
Super Asian Girl Thread

06 Dec 2017 07:22 - 06 Dec 2017 07:34 #57524 by mt4484
Replied by mt4484 on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

Thanks for your story!! It's great story!

I hope you write a good story again!

Thanks so much!
Last edit: 06 Dec 2017 07:34 by mt4484.
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14 Dec 2017 05:05 #57719 by N_S1701
Replied by N_S1701 on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

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The was the last image to be transmitted by the combined UN Battle Group, seconds before the Fall of Rio. Within seconds, the entire force and the city it came to protect was utterly incinerated by an intense blast of heat and energy that defied measurement. Moments later, Sao Paulo and Buenos Aires were wiped out by similar explosions. It only took an hour for the United Nations to surrender on behalf of all mankind, and for Earth to become the property of one absurdly overpowered Korean woman. After the surrender, no effort was made to explain how she came to possess such fantastical power. After all, she knew how, and our only purpose now was to serve her.

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Apparently having seen the movie Space Jam, on broadcasts from their planet, this team of alien women challenged humanity to a game of soccer. The stakes? Ownership of the solar system. After a brief demonstration of their power (i.e. one of the women cracking Pluto apart with her bare hands) we had no choice but to agree. The game lasted mere seconds as the alien striker tapped the ball, causing it to accelerate to near the speed of light and annihilate much of the stadium and most of the city behind it. The referee, never having encountered a situation where one team was utterly vapourised by the other, wisely called the game a victory for the visitors.

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L: "What do you think Mistress meant when she told us to clean up this whole planet?"
R: "You dummy, there's obviously a big human infestation here. Mistress wants them all gone so that she can use this planet as her private vacation spot!"
L: "Oh... does that mean that we can't just smash their cities with mountains?"
R: "Well duh, that would ruin the environment."
L: "Okay, I guess we'll just have to deal with all the humans one-by-one then."
R: "Right! How about we make a game out of it? Whoever kills the least humans has to rearrange the constellations for Mistress tonight."
L: "You're on!"
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14 Dec 2017 11:02 - 14 Dec 2017 11:03 #57723 by mt4484
Replied by mt4484 on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
ai shinozaki

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Last edit: 14 Dec 2017 11:03 by mt4484.
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16 Dec 2017 13:57 #57749 by Akane
Replied by Akane on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

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"I'm back, turn on the TV, I lifted your rival country and threw it into the ocean. Thank you for using Goddess Kotori's Civilization Erasure Service, what will be your method of payment?"
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16 Dec 2017 17:56 #57751 by TwiceOnThursdays
Replied by TwiceOnThursdays on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
The first thing that came into my head was "That'd be a nice Zatanna cosplay."

Akane wrote:

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"I'm back, turn on the TV, I lifted your rival country and threw it into the ocean. Thank you for using Goddess Kotori's Civilization Erasure Service, what will be your method of payment?"

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18 Dec 2017 09:00 #57757 by N_S1701
Replied by N_S1701 on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

Akane wrote:

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"I'm back, turn on the TV, I lifted your rival country and threw it into the ocean. Thank you for using Goddess Kotori's Civilization Erasure Service, what will be your method of payment?"

A short "sequel" based on a chat Akane and I had:

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"There you are... mum sent me to chase up a debt you owe her. You didn't think you could really get out of paying Goddess Kotori for her work, did you? I don't know why you would even think about short-changing a woman who can erase an entire civilisation with her bare hands.

What? Yes, I did say "mum". A pipsqueak like you really isn't worth Goddess Kotori's time, so she sent me instead. It's only my first century on the job, but don't think I can't handle you and your entire little race with my eyes closed.

You don't care if I kill you? Hahaha, as if brute strength was our only power. Personally, I like to transform things into clothes. See these earrings I'm wearing? An entire universe each. These heels? The consciousnesses of every living being from those universes - still aware and powerless as I tread on them every day.

As for you? Hmm, I think I'll start off with your family. Your wife would make such a lovely ring, and maybe your daughter could be a matching toe ring?

