
Prequel to the Man of Steel movie

14 Jun 2013 18:01 #31934 by shadar
Prequel to the Man of Steel movie was created by shadar
DC has released a Prequel comic book to set the stage for the Man of Steel movie that opens today. There is a HUGE surprise in the Prequel., which I will gladly spoil here... the entire Prequel is about Kara Zor El. Yes, that's right, its all about Kara, not Kal.

In a nutshell, she's in her early 20's and is a combat pilot and warrior of Krypton. After a training accident where someone is killed, she goes on a mission and her ship is hijacked and she fights this bad guy to the death (she's a consummate warrior) but in the process crash lands on Earth 1000 years ago. She survives and is entombed in the ice, with the only evidence being some primitive drawings from the native Innuits.

Bottom line, she's here on Earth, she's been here for a thousand years, and the Man of Steel movie will redefine the Superman mythos leading to her discovery and appearance in sequels. And she's been raised on Krypton and she's a kick-ass warrior with a golden heart.

My confidence of seeing Kara in the Man of Steel sequel, or Justice League or sequels, has gone from unlikely to essentially 100%. The entire new Superman franchise as revealed in Man of Steel today ultimately depends on her being here on Earth (although still in suspended animation during this movie).

Here is a site that contains this information and a number of spoilers about life on Krypton and their social structure that came out with the Prequel, again, all focused on Kara. Read at your own risk before seeing the movie.

If you find this incredible, do a search today on the Man of Steel Prequel and its all over the place. Kara is coming and she's built into the foundation of the entire redefinition of Krypton and Man of Steel.


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14 Jun 2013 18:26 #31935 by shadar
Replied by shadar on topic Prequel to the Man of Steel movie
After re-looking at this, given that Kal doesn't find Kara in the Fortress, but only the bodies of her crew-mates, she's either frozen under the ice somewhere, or is walking among us. She's the one who walked away from the wreck, and was seen by Innuits of the time who captured her image with the "S" on her chest. She was the only one in the crew who wore that rune.

Presumably, given she's a Kryptonian living under a yellow sun, she's be both indestructible and possibly nearly immortal.

I'm betting we see her in a Sequel being revived after being dug out of the ice and wakes up to find herself living on a very strange but relatively modern world. And unlike Kal, she's a warrior-trained.

In any case, there are clues in the new movie as well as the explicit info in the Prequel, so go see the movie.


shadar wrote: DC has released a Prequel comic book to set the stage for the Man of Steel movie that opens today. There is a HUGE surprise in the Prequel., which I will gladly spoil here... the entire Prequel is about Kara Zor El. Yes, that's right, its all about Kara, not Kal.

In a nutshell, she's in her early 20's and is a combat pilot and warrior of Krypton. After a training accident where someone is killed, she goes on a mission and her ship is hijacked and she fights this bad guy to the death (she's a consummate warrior) but in the process crash lands on Earth 1000 years ago. She survives and is entombed in the ice, with the only evidence being some primitive drawings from the native Innuits.

Bottom line, she's here on Earth, she's been here for a thousand years, and the Man of Steel movie will redefine the Superman mythos leading to her discovery and appearance in sequels. And she's been raised on Krypton and she's a kick-ass warrior with a golden heart.

My confidence of seeing Kara in the Man of Steel sequel, or Justice League or sequels, has gone from unlikely to essentially 100%. The entire new Superman franchise as revealed in Man of Steel today ultimately depends on her being here on Earth (although still in suspended animation during this movie).

Here is a site that contains this information and a number of spoilers about life on Krypton and their social structure that came out with the Prequel, again, all focused on Kara. Read at your own risk before seeing the movie.

If you find this incredible, do a search today on the Man of Steel Prequel and its all over the place. Kara is coming and she's built into the foundation of the entire redefinition of Krypton and Man of Steel.


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14 Jun 2013 19:11 #31937 by shadar
Replied by shadar on topic Prequel to the Man of Steel movie
Also, reports today say Man of Steel has sold $170M worth of merchandise and related deals prior to release, and grossed $21M on Thursday night during "preview" showings. Looks pretty clear that the movie will have grossed more than its production costs by the time Friday night's showings are over. That's pretty amazing for a movie on its first day of release.

Now the news is out that the sequel is being fast-tracked and its part of a three-movie deal. We know that money will lubricate that process, and the money looks potentially really good. As long as the movie resonates with its fans... we'll have an answer to that (including personal observations) before the weekend is over.

This is further evidence that this franchise could really catch fire this time, and given the Prequel's focus on Kara, I'm more optimistic of seeing Supergirl on screen than ever before.

