
Super Asian Girl Thread

23 Oct 2017 07:51 #56702 by ChaozCloud
Replied by ChaozCloud on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
Hye-Young Kim

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Unknown girl

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24 Oct 2017 22:42 - 30 Oct 2017 03:42 #56715 by Furlough
Replied by Furlough on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
[Accidental duplicate post— editing it down so as to not clutter up the page]

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Last edit: 30 Oct 2017 03:42 by Furlough. Reason: Same as the post says, please feel free to delete it if you feel that's a better course of action.

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26 Oct 2017 12:39 #56751 by N_S1701
Replied by N_S1701 on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

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"... and so, if you voluntarily turn over control of your company, we won't have to tear apart every office and factory with our bare hands. In fact, we might not even have to use our hands. Yumi just loves blowing away entire factory complexes with her super breath. Or maybe Mika will vaporise your head office with her eye beams... You'll "think about it?'' What made you think that we were giving you a choice?"
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26 Oct 2017 15:05 #56753 by Furlough
Replied by Furlough on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
"What? You're wondering what a beautiful woman like myself is doing in a place like this? For your information, I built this place. Pathetic, that someone like yourself would dare to venture in here and that thought would never even cross your mind.

"Why? Since I was a child, I was fascinated by the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur, and always wanted to recreate it. It's only natural I would take the opportunity to create an alabastrine labyrinth such as this to lure in hapless idiots like yourself as soon as I had the means to do so.

"What's that? You feel like you've seen me somewhere before? That may be— I was but a normal student before that lab accident at the university turned me into a goddess. Of course when I say I built this place, I mean I did so single-handedly in but a couple of days, then used my own strength to bring it over to the edge of this city. Why else would it look like it had appeared so suddenly, and as if from nowhere?

"Of course, I think you'll agree I make a much more elegant executioner than some grotesque, bull-headed monster. But before I finish you, know this: as fun as this has been, I'm starting to get bored, so I think I'll emerge soon, maybe take over a country or two for kicks. Then I can bring this little hobby of mine into a much grander scale..."

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"I gotta hand it to those scientists, when I volunteered to try out their experimental fitness formula, I wasn't expecting to get much more out of it than a nasty taste in my mouth and a sigh of disappointment. I never suspected it would transform my body from the shrimpy twig I used to be into this glorious mound of muscles. Of course, they also didn't suspect that even after the outward part of my sudden transformation ended, I could still feel a river of incredible powers flowing into my body...

"Too bad for them that at that very moment I also realised my absolute superiority over them. On the upside, the explosion I used to destroy them and their lab by super-focusing my sweet new eye lasers was one of the most intensely pleasurable things I've ever experienced. Maybe I'll go say hello to the army next, to let them know what I think of their so-called authority, and see what sort of fun toys they'll try out against me. It's almost a shame to know even now that they'll just be forced to give up eventually..."

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I'm glad this thread is becoming active again, it's one of my favourite things about this site.
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26 Oct 2017 16:19 - 26 Oct 2017 16:21 #56754 by Monty
Replied by Monty on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

ChaozCloud wrote: Unknown girl

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Unknown Girl! A great name for a superheroine - and what a body!
Last edit: 26 Oct 2017 16:21 by Monty.

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26 Oct 2017 23:33 #56771 by Raa
Replied by Raa on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
Did you say something Monty??? I was looking at this incredible lady! :)

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30 Oct 2017 21:03 #56804 by brantley
Replied by brantley on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
Has this been shared before?

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30 Oct 2017 22:15 #56807 by Agent00Soul
Replied by Agent00Soul on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

brantley wrote: Has this been shared before?


I've never seen her before. Amazing costume and a great idea. I vaguely recall a Wonder Woman comic where her costume would change to fit into the style of any democratic country she was fighting in. So, for example, she had a Union Jack outfit in the UK or the tricolor in France. I just did a half-hearted Google search and nothing came up, but I'm sure I didn't make this up.

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31 Oct 2017 10:44 #56816 by Woodclaw
Replied by Woodclaw on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

brantley wrote: Has this been shared before?


