
At The Bright Empire....

01 Feb 2015 17:14 #40174 by brantley
Replied by brantley on topic At The Bright Empire....

shadar wrote:

brantley wrote: Forget about Super Sunday in the NFL. This is Super Sunday at The Bright Empire.

--Brantley Thompson Elkins



And here's more sacrilege about the beer and sports "culture" generally:


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01 Feb 2015 19:11 #40181 by shadar
Replied by shadar on topic At The Bright Empire....
Hey, I resemble that comment.

Except in my house, instead of cats, it's my three yellow Labradors. The youngest (Bo) can't watch violence on TV without diving under the bed. He freaked out watching Dancing with Wolves with Kevin Costner the other day. Still not sure if it was Costner's ridiculous pandering to the noble savage myth or the painted, feathered indians yelping and running around, but every time the natives got restless, he freaked.

Not sure how he's going to handle a house full of screaming people today. My female Lab (Abby) uses the confusion to steal food. Every time people stand up and shout when we score, she scores something off a plate. I hope she's going to be very well fed today. And Kermodei (my older dominant male, pronounced kur-mode-ee) insists on dropping his ball into guest's laps so they can play too. If that fails, he gives us an unsportsmanlike penalty and goes off to sleep.


brantley wrote:

shadar wrote:

brantley wrote: Forget about Super Sunday in the NFL. This is Super Sunday at The Bright Empire.

--Brantley Thompson Elkins



And here's more sacrilege about the beer and sports "culture" generally:


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01 Feb 2015 20:54 #40185 by brantley
Replied by brantley on topic At The Bright Empire....
Well, once the dogs are through watching the Seahawks, maybe they can read the updated stories!


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01 Feb 2015 21:10 #40186 by shadar
Replied by shadar on topic At The Bright Empire....
My dogs reading comprehension sucks. It's even worse than their driving.

But I'm game to do some reading, but probably not today. Between beer, hard cider, wine, a dozen strains of weed, homemade pizzas and homemade apple pie and ice cream -- and football -- I plan on being out of my gourd today.

I'm giving my keys to Kermodei for safe keeping. He thinks he runs the household anyway.


brantley wrote: Well, once the dogs are through watching the Seahawks, maybe they can read the updated stories!


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02 Feb 2015 10:39 #40194 by brantley
Replied by brantley on topic At The Bright Empire....
Are the dogs really mad this morning?


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14 Feb 2015 16:20 #40415 by brantley
Replied by brantley on topic At The Bright Empire....
Kalla Zaver'el is back, in a Valentine's Day update to Empress of the Dawn III:

A lot is happening in her life, and a lot is happening on Andros, where she has been trying to find a new role as an ex-Companion since the accession of Nestor as the Patriarch. She and Nestor are both working to bring faster technological and social progress to the world, and engineers from Indra are assisting them. But what she knows and Nestor doesn't is that their world might face war with the Aureans -- and that it will need to prepare. Meanwhile, she has found a new love, Nestor's younger brother Alexius, and shared her confidences with him -- only he wants to be a part of her efforts, not just a confidant. Some of the details are based on suggestions by Daphne Orgone, but I've put my own spin on them.

--Brantley Thompson Elkins

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08 Mar 2015 19:35 #40863 by brantley
Replied by brantley on topic At The Bright Empire....
It's Interstellar Superwomen's Day again, as it was ten years ago today when this incarnation of The Bright Empire made its debut. And this time, I have a couple of treats. One is my conclusion of the Shore Leave saga, after more than a decade, with To Hold the Center. There's a lot of revisionism here, which relates to not only the previous episodes, The Gwyndylyn and Primal War, which were plotted and mostly written by Shadar, but also to Shadar's McCloud's Daughters and my own Bird in Paradise. The details are explained in a new post to my Occasional Blog.

First Protector is another project begun by Shadar, but that has been in limbo – albeit not nearly as long as Shore Leave. It was originally intended to be a single book, and that version – far from complete – was last updated July 20, 2013. But then Shadar reconceived the story as three first-person narratives by Kevin Galton, Vespyr and then Kevin again. It introduces a new nemesis named Mal'lkar – who comes on to Vespyr and deceives her in order to threaten Kevin – on Tazzi's World.

