
Super Asian Girl Thread

06 Apr 2011 21:52 - 06 Apr 2011 21:52 #22536 by Berkhart
Super Asian Girl Thread was created by Berkhart
There are tens and tens of millions of beautiful, perfect Asian girls in the world, and each one should be super-powered :) Rather than me flooding this forum with all of them, I'd like to add them to this thread instead. Hopefully nobody minds...

Here's the first one. Japanese girls and glasses, such a wonderful combination in hottness and cute. I like to think this woman is an ambitious scientist, who just happened to hack into a government superwoman project. "Hmmmm, this looks so simple. Why, I'll be an unstoppable goddess by the end of the day"

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Last edit: 06 Apr 2011 21:52 by Berkhart.
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07 Apr 2011 01:59 - 07 Apr 2011 02:00 #22539 by Woodclaw
Replied by Woodclaw on topic Re: Super Asian Girl Thread
Speaking of hot asian girls there are two photos I have to post.

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I don't know who this girl is, but I love how she looks.

Second is Yaya Han , one of the sexiest cosplayer ever.

Need a sample

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07 Apr 2011 06:13 #22549 by colt13
Replied by colt13 on topic Re: Super Asian Girl Thread
I think Olivia Munn and Lindsay Price would agree.

"There are tens and tens of millions of beautiful, perfect Asian girls in the world, and each one should be super-powered"

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07 Apr 2011 07:33 #22551 by inactive
Replied by inactive on topic Re: Super Asian Girl Thread
"You guys are all so sweet, thinking that you can stop me from doing whatever I like. You weren't too attached to that aircraft carrier, were you?"

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- GeekSeven

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07 Apr 2011 08:06 #22553 by inactive
Replied by inactive on topic Re: Super Asian Girl Thread
"Good game guys, good game. You tried really hard and I'm sorry that 11 of you weren't able to beat just me, or even score a single goal. Is 584 goals in a single game of soccer a good number? I would have been able to score more if the ball wasn't so fragile."

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- GeekSeven
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07 Apr 2011 08:54 - 07 Apr 2011 09:26 #22556 by Berkhart
Replied by Berkhart on topic Re: Super Asian Girl Thread
Oh silly Americans, because your debt to China is just too high, I was sent to collect on that debt. I could have taken your Mint, but...(snicker)...the US dollar is as weak as you all are in comparison to me. So, I chose to simply lift the entire island of Manhattan, and bring it back to China. Don't worry about the millions trapped there as I flew them to their new home; they are all fine, and making splendid slave laborers. Now then...oh excuse me for a moment, I have just received a call.

Wonderful news, it seems as if your nation's debt is still unacceptably high. Hmmmmm, maybe I should seize Hawaii and bring it back next. I'm quite sure me and the 100's of other Chinese superwomen will love to have our own personal vacation spot!

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Last edit: 07 Apr 2011 09:26 by Berkhart.
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07 Apr 2011 08:59 #22557 by inactive
Replied by inactive on topic Re: Super Asian Girl Thread
"I love racing against Formula 1 cars; it's so relaxing. I don't have to put any effort into it at all, I can just coast along, running backwards at barely 250 miles an hour, and leave everyone else in the dust."

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- GeekSeven
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07 Apr 2011 09:50 #22559 by drwfletch02
Replied by drwfletch02 on topic Re: Super Asian Girl Thread
My god, just how many of these giga-powered gals are they? Earth surely can't survive with all them around -- should something be done?

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07 Apr 2011 13:28 - 07 Apr 2011 13:31 #22560 by Woodclaw
Replied by Woodclaw on topic Re: Super Asian Girl Thread

drwfletch02 wrote: My god, just how many of these giga-powered gals are they? Earth surely can't survive with all them around -- should something be done?

Like what?

I don't think that any of them will concede easily (if ever).
Last edit: 07 Apr 2011 13:31 by Woodclaw.

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07 Apr 2011 19:01 - 07 Apr 2011 19:52 #22562 by N_S1701
Replied by N_S1701 on topic Re: Super Asian Girl Thread
"Whoever built this military base didn't do a very good job, I didn't even have to slow down when I flew in. Those guards didn't do a very good job either, they couldn't even survive one little blast of my laser vision! I better tell my sisters on the invasion fleet to find another target, I'll have this one crushed under my heel by the end of the day."

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"This throne? Yes, I suppose it will have to do... for now... See? I'm not unreasonable, I know that you could't have predicted that a common stripper like me would one day be your goddess. Still, I need a throne that's truly worthy of my divinity. You have until the end of the week to bring me all the world's diamonds so I can melt them down with my heat vision, remould it and cool it with my ice breath. Don't disappoint me, or there will be consequences."