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14 Jun 2013 19:43 #31938 by mo
Replied by mo on topic Prequel to the Man of Steel movie
Thanks Shadar - this has actually given me hope!

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14 Jun 2013 19:55 #31940 by lfan
Replied by lfan on topic Prequel to the Man of Steel movie
I think roughly that $380M is the breakeven point, in terms of production and marketing costs. That said, it's off to a wonderful start hype-wise. The reviews and comments from people on Facebook are very polarizing -- either extreme love or hate. Not much in-between....

Thanks for the Prequel heads up. I read it, and I gotta say that -- while its me being overly hopeful -- that it sure LOOKS like the plan to interject kara into the silver screen mythos. If not, they sure spent an awful lot of time and effort to introduce that red herring....

Cautiously optimistic,

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14 Jun 2013 20:10 #31941 by castor
Replied by castor on topic Prequel to the Man of Steel movie
This is very early to say but i am not sure.

Part of the problem of the man of steel is Zack Synder(though in fairness i haven't seen the movie yet). Hes attached to it as the parlance.

Supergirl sounds like a property DC wouldn't mind giving to Synder to work with. Synder was the director of Sucker Punch, which is an unconferably bad movie i thought, more so i think becuse it did have a gloss of female empowerment to it.

I do think he can be a talented director-he has a good eye and knows how to work in special effects maybe better then Jim Cameron, But i don't think i have ever seen a halfway decent female character in any of his movies.There is something in his attempts as in sucker punch or Silk Spectre in Watchmen that seem ....icky is a word.

The idea of supergirl as a tough as nails fighter pilot who has to learn how to adjust to earth- i don't think its a bad idea. However its also an idea that could make Sucker Punch 2.

But this is very early.

And honestly i would like to See A Flash movie and Wonder Woman (both of which you need to do a Justice Leauge movie, which i think is much more likely now)

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14 Jun 2013 20:10 #31942 by shadar
Replied by shadar on topic Prequel to the Man of Steel movie
I agree... was only talking about grossing their production costs by the first day of release. Obviously a lot of other costs are involved. Still, its a real measure of merit to have that much money in the bag so early. I wouldn't be surprised to see this one go close a billion dollars world-wide over the next month or so.

If so, that'll build a fire under the sequels and prove that DC characters can make money for the studios. DC characters and villains fit into this group's context better than anything Marvel does, so that's a hopeful sign.


lfan wrote: I think roughly that $380M is the breakeven point, in terms of production and marketing costs. That said, it's off to a wonderful start hype-wise. The reviews and comments from people on Facebook are very polarizing -- either extreme love or hate. Not much in-between....

Thanks for the Prequel heads up. I read it, and I gotta say that -- while its me being overly hopeful -- that it sure LOOKS like the plan to interject kara into the silver screen mythos. If not, they sure spent an awful lot of time and effort to introduce that red herring....

Cautiously optimistic,

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14 Jun 2013 20:24 #31944 by shadar
Replied by shadar on topic Prequel to the Man of Steel movie
I think the whole issue is to reboot the franchise with a different history than what we've seen in the comics -- and make it both interesting and profitable. Many Superman fans will hate that, but if it plays into the Man of Steel sequels and also into Justice League and its sequels and creates a silver-screen mythos that sticks, then maybe DC will be able to stand up to Marvel movies, and give us characters (like Kara and WW) that we want.

I think its a no-brainer that Warner is trying to do what Marvel did... introduce individual characters and then put them together into a combined universe (ala Avengers) where they can continue to reveal new characters. I have my doubts whether Kara gets a stand-alone movie ala Iron Man or Thor, and she might not even make the first Justice League, but clearly they've created a way for her to surface in a major role whenever the writers want to bring her in.

So far, the new portrayal of Krypton's history sounds more interesting than the ones we've seen in the comics, but I want to see the movie and think about what it all means before I can comment too much more. I'm just stoked that they went to so much trouble to build Kara into the Prequel and put her on Earth.

It's not surprising that they introduce mostly male Kryptonians first (except Faora) before they bring Supergirl onto the screen. General audiences can handle Superman and super-bad guys, including super-bad girls, easier than they can handle a superheroine. Strange, but that's how I see it.

But this at least loads the gun. Now we need Man of Steel to make a lot of money to cock the gun.


castor wrote: This is very early to say but i am not sure.

Part of the problem of the man of steel is Zack Synder(though in fairness i haven't seen the movie yet). Hes attached to it as the parlance.

Supergirl sounds like a property DC wouldn't mind giving to Synder to work with. Synder was the director of Sucker Punch, which is an unconferably bad movie i thought, more so i think becuse it did have a gloss of female empowerment to it.

