
Transformatrix 4000 -- Comments and Suggestions

05 Apr 2007 04:57 #8922 by argonaut
I'm going to take a sabbatical from the interactive story, so anyone who cares to pick up where my last chapter left off is welcome to do so.

I had a couple of weeks of "slack time" last month, but things are getting busy again, and my workshop partners have first claim on whatever time I can find for writing.

I'm afraid I was becoming a "story hog" anyway. In hindsight, maybe I should have posted the Regina chapters on the "Tales" thread.

But Regina was fun to write, and I appreciate the nice feedback I got from a few of you. Now it's someone else's turn!

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09 Oct 2007 21:56 #10509 by sgfan05
Can anyone continue the story or no? I saw Argonaut had updated Transformatirx V.2 and was wondering if it was okay to contribute or are set people directing the story. Thanks.

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09 Oct 2007 22:24 #10510 by ultragirl

Can anyone continue the story or no? I saw Argonaut had updated Transformatirx V.2 and was wondering if it was okay to contribute or are set people directing the story. Thanks.

Anyone can go for it!

It just gets confusing when characters start becoming "bi-polar", if you know what I mean. :wink:

I look forward to seeing what you got.

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09 Oct 2007 22:32 #10511 by argonaut
It's an interactive story. Anyone can add to it at any time. I posted the new chapter in the hope that it might get the story moving again.

I do have a pretty specific idea of where the story can go from this point. sgfan, send me a private message if you'd like details. But feel free to take the story in whatever direction you'd like. I've been hogging it long enough!

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23 Oct 2007 00:00 #10623 by argonaut
In the past few weeks, I've gotten messages from a couple of writers asking about my plans for the interactive story.

Once again -- I don't own the story. Anyone can jump in at any time.

However ... I do have ideas for wrapping up the Regina sub-plot and steering the story back toward Tiff. Another couple of chapters should accomplish that. Then the story will be wide open for other writers.

I haven't been very active on this forum lately: The Red Sox have been absorbing most of my "discretionary time." But I'll try to get a new chapter started before the World Series gets under way on Wednesday.


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23 Oct 2007 18:13 #10637 by Spulo
Have to admit, I got completely lost on TFK mk 2. There suddenly seemed to be about one hundred characters, each with varying levels of powers... :oops:

Have been trying to write a new T4K story, centering around Kara and Jill, but all I've got so far is a quick housewarming party scene...

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24 Oct 2007 08:21 #10642 by Woodclaw

Have to admit, I got completely lost on TFK mk 2. There suddenly seemed to be about one hundred characters, each with varying levels of powers... :oops:

Have been trying to write a new T4K story, centering around Kara and Jill, but all I've got so far is a quick housewarming party scene...

More or less I have the same problem with my entry. I tried to continue the story about Jackie and Kelly, I was able to figure the main events, but not to write them down in a good form. :oops: :oops:

Maybe creating a list of the characters, detailing the most important elements (base of operations, feelings about being a TF, general personality traits, special powers or skills) of each one and also if any of us would like to put any restriction over his or hers characters, could be a good idea. Let me know.

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24 Oct 2007 16:35 #10649 by argonaut
Since "Three Months Later," only two transformees have joined the cast -- Tiff and Gracie.

As for the "varying levels of power" -- Tiff and Regina have had their powers boosted by a modified version of the Transformatrix developed by Janet Klyburn. Denise's strength has been enhanced as a by-product of some testing she's undergone. I think that's it. I hope that if / when the current story-line gets wrapped up, we'll go back to the status quo ante -- no more uber-transformees and uber-uber-transformees. As Spulo points out, that makes it hard to keep the players straight.

A while ago, someone suggested that each transformee might have a unique ability (e.g., telekinesis, morphing) in addition to the standard super-powers. I still think that's a bad idea. Readers and would-be writers would need scorecards to keep the characters and their powers straight.

But a "Who's Who of the T4000 Universe" might be a useful thread. A while ago, I posted profiles of Lois, DeeAnn, Amber, Kara, and Jill. Maybe anyone who adds a transformee to the cast could post a description along the lines that Anon suggested.

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24 Oct 2007 18:17 #10650 by Spulo

A while ago, someone suggested that each transformee might have a unique ability (e.g., telekinesis, morphing) in addition to the standard super-powers. I still think that's a bad idea.

Yeah, what idiot came up with that one?


Hmm. It's not a bad idea, in principle...

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24 Oct 2007 21:51 #10652 by yaracyrrah
Speaking of "what idiot came up with that one?": my point in creating uber-uber adversaries wasn't the uber-uber, it was the adversaries: a "normal" transformatrix can't get away with anything really naughty with an entire group of heroines on duty (witness Paris Hilton, one-and-done). I also hoped that starting more story threads--which were intended to be concurrent and perhaps overlapping but still fundamentally separate--would make more room for new contributors to jump in. (As would having more villains, since the board includes a lot of villain fans who weren't getting much satisfaction from the heroine-focused story.) It wasn't a bad idea in principle ;) ... but it didn't work. Oh well. Sorry about that.

(I also hadn't expected Tiff to be as dangerous as Ultragirl read her; I'd expected her to give the heroines a good pummeling, but not to seriously injure them (Laura's broken jaw was intended as the upper limit).)