Oh? You'll pay? That's what I wanted to hear. Still, I'm already here so I think I'm entitled to charge a collection fee. I'll even be nice and let you choose: who gets to be my new ring, your wife or your daughter?"
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22 Dec 2017 14:07 #57815 by Akane
Replied by Akane on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

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"My tits, or the whole american navy and all their battleships, who wins? Well I think I made the answer pretty clear for everyone now, and it only took me a few seconds."
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22 Dec 2017 15:28 #57817 by Agent00Soul
Replied by Agent00Soul on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

Akane wrote:

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"My tits, or the whole american navy and all their battleships, who wins? Well I think I made the answer pretty clear for everyone now, and it only took me a few seconds."

That woman is basically my avatar come to life!

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23 Dec 2017 01:40 - 23 Dec 2017 01:44 #57825 by fats
Replied by fats on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
I posted that above image in the chat room so here is the first 10 in the set in one post.


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Last edit: 23 Dec 2017 01:44 by fats.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Sarge395, Ravens_ghost, earllechec, N_S1701, rednecko, Markiehoe, Agent00Soul, delta7447, Monty

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23 Dec 2017 20:51 #57834 by Agent00Soul
Replied by Agent00Soul on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
Amazing - it really is her!
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23 Dec 2017 22:36 - 23 Dec 2017 23:15 #57835 by Monty
Replied by Monty on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
The Super Model's name is Dai Nuo Xin.


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Last edit: 23 Dec 2017 23:15 by Monty.
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24 Dec 2017 01:15 #57836 by Caylane
Replied by Caylane on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
She needs an origin story here~
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25 Dec 2017 02:20 #57843 by Chelon
Replied by Chelon on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

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After years of research, I have finally figured out how to create materials that diminish all of my powers. I had to visit 100 different galaxies to acquire the right materials, and I had to use a massive black hole to combine them into what you see now. Everything I'm wearing, from the shoulder less top to the jacket around my waist to my belly button ring, were specially made to make it easier to control my powers.

The smaller ones - my belly button piercing and earrings - each decrease my powers by a factor of 10. The choker by a factor of 100.

My bra, panties, and shorts are each a factor of 100,000. The jacket, wrapped around my small waist like this, is only a factor of 1000. And finally, this skintight shirt is a factor of 1 MILLION.

Together, they weaken me by a factor of a 100 billion billion billionth of my normal strength. And yet, I could beat the entire population at tug of war with one finger, I could dominate superman with just my superpowered chest. I could stop him with a single hair from my head. I could make the sun seem like a candle with my heat vision.

Just imagine what would happen if I let loose.
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28 Dec 2017 08:42 #57898 by Engineered-Sorcery
Replied by Engineered-Sorcery on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

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It was a moonless night, the stars in the sky washed out by urban glow as Special Agent Dai Nuo Xin walked her way past shop after shop, eventually finding a nondescript mailbox that was indicated on her phone. Being a spy wasn’t easy, but apparently what she’d gotten this time would change the game entirely.

Project Rubicon, they’d called it. A super-formula to end all super-formulas, targeted to yet another demographic. First it’d been the redheads, giving each the strength of a dozen men or more and limited pyrokinesis based on line of sight. Needless to say, the Private Military Contractor and Security industries suddenly found themselves with a massive need for redheads in order to compete, given that the transformed young women could take on entire armored battalions singlehandedly and win. Next, it’d been the blondes, getting the ability to jump higher, run faster, even break the sound barrier reasonably easily. Suddenly it wasn’t an option to have a Rubicon-enhanced individual on your side if you wanted a chance, it was an imperative.

And now, it was Asian women. Thankfully, as far as her agency knew this stuff wasn’t on the market yet, but the rumors were already flying. The ability to break the laws of physics, the strength of entire planets, maybe even something people weren’t expecting. And here it was, the minds in her home office were delivering it to her in order to challenge the Enhanced threats on the street.
Agent Xin wasn’t ashamed with her appearance, being athletic and slim, a perfect complement for her fitted black tuxedo and red tie. She had a severe, intense expression most of the time with dull, brown eyes and black hair. She’d heard the stories of Rubicon recipients though, and her mouth slightly watered at the idea of becoming one of the chosen few who could become truly extraordinary.

Opening the box, she nervously looks over the vial within, a streetlamp providing a dull yellow-orange glow that offset the quicksilver-filled cylinder within. She slowly turns it in her hand, watching the nanites and nutrients flow around to the whim of gravity as she fished out her phone to read the instructions once more, nodding to herself as she raises a thumb to the cap and flips it off, watching it slowly spiral into the night before falling with a clack. With that, the young woman nervously raises it to her lips and begins to ‘drink’ the liquid.