It was shared the other day on the SWM Discord channel. The jewelry is a bit over the top, but it fits

Agent00Soul wrote:
I've never seen her before. Amazing costume and a great idea. I vaguely recall a Wonder Woman comic where her costume would change to fit into the style of any democratic country she was fighting in. So, for example, she had a Union Jack outfit in the UK or the tricolor in France. I just did a half-hearted Google search and nothing came up, but I'm sure I didn't make this up.

There was a hint of it in the online Sensation Comics run. In one issue Diana appeared wearing a hijab (the islamic veil that covers only the top of the head and the neck) after a mission in the Middle East and later on she donned a themed space-suit.

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07 Nov 2017 21:05 #56924 by Akane
Replied by Akane on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

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"Where do you want to eat ? I would like a place where people don't kiss the floor we goddesses step on but that may be difficult."

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"What? Are you seriously planning to ask my sister out? You will have to impress her a lot though. Good luck with a woman that can destroy planets with a single punch like me!"

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"See these waves? I can do this, but bigger, and in the ocean, I would cause the greatest tsunami ever and your civilization would cease to exist though."
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08 Nov 2017 06:37 #56931 by Engineered-Sorcery
Replied by Engineered-Sorcery on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
(God it's been a while since I've actually attempted to write something. Hopefully this is up to my usual standards!)

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Subject Study: “Super” Asians

Subject Name: Elisa Okarin

Due to the recent uptick in so-called ‘Super-Asians’, this project was undergone to understand the power and limitations of these beings. These are the findings for one of the studied individuals, given name “Elisa”. Before that, we must explain some of the background of these individuals.

The first thing that must be noticed is that all who express these genes are female, and beyond that are above-average attractiveness for both their gender and the human race in general. Many fitness and beauty competitions have outlawed the participation due to how simply unfair that is, though a circuit of televised “Asian-Only” competitions have gained quite a bit of praise from those who aren’t averse to nudity, sexuality, or violent acts against buildings, vehicles, and general infrastructure. Thankfully that damage is often paid for by their previously-unimaginable ability to advance technology and science for the rest of us, though this is known primarily as a result of IQs that, as a rule, are so high that they break the scale.

As an example of such advances, a team of fifty researchers that was supplemented by a single “Super” was able to establish an irrefutable set of polynomial solutions to nearly every currently unsolved theorem, though this knowledge did result in an 80% decline in academic professions for all non-asians, who felt they were “Simply not needed” or “Tired of working with these smug bitches”. Coincidentally, the latter commenter found his house had been obliterated in some sort of freak localized tornado. Shards of wood penetrated as far as three feet into the concrete foundation of the building, though no one can establish how such a destructive storm went previously unnoticed.

In terms of strength, these beings are completely unmatched. The weakest of them is capable of lifting in excess of 4000 times their body weight, and the strongest, such as Ms. Okarin, seem to have no known limits. For example, the following scene was captured in what was known as the ‘great disarmament’, where a contingent of 4 Supers destroyed the combined armed forces of the entire United Nations near-overnight.

The scene shifts to a somewhat-grainy video, obviously shot from long range.

A woman begins to approach an aircraft, the massive construct of steel armor emblematic of pure naval dominance. However, the moment her fingers come in contact with the metal a shriek can be heard in the distance, only the extreme zoom allowing the camera to pick up the rapidly-spreading rents in the armor.

In a single climactic movement she brings her arms apart and the cuts spread upward and outward, widening until a breaking point has to be made. There was something unnatural, impossible about the action. Millions of man-hours of construction destroyed in seconds, the sheer mass of the movement causing both halves to begin to buckle under the mass. However, the movement was only the beginning as the voluptuous young woman jumps upward, the ground shuddering in counteraction of several hundred thousand tons of force exerted upon it to carry the long-haired superhuman directly in line with the sun.

