
Transformatrix 4000 -- Comments and Suggestions

10 Nov 2006 06:59 #7318 by murdough
got an idea or two for an addition to the story. probably won't interact directly with the established characters much though. at least not for the most part. not really my style to write for characters created by other people. more of a slice of life type thing set in my own corner of this universe we got going here, similar to what yaracyrrah did. it'll take a day or two for me to hammer it out though. still, figured I'd throw in on this.

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14 Nov 2006 00:03 #7335 by admin
Thread renamed at the request of Argonaut.


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13 Dec 2006 06:56 #7602 by yaracyrrah
Murdough: woot :D !


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13 Dec 2006 07:54 #7603 by murdough
Thanks for the woot yaracyrrah. I'm going to try to get chapters up at least every other night. Truth to tell, I'm more or less winging it. No overall plan for how things are going to go. How I work best.

And in case anyone's curious, my choice of model for Claire is Summer Glau of Firefly/Serenity fame. The link below shows how she looked pre-Transformatrix.

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02 Jan 2007 14:37 #7811 by argonaut
Happy New year, everybody!

I've posted the first part of a new story on the "Tales of the Transformatrix" thread. The rest of the story should follow (probably in two installments) over the next few days.

In other Transformatrix-related news:

1. A picture of Jill Henderson by TGK can be seen in the SGI Gallery at our ImageBank. Which "transformee" would you like to see illustrated next? Go to the "Poll" thread on the "ImageBank" forum to cast your vote. (Amber Slater maintained a strong lead for the first couple of days, but then votes for other characters began coming in ... and now those perennial rivals, Lois and Lana, are tied with Amber for first place. I'll save my vote in case we need a tie-breaker!)

2. A reminder that the theme for the current workshop is "Tales of the Transformatrix," and that the deadline is four weeks away. There's a special prize for the winner! (No, it's not a Transformatrix ... :( ) Go to the "Workshop 1.10 NOW ON!" thread on the "SGInc Workshops" forum for details.

And Murdough -- please don't keep us waiting too long for the next part of your "Tale"! :)

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05 Feb 2007 00:46 #8125 by argonaut
A big "thank you" to Ultragirl for her contribution to "Tales of the Transformatrix."

That's the kind of Transformatrix story I like -- a character-driven "slice of life" that focuses on the "everyday" aspects of a world full of super-women ... while hinting at a larger context.

But I wonder: Does the military test its weaponry on Denise because she's one of the strongest transformees ... or is she one of the strongest transformees because of the weaponry that's used on her? What was it Nietzsche said -- "What doesn't kill me ... " There's an idea other writers might want to make use of!

I hope to post the next part of "Only a Movie" within the next couple of days ... in lieu of a workshop story. :oops: Sorry, everyone -- busy month ...

And if you haven't seen TGK's renditions of Lana and Amber, go to the ImageBank now!

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05 Feb 2007 00:52 #8126 by angels
Happy new years and hello again to everyone.
I have really enjoyed this story so far and want to keep things rolling, so I'm going to try (hopefull) to dish out an addition to the Tales each week or so until more people grab on to ideas and run with them.

This week, I'm going to focus on DeeAnn. I brought her into the stories when she first unleashed her powers, and she had it in mind to have a helping of the man of steel. Where she's at now seems to have dismissed the wild side of her that we were introduced to. I'm going to pick up with her sort of being a monitoring force, or police, to the superwomen, as she seems to be one of the strongest of all of them, but we'll start to see that she isn't as composed and heroic as she wants to be. We'll also meet up with Paris again, since every hero needs a villian.

Coming after:
I've got a story almost finished featuring a certain woman who recently threw her hat into the 2008 presidential election, as well as a story of two twin girls - both of whom tried the transformatrix - but only one ended up super.

On a seperate note, do you think we should try to taper off the number of transformatrixes that are showing up? Maybe make them much harder commodities anymore? I feel like the stories kind of lose their uniqueness if everyone can just call up the number and be super. Just saying.

Oh, and if anyone has an key things that they want to include in one of these stories (or characters especially), but doesn't want to focus a whole piece on them, PM me and we'll collaborate a little so we can include it. Community project, ya'll.


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05 Feb 2007 04:22 #8137 by argonaut
Welcome back, angels! We haven't heard from you in a while, but it looks as if you're trying to make up for lost time!

I hope you do add something to the "Transformatrix Universe." As I recall, you were the one who gave us Super DeeAnn AND Super Paris. I have an idea for including Paris in a relaunch of the interactive story, so maybe we can collaborate. I'll send you a pm later this week.

As for DeeAnn: I had an idea that in addition to playing super-heroine, she might be the founder and CEO of "Super Models, Incorporated" -- an agency representing super-powered models, actresses, stunt women, etc. Given her background as a model, it just seemed natural.