It goes down more smoothly than most drinks she’d had in the last year, seeming to coat her throat and tasting strangely like a combination of iron and cheap vodka. That is until it hits her stomach, and the warmth begins to spread. Starting as a cloying, tickling heat and quickly escalating to an intense burning, the young woman falls onto her back and lets out a groan, feeling like she’s going to sweat her way through her clothes. Meanwhile, the nanites were working their magic in order to change her, building flesh where there wasn’t one and altering every structure of her body to hold more energy than would previously was possible.

A tiny dot of chrome metal forms within the back of her mind, boosting her mind’s cognition to unfathomable heights so she can handle the sensory load of her transformation, and suddenly she can feel every inch of what’s happening to her.

There’s a high, desperate sound as her tie is forced upward and the first button on her shirt fails, her chest swelling outward inexorably, another button failing with a ping and being casually tossed a block away before embedding itself nearly three inches in the concrete. Her hair gains a more brilliant luster, a hint of chocolate entering it as it lengthens back, snapping the tie she’d used to hold it in a bun previously, allowing her new locks to fall free and frame her face as her cheekbones and cheeks filled to complete a more sensual, seductive appearance, her thin lips rounding slightly and gaining a perfect ruby red coloration. Next to enhance is her ass, going from flat to phenomenal in seconds, the seams of her pants splitting as she found herself a few inches higher off the ground, then her body tensed slightly and a resounding crack radiates from the pavement beneath her, a two meter concentric circle being damaged by the simple act of her body awakening to its new power.

As the newly reborn Agent Dai Xin begins to become more aware of where she is, she slowly takes a breath, only for it to hitch when the sound of screeching steel greets her, then she’s hit in the face with a solid metal object, until she breathes out and suddenly it’s gone. Realizing that she can see the movement in slow-motion of the mailbox flying through the sky and leaving a small trail of ionized plasma in its wake, tearing the atoms of the air behind it from sheer speed. Time seems to return to its normal flow after this moment, and she’s able to watch as it slams into a nearby three-story department store, leaving a hole several times its size all the way through before the building lets out a desperate groan and falls entirely. A column of dust and rubble replaces what was once several hundred man-hours of work.

To her shock, when she reaches down to lift herself up, she instead begins to slowly float off of the ground. She was flying, and it didn’t seem to be taking any effort whatsoever. She lets out a cry of surprise, and then she’s arcing through the air. Some instinctive part of her can tell as a pair of numbers increase by each moment, her altitude and airspeed, until the city is shaken by a massive boom. She’d just gone supersonic, and was flying completely free of the bonds of gravity! She eventually levels off at around 3,000 feet in the air and Mach 12, but feels like she could probably go even faster. Looking down at her body she notices that all she’s wearing is the red lingerie she’d put on this morning, the rest of her outfit having been torn to shreds by her body’s transformation, and even that was stretched to its limits by her new assets. She makes a mental note to look into a new outfit, but delays such a task till later.

The newly-minted goddess cruises through the sky, looking down and finding herself able to see through the environment. Her mind rationalizes it as a kind of backscatter X-ray vision, but she’s too busy being excited to care. That is, until she sees her target. A warehouse with a tunnel network built within it, at least a hundred men and Enhanced individuals moving weapons and material to parts unknown. With a subtle change in course, she begins to aim downward toward the dead center of it, looking to make her entrance…

(If anyone wants to write a continuation, feel free! I’ll be writing my own hopefully, but holiday season and such. Either way, hope you enjoyed!)
The following user(s) said Thank You: Sarge395, steelknight3000, Raa, Kamelmann, ChaozCloud, Ravens_ghost, N_S1701, Lulu, tranquinha, Agent00Soul, delta7447, Monty

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31 Dec 2017 18:45 #57946 by brantley
Replied by brantley on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
There's a 2004 live-action movie based on Cutey Honey, the manga/anime Japanese superheroine:

And you can watch it on YouTube:


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31 Dec 2017 18:45 #57947 by brantley
Replied by brantley on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
There's a 2004 live-action movie based on Cutey Honey, the manga/anime Japanese superheroine:

And you can watch it on YouTube:

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10 Jan 2018 15:10 #58097 by N_S1701
Replied by N_S1701 on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

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She loved to surf. Of course, no mere ocean could provide the waves that she sought. For her, the ultimate rush was to ride the shock wave of an expanding supernova - to revel in the thrill of the explosive death of a sun. Supernovas are, unfortunately, a rare phenomenon. Ever impatient, she is not above using her powers to "encourage" a star to explode. It just so happens that sometimes inhabited planets would be incinerated when she blew up their stars but that was hardly her problem.