The halves of the ship are discarded to the ground, but the woman remains floating about a hundred meters in the air, becoming brighter and brighter before suddenly it seems like the glow of the star beyond her is being eclipsed by her brilliance, and a beam of pure energy issues itself from her form, beginning to cleave through the armor plating. Despite its appearance of being just light, the metal warps and tears on contact, as if the sheer intensity of the beam was tearing into it as well. As the metal ablades away however, and the beam finally impacts the ground, there’s an all-consuming roar as the rock explodes and the resulting wave of destruction rips outward, tearing through rock, steel, titanium, and literally any other matter in its way. Mere seconds later the camera is consumed, and the footage cuts to static.

Scene returns to the young woman’s image

However, those like Ms. Okarin have ensured this project that they are here “for nothing but fun”, and we have no reason to worry that they will take over the planet. It is this interviewer’s opinion that they should be believed, if only because they have shown no such aspirations as of yet. Supplemental reports on additional qualities such as the way that Super appearance and ancillary powers function can be procured on request, but as of now that is the definitive opinion of this council.

Dr. Yuki Lee
“Super” Research Bureau

Supplemental note from Dr. Lee
Figure out mechanics behind Supers, maybe I can become one of them?
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09 Nov 2017 01:35 #56951 by Chelon
Replied by Chelon on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
Might be a little extreme for some people.

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Just finished my workout with the equipment I just invented! Every girl these days has special gravity weights that go up to the weight of the earth, which was a workout for them, but I could never feel the weight, even at the highest possible setting. I even did an experiment where I feel asleep and had someone drop one of the weights equal to the earth on me, but even though it landed on my breast, it feel right off without me even waking up or my breasts shaking a bit. The only side effect of the experiment was an indent in the weight, suspiciously in the shape of my nipple.

Finally, I was tired of never getting a workout that everyone else got to experience, so I came up with, and built something much better. These weights look the same, but instead of being additive, they are exponential. That means that rather than the number on the display being the weight itself, it actually displays the exponent of the weight. The only decision I had to make was what to make the base. I thought about making it 10, but then I thought about how cool it would be if the base was so big, even 1000 of the strongest guys in the world couldn't get the display up to even one.

I decided to make the base 1 million pounds.

I invited over one of my friends, and had her try out the weight. She got it up to just past 4, the weight of Jupiter, before she gave up. Finally, I had to try it myself. The excitement of seeing how strong I would be made my nipples poke out, and so I decided to test the strength of those first. I balanced the weight on top of my nipples, and closed my eyes while my friend kept bringing up the weight. After a few seconds, it still felt the same, so I asked her if she changed the weight. I looked over and the display was up to 10, and going up by 1 every second! I finally stopped when it went to 50, after I lost interest and knew I could do literally anything.

Just as a subtle show of superiority over everyone, I made this bikini out of the weight. Even when it weighed so much it was effortless to bend and perfectly match to the contours of my body. It still isn't strong enough to hide my nipples when I get excited.
The following user(s) said Thank You: ChaozCloud, Ravens_ghost, N_S1701, Lulu, Adams, Engineered-Sorcery

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13 Nov 2017 07:17 #57047 by N_S1701
Replied by N_S1701 on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

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"No, Superman can't have his uniform back. I beat him up for it fair and square. It's not like it'll even fit him after the alterations I made. I don't care what that Krptonian crybaby says - might is right and I'm the mightiest entity on this planet. Now, "Justice League", are you going to stop annoying me, or am I going to add a few more uniforms to my collection?"

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"A missing carrier battle group? You mean the one that was shadowing me while I was trying to enjoy my holiday? Why are you asking me where it went? I fairness though, I did "gently"" warn you that I was sick of seeing it in the background of all of my vacation snaps. How lucky for me that it went to the bottom of the sea... Did I say that ? Well, then I suppose you''ll just have to keep that quiet, or your colleagues will be looking for a missing carrier group AND a missing nosy reporter who can't keep his mouth shut."