That involves changing a lot of the details of what is now going to be Book One (See Behind the Stories), which leads up to Vespyr's escape. I'm sure all of you are eager to see that, but I don't know how long it will take Shadar. My Book Two, a work in progress, is based on the proposed scenario for Book One. Book Three will be about Vespyr's return to Tazzi's World as the first of the Velorian Protectors

--Brantley Thompson Elkins

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17 Mar 2015 15:08 #41007 by brantley
Replied by brantley on topic At The Bright Empire....
Maybe this is where some of my hits for Empress of the Dawn are coming from:

Anybody here know anything about Yumpu?

I also see that there are two books with the same title by James Glass (The Google listing for his unaccountably also mentions mine, although the actual link is only to his) and Frank Brunner. And then there is Myshella, a character in Michael Moocock's Elric saga referred to as the Empress of the Dawn.

Can't take the credit for any accidental free publicity. Can't complain, either.


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17 Mar 2015 17:34 #41008 by shadar
Replied by shadar on topic At The Bright Empire....
Did Yumpu just take your material and redistribute it without permission? Your book is actually sourced from their site, which makes updates a challenge for you, I presume. But what about copyrights? Or just theft in general?

The Center for Copyright Integrity rates them as one of the worst of the infringing sites. Here is their writeup (as way of example of flagrant violators):

EXAMPLE 5 : YUMPU i-Magazine AG
Location: Moosackerstraße 17
Diepoldsau, Schweiz 9444 +49 (0)89 41 61 70 20
Legislators: German Embassy

Yumpu has got brass 'ones' of a giant size. The German based imag removed my Orphan Works comment from the Register of Copyrights site, posted in and around February 2013. The absolute gall of this international entity to poach the Internet, scavenging clearly stated clearly marked 2D ARTS IP with directive 'My comment is clearly marked with MAY BE USED ONLY UNDER LICENSE. Yumpu states on their site their fees for using the data and for how long. Excuse me! That is my data. Yumpu's Theft of my IP might also be called Piracy. Bottom line, they are the same behaviour- theft, the only difference being Piracy is the buzz term around Congress, Legislators and Law Enforcement invoking images of swashbucklers with wooden legs and eye patches. I can tell you exactly where I would put my peg leg if I got hold of Yumpu but that is a problem in an Internet world unless legislators get their game on and get the Search Engines and ISPs to collapse these entities behaving in violation of Treaties between America and, in the case of Yumpu, Germany. Its not rocket science to figure out the extent of the International theft here. Search Yumpu. What the hits. Count the hits... profitable business model or not makes no difference to an IP owner and the person whose name is being sold internationally. As for the Register of Copyrights? Geez louise, Maria. Walk the walk, just dont talk the talk. You are on notice your agency file shared data. What are you going to do about it and Yumpu and others of that model now that you know you participated, knowingly or not in file sharing on line....?

Also, they use a type of PDF reader that I can’t tolerate. I need the text to enlarge significantly without overflowing the screen. Yumpa can’t seem to do that, so its sub-readable.

It would be interesting to learn how your material got on their site, Brantley.

Free publicity, yes. But they are ripping you off -- making money from your work that you'll never see any of.

I fervently believe every author has the right to control where their material resides and how its shared and/or marketed. Yumpu violates all of that.

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17 Mar 2015 18:31 #41010 by brantley
Replied by brantley on topic At The Bright Empire....
The WHY I don't know; apparently EMPRESS and EMPRESS II are the only stories of mine they have pirated. The HOW is easy enough; since The Bright Empire is a free site, all they had to do was download my pdfs from there and upload them to their site. I wasn't going to make any money from my free stuff anyway, but what about future works I do hope to profit from? I wonder if any authors are suing them; seems to be they could be subject to a class action suit.


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18 Mar 2015 11:32 - 18 Mar 2015 11:40 #41025 by Skye
Replied by Skye on topic At The Bright Empire....
Two things right off the top of my head:
- The address given is in Switzerland, not Germany. That the german embassy should have anything to do with them seems strange. The mistake there is probably in the .de which is the german TLD but in no way a hint that the holder is actually in Germany. A whois lookup gives this company in Lichtenstein (Name: Host Master, Organisation: adRom Holding AG, Adresse: Landstrasse 58, PLZ: 9494 Ort: Schaan, Land: LI, Telefon: +423 5522 748130, Telefax: +423 5522 7481320, E-Mail: as the technical contact and this Lawyer (Name: Rechtsanwalt Harald J. Moench, Adresse: Nussbaumstr. 12, PLZ: 80336, Ort: Muenchen, Land: DE) in Munich as administrative contact.

