20:38 #45904 by Monty
Sorry, this isn't related as such to this episode, but I noticed something late last night during a late night Supergirl fest at the family home before leaving after Christmas break. It's all to do with Cat's discovery of Kara's identity so in a way it is relevant! Anyway, when Kara was giving her interview to Cat after carrying her car away, she referred to Olsen as James, his professional office name rather than 'Jimmy' as superman would call him. Cat looked intrigued at this before she learned that the pair were in fact cousins.Just a little something that may have got her brain ticking over that Supergirl may be a Catco employee...probably nothing tho as the vino was flowing fast buy that point!
Last edit: 03 Jan 2016 20:38 by Monty. Reason: Sp...televant!

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04 Jan 2016 14:13 #45911 by lfan
Here's a good "recap" video of where they are in the series:


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05 Jan 2016 03:01 #45921 by YAGS
This sort of felt like a filler episode. It advanced the ongoing storylines, but didn't do anything climactic.

And now that I'm thinking about it after the fact, I'm catching a lot more fridge logic.

Why exactly did Astra let herself get captured? Last episode, they claimed it was a distraction, but it turns out that distraction was both completely unsuccessful and completely unnecessary. It accomplished nothing, other than the meta-reasoning of giving Kara and Astra a chance to talk in these two episodes, to advance their relationship. But there's no logical reason for it to have been part of Astra's plan.

So why were the Kryptonians going after Lord's business? Did they know he was developing weapons against them, or were they after something different? And if they did know, how did they find that out?

They took the easy way out with Cat, predictably having Martian Manhunter impersonate Supergirl so Cat could see her and Kara together in the same room. This semi-permanently defuses the situation with Kara having to worry about Cat figuring out her secret identity, though I'm sure that will be revisited in 3 or 4 seasons, if the show goes that long. Frankly, besides being predictable from a plot perspective, I didn't think that scene was very well done.

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05 Jan 2016 06:48 #45922 by unseen_unheard
Replied by unseen_unheard on topic Season 1 x 09 Spoilers and Discussions Blood Bonds

YAGS wrote: They took the easy way out with Cat, predictably having Martian Manhunter impersonate Supergirl so Cat could see her and Kara together in the same room.

It was either that or reusing the amnesia kiss from Superman II.

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05 Jan 2016 13:29 #45923 by Woodclaw
Fact: I haven't seen any episode but the pilot so far, so my opinions are based on what I could gather online about the show progression.

YAGS wrote: Why exactly did Astra let herself get captured? Last episode, they claimed it was a distraction, but it turns out that distraction was both completely unsuccessful and completely unnecessary. It accomplished nothing, other than the meta-reasoning of giving Kara and Astra a chance to talk in these two episodes, to advance their relationship. But there's no logical reason for it to have been part of Astra's plan.

When this kind of situation arise I always hope there's some kind of Xanathos Gambit logic involved. I'm not saying that this is the case, but I hope it would be.

YAGS wrote: They took the easy way out with Cat, predictably having Martian Manhunter impersonate Supergirl so Cat could see her and Kara together in the same room. This semi-permanently defuses the situation with Kara having to worry about Cat figuring out her secret identity, though I'm sure that will be revisited in 3 or 4 seasons, if the show goes that long. Frankly, besides being predictable from a plot perspective, I didn't think that scene was very well done.

This is kind of a disappointment because it killed a possible development for Cat. It remains to be seen if she actually bit or not, but it would have been much more interesting if she decided not to pursue the story, since this would create a situation of doubt for Kara and/or showcased another face of Cat.
Why would she not publish such a story?
Is it gratitude?
Does she have an ulterior motive?
Is she mind controlled?
Granted putting this bit here and now would have opened a new storyline and maybe the authors are trying to keep things as tight as possible, but I still think there were more interesting way out.

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05 Jan 2016 14:29 #45924 by YAGS

unseen_unheard wrote:

YAGS wrote: They took the easy way out with Cat, predictably having Martian Manhunter impersonate Supergirl so Cat could see her and Kara together in the same room.

It was either that or reusing the amnesia kiss from Superman II.

As I said in my comments to last episode, I thought having Cat keep the knowledge of Supergirl's identity, but have a moral dilemma about whether or not to publish it would have made for a much more interesting story. She could have kept quiet to help Kara, because she respects her and wants her to succeed. And there would have been a permanent new dynamic between Cat and Kara going forward, with Cat intentionally mentoring Supergirl and giving her advice, instead of unintentionally as she has been.

I still expect this to happen eventually, but only if the show lasts a few seasons. Maybe they'll do something like this by year 4 or 5. That's why it kinda surprised me last episode, when they had Cat figure it out so early. It seemed too soon.