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"I love summer sooooo much that I pushed this whole planet a few hundred kilometres closer to the sun so that we can all get more sunshine! Oh, you'll have to deal with some higher temperatures and a spot of pesky weather, but you'll make do. After all, I wasn't quite so accurate with my orbital adjustments as I usually am. What does that mean? It means that you better be nice to me or I'll "forget" to nudge the planet's course so that it doesn't get sucked in to the sun."
The following user(s) said Thank You: Kamelmann, Ravens_ghost, earllechec, Lulu, rednecko, Chelon, Adams, xoony, Furlough

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14 Nov 2017 09:35 - 14 Dec 2017 11:03 #57080 by mt4484
Replied by mt4484 on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
unknown girl


Asuka Kishi

Last edit: 14 Dec 2017 11:03 by mt4484.
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15 Nov 2017 12:09 #57117 by Akane
Replied by Akane on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

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"Sure you want to come swimming with me? Know that I can cross the entire Pacific Ocean in a few seconds so I don't think a human like do could catch up to my Goddess pace."

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"Let's try something, I will let you take a picture of me on lingerie but only if you can do it while I'm teleporting all the time around the room, we'll see if your photographer skills are enough to overcome me blinking in and out of reality in less than a second."

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"AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, you are such a sweet boy, no I won't stop conquering Earth and crushing your armies but you are so cute that you may become my toy king when I rule the world, do you like the deal?"

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"Shhhhhhhhh, the goddesses are practicing the annual dance ritual they do after ripping the biggest available country from its soil, don't disturb them or they will vaporize us all."
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16 Nov 2017 00:56 #57150 by Chelon
Replied by Chelon on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

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Sorry, I only sleep with people who can lift these glasses I'm wearing. They're made of a special alloy, handmade by me, that makes them heavier than the island of Manhattan. Don't take it personal. I usually end up sleeping with other Asian girls anyway, not that I mind.

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Microsoft, Amazon, and the United States government all in one building? This is the perfect skyscraper to take hostage to take over the world. The only question is where the best place is to hold it to make sure it doesn't crumble in my hands when I lift it.

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Look, I don't know what happened to your truck. Trust me, if I had done something to it, you would never see any evidence. This may look like normal sand on my body, but it's actually the remains of a planet a few lightyears away twice the size of the earth that I got a little rough with. Your truck would be crushed so small there would be no evidence it ever existed.

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Sorry I'm late coming to the gym, I had to change into this workout outfit. Why? Part of the fun of going to the gym is not lifting weights guys didn't know exist, but also looking amazing while doing it. I don't think anything is sexier than lifting the equivolance of a continent with one hand while twirling my hair or squeezing my breasts with the other.
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25 Nov 2017 13:03 - 27 Nov 2017 09:22 #57293 by N_S1701
Replied by N_S1701 on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

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"I still can't believe someone smart enough to invent a time machine can be gullible enough to use it to 'do me a favour'. I mean, you didn't even ask what was in that box I asked you to take back in time to my great grandma was. I had a convincing lie all made up and ready to go and everything!"

Hikaru's response upon your return from the past was further from your expectations than you could have ever imagined. Your sweet, kind, gentle, classmate was the only friend you had made since transferring to a school in Tokyo. She was the only person you confided in about your invention, and the only person that you would have done a favour for using the time machine. It was simple enough. She just wanted to give a nice gift to her grandma back in the 1920s. What was the worst that could have happened? You gawked, slack-jawed, as Hikaru continued.

"See, you're not the only genius at this school. I developed a serum that would grant god-like strength, endurance, intelligence, and all sorts of fun extra powers like flight and laser vision on a person. When I heard about your little invention, I made a few tweaks to make its effects hereditary. After all, why should I have to do all the hard work of conquering the world, when I could just get my ancestors to do it for me? Of course, I never really solved the problem of the serum only effecting females, but that hardly matters."

Your eyes bulged at Hikaru's revelation. Surely she was just pulling your leg! You never would have thought that she could make such a serum, much less have the cold-hearted will to use it to take over the world!

"Oh, you don't believe me?" She said, plucking the thoughts straight out of your mind. "Well, come to history class with me, and we can ask Miss Oba all about it after the lecture."

As Hikaru started walking, you tried to process the ramifications of what she had just said. Could it be true? How did she know what you were thinking? Is the world you knew really gone? You mulled these questions as you trudged silently behind Hikaru, towards your familiar history class.