- I don't know about swiss and lichtenstein law, but german law has no class action lawsuits in the US form.

I took another quick look at (here's a link to their english TOS, by the way: From what I can tell their content is more or less "user" generated. So probably someone took the original texts and uploaded them. A quick email advising them of the copyright/license-infringement might take care of it.
Last edit: 18 Mar 2015 11:40 by Skye.

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19 Mar 2015 12:16 #41041 by brantley
Replied by brantley on topic At The Bright Empire....
Turns out they've also pirated Part 2 of Shadar's "Chip off the Old Block:"

But why just Part 2, I wonder...


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19 Mar 2015 13:19 #41042 by brantley
Replied by brantley on topic At The Bright Empire....
Seeded world scenes?

No doubt other landscapes could be used for the same sort of manips.


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19 Mar 2015 15:29 #41046 by shadar
Replied by shadar on topic At The Bright Empire....

brantley wrote: Seeded world scenes?

No doubt other landscapes could be used for the same sort of manips.


Pretty neat... Funny how nice our star looks compared to others. But then, we humans are deeply, deeply biased toward our sun. Happens when your species evolves under a single star, I guess.

Reminds me of all the discussions of finding other Earth-like planets and G series stars, driven by the anthropocentric assumption that intelligent life could live there. In contrast, what if aliens don't come here because of our poisonous oxygen atmosphere and the billions of different kind of dangerous pathogens in our air and soil? In everything.

If we traveled, we'd bring some of those with us. We can't live without thousands of different kinds of bacteria swarming around and through us. From bugs to bacteria. Our gut bacteria alone could lay waste to entire civilizations. We're a walking bio-hazard of the first degree. No human would be allowed on any planet with intelligent life.

Best way to handle Earth is to keep us tightly quarantined. Best way to do that is to mushroom us. We're not only a biohazard, but we're curious and driven to explore (part of a long-running evolutionary Homo sapiens survival strategy -- expand our territory and kill or eat anything we find). If we get loose, then there goes the universe.

Only a truly invulnerable alien species could visit Earth and survive, and then they'd probably be quarantined for life afterward. Or else be boiled in oil and irradiated with high energy gamma rays to kill anything off.

Anyway, it's another way to look at the concept of alien life. I'm not familiar with any SF writing that is based on this premise, that our micro flora is a threat to everyone else, but surely it exists.

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19 Mar 2015 16:57 #41049 by brantley
Replied by brantley on topic At The Bright Empire....

shadar wrote:

brantley wrote: Seeded world scenes?

No doubt other landscapes could be used for the same sort of manips.


Pretty neat... Funny how nice our star looks compared to others. But then, we humans are deeply, deeply biased toward our sun. Happens when your species evolves under a single star, I guess.

Reminds me of all the discussions of finding other Earth-like planets and G series stars, driven by the anthropocentric assumption that intelligent life could live there. In contrast, what if aliens don't come here because of our poisonous oxygen atmosphere and the billions of different kind of dangerous pathogens in our air and soil? In everything.

If we traveled, we'd bring some of those with us. We can't live without thousands of different kinds of bacteria swarming around and through us. From bugs to bacteria. Our gut bacteria alone could lay waste to entire civilizations. We're a walking bio-hazard of the first degree. No human would be allowed on any planet with intelligent life.

Best way to handle Earth is to keep us tightly quarantined. Best way to do that is to mushroom us. We're not only a biohazard, but we're curious and driven to explore (part of a long-running evolutionary Homo sapiens survival strategy -- expand our territory and kill or eat anything we find). If we get loose, then there goes the universe.

Only a truly invulnerable alien species could visit Earth and survive, and then they'd probably be quarantined for life afterward. Or else be boiled in oil and irradiated with high energy gamma rays to kill anything off.

