
Super Asian Girl Thread

30 Aug 2012 03:18 #28352 by www1969
Replied by www1969 on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
Man, that belonged in the Storybank. Great job!

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22 Nov 2012 13:25 #29413 by N_S1701
Replied by N_S1701 on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
Haven't written anything in a while, and this thread seems to be slowing down so I thought I might try and jump start it. Just a warning that the story is a tad dark near the end, so proceed at your own peril!

Earth was a backwater in galactic terms. It was far from trade routes and even further away from any "civilized planet". As far as most citizens of the galaxy were concerned it was a dull, uninteresting rock inhabited by primitives who posed no threat technologically or physically. It was cataloged by an unmanned probe, declared off limits for fear of cultural contamination, noted on a chart and promptly forgotten by the rest of the galaxy. This made it the perfect place for anyone who did not want to be found.

That was the reason these women came to Earth. They were a gang of criminals and deviants, hunted and shunned by every civilized race. They had hoped to simply lay low on Earth, avoid any attention from the authorities and perhaps emerge later to resume their crime spree. They had time on their side, as their race could live for millions of Terran years without aging. Sooner or later, people would forget their faces, and they could begin their rampage anew. When they arrived on Earth they had expected to avoid the natives and simply hide out for a few hundred or thousand years. Those plans soon changed.

A short while after they landed, they discovered that the local species - humanity - was woefully inferior in every way to them. The pathetic beings aged in the short span of years, their short lives being snuffed out before even a century of existence. They lacked the ability to soar through the sky unaided by (primitive) machines; they had no form of innate telepathy; struggled physically to lift weights that the women could lift with their pinkies, and had no defensive mechanisms like super speed, laser vision or ice breath. Their technology was laughably backwards, with their most advanced computers and weapons barely qualifying as children's toys on the women's home world. It was clear from the outset that this race looked outwardly identical to the women was worthy of nothing more than serving them.

The fun part in all this (for the women at least) was establishing their rightful dominance over humanity. The fools laughed when the women broadcast their intentions across the globe.The women had given the world 48 hours to submit to them unconditionally. To throw down their weapons and bow in worship of the alien criminals. Everyone thought it was a hoax, a joke, a "War of the Worlds" TV show gone bad. Little did humanity know that those 48 hours would be its last days as a free species.

When those 48 hours elapsed, the women struck without mercy. First to go were the heads of governments. The White House was destroyed by one of the women smashing into it at hypersonic speeds. The Houses of Parliament were demolished when another ripped Big Ben from its foundations and smashed the rest of the buildings apart with it, all with one arm. The Kremlin was cut apart by crimson beams of heat from another of the conquering beauties. Scenes like this were replicated all over the world, with each Goddess tirelessly flying between nations at mind boggling speeds in their grim mission. That was not to say that they did not find time for other pleasures in between sorties. They would casually show their dominance to gathered film crews (those who survived at any rate) by shooting off a few heat beams into fleeing civilians, freezing crowds solid with their breath, mind controlling soldiers to gun down innocents and even indulging in carnal pleasures with each other or whichever (un)fortunate people remained near by.

In all, it took no more than 2 hours for the former fugitives to decapitate every government on Earth. The armies of humanity fared no better, as the following days inflicted humiliating defeat after humiliating defeat upon them. Tanks were melted into slag, jet fighters
were swatted like flies and great warships were reduced to twisted hulks at the bottom of the sea (or in one instance, in orbit). Even a barrage of the world's most potent nuclear weapons was received by the women as an ordinary person would enjoy a pleasantly warm bath. By the end of the week, humanity had realized the futility of its continued struggles and, for the first time in human history, bowed down in worship of the same religion. These former fugitives were no longer just women, they were Goddesses.

At first, the Goddesses seemed to want nothing more than to revel in their divinity. They delighted in being served by an entire species as all of Earth's production was devoted to satisfying their whims. They had little compassion or empathy for even members of their own species, they treated humanity as toys for their amusement. One of them (the blonde in the centre) came upon the idea of taking slaves for their own amusement and sadistic satisfaction. They selected only the most beautiful men and women for their pleasure harems, hunted people for sport, and reveled in inflicting meaningless pain and suffering on the teeming masses of humanity. At first, rebellions were frequent, and the Goddesses treated them as diversions and opportunities to test out ever more horrific methods of putting humanity in its place.