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A few days later...
"You had your chance mortals. It's been a week and still you have not brought your goddess the diamonds that are rightfully mine. You think you can appease me with these worthless pearls and platinum trinkets? Looks like you all need to be taught a lesson. I think I will wipe a country off the map. Yes, that should teach you not to fail me. But which one? Eeny, meeny, miney, moe..."

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"You think this shot is hard? This is nothing. The way I usually play I don't even use a cue. Of course, the balls are usually planets and the holes are usually black holes or particularly large stars... That reminds me, I still haven't decided what to do with your pathetic planet yet... If you can prove to me that you'd all make good slaves I might consider letting you live for the time being. Well? What are you waiting for? Get on the ground and grovel for your planet."

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"ATTENTION EARTHLINGS! I am Princess Hyun, royal heir to an empire so vast that to speak of it would boggle your tiny minds. Tradition dictates that when I come of age I must seek out and purify a hundred worlds for the glory of my people. I've gotten tired of hurling asteroids at cities and causing tornadoes with my breath so for fun I will issue you a challenge: Gather your mightiest armies and weapons, I will not move or resist for a full day. If you managed to draw a single drop of blood from my perfect body, I will leave your planet and never return. If you cannot, then you will submit your entire race to eternal slavery - to satisfy my every whim until your pathetic sun burns out or I grow tired of you."

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Last edit: 07 Apr 2011 19:52 by N_S1701.
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07 Apr 2011 20:37 - 07 Apr 2011 21:44 #22566 by N_S1701
Replied by N_S1701 on topic Re: Super Asian Girl Thread
I hope I'm not getting carried away here but just minutes after I finished one post, I'm struck by more inspiration. Let me know what you think of these girls ;)

"Yes Mom, I know I'm supposed to be conquering them and not posing for them but just because I'm there to annihilate and enslave their race doesn't mean I can't look good doing it. Yeah, I can't run as quickly in these heels but what does that matter when I can jog faster than their speediest missile? Besides, I plan to do most of the culling personally this time and it would be downright cruel of me to kill those weaklings they call men without at least letting them marvel at my glorious body in their final moments. Plus, some of those Earth women are really something and I've always wanted a harem..."

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"The guards at Fort Knox laughed when I walked in and demanded all of America's gold so I could make myself a new dress. They were shocked when I handed them an order from Congress and the President himself telling them to turn over the gold. They didn't know that I had the entire government of the United States firmly under my mind control. About a week later I realized that it would just be easier to force them to rescind the Constitution and declare me Empress of the Queendom of Min. Fast forward a month to today and every single person on this planet is my puppet and must cater to my every perverse whim."

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"They say that prostitutes never amount to anything. Hah! If I weren't out working the streets I never would have met the crazed scientist who made me Supreme Empress of the Earth! I owe him so much for making me the super being I am today... to bad I had to kill him with my eye beams to keep him from making any more super formula. Oh well. Now that I've crushed the world's armies like the bugs that they are, it's the turn of every other human on Earth to debase and humiliate themselves for MY amusement! I think the first kilometer tall statues of me are being finished right now. Of course, thousands of those puny slaves had to die building them, and millions more will starve since they're built on prime farmland, but that is such a small price to pay to symbolize my eternal dominance over them."

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"YOU IDIOTS! When I said I wanted a palace made out of gold I meant SOLID gold, not this flimsy foil you've put up! I don't care if you've used all of it erecting building-sized statues of me in every city, MINE MORE! You know what? Forget it. If I want this done right I'll have to do it myself. I'm going to fly to the asteroid belt, find one filled with gold and bring it right back here. Of course, as punishment for your incompetence, I'm going to drop it on your home town. Now go find a TV and turn it to the news channel. I won't take long."

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"We got this planet as one of our wedding presents so we decided to have our honeymoon here! What? Of course you don't get a say in this, do rats get a say as to who moves into a house? Besides, we've already destroyed those annoying flying things which kept shooting at us. Even though they just tickled, they're still annoying when we girls are trying to enjoy ourselves! And then there was so much screaming afterwards that we had to freeze the whole area with our ice breaths! When we settle down here for good, we're going to make a few changes, starting with exterminating you vermin. Of course, we could keep a few of you around as pets and playthings... We'll see how many of you survive the new ice age we're going to create."