Anyway, it's another way to look at the concept of alien life. I'm not familiar with any SF writing that is based on this premise, that our micro flora is a threat to everyone else, but surely it exists.

Aliens would have different DNA, maybe even a different biochemistry, and thus not get our diseases -- like, do cats and dogs get smallpox? Do we get distemper? In The War of the Worlds (1897), H.G. Wells had the invading Martians succumb to our diseases, but he was making the same mistake. Just to live on another world, we'd have to import our entire ecology -- alien life forms would be inedible or even poisonous to us. In the AU, seeded worlds are given enough Terran plant and animal forms for the humans to survive and flourish. In David Gerrold's series, The War Against the Chtorr, Earth itself is invaded by an entire alien ecology that is vigorous enough to displace ours.


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13 Apr 2015 16:15 #41460 by brantley
Replied by brantley on topic At The Bright Empire....
And today, it IS the Ides of April, which comes on the 13th, it being a month with only 30 days instead of 31.

That's a bit of historical trivia, but there's nothing trivial about what happens to Kalla and Alexius in the latest update to EMPRESS OF THE DAWN III. It's actually been in the works for a long time, having first been referred to in HOMECOMING II back in 2005. But I still had to develop the actual story behind that cross-reference, and both the specific details and their context have changed as I worked on the Empress saga.

Now it's set in stone, so to speak (Today's update ends on a mini-cliffhanger, after Alexius' enhancement, but before the unanticipated consequences have to be dealt with.), the cross-references had to be updated in both HOMECOMING II and HOMECOMING III. Now if only Shadar and I can finish FIRST PROTECTOR, we'll be seeing more of Alexius....


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01 May 2015 11:58 #41745 by brantley
Replied by brantley on topic At The Bright Empire....
It's May Day, and time to spring into the new season with an update to Book Three of Empress of the Dawn. The story of how Kalla has to give up Alexius for the sake of Andros has been a long time coming, but I knew I had to make it part of the story of Andros itself and her place in it.

One bit of serendipity was to turn Verina, first conceived as a throwaway player to tease readers as the first female lottery winner to have an encounter with Kalla, into a major player – you'll see just how major in Part Two, Chapter 10. She is part of the technological, political and social evolution of her world, and her engagement and wedding gave me a chance to dramatize all three.

Readers looking for fetish sex will find it in the same chapter, but soon realize that the very same political and social realities that bring fulfillment to Verina doom the love of Kalla and Alexius. And now the stage is set to jump ahead a few decades to the war with the Aureans and the Battle of the Triple Moons...

I'd thought I was done with Shore Leave III, but readers thought the endgame was too sketchy and, looking back on it, I had to agree. So I've done my best to flesh it out, and yet also made it more complicated – with Klara, Alisa and Andrea playing an elaborate Machiavellian con on Frida, giving her the rope to hang herself in a more spectacular version of the grand climax at the stadium. The revision also ties up a few loose ends, and hints a bit more hopefully about things to come on Rostran.

--Brantley Thompson Elkins

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02 May 2015 14:51 - 02 May 2015 14:51 #41758 by brantley
Replied by brantley on topic At The Bright Empire....
Big bump yesterday in hits for EMPRESS III, three times as many as for the revised SHORE LEAVE III. Maybe it was just on account of the promise of fetish sex, but I hope people enjoyed other aspects of the story. Would be nice to get some feedback here...

Last edit: 02 May 2015 14:51 by brantley.

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20 May 2015 03:06 #42194 by brantley
Replied by brantley on topic At The Bright Empire....
Over the years, I've made several attempts to tell the story of Alisa Liddell, and the version of PASSION PLAY I posted two years ago was just one of them. I've never been satisfied with any of them, and one of the reasons was that I had neither I nor Shadar had ever worked out her part in SHORE LEAVE.

I couldn't cross-reference the events in SHORE LEAVE, from her relationship with Andre to her role in establishing a new order on Rostran because there was nothing to reference. I had to resort to a short retelling of what had happened that didn't really tell much. There was also the business of the Lost City of the Old Galactics at Cygnias 275, in which Andre almost died -- Tarot and I had correspondence about it ages ago, but never worked out the scenario, and yet it had to be alluded to in ENCOUNTER AT WESTFOLD.