After a time, the constant slave rebellions became tiresome. After all, if they wanted to slaughter humans, they could just go out and slaughter to their heart's content. Thus, they announced a new policy: they would reduce the world's population to a more "manageable" number, and their cull would start with the places and nations that were least obedient in their service. Immediately, the rebellions stopped as every man, woman and child on the planet worked day and night to avoid being exterminated. Vast tributes of jewels, gold and diamonds flooded from every corner of the globe. Vast palaces were built, art commissioned, statutes erected, all in a vain attempt to please the women. Nations even started fighting amongst themselves to ensure that they were the best servants. For the Goddesses, this was little more than another amusement.

They carried through with their plan, of course. The human race was, in the span of a month, reduced to little more than a billion people. Cities were obliterated by asteroids flung from orbit. Tidal waves wiped out coastal areas with a mere blow of a Goddess's lips. During this time, the red head (who was a rogue bioscientist hunted for unspeakable experiments on sentient beings) experimented with the "surplus population" to develop a substance that could increase the Goddess's power exponentially. This serum could only be distilled from living humans and but enabled a Goddess to rip apart suns, toss black holes like beach balls, and even manipulate the fabric of reality itself. The effects were temporary, and each drop of liquid only has an effect for an hour or so, but the Goddesses knew instantly they would have more at any cost.

Thousands of humans had to perish to distill even a drop of serum, but that didn't matter at all. Soon, massive Soul Furnaces were built on each continent, with millions of people being marched to their deaths to produce a never ending supply of the drug. Every person that wasn't attractive enough to capture the Goddess's eye was sent to forced breeding camps to ensure a steady supply of "ingredient". When enough had been produced, the Goddesses gathered, drank and tore reality apart with their combined powers. They reshaped the very universe itself into a more pleasing form for them. From that day on the galaxy, no, the universe was nothing more than their toy. All of existence was doomed to suffer the sadistic wills of these Goddesses for eternity because of humanity's weakness.

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09 Dec 2012 16:51 #29632 by Dunnere1
Replied by Dunnere1 on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
Great thread!

My vote would go to Elly Tran ha. She often wears glasses, and I can only assume that's because she deoesn't want anyone to know that she has superpowers...

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16 Feb 2013 09:20 #30426 by SuperLinks
Replied by SuperLinks on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

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It's a amazing how weak men are. He's out cold from just a casual slap from my hook.

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A deadly mixture of power and beauty. Don't you realize if I lost control, my lips would turn yours into ground hamburger?

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Like what you see? Want to put your hand there?

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Don't mind the blood, go ahead. Guess the last sissy couldn't handle my super-elastic swimsuit. Don't you want to die happy?

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I love watching a man's face as he realizes even my house-pet could tear him to pieces.

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Who has the better body? Choose carefully - only one gap can pressure coal into diamonds.

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Playing strip-foosball. Danielle lets him quip a point so he can marvel at her body.

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Lucky guy. The last bloke who got too haughty with her in a game wound up smeared against the wall.

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Giving the office a tempting tease with her well-proportioned super-flesh.

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Uhm, excuse me? I had one rule: Look. Don't touch.

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Guess what happens next?

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16 Feb 2013 12:29 #30430 by Esteban
Replied by Esteban on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
Is this all the same girl?
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16 Feb 2013 15:20 #30435 by SuperLinks

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16 Feb 2013 15:35 #30436 by Esteban
Replied by Esteban on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
Nice, thanks. I've seen that post where she's at the chive, must have somehow missed the pic in the supergirl costume :)

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21 Mar 2013 12:56 #30822 by slim36
Replied by slim36 on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
This airlines new propulsion system saves fuel and reduces noise.