How many transformees are there? I've suggested that there are around 500 known transformees and maybe a few hundred more who prefer, for whatever reason, not to let the general public know about their super-powers. The number seems large enough to give scope and variety to the Transformatrix Universe, but small enough to ensure that transformees are a small fraction of the general female population. (So far!) And how easy is it to get hold of a Transformatrix? Alas, the days when Genrefan was handing them out like candy to the members of UberGirlFrenzy are gone. Still, there are ways of getting hold of one if you know how ... (There might be bidding wars among women willing and able to pay top dollar for a chance to have super-powers!)

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05 Feb 2007 06:12 #8138 by ultragirl

Welcome back, angels! We haven't heard from you in a while, but it looks as if you're trying to make up for lost time!

I hope you do add something to the "Transformatrix Universe." As I recall, you were the one who gave us Super DeeAnn AND Super Paris. I have an idea for including Paris in a relaunch of the interactive story, so maybe we can collaborate. I'll send you a pm later this week.

As for DeeAnn: I had an idea that in addition to playing super-heroine, she might be the founder and CEO of "Super Models, Incorporated" -- an agency representing super-powered models, actresses, stunt women, etc. Given her background as a model, it just seemed natural.

How many transformees are there? I've suggested that there are around 500 known transformees and maybe a few hundred more who prefer, for whatever reason, not to let the general public know about their super-powers. The number seems large enough to give scope and variety to the Transformatrix Universe, but small enough to ensure that transformees are a small fraction of the general female population. (So far!) And how easy is it to get hold of a Transformatrix? Alas, the days when Genrefan was handing them out like candy to the members of UberGirlFrenzy are gone. Still, there are ways of getting hold of one if you know how ... (There might be bidding wars among women willing and able to pay top dollar for a chance to have super-powers!)

Do we really need to define a number of transformees? Besides the ones "registered" at the facility, is there even a way to track them all? Just a musing...

Bidding wars are good. Then there are the black market military. Who wouldn't want a supergirl as their covert operative. You could even go so far as one supergirl creating a cult in which she owns a transformatrix and chooses the "blessed" to recieve the "goddess's gift".

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05 Feb 2007 22:27 #8162 by argonaut

Do we really need to define a number of transformees?

Not at all. My numbers are just ballpark suggestions. I think the number should be large enough to permit lots of variety among the transformees, but small enough to ensure that they remain "special."

Besides the ones "registered" at the facility ...

In "Three Months Later," I established that yaracyrrah's character Laura Carter erased the government's database on transformees -- so that those who want to maintain a low profile (like Jill Henderson) can keep their powers secret. Of course, that wouldn't prevent the government from trying to rebuild the database from scratch ...

... is there even a way to track them all?

... although the most up-to-date information on transformees is likely to be maintained by the members of UberGirlFrenzy!

Then there are the black market military. Who wouldn't want a supergirl as their covert operative.

Indeed ... although creating a supergirl isn't the same as controlling one -- as your "Bionic Girl" story illustrates!

You could even go so far as one supergirl creating a cult in which she owns a transformatrix and chooses the "blessed" to recieve the "goddess's gift".

Wow -- great idea! But since each Transformatrix is "one use only," she'd need a supply of them. Janet Klyburn knows how to re-activate a Transformatrix, but she's not the "sharing" type. Of course, someone else could presumably figure it out ...

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05 Feb 2007 23:35 #8173 by ultragirl
Gosh! How much have I forgotten about the core premise? I need to re-read.

As far as Bionic Girl, who says "she" isn't under control? Hehe.

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06 Feb 2007 04:50 #8186 by angels
I forgot about Janet. I have an idea in mind to do something to bring some of our main characters together again, but they need a common ground - kind of like "Heroes" for those of you who watch. Janet seems like the perfect antagonist, based on her written attitude - I get the impression that once she gets that taste of raw power, that won't be enough for her. And given her ability to reactivate a TM device, who's to say she can't make one that will amplify the effects? She could essentially be a certain amount of more powerful than the rest, and she gets the idea in mind to create an army of superwomen (or be as powerful as one, mind you) and do something crazy like attempt to take over the world. Our heroes, Jill, DeeAnn, Lois, Amber, Lana, Denise, maybe a few more, band together to stop her.

The other idea is that Janet figures out how to turn the transformatrix into a device that will transfer the powers out of one person and into her, so she starts targeting the new superwomen to depower them one by one, intoxicated by the power it brings her - kind of like a Highlander type scenario. Again, this can lead up to the heroes having to come together to stop her before she's the only one left.