I do think he can be a talented director-he has a good eye and knows how to work in special effects maybe better then Jim Cameron, But i don't think i have ever seen a halfway decent female character in any of his movies.There is something in his attempts as in sucker punch or Silk Spectre in Watchmen that seem ....icky is a word.

The idea of supergirl as a tough as nails fighter pilot who has to learn how to adjust to earth- i don't think its a bad idea. However its also an idea that could make Sucker Punch 2.

But this is very early.

And honestly i would like to See A Flash movie and Wonder Woman (both of which you need to do a Justice Leauge movie, which i think is much more likely now)

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14 Jun 2013 22:22 #31946 by jdrock24
Replied by jdrock24 on topic Prequel to the Man of Steel movie
Call me a "Negative Nancy" but I don't think Man of Steel will have quite the legs that WB is expecting.

I asked my college aged nephew today if he was going to go see it and his response was: "No. I'm not a Superman fan. I'm more of a Marvel guy." Now this is a kid who goes to see the new, hot movie almost every single week and yet he is ignoring this one? I know he is just one kid but he represents the demographic that Man of Steel should be attracting easily.

As for myself, I'm not sure if I will go see it either based on some spoilers I read that contain things that my vision of Superman would never do. Besides, I still feel a little burned by sitting through that god-awful Superman Returns from several years ago. I don't know if I could stomach another disappointment.

As to how much it needs to make to get a Kara spin-off or appearance in a sequel, I have no idea. I hope it happens but forgive me if I don't hold my breath....

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14 Jun 2013 22:40 #31947 by www1969
Replied by www1969 on topic Prequel to the Man of Steel movie

jdrock24 wrote: Call me a "Negative Nancy" but I don't think Man of Steel will have quite the legs that WB is expecting.

Yeah, ALL the press says how huge this thing is going to be, and I have a hard time believing it's going to live up to everybody's expectations, at least economically. Maybe creatively it'll get a lot of positive reviews, even among comic fans. Still, I can't help but think that going dark and moody is right for Batman but not for Supes. It just doesn't sound like it's going to be "fun" the way you expect that a Marvel movie is going to be.

It sounds like Warner is pinning nothing less than the future of DC movies squarely on the shoulders of this thing, and my gut tells me it's not going to pay off.

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15 Jun 2013 11:40 - 15 Jun 2013 11:52 #31954 by Lastleaf
Replied by Lastleaf on topic Prequel to the Man of Steel movie
Saw it, June 12. The movie ranks among the best supehero movies I've seen, I rank TDK as the only one better than it, yes even better than Avengers. I say this not because of the action or special effects. It has a great story, top notch acting. It is emotional, it actually put me to tears.

eta: Faora kicked ass, I mean she was in pretty disadvantage on being on Earth for only a short time so she isn't as strong as Clark and she was still kicking his ass and loving it. If anyone has seen the pics of Superman being slammed at a vault, that was Faora. If only she weren't wearing that armor she'll be the bad girl of a number of persons dreams here.
Last edit: 15 Jun 2013 11:52 by Lastleaf.

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15 Jun 2013 11:53 #31957 by Lastleaf
Replied by Lastleaf on topic Prequel to the Man of Steel movie

jdrock24 wrote: Call me a "Negative Nancy" but I don't think Man of Steel will have quite the legs that WB is expecting.

I asked my college aged nephew today if he was going to go see it and his response was: "No. I'm not a Superman fan. I'm more of a Marvel guy." Now this is a kid who goes to see the new, hot movie almost every single week and yet he is ignoring this one? I know he is just one kid but he represents the demographic that Man of Steel should be attracting easily.

As for myself, I'm not sure if I will go see it either based on some spoilers I read that contain things that my vision of Superman would never do. Besides, I still feel a little burned by sitting through that god-awful Superman Returns from several years ago. I don't know if I could stomach another disappointment.

As to how much it needs to make to get a Kara spin-off or appearance in a sequel, I have no idea. I hope it happens but forgive me if I don't hold my breath....

Go with an open mind.

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16 Jun 2013 06:06 #31967 by jnw550
Replied by jnw550 on topic Prequel to the Man of Steel movie
I actually get where they are coming from with the armor. Need it or not, it's a uniform and soldiers/warriors throughout history have always worn a uniform. Sometimes a uniform isn't so much for protection as it is a message. I haven't seen the movie, so I don't know if that's how General Zod sees himself and his subordinates, but it makes sense to me.

Campy costumes, or lack of, work well for comics; but, in today's superhero cimema it looks too...silly? Of course, I would love to see more skin as much as the next person here, but get why they are suited up.