I thought of another piece of bad fridge logic. How did Non contact the DEO by video chat, if neither of them knows where the other's base is, and the DEO is a secret government agency? It's not like they're in the phone book.

However, that does give a possible explanation for Astra letting herself get captured. Maybe it was all a ploy to locate their base of operations. I don't quite buy that one, but it's the best explanation I can think of.

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05 Jan 2016 15:41 #45925 by Markiehoe
General Lane was a much more believable character in this episode.
The writers must have seen how poorly they wrote him in the Red Tornado episode.
I know the fans reacted in a less than positive way to him.
He was much cooler, calculating and menacing in this episode.
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05 Jan 2016 16:22 #45926 by jdrock24
I watched this episode last night and, while enjoyable, it did leave me with some questions:

- At the end of the episode, they seem to imply that Lord is the major threat now. Ummmm, isn't the major threat still Astra and her army of super powered Kryptonians? Shouldn't they have your full attention?

- Let's see, an army of super powered Kryptonians are on earth, surround Kara and her sister, and Superman still doesn't help her out? Come on now, I know it is her show and that is where the focus should be but to have him exist and just ignore this major threat makes him come off as kind of a jerk. Like I said a long time ago, they need to send him off into space or something so questions like this don't come up.
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05 Jan 2016 19:45 - 05 Jan 2016 19:48 #45931 by lfan
Watching Blood Bonds, I was left with mixed feelings. On the whole I thought it has a few good moments:

-- Kara telling Wynn and James to act normal
-- The interogation of Astra
-- The Ambush
-- Max Lord's Room 52

But overall, like someone mentioned before, it almost seemed like a filler episode with no real purpose or resolution. If anything, it left MORE questions. I'm still baffled by the fact that Supergirl / Superman are the most powerful creatures on the planet but Astra/Non are sitting on a literal army of Supermen and not really going on the offensive. Even recon! Surely, an army of super people with superspeed, superhearing and xray vision could have found the DEO's secret hideout by now....or overpowered Lord's security to get whatever they were after...or attempted to take over he world. Yet they just lay in waiting.....

While we all saw the resolution of the identity crisis with "MM becoming Kara" coming, I didn't really like the way it played out. The dialog and interactions between Cat/Kara and then Cat/Kara/Supergirl seemed awkward. I know Kara is supposed to be awkward, but this was REALLY awkward. And when MM showed up as Kara, they awkwardly shook hands? Did Kara shake anyone else's hand when meeting them. Maybe it was intentionally done, but it just seemed wrong. And Even Cat's temperament seemed out of place. Rather than being the aggressor -- as she always is and is what she preaches -- and trying to prove Kara's secret ("unbutton your blouse", "cut a strand of your hair") she was content to sit back and let Kara disprove it. Didn't seem to match Cat's character at all IMO.

Finally, I hate, hate, HATE the impromptu IM sessions between Kara and Clark. It borders on super cheesy ("I learned it from you") and super condescending ("do you need help?"). Not a big fan.

Since I think this was the last one in the can before the midseason pickup, I'm optimistic they'll kinda "start with a clean(er) slate" going forward, putting Astra maybe on the back burner, not dealing with the identity crisis thing for a while, and turning the attention more toward new villans like Toyman and Bizarrogirl.

Despite my personal issues with it, it got solid ratings, a perk of not competing with The Voice anymore and being one of the first scripted shows with a new episode coming out of the Winter Break. Hopefully the momentum will carry over....

Last edit: 05 Jan 2016 19:48 by lfan.
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05 Jan 2016 20:06 #45932 by andyf
They never explained why Astra let herself get captured.

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05 Jan 2016 21:27 #45934 by shadar
I share the sentiment of this army of Kryptonians who seem to be laying low. They've proven they can defeat and, per the dialog, can kill Kara. Even one on one, let alone ten on one.

Yet Superman is like, "need any help out there?" And Kara is more or like, "got it covered". When she doesn't.


Clearly the writers and directors have been given some strict rules about "no Superman", but they could at least use some creativity in how they handled it. So far they are doing it in the worst possible way imaginable.

How hard is it to pull out the oft-used theme of Superman being far away in a distant galaxy on some mission or whatever. That might be over-worn in the comics, but it sure beats what we are seeing.

The show is still fun, but man, are they leaving a lot of opportunities on the floor.

That said, to maintain any comic book continuity at all, Cat can't know who Kara is. I know its tempting to play that another way, and I've tried to outline a scene that went the opposite way, but this is how its supposed to work in that universe. While I think Cat was too willing to be convinced, that scene was pretty convincing. The costume and the more assertive voice and manner make Supergirl seem a lot different than Kara, certainly in the eyes of someone like Cat. And seeing two people standing there, acting as if they hadn't met before, would be convincing to anyone. They scene was underplayed, but it was the right way to do it.