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21 Mar 2013 13:07 #30823 by slim36

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15 Apr 2013 14:02 #31124 by N_S1701
Replied by N_S1701 on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
I haven't posted anything in a while so when I came across these three images I couldn't resist doing a quick write up. I hope you enjoy!As a side note, I have been talking about starting a longer story for a while now, but I've actually gone and gotten a start on it. I would like some volunteers to proof-read and bounce ideas off so give me a PM if you're interested.

Her colleagues at the office never really liked her. They talked about her behind her back and called her names like "the slave driver". They spread rumours about how she slept her way to where she was now, some out of jealousy, some out of disbelief that someone as young as her could have achieved her position through merit alone. Her unpopularity didn't bother her. To her, the other people who worked at the office were all a pack of trained monkeys that couldn't demonstrate any semblance initiative or intelligence. That's why the moment she was promoted to management she implemented strict measures to increase productivity. She micromanaged everyone because she knew that no one could be relied on to do their job properly. Everyone hated her, but productivity rose 300% within the first year.

The truth of the matter is, she was a prodigy. She got the job at one of Korea's top firms because her marks in university were absolutely impeccable. By age 20 she had already obtained degrees in management, engineering, applied chemistry and physics. She breezed through every test and assignment with contemptuous ease. Within a few months of starting her job, she had already been noticed and promoted by the higher ups. Truth be told, her job didn't challenge her either. Sure, she was the US divisional manager in charge of hundreds of employees, but even micromanaging them didn't put a strain on her vast intellect. She started side projects, diverted funds from here and there for her personal needs. She was working on something, and once she finished the world was never the same.

She called it her Omnipotence Formula, and it did exactly what it said on the label. She didn't need to test it. She knew it would work. Besides, she couldn't risk any of the other unworthies in the world getting any powers through the testing. No, she would be the only person on Earth who knew of its existence, the entire recipe locked within her perfect memory. She wanted to unveil it somewhere special, somewhere she could relish every moment, somewhere... like her office, in front of those idiots who thought that she didn't know what they said about her behind her back. They called her the Slave Driver, so she picked up a whip from her personal collection of "toys" and decided that that is exactly what she would be. She donned her regular white blouse, slid a corset over it and slipped into a pair of high heeled platform shoes. She was ready.

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She quaffed the entire forumla in her home. She could feel the warmth of power flowing through her. Her already amazing mind expanded in capacity and ability until she knew everything there was to know, is to know, and will be to know. Her body, already the envy of every woman, toned and tightened ever so slightly to make her the peak of physical perfection. Her slender muscles could now bear the weight of the entire universe with just one flex. Her legs could propel her at speeds that are impossible according to all known physical laws. Not that she would need to, because she knew she could now teleport anywhere in space and time with merely a whim. She was a goddess in every possible way.

She decided to test her powers discretely at first. She turned her attention to a book on her shelf. She focused her mind on it and with a pop it disappeared from her room. She extended her mind, and found it floating in Saturn's ring. Smiling, she decided a more practical test was in order. With a blink she teleported herself outside to the busy road. Nobody noticed because she didn't want anybody to notice. Such were her powers that her desires overrode the reality of the universe. Her eyes followed the first person she saw, a middle aged business man hurrying off to a meeting while talking on his phone. With a thought, she delved into his mind, explored his innermost thoughts and feelings. She didn't care about him in the slightest, she wanted to know because she could. And because it would make what she planned next even more delicious.

Without warning, she lashed out with the whip in her hand. It slashed through the air, breaking both the light and sound barriers. To an ordinary observer, it simply disappeared from the fabric of reality. That is, until the businessman simply exploded in a shower of gore and bone. Surrounding pedestrians were covered in blood and tissue from the unfortunate man but they didn't notice. They didn't notice because she didn't want them to notice. They trudged on with their little lives, not knowing that they had just witnessed the first public demonstration of their new Goddess's power. She wanted something bigger this time. Something that would prove once and for all that she had unlimited control over matter. She thought about New York, how much she hated it and its people, how noisy, dirty and awful it was. Most of all, she thought of how big it was. She lingered on that thought until a smile crept across her face.