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As soon as you entered the classroom, you noticed that things were different. A gaggle of girls almost swarmed Hikaru like cats drawn to food. It was like the world's biggest celebrity had just shown up to class. There was also something different about your classmates. Were the girls all as... flawless before? Each one of them looked like a magazine idol. After tearing your eyes away, you tried to make your way to your desk. There were a few guys lingering at the back of class, their eyes downbeat and their bodies thin and frail. You hoped that your mind was just playing tricks on you.

A few moments after you took your seat, Miss Oba entered the room. Your suspicions about girls looking different were confirmed when you saw the bombshell at the front of the class. You had remembered Miss Oba as being frumpy and plain, not as the sex-goddess standing in front of you. Things only got worse when class started.

You sat for an hour in abject disbelief as Miss Oba explained the history of Japan during World War II. As far as you could tell, history was still the same until just after the Battle of Midway. Apparently the Japanese military, having suffered such grievous losses, begged Hikaru's great grandmother to use her powers to turn the tide of the war back in their favour. At first, she just destroyed a few American ships. Miss Oba showed the class archival film of terrified American sailors describing how the superwoman had torn battleships and destroyers apart with her bare hands. Then, entire battle groups went missing. Lost in tornadoes, or just reduced to ash with no explanation. It wasn't long until the US Navy was wiped from the Pacific.

Miss Oba glossed over the various conquests that Japan undertook afterwards. The United States was quickly subjugated when Hikaru's ancestor killed FDR on live TV and then wiped out Washington DC building-by-building. China fell in quick order when she eliminated the entire Nationalist army in an hour-long orgy of brutal violence. Miss Oba skipped forward to something called "The Great Betrayal" where apparently the military and the Emperor rebelled against Hikaru's family once they saw that her grandmother and mother had powers as well. The rebellion was put down swiftly and mercilessly and Hikaru's grandmother became... EMPRESS? No wonder she was received like a celebrity; she was an actual princess!

The bell rang before the teacher could explain the new matriarchal system that Hikaru's family had imposed on the entire world... You stood up, and stared dumbly at Hikaru. She simply smiled, and beckoned you over.

"Let's go ask Ms Oba some more questions" she said, as if the information in that class was the most normal thing ever. You nodded absently, and tried not to stare too much as Hikaru spoke with her teacher...

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Next period was PE. Apparently that class was now gender separated since the Empress had given all Japanese women a watered down version of her serum. Hikaru, however, pulled you aside right outside the changing room.

"I don't feel like PE", she said as she threw down the ball she was holding. It shook the ground and cracked concrete as it landed. You wondered how much it weighed.

"But since I've already changed into my work-out clothes, I should probably get some real exercise." She plopped down on a chair and smiled mischievously. It took all of your composure to stammer out a question on what she really meant by that.

"Well, since I inherited the full-strength super serum, even super-level exercises don't challenge me at all. Usually I like to go kick around some planets, or maybe even a star." She explained, relishing the expression on your face.

"Today, though, I thought I'd show you something really special." Hikaru pretended not to be excited as she tightened her laces with feigned nonchalance. "See, the Empire's scientists have developed dimensional travel technology. I can summon a portal to any number of parallel universes. That way, I can play and destroy to my heart's content. If there's anything left after I get bored, let a few lesser powered women through to annex the dimension for the Empire."

"Today's your lucky day, because you're going to get a front-row seat to the death of an entire universe" your friend giggled as you contemplated the doom that you had unleashed on existence itself.

Note: The schoolgirl model is Hikaru Nishiumi, who is a professional model in her 20s.

Edit: fixed an inexplicable perspective change. Serves me right for writing at 2 am!
Last edit: 27 Nov 2017 09:22 by N_S1701.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Sarge395, slim36, ChaozCloud, Ravens_ghost, Chelon, xoony, Furlough, Gargamel

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29 Nov 2017 11:18 #57359 by Akane
Replied by Akane on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

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"Destroying a sun-sized meteor that is about to enter our solar system? Okay, easily done, will be back in a few seconds. The payment you say? Talk with my associates."