Of course, this more assertive, active and superpowered Hank/Jon is going to be fun to watch. Given he can pull off a convincing Supergirl imitation, including at least some of her powers, there are lots of available possibilities now. That was fun given I'm in the middle of a continuation of Freya's Story, which dives more deeply into the whole shapechanging thing.

As Freya said in the contest entry portion of the story, when her adoptive brother seemed astonished when she claimed she could become a guy if she wanted to, "Penises aren't that complicated."

Maybe not the flesh, but everything else is. Facebook has 58 different genders to choose from now, imagine what the world will look like by my story's 2029 timeline. A shapechanger who is also a good actor could make for a very complicated story.

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05 Jan 2016 22:23 #45935 by ace191
OK, here is my take on why Astra let herself be captured. Clearly the Kryptonian's have a 10 to one advantage, so they can ambush and kill Superman or Supergirl anytime they want. So why don't they? If I was writing this story, I know where I would go with it and I think it may be the same place that they are going with it. There are by my count including Superman at least 9 Male Kryptonians, but only two Kryptonian females. And is Astra cannot bear children, then there is only one other possibility and that is Kara. If they want the race to continue, then they need her alive and on their side. So they let Astra be captured so that she can get emotionally closer to Kara which she was successful in doing.

From a practical point of view, they can put them all in the background for now, but the threat is always looming. I expect we will see other story lines, but at the end of the season, I would have a major cliffhanger crises with the Kryptonians.

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06 Jan 2016 00:41 #45936 by YAGS
The "keep Kara around for breeding stock" theory falls down in light of the conversation between Astra and Non before Astra let herself be captured last episode. They were talking about killing her.

It's a good idea, but it doesn't fit with what we've seen so far.

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06 Jan 2016 01:48 #45937 by ace191
But my point is, they need to come up with a reason why they need Superman and Supergirl alive other than blood kin in my opinion. Or maybe they will use that as a conflict between Astra and Non and she will turn to the good side. That is not likely IMO. Or maybe the writers have not figured it out yet. A much more likely bet.

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06 Jan 2016 02:29 - 06 Jan 2016 02:30 #45938 by YAGS
Yeah, you're giving them too much credit. It's pretty obvious that the writers on this series just aren't very good. We've had a lot more good ideas on these forums than what we've seen in the actual show.

I'm still holding out hope that the show will get better once it's had time to "grow its beard", but so far, it's a pretty mediocre series. I like these types of shows when done well, but if it wasn't for my specific interest in super powered women, and Supergirl especially, I would have given up on this one already.
Last edit: 06 Jan 2016 02:30 by YAGS.

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06 Jan 2016 05:43 - 06 Jan 2016 05:45 #45942 by shadar

ace191 wrote: OK, here is my take on why Astra let herself be captured. Clearly the Kryptonian's have a 10 to one advantage, so they can ambush and kill Superman or Supergirl anytime they want. So why don't they? If I was writing this story, I know where I would go with it and I think it may be the same place that they are going with it. There are by my count including Superman at least 9 Male Kryptonians, but only two Kryptonian females. And is Astra cannot bear children, then there is only one other possibility and that is Kara. If they want the race to continue, then they need her alive and on their side. So they let Astra be captured so that she can get emotionally closer to Kara which she was successful in doing.

From a practical point of view, they can put them all in the background for now, but the threat is always looming. I expect we will see other story lines, but at the end of the season, I would have a major cliffhanger crises with the Kryptonians.

I know where you are coming from, and I've used that concept myself in past stories, but in a CBS show that tries to bring young girls and their mothers into their fold? Not sure the "last fertile Kryptonian" angle would fly with them.

But in the adult world, we know one thing is true of all mammals -- the more threatened their population, the faster they breed. And it doesn't take much imagination to see how a bunch of virile human men would regard the last girl on Earth at her prime childbearing age.

If Kryptonians have the same innate responses, then this would be an incredible driver for the story, mainly because it would cause both competition and high-level emotions from every Kryptonian man. That and the stakes -- the future of an entire race resting on the shoulders of one woman. Who happens to be the enemy.

Talk about the elephant in the room.

But likely CBS will tiptoe around the elephant without waking it up.
Last edit: 06 Jan 2016 05:45 by shadar.

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06 Jan 2016 06:59 #45943 by ace191
I disagree. Non and Astra could have a big fight about killing her. Non could say that the only reason that Astra is sparing her life is because she is her aunt. Astra could fire back with you know that is not true. If we can't duplicate the krypton incubator pod system ( or whatever the process was) then she would become vital to our race's
Continuing survival and leave it at that. So they decide to maintain for now a truce with Superman and Supergirl until they are sure that they do not need them. Problem solved in one scene.

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