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"What should I wear to my coronation? Maybe I should just go in this? After all, there's a certain delicious irony to the former leaders of the world kissing the boots that I wore as an escort. *Sigh* I only wish you bugs had put up more of a fight. I would have had time to pick up some new clothes if I didn't have such an easy time of destroying your measly armies. Ahh well, there'll be plenty of time for wardrobe stocking once I assume my throne. In fact, I think my first edict will be for every country to create a stunning dress for me. As incentive, I the country which tributes me the worst dress will be ripped out of the ground and flung into the sun. I've never tried that before, I might even have to use two arms..."

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"These Earth buildings are so weak. I barely have to push at all and the whole thing comes tumbling down around me. See? I wish my father wasn't so overprotective of me. Every spring break he sends me off to some backwater world where the men couldn't even hope to last a minute in bed with me. No matter how many sentient species I end up exterminating because of that, he always sends me to a different one next year! Hmmmmm. Maybe I need to show him I can take care of myself. Maybe I could prove to him that I'm tough enough by taking apart this world's military? Nah, too easy, and I've already done that countless times. I know! I'll fly to this dirtball's core and tear the whole thing apart from the inside. That'll show daddy I can take care of myself."

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"Brrrr, this planet is so much colder than I'm used to. How did I let someone talk me into spending my vacation here? Ahh well, can't let my hard earned time off to go to waste. Let's see, what can I do to make this place a bit more comfortable? Hmmm. I could push it a few thousand kilometers closer to it's sun? Nah, last time I tried that the whole thing came apart in my hands. Maybe I could find a volcano and take a swim? Nope, I hate that feeling of getting out and going from hot to cold so suddenly. AHAH! I know, I'll just use my heat vision to warm the atmosphere until it ignites! Too bad these locals aren't as invulnerable as I am. Oh well."

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Last edit: 07 Apr 2011 21:44 by N_S1701.
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08 Apr 2011 00:13 #22570 by Berkhart
Replied by Berkhart on topic Re: Super Asian Girl Thread
Damn Disguise! You took the ball and really ran with it! I know how hard it is to resist posting the greatness of so many Uber-Asian Hotties. These are awesome to the extreme, and I loved the stripper sitting on a throne (strippers and prostitutes are perfect as newly empowered BAD superwomen). Hope you get more inspiration soon!

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08 Apr 2011 08:26 #22583 by inactive
Replied by inactive on topic Re: Super Asian Girl Thread
Some good stuff going on in this thread!

"You know what I love most about being bulletproof? Getting into a gunfight with people who aren't. It's such a turn on gunning people down when I know that they can't hurt me when they fire back."

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- GeekSeven
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08 Apr 2011 08:57 #22586 by sgfan05
Replied by sgfan05 on topic Re: Super Asian Girl Thread
Alright I really had hoped to be on vacation, but if I have to kick some evil superwomen ass, then so be it...

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08 Apr 2011 10:17 #22591 by steelknight3000
Replied by steelknight3000 on topic Re: Super Asian Girl Thread
I'm really liking this thread :)
Bring on the Japanese schoolgirls turning cities into rubble just by stomping their little bare feet on the ground.

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08 Apr 2011 23:42 #22593 by yohashuan
Replied by yohashuan on topic Re: Super Asian Girl Thread
"I can't believe I can actually transform into a superwoman! (Now I've just got to start remembering to take my shirt off BEFORE I activate...)"
- Reon Kadena

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11 Apr 2011 08:20 #22623 by inactive
Replied by inactive on topic Re: Super Asian Girl Thread
"I hope you don't mind me walking into you house, uninvited. I have had the toughest day. Earth was invaded by hundreds of Asian supergirls and I had to deal with all of them. It's days like this, I'm so happy that my body is bursting with more power than a billion exploding suns. I've saved the Earth again, but now I need a little time for me. I'm very sorry, but you probably won't survive what I'm going to do with you, but on the bright side, we will both enjoy it very much. Please don't run, I hate it when they run."

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- GeekSeven
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12 Apr 2011 00:02 #22634 by The Highlander
Replied by The Highlander on topic Re: Super Asian Girl Thread

DietSnapple71 wrote: "I hope you don't mind me walking into you house, uninvited. I have had the toughest day. Earth was invaded by hundreds of Asian supergirls and I had to deal with all of them. It's days like this, I'm so happy that my body is bursting with more power than a billion exploding suns. I've saved the Earth again, but now I need a little time for me. I'm very sorry, but you probably won't survive what I'm going to do with you, but on the bright side, we will both enjoy it very much. Please don't run, I hate it when they run."

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At least he would get to die happy!
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12 Apr 2011 06:06 #22639 by inactive
Replied by inactive on topic Re: Super Asian Girl Thread
"Another perfect game! 81 strikes pitching and 5 home runs batting. I love the way I am able to dominate this game so completely. I suppose it's not surprising given home much stronger, faster, and smarter I am than human beings. I can't wait for the World Series. That will be a great opportunity to underline my superiority over the human race."