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17 Jun 2013 08:46 #31976 by Lastleaf
Replied by Lastleaf on topic Prequel to the Man of Steel movie

jnw550 wrote: I actually get where they are coming from with the armor. Need it or not, it's a uniform and soldiers/warriors throughout history have always worn a uniform. Sometimes a uniform isn't so much for protection as it is a message. I haven't seen the movie, so I don't know if that's how General Zod sees himself and his subordinates, but it makes sense to me.

Campy costumes, or lack of, work well for comics; but, in today's superhero cimema it looks too...silly? Of course, I would love to see more skin as much as the next person here, but get why they are suited up.

Oh, I liked the armor. Just saying people here would loved it even more without it.

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17 Jun 2013 10:59 #31977 by kikass
Replied by kikass on topic Prequel to the Man of Steel movie
Yup I gotta agree. The armour wasn't really an issue for me. Yes I would have enjoyed it a bit more if Faora wasn't so covered, but hey, I get where they are coming from.

The acting, plot, tone and pace of the film felt pretty much spot on. Although there were some cliche lines in the script, they were very few and far between. Overall, excellent superhero film, and a great Superman reboot. Not saying much, but its a million times better then the 2006 Singer attempt (though Routh was NOT the reason that sucked).

Really looking forward to where they go with the (inevitable) sequel.

Just my 2 cents :)



P.S. I get the feeling that there is some stuff missing. Even at a runtime of around 2 1/2 hrs, I wouldn't be surprised if there is a "directors cut" coming out (much like Snyder did with Watchmen where I think there was like 45 mins reinserted).

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20 Jun 2013 14:08 #32015 by jdrock24
Replied by jdrock24 on topic Prequel to the Man of Steel movie

Lastleaf wrote:

jdrock24 wrote: Call me a "Negative Nancy" but I don't think Man of Steel will have quite the legs that WB is expecting.

I asked my college aged nephew today if he was going to go see it and his response was: "No. I'm not a Superman fan. I'm more of a Marvel guy." Now this is a kid who goes to see the new, hot movie almost every single week and yet he is ignoring this one? I know he is just one kid but he represents the demographic that Man of Steel should be attracting easily.

As for myself, I'm not sure if I will go see it either based on some spoilers I read that contain things that my vision of Superman would never do. Besides, I still feel a little burned by sitting through that god-awful Superman Returns from several years ago. I don't know if I could stomach another disappointment.

As to how much it needs to make to get a Kara spin-off or appearance in a sequel, I have no idea. I hope it happens but forgive me if I don't hold my breath....

Go with an open mind.

Thank you lastleaf. After reading a lot of negative reviews (mostly from professional "critics") along with a bunch of positive reviews (mostly from fans) I decided to duck out and see this movie for myself last night.

If I could sum up this movie in one word, it would be "Epic". It was awesome!

I thoroughly enjoyed it. I remember walking out of the theater after watching Superman Returns with the feeling that I was just ripped off. I'm serious, it was that bad. Not this time though. Last night I walked out of the theater with a grin on my face and a sense of wonder about which path the sequel is going to go down.

I really don't know how the critics missed the boat on this movie. I guess they were expecting a straight Superhero movie in the Marvel vein or 1980s Donner movies. To me, it was more like a Science Fiction movie ala War of the Worlds with some moments reminding me of Superman; The Animated Series (especially the end fight with Zod and his cronies in which Metropolis and Smallville are leveled. Does anyone remember the last episode of Justice League Unlimited in which Metropolis is leveled during a fight with Darkseid?).

Even some of the spoilers I read that I wasn't sure I would like really didn't bother me when I actually watched the movie. Do I wish they would have handled some things differently? Of course. But I can see how some of the choices Superman had to make in this movie could affect things in the sequel and further down the line in the expected DC movie universe.

My recommendation: Go see this movie as soon as you can. I may even try to see it again at some point this summer. Yes! It was that good.
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20 Jun 2013 18:47 #32018 by kikass
Replied by kikass on topic Prequel to the Man of Steel movie
Pretty spot on review JD.

I saw the film when it was released on Friday, without reading any reviews (I never read reviews about a film before I see it). And I was very very entertained by it. Much better then Superman Returns which was awful.

I also don't get what critics were expecting. Did they really think they were going to remake the Donner film of 78/79???? :blink:

Times change. Hell Superman has gone through a few changes in the comic books. He's been around for 80 years or so. It would be boring if he stayed the same. And personally, I don't think the core of what Superman is, is lost in this adaptation.

Yes its grittier. It is more "sci-fi" then comic book. There is no humour/light-hearted-ness to it like the Donner movies. And personally, I'm glad. To me that was cheese.

So, in my opinion, those who haven't seen the movie, ignore the critics and go see it.



P.S. And with this reboot, there is also somewhere to go with the character and story. Really looking forward to where they take it.

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