She cracked her whip for effect. After all, what better sound was there to usher in the doom of humanity's greatest city? A flash of light appeared at her feet. It lasted for a split second, and was gone. In its place was the city of New York, shrunken to the size of a dinner plate. None of the passers by on the street noticed at all but this time, she made sure that the people of New York knew. New Yorkers couldn't believe what they were seeing. They looked up at the sky to find her grinning, sadistic, face staring down at them. Panic erupted immediately. She stood there, savoring their screams for a moment with her super hearing. She bent down until her radiant face was only a few centimeters (to her) away form the teeming city. She raised her palm to her lips and blew New York a kiss.

To New Yorkers it was a thousand times worse than anything they had ever experienced. People were blown off their feet to be dashed across buildings hundreds of meters away. Glass panels tore lose from skyscrapers and impaled unlucky people as they were driven by the gale. Older, less sturdy, buildings collapsed of their own accord. She stood there, examining her handiwork with her super vision. One little blow of her lips was the worst disaster any city in human history had ever suffered. But it wouldn't end there. She had tired of toying with the miniature city and decided to end it. She lifted up her platform heeled feet and hovered over the city. The raised soles of her shoes dwarfed even the tallest buildings, her heel stretching up miles by their scale. She savoured every moment as she lowered her foot, enhancing her every sense to enjoy the crushing of a major city. Even through her shoes she felt the crunch of compacted buildings and the pops of people's bodies exploding. An expression of ecstasy overtook her face and she bit her lower lip as she snuffed out millions of lives.

With her tests complete, she was now ready to reveal herself to the world.

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She decided not to teleport instantly to her office. After all, what kind of entrance would that have been? Instead, she seductively sauntered over to her workplace, smashing people, cars, even entire buildings with her whip as she went. When she walked in the door, all eyes were on her. She heard the thoughts of every person in the office at the same time, and understood them all. They were shocked that she would turn up to work in a corset, heels and a whip. Well, that was going to be the least of their surprises. Before anyone could even speak, she projected her voice into their minds, and the minds of every man, woman and child on Earth.

"People of Earth, I am your new Goddess, Minah." She boomed in all languages "I have gained omnipotence and omniscience through means beyond your comprehension, and I hereby declare humanity my personal property, to do with as I please." She projected the image of her, standing arms akimbo as her former coworkers involuntarily dropped to their knees and prostrated themselves in worship.

"From this moment on this planet, no, this entire universe, will be devoted to myself and my pleasure. Those of you who live will dedicate their lives and their labour to me and me alone. I will purge you of your desire to do anything but serve me. I will experiment on you, your minds, your souls until I have created the perfect slave race. You will not live to see my plans come to fruition, but your children might, if you serve me well enough." As emphasis Minah cracked her whip and vapourised ten of her former workers.

"I could do this with a snap of my fingers. I could wipe your minds, cleanse them of your individuality, break your wills with a thought. But I won't. I will torture you, mould your psyche as I see fit with physical and mental pain, tear your minds to pieces with my whip and my shoes and rebuild you as I see fit. If you need proof of my power, look at the crater that used to be New York. I have wiped it from the face of the Earth because it displeases me. If you don't believe that was me, have a look at Toyko." With that, she projected the Toyko skyline into the minds of every person on the planet. In a flash, the blue sky was replaced with her unblinking eye. The hills around the city were instead the valleys of her palm. An entire city fit in her hand. Slowly, she closed her fingers around the doomed city, gleefully crushing it into dust.

"But no one is getting off that easily." She boomed suddenly. New York and Tokyo instantly reappeared in their original sizes and states. Their inhabitants returned to life, albeit with the traumatic memory of being crushed to death by a shoe or a finger. "Death is no escape for any of you. I own you now, and forever." With that, a perfect copy of Goddess Minah appeared in front of every man, woman and child. Men and women alike were overwhelmed by her incredible beauty. Without thinking they lowered themselves to their knees in reverence. A few even attempted to kiss her perfect feet. She either immediately executed them with a kick or made a mental note to spare them the worst, depending on how attractive she felt they were. Most did not survive.

Her clones spoke in perfect unison: "Now, this is what your Goddess commands..."