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- GeekSeven

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13 Apr 2011 02:19 #22658 by paulsamiga
Replied by paulsamiga on topic Re: Super Asian Girl Thread
The only problem with being hit by nukes is having to clean my self up afterwards.

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This punny planet is powerless to stop me.

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15 Apr 2011 07:52 #22683 by Berkhart
Replied by Berkhart on topic Re: Super Asian Girl Thread

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Let's see...

Acquired super human powers? Yes

Army defeated? Yes

American population enslaved? Yes

Oh poo, I really thought it would take longer than 15 minutes to conquer the USA, but your combined resistance amounted to less than a gnat to me. Sigh, I guess the world will be mine too by the end of today. At least I can busy myself with redecorating America’s boring White House so that it is more in line with my tastes. All those dusty old paintings and antiques are gone. Fortunately, a quick beam of heat vision burned them all to ash.

But enough about tell me, what do you think of the redesigned Oval Office? Doesn’t it seem so much cooler now? This will be so much more fun and comfortable a room when my super girlfriends come by for sleepovers!

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25 Apr 2011 17:01 #22826 by Berkhart
Replied by Berkhart on topic Re: Super Asian Girl Thread

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"All it took was a single, tiny bump from my tush...and Mount Everest came tumbling down. Oh well, I'm sure it can be rebuilt, but this time, I want it to be shaped in a perfect likeness of me. Yes, yes...I think a 30,000 foot statue of myself would be a wonderful symbol of my domination of the Earth."
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26 Apr 2011 03:26 #22829 by drwfletch02
Replied by drwfletch02 on topic Re: Super Asian Girl Thread
A lifetime of work for the little weaklings... a breath for her.

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27 Apr 2011 08:57 #22841 by steelknight3000
Replied by steelknight3000 on topic Re: Super Asian Girl Thread
Check out what I found...

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29 Apr 2011 21:27 #22901 by N_S1701
Replied by N_S1701 on topic Re: Super Asian Girl Thread
Been super (pardon the pun) busy lately, but here's one to keep this thread going. Enjoy!

This was their tradition. Before they embarked on the conquest of a planet they'd get an unwitting local to take a photo of them posing before they reduced the planet to ruins. Within mere weeks humanity would be all but extinct save for a few isolated enclaves which they had let live for their own amusement. Their cruelty and atrocities could have filled entire libraries if only there was anyone left to record them for history.

From left to right:

The youngest and most inexperienced of the group. She destroyed most of Europe's vital infrastructure. Her crowning achievement was the time she devastated most of France by using her super strength and vision to throw a small pebble at a nuclear power plant, causing it to go critical and explode.

She demolished most of the US Navy's carrier battle groups, most of the time by flying at supersonic speeds into the fragile (to her) hulls of naval vessels. Also known to send entire fleets to the bottom of the ocean by using her super breath to cause hurricanes that not even carriers could survive.

She was possibly responsible for more deaths than any other in the group. Perhaps befittingly, the thinnest of the group starved much of the world's population when she set fire to most of the world's arrible farmlands with her laser vision. She has also been known to be able to poison water supplies by spitting into them.

Known as "the slave mistress", she scouted major cities before her sisters began their attacks and kidnapped the most beautiful women in the area. These women were taken back to their ship to act as servants, pets and harem girls.

The oldest of the group and apparently the leader. She accepted the Earth's offer of unconditional surrender on the condition that all world political and military leaders must be present at the signing ceremony. She then turned the gathering into a large red smear by flying through each person at super speed.

The apparent second in command of the group and responsible for crippling the world's armies. She would humiliate humanity's collective militaries by allowing them to fire on her ineffectually for up to half an hour before she got bored and vapourised them with her heat vision, froze them solid with her ice breath or smashed them apart piece by piece with her super strength.

This one targeted many urban centers and ruthlessly tore down every building, every car, every man and every woman. As time wore on, she stopped appearing in cities personally, rather preferring to wipe them out from a distance by tearing out entire mountains and throwing them at the nearest city.

Perhaps possessing the strangest power, this one was targeted by a nuclear weapon early in the invasion while she was attacking New York. The nuke detonated but she seemingly absorbed all the heat and blast energy and from then on was able to direct intense beams of light, heat and force from her hands. With this ability she burned much of the continental US to a crisp.

This last invader served an unknown purpose during the bulk of the "fighting". It is speculated that she serves some special purpose in the final stage of the invasion process. The most pessimistic estimation is that once her sisters have finished their goals, she will destroy the Earth in its entirety to ensure that there are no survivors.

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