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Millennia ago, an alien probe dutifully catalogued Earth category "P/C" - primitive civilisation. Upon receipt of the probe's data, a sleepy data entry clerk recorded Earth as category "P-C" - prison colony. Thousands of years later, that alien civilisation captured its most infamous and destructive criminal and sentenced her to a life of solitary exile. Trawling through old records, the authorities thought they had found their ideal P-C class world. Prisoner number 069 was promptly dispatched to Earth.

As soon as she landed, she discovered that she could draw power from the Earth's unique magnetosphere. Effortlessly slipping off her neutronium hand-cuffs, she surveyed the quaint industrial civilisation around her. She pondered all the fun she could now have with unlimited strength and total invulnerability. She considered resuming her life of crime, but quickly dismissed that idea as "thinking small". After all, why steal things when you can own an entire world?

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She had plenty of pairs of "fuck me boots" but that wasn't what she needed right now. What she needed was a good pair of "fuck you boots". Well, to be precise, she really needed a pair of "Fuck you, I'm going to destroy your cities with my bare hands, incinerate your armies with my eyes, murder your leaders with my thighs and enslave your civilisation to my every whim... boots." She decided that this pair would be merely okay but she was in no rush to decide. After all, she would only get one chance to make a grand appearance before the world. After that, the only factor she'd have to consider when choosing footwear is which shoes she likes forcing people to lick...

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Your girlfriend is, in the nicest words you could think of to describe her, a selfish bitch. Cruel, greedy, domineering, arrogant - all words which describe her to a T. She was, however, incredibly beautiful, which is why you had put up with so much of her crap before. But enough was enough. Last week you made up your mind and tried to break up with her. As you had predicted, she threw a massive tantrum. Unlike you predicted, as part of that tantrum she picked up a bus and threw it into an office building. She then slammed into the office building and tore it apart with her bare hands. She then vapourised a passing plane with some sort of eye-beam and you're pretty sure that the air displaced by her screaming blew over most of the buildings down town.

Needless to say, you decided to stay with her after all.

Her little episode wasn't without consequence. She blamed you for forcing her to reveal herself to "the shitty humans on this shitty planet". You nodded in wordless, clueless, agreement as she ranted about how she might as well "take over this whole fucking place" now that her secret was out. She seemed to disappear in a blur a moment afterwards. You honestly wouldn't have been able to tell where she was if it weren't for the constant news footage showing her laying waste to cities and armies alike. The world had already surrendered to her yesterday but you were pretty sure she was just having fun now.

Oh well, you though. At least it was better to be her favoured plaything than the poor bastards she was out there killing... you hoped.
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11 Jan 2018 02:55 - 11 Jan 2018 12:46 #58100 by brantley
Replied by brantley on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
The Greatest Indian-American Heroine is in the works:

And Wikipedia reveals that Meera (Irtiza Rubab) comes from Pakistan rather than India:

A sex change was tried once before, but not with an Asian-American star:

-- Brantley
Last edit: 11 Jan 2018 12:46 by brantley.
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13 Jan 2018 19:27 #58119 by Akane
Replied by Akane on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

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"What do you think about my boobs? Big eh? Well, wait for me to drink a few more universes so I can get to the size I want, don't blame me if yours is on the way of my feast!"
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16 Jan 2018 01:10 #58146 by Chelon
Replied by Chelon on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

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I have to be extremely careful. Ever since my genes activated and all my traits and abilities were strengthened by a factor of 10,000,000, I have to cover up my body to prevent guys from having to stop themselves from masturbating in public. If I need some quick money, I can sell a single one of my hairs. A fan will pay me millions for it, or scientists can use it for testing. A single strand can cut through metal like butter or support thousands of tons, so it's understandable why scientists would want to have them.

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Whew, finally done building this new resort, complete with its first set of guests. Only took a few seconds though. I have the best of everything - mountains from the Himalayas, soil from South America, trees from the Carribean, stone from Canada, hand-mined ice from Antarctica, and sand from Australia. All of it piled together in the middle of the ocean. The only issue was making sure that the rocks didn't vaporize in my grasp or from air resistance as I carried them.