Just an idea for a story arc. Obviously, this would only be a miniseries type storyline, but would give a chance for the authors to contribute together for a little while again while developing their own characters in other stories.

I'm going to focus on the three I mentioned earlier, but if anyone would like to help with this idea, lemme know.


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06 Feb 2007 06:12 #8188 by ultragirl

I forgot about Janet. I have an idea in mind to do something to bring some of our main characters together again, but they need a common ground - kind of like "Heroes" for those of you who watch. Janet seems like the perfect antagonist, based on her written attitude - I get the impression that once she gets that taste of raw power, that won't be enough for her. And given her ability to reactivate a TM device, who's to say she can't make one that will amplify the effects? She could essentially be a certain amount of more powerful than the rest, and she gets the idea in mind to create an army of superwomen (or be as powerful as one, mind you) and do something crazy like attempt to take over the world. Our heroes, Jill, DeeAnn, Lois, Amber, Lana, Denise, maybe a few more, band together to stop her.

The other idea is that Janet figures out how to turn the transformatrix into a device that will transfer the powers out of one person and into her, so she starts targeting the new superwomen to depower them one by one, intoxicated by the power it brings her - kind of like a Highlander type scenario. Again, this can lead up to the heroes having to come together to stop her before she's the only one left.

Just an idea for a story arc. Obviously, this would only be a miniseries type storyline, but would give a chance for the authors to contribute together for a little while again while developing their own characters in other stories.

I'm going to focus on the three I mentioned earlier, but if anyone would like to help with this idea, lemme know.


Good idea!

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08 Feb 2007 08:15 #8250 by yaracyrrah

And given her ability to reactivate a TM device, who's to say she can't make one that will amplify the effects? She could essentially be a certain amount of more powerful than the rest, and she gets the idea in mind to create an army of superwomen (or be as powerful as one, mind you) and do something crazy like attempt to take over the world.

Ooh, brainstorm! I'm always on the lookout for ways to introduce ever more powerful characters :twisted: , and this is perfect. What if: Dr Klyburn starts to figure out and tinker with and improve the Transformatrix, and she tests each version on a new normal before using it on herself--but she chooses normals who are, shall we say, not the heroic types, who will be sure to cause trouble which will keep all those goody-goody heroines busy so they don't have time to worry about little details like what happened to Janet Klyburn. So we get a stream of increasingly-powerful bad girls, and the balance of power shifts until, perhaps, GenreFan feels the need to intervene....

Apparently my writer's block took the night off, because I sat down to try a scene of this and got 2.5 pages. I've reached the point at which SuperBabe, the first responder, has gotten her clock cleaned by the vastly-stronger-and-faster bad girl, and backup has been called in. My question is: shall I post this as the first post of the (next chapter of the) Interactive Story, and all y'all can pitch in? (Otherwise I'll finish it myself and put it in the Bank, as an Alternate Universe story if it doesn't fit whatever canon we decide on for Chapter 2.)

wishing I'd had this brainstorm in time for the Workshop :_-(

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08 Feb 2007 08:53 #8251 by Woodclaw
Another option based around the Highlander scenario was that a certain numeber of Transformees developes Rogue-like powers.

The story already established that some people developed unusual powers Mind reading, Telekinesis etc. So in the same way some of the them can stole the power from other transformees (probably under certain conditions).

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08 Feb 2007 17:49 #8259 by argonaut
It seems that a number of us (myself included) have been playing with ideas for a new interactive story arc ... but Ultragirl has actually stepped forward, reposting her recent contributions to the "Tales" thread as the opening chapters of "Transformatrix 4000 v. 2.0."

Now's your chance to start taking our interactive saga in a new direction!

The "Tales of the Transformatrix" thread remains open for writers who'd like to write stories set in the Transformatrix Universe, but outside the continuity of the new interactive story.

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09 Feb 2007 03:16 #8265 by ultragirl
Denise is going to get her butt kicked. LOL. I hadn't planned on that kind of "power-up". Tiff has to have a weakness, though. Maybe a short life span?

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09 Feb 2007 07:13 #8270 by yaracyrrah
Sorry about posting before you were finished, Ultragirl.

Can I just say that I think it would be a good idea to let posters to the interactive story edit their own posts? Among other things, it would let us rearrange things in chronological order. It would also let me fix my editing errors, e.g. by changing "several thousand times faster than light" to "many times faster than light" as I thought I had. (If you think she's too powerful now, you should have seen my *first* draft :twisted: .)

Denise is going to get her butt kicked. LOL. I hadn't planned on that kind of "power-up". Tiff has to have a weakness, though. Maybe a short life span?


(1) I plead another editing error. Long story short, I thought I'd changed "Denise!" to just "Help!", so that the get-butt-kicked-ers would all be volunteers. If you would prefer that Denise not get her butt kicked, consider that change made. My bad.