If I ran the zoo, I would resolve the Tiff thread as follows. The posse Kara and Jill called in will get smacked around a bit but will eventually force Tiff to flee: stalemate. Then Laura will come up with idea of rejiggering the Lotos machine to get Tiff to calm down. She'll use some sort of lure to get Tiff to come near the machine, and the machine will calm Tiff down enough to get her to listen to reason, and she can move offstage to where I can use her if I want her but the rest of you don't have to deal with her :) . Would that work for everyone?

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24 Oct 2007 22:02 #10653 by ultragirl
I actually hadn't intended Denise to be a mainstay character. I figured there would a "price" for that kind of power. In other words, we'd lose Denise from the story.

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25 Oct 2007 14:21 #10657 by Woodclaw
About the special power thing, in one of the first posts it was suggested that different transformees had different levels of strength, speed, thoughness and/or other traits, due to a superior level pre-transformation. For example Dee Ann looked stronger than Paris Hilton.

I think that this feature was interesting to give a move personal look to some transformee without generating a need to create some uber-transformee or giving strange powers to each one (even if one out of thounsand Transfromee can have some extra power, due to a mutant gene, or something similar).

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25 Oct 2007 17:45 #10660 by Spulo
I think I suggested some transformees developing a unique power was just so we had some reason to be following them as opposed to others. So not only were the heroines trying to find out the who/what/why behind the T4000, the 7 or 8 main characters could also discover powers unique to them, and that would form a bond between them...

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27 Oct 2007 17:03 #10682 by sgfan05
Something I'm curious about, how is Kara affected by her exposure to the TFX 4000? Should she be increased like all the other gals? Or get something unquie. An idea I thought might be intresting is she can only use Transformee level powers in one area at a time.

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26 Dec 2007 15:58 #11242 by argonaut
Aaaand ... cut!

All right, people -- that's a wrap!

I finally brought some closure to the Regina story-line. Now that Gracie and Regina (and a posse of other transformees) are on their way to duke it out with Tiff, writers can pick up on the story-line that yaracyrrah launched quite a few months ago.

That is, if they're interested.

Just curious -- is anyone following this story? (Besides Berkhart -- thanks for your feedback, Mr. B!) I'm thinking of posting a few short chapters, each focussing on a new or lesser-used transformee as she responds to the "call to arms." Would anyone like to see those, or should I devote my writing time to some other project?

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26 Dec 2007 19:23 #11243 by mr_93_jeep_grnd_cherokee
Replied by mr_93_jeep_grnd_cherokee on topic Re: Transformatrix 4000 -- Comments and Suggestions
Yes, I'm following it. Really great story, Argo. And another yes to seeing those little short chapters.

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26 Dec 2007 19:51 #11244 by Sarge395
I read every one of them.

Nice work. Short and sweet. Write whatever you want you won't hear any complaints from me.

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28 Dec 2007 04:16 #11259 by argonaut
Re: today's chapter

Here's Summer Montabone -- my "muse" for Atalanta:

And here's Atalanta, as rendered by Dean Zachary:

(And I do plan to continue Atalanta's adventures in the year ahead.)

P.S. Thanks for your support, Sarge and Jeepman. This one's for you.

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29 Dec 2007 04:52 #11265 by argonaut
Re: today's chapter

I don't have a "muse" for any of the students, but this cover seems appropriate:

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30 Dec 2007 02:29 #11269 by sgfan05
Okay took a leap and decided to post in the story thread. Decided to follow through with some comments Jill made earlier.

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30 Dec 2007 04:47 #11272 by argonaut
I'm glad you did. Thanks for bringing the "interactive" back into our interactive story! :D

Just one nit-pick -- Amber's boyfriend is named Bobby, not Billy.

I was hoping to post another "stand-alone" chapter tonight, but it's turning out to be a bit longer than the last two, and I didn't finish it within my self-imposed half-hour limit. With a bit of luck, it'll be up tomorrow. It's set in a Hooters restaurant in Akron, Ohio ...

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31 Dec 2007 06:01 #11280 by argonaut
The Caitlin chapter was supposed to be a brief vignette like the two chapters before it, but the story grew on me -- in both senses. Here's what I've written so far; I'll try to wrap it up tomorrow.


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31 Dec 2007 06:24 #11281 by sgfan05

I'm glad you did. Thanks for bringing the "interactive" back into our interactive story! :D

Just one nit-pick -- Amber's boyfriend is named Bobby, not Billy.

Roger, my bad.

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31 Dec 2007 07:46 #11282 by Spulo
Yay, Elisha Cuthbert mentioned as a transformee! Cos I is writing a little thing of her going to the superheroine academy, and sharing a room with Jessica Alba... :twisted:

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31 Dec 2007 13:53 #11285 by argonaut

Yay, Elisha Cuthbert mentioned as a transformee! Cos I is writing a little thing of her going to the superheroine academy, and sharing a room with Jessica Alba... :twisted:

That was for you, Spulo.

FYI: Jessica Alba was first referenced as a transformee in a chapter I added to "Transformatrix 4000" back on 23 May 2005 ... along with Summer Montabone, "a high-school history teacher in Indiana" (later introduced as Jill Henderson), and "a waitress at a Hooters restaurant in Akron" -- who now makes her first appearance in our story.

BTW, Caitlin is straight, so hands off! :)

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