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"Sorry, you can't escape me even in your dreams, I will date you whether you like it or not, please don't force me to warp your mind."
The following user(s) said Thank You: Woodclaw, ChaozCloud, N_S1701, delta7447, Adams, xoony

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30 Nov 2017 06:05 #57379 by mt4484
Replied by mt4484 on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
asian girls

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30 Nov 2017 15:26 #57392 by Agent00Soul
Replied by Agent00Soul on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

At first glance I thought this was Jun/Princess from Gatchaman/Battle of the Planets
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30 Nov 2017 16:38 - 02 Dec 2017 12:09 #57396 by Woodclaw
Replied by Woodclaw on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

mt4484 wrote:

"Ah ... the delicate symphony of subatomic reactions is soooo relaxi-- WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?! I told that little man to stop with those silly missile tests. Now, I'll have to do something myself."

mt4484 wrote:

"Life and death aren't so different, after all It's just a matter of directing energy. I can prove it. Shot me right here! Right in the middle of my chest and I'll be back in just a heartbeat."


"See. All it take is a little superior awareness of the forces beyond our universe. Now to further prove my point I'm going to incinerate you and rebuild your entire body from scratch."
Last edit: 02 Dec 2017 12:09 by Woodclaw. Reason: fixing grammar
The following user(s) said Thank You: ChaozCloud, N_S1701, delta7447, Adams, xoony

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01 Dec 2017 11:33 #57421 by Furlough
Replied by Furlough on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
"Ever since I got an accidental dose of that weird scientist's experimental ray, I've gotten pretty strong! How strong, you ask? You might remember the eyesore of a science facility that used to stand on the very spot I'm sitting on now before I ripped it off its foundations and threw it into the sun. I think I've really made an improvement to the landscape here and made myself a cozy little space to relax as well. So what if I can also fly and use my awesome new powers to reshape the earth however I wish? Sometimes I like to keep it simple. And I do enjoy my R&R time, so I'd suggest you and the rest of those limpdick suits stop trying to tail me before I decide I've had enough of seeing you too!"

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"I really think you're making too big a deal out of me taking over all of your nation's seaside hotels for my personal luxury resort home. There are beaches in the other side of the continent, aren't there? You're so silly for thinking I'm just an upstart who got lucky just because I happened to suddenly gain incredible superpowers. Would someone who didn't deserve them be able to catch an entire hail of bullets and crush them into sand like this?

"And that's nothing. You think the tropical sun is searing hot? It's a joke compared to my fabulous new heat ray vision. So unlike you'd also like your remains to litter this beach without anyone even noticing, I'd suggest finding a new hobby that doesn't involve harassing me,"

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"Tsk, tsk. You thought you could get away from me that easily? Sure, there are worse jobs than working as a jewellery store clerk, but I always hated working under you, always ordering me around and leaving all the hard work to me. In a way, I suppose I should thank you; if you hadn't piled all that boring inventory work on me, I may not have found that ancient magical ruby which had all the powers of a Goddess sealed inside it. Now, even if you run up to this fancy 30th floor apartment like a coward, it doesn't mean anything against someone who can fly and move faster than the eyes of mere mortals can perceive, does it?

"I'd considered just telekinetically forcing you to take a long walk off your balcony, but that seems too simple. No, instead, I think I'll paralyse you and let you keep watching how things unfold from up here. You see, now that I've ascended, things are going to change— why settle for a meagre lifestyle when I can conquer this entire city, the entire country, the entire world, unopposed? Still, when everyone else have settled into their new roles as my slaves, I think I'll have them build a magnificent palace for me on this very spot as a symbol of my absolute dominion over idiots like you who ever dared to antagonise me."

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05 Dec 2017 06:33 - 18 Sep 2021 17:25 #57506 by mt4484
Replied by mt4484 on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
Please somebody write a short story with these pictures?
Last edit: 18 Sep 2021 17:25 by mt4484.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Ravens_ghost, thedoc9, Agent00Soul, delta7447, Monty, Adams

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05 Dec 2017 12:11 #57510 by N_S1701
Replied by N_S1701 on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

mt4484 wrote: Please somebody write a short story with these pictures?