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The most confusing part about Asian culture for foreigners is that the strongest looking girls are actually the weakest. The reason for this is simple - it's impossible to build muscle mass if nothing you lift feels heavy. Everyone here lifts weights from an early age, and for some of the weaker girls, they reach a limit on how much they can lift and so their muscles start growing. It happens at different times for different girls, the very weakest at about the mass of the earth, while others start to slow down at the sun level. I, on the other hand, secretly think I'm the strongest person. After all, look at my body. You see, each day, I take the mass of the sun and crush it into the size and shape of this ring. Once I get enough, I take all the ones I've made, usually one million, and crush all those into what looks like an identical ring, but actually a million times heavier. I've done this ten times, and yet the ring still feels weightless even sitting on my eyelashes. It's so much fun finding someone else who thinks they're super strong and asking them to hold my ring, only to see them struggle to get it off the ground.

And if that ring sounds heavy, it doesn't hold a candle to even a single thread in this bodysuit ;)
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17 Jan 2018 17:38 - 17 Jan 2018 17:57 #58170 by D_Berkhart
Replied by D_Berkhart on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
Everybody used to say, "Oh Cecilia, you're so skinny! Oh Cecilia you need to eat more and exercise!"

Well poo to all of them. When I found out my boyfriend was working on a Superman formula, I knew I just had to have it. He and those other dummies let me observe their work. They didn't think skinny little Cecilia would possibly be a threat. Like I said, "dummies."

I drank their little serum, and instead of a Superman, there's now a Super Cecilia!

The 90lb girl who was too skinny and weak to open a jar of peanut butter can now lift the Empire State Building! Haha, everybody on earth watched when I picked up like it was as light as a beach ball. It was such a rush! I used just one hand, and lifted up and down... up and down... up and down.

And then just a teeny-tiny little toss, and it ended up crashing into the Moon!

Now everybody knows not to cross me. Because when the new Cecilia ... SUPER Cecilia puts her foot down... she gets results. Like you all saw it: one stomp of my foot, and New York City crumbled!

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Last edit: 17 Jan 2018 17:57 by D_Berkhart.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Kamelmann, ChaozCloud, Ravens_ghost, N_S1701, Lulu, Chelon, xoony, ept

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31 Jan 2018 15:28 #58378 by Akane
Replied by Akane on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

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"Come on, I know I'm the most beautiful woman in the world but enough photos are enough, I have things to do, don't try to follow me, I'll fly my way to my date!""
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04 Feb 2018 12:58 - 04 Feb 2018 13:04 #58448 by rednecko
Replied by rednecko on topic Super Asian Girl Thread
I'm Bao Ying and most of the time I hide from the world in modest dresses and flat shoes while being a normal 5 foot 3 inches tall. I never feel sexy in my life like Zhang Zilin and never do much besides work as a Programmer at a Tech firm, reading The One Manhua and watching films like the Heroic Trio.

One day, Chinese state television came the most shocking news that an Iranian missile was headed towards Beijing. Instead of fear and hiding in the shelter fearing for their lives, I felt something different. I thought that there needs to be hope and got angry that someone would hurt my nation. Then, I fell over in pain in my abdomen. My stomach muscles were getting tight and looking like amazing. I could feel the pain in my legs as I grow to a six foot three woman. I was losing most of my baby fat except getting a little bigger in chest (a cup size I think).

When I stopped, I felt something in me saying you can do anything. Then, flew into the air tracking the missile with my Superhuman hearing. I met it somewhere over the Indian Ocean and hit it. It went into space and exploded far away from the earth. Then, I flew back down to earth.

The cheers came from around the world after I saved my nation and the world from a nuclear threat. I never thought that It was my destiny to be a Superheroine like Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel that I had heard about on the news after they saved China once. I made a decision at that point to be the hope for the nation, so I've decided to become Qiángdà de nǚrén (Mighty Woman to the rest of the world) and focus my powers on fighting the other Super Asians who are bent on destroying the world. This is my practice uniform when I spend several hours a day lifting weights and honing my strength and flying abilities. I can't wait to save the world again like my idols.