Every person was allocated a different but task for her glory. The lucky ones (the ones that submitted at her feet) were given jobs attending to her personal needs. Everyone else was told to grab what tools they had and assemble at the nearest temple site. She wanted them to toil away for the rest of their lives so that she may have statues and places of worship dedicated to her. The people of New York were commanded to tear down their own homes to build her a palace the size of their abysmal city. She could have done all of this with a wave of her hand, but what was the point of owning six billion slaves if you're not going to use them?

In perfect synchronization, her six billion clones all cracked their whips and commanded their charges to start. Thus began a new chapter in humanity's history, a chapter dedicated to the glorification and pleasure of Minah.

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15 Apr 2013 16:27 - 15 Apr 2013 16:28 #31128 by Woodclaw
Replied by Woodclaw on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
A pretty impressive piece of narrative Disguise, my compliments to you.

Just one question: who is the model?
Last edit: 15 Apr 2013 16:28 by Woodclaw.

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17 Apr 2013 00:52 - 17 Apr 2013 00:58 #31148 by N_S1701
Replied by N_S1701 on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
Fhank you for your kind words. I bash these out late at night sometimes and it's always nice to wake up in the morning to something positive.

The model's name is Minah. AFAIK she's a Korean model/singer.

I also just wanted to share a few links that might be interesting if you like beautiful Asian women.

Red flava is a blog/compilation site that is regularly updated. They feature a wide range of models from Korea/Japan/China but their images are not as high res as I'd like. Their image sets are often not as complete as other sites. A very good place to get started though.

CuteKorean is exactly what it says on the label. It's a blog dedicated to Korean race queens, singers, models, and other celebrities. The images are quite high res and somewhat more comprehensive than Red Flava.

Scan Lover is a forum site, and probably the best out of the bunch. The images are often high res, very comprehensive, and will even feature relatively obscure girls (and amateurs) from all over Asia. The downside is that you have to register an account, which is mildly irritating. Also a note: these forums have NSFW sections, though I don't recommend looking at any of these sites at work anyway ;)

Happy browsing :D
Last edit: 17 Apr 2013 00:58 by N_S1701.

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16 May 2013 18:34 - 16 May 2013 18:35 #31619 by Berkhart
Replied by Berkhart on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
What? You thought I’d be wearing tight spandex or some skin revealing costume?

Oh sillies, just because a girl is the most powerful force on the planet, doesn’t mean she needs to dress like a total stripper! Let’s face it, I can lift a mountain and twirl it on my finger like a basketball. Do you really think I need to show some cleavage or leg to get attention?

And the fab outfit? Stolen? Ha! In between stopping civilization destroying asteroids and run-amok nuclear terrorists, I’m a part-time waitress at TGI Fridays. Of course I always get great tips, and nobody complains about the service. Plus, thanks to the super-powers, I can handle the entire lunch time crowd without breaking a sweat!

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Last edit: 16 May 2013 18:35 by Berkhart.
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16 May 2013 23:37 #31623 by Woodclaw
Replied by Woodclaw on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
My thanks to Berkhart for this bit of thread necromancy.

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17 May 2013 01:22 #31625 by Agent00Soul
Replied by Agent00Soul on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
It never gets old!

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17 May 2013 04:29 #31628 by Berkhart
Replied by Berkhart on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
Sorry, I didn't mean to clog up the forum with necro-posting.

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17 May 2013 08:31 #31629 by ChaozCloud
Replied by ChaozCloud on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
Reviving one of the best topics on the board is not something you should apologize for.
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17 May 2013 11:25 #31633 by Woodclaw
Replied by Woodclaw on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

Berkhart wrote: Sorry, I didn't mean to clog up the forum with necro-posting.

I really hope you're kidding. Otherwise you might need help ... really professional help. :P

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17 May 2013 13:31 - 17 May 2013 13:33 #31634 by jnw550
Replied by jnw550 on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

ChaozCloud wrote: Reviving one of the best topics on the board is not something you should apologize for.

No love lost here! Thanks for posting.

I know what will make you feel better. Look right...