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You look over from your computer screen as your phone pinged beside you. You glance down at your home screen to see that it was a message from your girlfriend. The preview notification was simply a winky face and "[image attached]". You knew exactly what this meant. With great excitement, you unlocked the device and waited a split second for the message to load. What you saw left you stunned. The woman in the photo had your girlfriend's face, but her body... her body didn't resemble your slim, petite - and flat - woman that you were dating!. You quickly tapped out a message asking her if this was photoshopped before you received another message from her.

"So I found your porn folder when I was over last night. I can't believe you have an entire folder just called "T H I C C"."

A jolt of panic shot through you. Was she angry that you were into girls of a vastly different body type? Did she make that image as one last insult before she broke up with you? You turned these possibilities over in your mind as you deleted your previous text. Whatever you sent her next had to be good. You slowly began tapping out a response but weren't even two words in before another text popped up on your screen along with a second photo.

"No, it's not photoshopped. See? I can send you as many photos as you want, from as many angles as you want. This is real! :lol: "

You were absolutely dumbfounded. Questions raced through your mind at a frantic pace. How did she know that you were about to text her that? Well... maybe that was an obvious first question... but if this is true, how did she transform like this overnight? No amount of plastic surgery could give her a body like that, especially not in the few hours since you last saw her. You started to phrase a question just as another text popped up on your screen.

"LOL, this isn't surgery. See, I've always had the ability to absorb attributes from people. It's hard to explain... like I draw the part of them I want into me and I become better as a result. I haven't used it much at all, since it ends up killing the victim, but for you... ;) "

This can't be real, you thought. This was all just a big joke and she was just pulling your leg.. There's no way this is possible. This is real life, not some comic book! Also, did she say her power KILLED people? You were frantically trying to make sense of this all when your phone pinged again.

"Tehehehe, I guess it is a bit like a comic book. I found a girl with a nice chest and butt and decided to absorb her for you. She must have been pretty smart, because afterwards I knew all sorts of things I didn't before! But I didn't get much from her physically... I guess most Korean girls are pretty slim. I had to absorb about a whole college class to get this body."

Wait, did she just admit to murdering an entire college class? Holy. Fuck. This was way beyond a joke now. This was serious shit. Another message.

"I know right?! It got really serious because someone saw me absorbing the last girl and called the cops. They sent about ten officers, who I had to end up absorbing too because they tried to arrest me! :pinch: They must have been pretty strong, because afterwards I could just pick up their cars and crumple them into a ball with my hands, on top of being super smart from all those college girls!"

At this point, all you could do was bore holes into your phone screen, mouth agape, waiting for the next text. You didn't have to wait long.

"So now that I was super smart, I figured out that if I absorbed enough people, I could use their energy to gain traits and powers that they don't even have. I tested this by going to a subway station at rush hour and absorbing a couple of train loads of people. They felt soooo goood :P. I used their life energy to gain invulnerability and super speed. I used those to drain a few office buildings worth of workers to get flight, telepathy (which is how I know what you're about to ask btw) and some fun.ones like laser vision :laugh:."

You were in a state of total shock... What was she going to do next?

"What next? Good question! I think if I absorb enough people I can be a true omnipotent goddess. Wouldn't you like that, hon? Wouldn't you like to have an all-powerful girlfriend? :kiss: A billion or two people should be enough, so I guess the next step is to conquer the world and get some sacrifices."

A third photo popped up on your screen.

"What do you think hon? Should I introduce the world to its new goddess and owner in this outfit?"
The following user(s) said Thank You: ChaozCloud, mt4484, Chelon, delta7447, Adams, xoony

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05 Dec 2017 20:26 #57520 by Akane
Replied by Akane on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

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"The great goddess Asami doesn't date boys, you are too weak, last time my boyfriend was vaporized when I took him to sunbathe in the center of the Sun. Nah, superior ubergirls are sturdier so I became a lesbian."
The following user(s) said Thank You: ChaozCloud, N_S1701, Chelon, Adams

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