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Last edit: 04 Feb 2018 13:04 by rednecko. Reason: Forgot to put image in the body of post
The following user(s) said Thank You: slim36, ChaozCloud, N_S1701, Lulu, Chelon, Adams

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04 Feb 2018 21:24 - 04 Feb 2018 22:40 #58453 by Chelon
Replied by Chelon on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

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When Aime was 18, she met Superman for the first time. She happened to go to the gym with her friends and was amazed at how light the weights were. She wanted him to help show her how strong she actually was. He invited her to his gym in a secret hideaway, with weights only he could lift.

"Well Aime," Superman said, "you want to know how strong you are?"

"Oh yes Superman. I went to the gym for the first time with some friends and none of the weights there seemed heavy to me."

"Okay Aime. I have a special machine here we can use. It can go from 1 kilogram all the way up past how much I can lift. We'll start you at 20 kilograms."

She got behind the weight, wearing a beautiful dress and high heels, and lifted it with a single hand.

"Superman, if we start with weights this small it'll take forever. Make it way heavier."

So he went to the dial and moved it to 200kg. But she couldn't tell.

"Superman are you sure you didn't just make it lighter? This is not enough weight."

Superman was getting frustrated. Without telling her, he changed the weight to 200 tons, sure it would cause her to fall over and drop it. But Aime merely said,

"Did you hear me? I said make it heavier!"

"But... But that's impossible Aime! This weighs more than a bus! No person should be able to lift that!"

But Aime just laughed. She was only 5’ 1” and weighted 41kg, but she was stronger than any other person. A little frustrated, she said, "let me move the dial. You're not going fast enough."

So, still in her dress and high heels, she walked over to the dial. Holding the weight in one hand, she grabbed the dial with the other and started to turn it. As she turned it, she removed more and more fingers until she was lifting the weight with only one finger. She stopped the dial at 200,000 tons.
“Okay Superman, it’s at 200,000 tons. Is this as much as you can lift?”
Superman thought she was starting to slow down, and so laughed and curled the weight with one hand.
“Oh no, I can lift thousands of times more than this, Aime.”
“Good, because this isn’t even a warmup for me either. Could you move the dial to your maximum?”
Superman set the weight down, and carefully moved the dial. Moving back to the weight, he got behind the weight, and struggling immensely, deadlifted it for one rep.
“That’s my maximum. It’s the weight of Jupiter. I doubt you could handle it Aime, strong as you are.”
She got behind the weight, and taking an underhand grip, she stood up and started curling it. After a few reps, she moved to curling with one hand, and then a single finger. She just frowned at how light it was. Without warning, she moved the dial all the way to the maximum, while still curling it.

"Is this really as heavy as it can go Superman? I still can't feel it." She moved her finger up and down and just yawned because it was so easy. Superman, on the other hand, couldn't believe what he was seeing. Sure it was a mistake, he grabbed the weight, but as soon as she stopped holding the weight, it plummeted to the ground and took Superman with it.

"Really Superman? You can't lift this? Do you even know how much this is?” she said with a smirk.
“I… I never found out exactly how high it could go. But that is at least the weight of the sun.”
"I guess that means I'm stronger than you." She felt bad for him struggling with the weight, so she picked it up and put it on her boobs. Even without her hands, they were perky enough to support it. She started flexing her boobs one at a time, enough to bounce the weight up and down. Using her strength excited her so much, that her nipples were starting to poke out. She lifted the weight and pierced it with her nipples, then let go.
As she breathed in and out, the mass of the sun moved with her amazing chest. She couldn’t even tell the weight was there. Losing interest after a few minutes, she took the weight and crushed it with her soft and manicured hands until it was the size of a tomato. Then, putting it between her boobs, she flexed them at the same time and crushed it out of existence.
“I guess next time I want a real workout, I’ll have to go to space myself. But if you want a workout, Superman, let me know. We can armwrestle or something,” she said with a wink. As a last reminder of her strength, she took out her earring and gave it to him. As she dropped it in his hand, it plummeted to the ground and he couldn’t move his hand.
“Next time, I’ll wear my heavy jewelry.”
Last edit: 04 Feb 2018 22:40 by Woodclaw.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Esteban, eJm, ChaozCloud, Ravens_ghost, N_S1701, Lulu, rednecko, Adams, Whatever, Gargamel, minicooli88

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04 Feb 2018 21:52 #58454 by Whatever
Replied by Whatever on topic Super Asian Girl Thread

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The image that should be above :super:
Good write-up, by the way!
The following user(s) said Thank You: Raa, slim36, N_S1701, rednecko, Adams

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