(2) In general, here's what I was thinking. As of Three Months Later, the balance of power is way on the side of the good guys (er, girls): there are at least six "professional" heroines who can back each other up, while there is no group of more than one bad guy. Witness the fate of Paris Hilton: one good rampage and then she has to wear orange. So, if Tiff is to be a successful super-thug, she has to be able to fight The Establishment at least to a draw. That's why I set her at five times the average of the protagonists. I read Denise as being currently three times the average, so if I were writing, she would indeed get her butt kicked, though Tiff would certainly feel her punches. But Tiff has nothing against the heroines--at least not yet--so she won't pursue them or go out of her way to injure them; she'll just knock them out if they try to stop her and go on her way (there's at least one Tale there...). In the long term, I've thought of at least three ways that the heroines might handle Tiff despite being physically overmatched, and Laura will think of them too if no one else has a better idea first (Tiff can be SuperBabe's personal nemesis if no one else wants to have to deal with her). So please don't give Tiff a weakness; if you need her off the stage, temporarily or permanently, please talk to me first.


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09 Feb 2007 07:31 #8271 by yaracyrrah

Another option based around the Highlander scenario was that a certain number of Transformees developes Rogue-like powers.

More than one such person might feel like overkill to me, but I'd enjoy reading a series of Tales about a power-draining Transformee. (Working her into the main story would be difficult, I suspect.)

PS: Anon, this is friendly teasing: I'd enjoy reading said stories a lot more if they were less angsty than your usual contributions :) . I hate anime :P :) . You do write it well though.


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09 Feb 2007 07:42 #8272 by Spulo
One idea I wanted to include in my contest story but forgot to (and one that was mentioned once or twice in the first TF4K thread) was that Kara has a Transformatrix to collect and use on herself. If it can give a human powers beyond those of a Kryptonian, what'll it do to a Kryptonian?

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09 Feb 2007 09:01 #8273 by Woodclaw

Anon, this is friendly teasing: I'd enjoy reading said stories a lot more if they were less angsty than your usual contributions :) . I hate anime :P :) . You do write it well though.

[Personal OT]
:D :D :D Thank you, yaracyrrah. You are the first person in this forum that send me a line of comment about my stries and my writing style. About the two notes well

1) I'm pretty angsty and a little cynical of my own and it tend to transpire, I hope to correct it in the future

2) I don't love Animes at all, but a great number of them were part of my BG, so as many of you tend to draw inspiration form orther sources, I have some situations in my mind that are based on in the same way.

Sorry for the OT.
[/Personal OT]

About the possble effects of Kara's TF device I have a little doubt. It was established that the TF drain energy from Superman to give powers similar to his own, only greater, to others. The problem is if the TF drains from Superman only or from a generic Kryptonian life/power force.

In case one Kara shoting herself can obtain any possible result, stronger, weaker, no stronger but unlocking several new powers, nothing at all or any result in between.

In case two being Kara one of the energy source for the device (probably a kind of reserve, based on how weak her cousin is now), shoting herself will probably short circuit the system with unknown consequances.

PS for Ultragirl: in your last entries you stated that Denise is becoming stronger and stronger as her body adapts to the experiments on her, in your plans this will be a special power to her use only or a new trait of all the Transformees?

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09 Feb 2007 10:31 #8274 by ultragirl
Anon: I was trying not to reveal too much, but I understand that I need to keep you guys somewhat in the loop or hint at it in the writing. Denise will have to pay a small price for that kind of power.

Yara: I certainly didn't mean to undermine the idea. Actually, it was exactly what I was thinking of taking off with.

I don't really like to deal with numbers too much when it comes to supergirls. CF once covered something like this with Blogger. When they are at that power level, numbers start to mean less. I only touched on it because that's what scientists like, hard data.

I totally agree with you. If there is to be a girl like Tiff, she needs to be able to take on a few of our supergirls at a time. Don't change a thing.

A time line is easy. I just put a little "disclaimer" at the beginning of the post. :)

I like where this is going and I had every intention of getting Denise getting her butt kicked by Tiff. So let's do it. The Tiff/Janet supervillain is a great new story arc!

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16 Feb 2007 02:19 #8352 by ultragirl

Denise goes for a nice jog through the desert. :wink:

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26 Feb 2007 23:23 #8449 by ultragirl
Alrighty, I've been holding off.

Should I post up a Tiff vs. Denise fight? I have a decent idea, but it's not great.

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27 Feb 2007 03:54 #8451 by yaracyrrah
Not It! :-). A decent idea is better than my haven't-even-thought-about-it, so if no one else feels like jumping in, go ahead.


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