Last edit: 17 May 2013 13:33 by jnw550.
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17 May 2013 16:49 #31636 by Berkhart
Replied by Berkhart on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

jnw550 wrote:

ChaozCloud wrote: Reviving one of the best topics on the board is not something you should apologize for.

No love lost here! Thanks for posting.

I know what will make you feel better. Look right...


Mmmmm, boobs :)

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16 Oct 2013 01:49 #33536 by SuperLinks
Replied by SuperLinks on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

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So, yeah, Facebook, I'm sure all of you know by now: I'm one of the lucky few.

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Up until a year ago, I had a pretty normal middle-aged life. Great career - lots of fun with friends and family. You guys are still pretty great.

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I'm just greater.

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You tell me I've changed a lot - that I'm showing off my body too much. I'm superficial now, you say.

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Obssessed with looking great? Not really - it's just a natural by-product of my ascension.

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You know what? Deal with it, Jessica. My body looks fantastic - especially compared to your frumpy mom-body.

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Your husband agrees. His little "erectile" problem cleared up, too. Turns out, he just needed a little bit of... me.

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And, sis, is it really too much of a problem to realize you're related to a veritable goddess now? I'm the best thing you've got going right now. You'd best be careful not to mess that up.

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Meghan, sure, I slept with your husband. Twice. Won't stop me from humilating you. Maybe if you had an ounce of concern for your appearance, you wouldn't have this problem. Feel your breasts giving in to my impossibly firm tits? That's what utter defeat feels like.

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You're probably wondering why I keep inviting you to my awesome parties - I'll let you in on something. You're there to make me look completely and utterly fantastic.

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'Bella, your husband's just in it for the looks - my looks. It was funny to watch you trying to compete with me and failing to damn miserably. I was glad to fuck the hell out of your husband that night. You deserved it.

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Let's see here, who looks better? The bride or the radiant goddess next to her? Tough choice. Not.

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Yep, I've pretty much humiliated all of you over the past year. I like to think I'm doing your significant others a favor by letting all of them just know how insignificant you are.

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Oh, and one more thing.

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I can blow you all away. No really: besides the fact my appearance reduces you all to mere picture frames around my glory, I could literally blow your bodies to pieces.

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Tired of my attitude? Kiss my ass, Facebook. No, worship it.
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16 Oct 2013 04:34 #33539 by d_k_c
Replied by d_k_c on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
We need more photo stories like these....Great job!

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16 Oct 2013 06:07 #33541 by Captain Marbles
Replied by Captain Marbles on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
I know it's a bit early for this, but I couldn't resist—

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"Deliver presents all over the world in one night? Ho ho ho! Santa Cho delivers presents all over the world before you can blink!"
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17 Oct 2013 10:23 - 17 Oct 2013 10:24 #33563 by Gliblord
Replied by Gliblord on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

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"How did I become Mayor of Copenhagen? Well, it's a funny story. I was on vacation, catching some shut-eye at a five-star, when I started sleep-flying for the first time! They tell me it was something in the aebleskiver. Anyway, you can imagine the spectacle as each of the city's monuments received a lovely me-shaped hole in them, one after another. My approval ratings aren't about to budge, of course, but I still felt bad; as they say, You break it, you buy it. So I bought Copenhagen. I'm still in the process of choosing boytoys for all of my palace's bedchambers--you know, so I always fall asleep on a good note. It's harder than you might think, actually, since despite my palace having 132 bedchambers, there isn't exactly a shortage of hot boys here!
Last edit: 17 Oct 2013 10:24 by Gliblord.
The following user(s) said Thank You: N_S1701, Chelon

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17 Oct 2013 14:41 #33565 by Gliblord
Replied by Gliblord on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

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Ever since the great dismantling of the world's militaries, those bullets that would have gone to waste are now being funneled into the supergirl academies for their bullet catching contests. Never mind their fragile skin, I heard normal people can't even stand near a machine gun as it fires or else their eardrums will tear! Personally I'm only aiming for the regional championship, but my record is a respectable 89 out of every 100 rounds--when I handicap myself to using only pinkies!
The following user(s) said Thank You: N_S1701

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