But now SHORE LEAVE is finished, and I can cross-reference it in PASSION PLAY. And I have it in mind to write a shorter piece called "Intermission," which would deal with what happened at the Lost City, and give a look at how things have begun to settle down on Rostran because Alisa will have to bring Andre there for treatment – rejuvenating his body will be the easy part, but his mind is almost gone and they'll have to reconstruct his personality -- it will be like ging through a second childhood, and that will take some years, during which Alisa will be with the Survey Service visiting Domyr and perhaps other worlds. But she will also be pursuing the interest in the science of history she developed during the Rostran mission.

That's how I see things now, at any rate. Hope to have something to post in a few weeks, especially since FIRST PROTECTOR is still hanging fire.


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22 May 2015 01:02 #42248 by brantley
Replied by brantley on topic At The Bright Empire....
Working on PASSION PLAY now, and decided against "Intermissions" after writing a couple of scenes -- it will work better to incorporate those into the main story.

Right now, scenes that were originally intended to be part of the story are split between PASSION PLAY and OPTIONS, mostly because of the problem of working in references to SHORE LEAVE when I didn't know how that story was going to play out. I've already incorporated the OPTIONS scenes, with minor edits, into PASSION PLAY -- which, as I had originally intended, will lead up to Alisa's fateful meeting with Theel'dara. I've also changed first-person chapters into third-person; I can't remember why I went with first person to begin with, but it looks wrong now. The rite in which Lillith becomes a Protector will, instead, be part of another story.

Want to get at least half the new version ready to post on Memorial Day.


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25 May 2015 17:40 - 25 May 2015 17:43 #42347 by brantley
Replied by brantley on topic At The Bright Empire....
Passion Play is a project I have been working on for about seven years. It's about the career of Alisa-zar Kim'Vallara, also known as Alisa Liddell, and how she became a pivotal figure in the history of the Aurora Universe.

Another version of this story was posted two years ago, but I was never satisfied with it because there was a missing chapter in her life: how she was changed by her experience on Rostran in Shore Leave. The first two parts of Shore Leave were written by Shadar and myself a dozen years ago, but the third part never got anywhere; Shadar seemed to have written himself into a corner, even with the help of several advisors/collaborators. What was worse from my point of view was that the story line had lost track with Alisa; it was full of complications, but those complications were irrelevant to what I saw as the true course of her life (It didn't help that Andre Kalik, her colleague and lover to be, had practically dropped out of the story.). It was only recently, with my own take on the conclusion of Shore Leave, that I felt I had a handle on Passion Play.

It was only last night, however, that I realized that the lead-in to Shore Leave – "Alisa's Story" – needed work. For one thing, there wasn't any mention of Andre in it, although it seemed from Shore Leave that he must have come aboard the Anders Flame at the same time as Alisa. I had to come up with a dodge, as you'll see. I also cut out some details I'd added to the AUOW version in 2005, having to do with Alisa being gloomy about dark energy and the death of the universe – they didn't seem to fit the overall story line. And, of course, in the AUOW version, Aureans had still been Arions...

Finally, there is a new version of "Options" – which was originally scenes arbitrarily left out of Passion Play. Now it is a series of short reflections on Alisa's family reunion on Velor at the time of her daughter Lillith's Rites as a Protector – and the interplay between her and others whose lives she has touched or been touched by, from Ben Shaffer to Theel'dara.

Today's update features only the first part of Passion Play; there is more to come. But I know where the story is going now, which wasn't the case a few months ago.

--Brantley Thompson Elkins
Last edit: 25 May 2015 17:43 by brantley.

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27 May 2015 03:17 #42388 by brantley
Replied by brantley on topic At The Bright Empire....
No real update yet, but I did expand the chapter called Judgment Day to give the hearing by the Secretariat panel greater context.


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27 May 2015 23:26 #42416 by brantley
Replied by brantley on topic At The Bright Empire....
Just put some finishing touches on "Options." More to come on Passion Play, but I'm not sure when.


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02 Jun 2015 17:22 #42546 by brantley
Replied by brantley on topic At The Bright Empire....
Some minor tweaks to Passion Play today.


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16 Jun 2015 20:50 #42815 by brantley
Replied by brantley on topic At The Bright Empire....
Back to work on PASSION PLAY this week, plus a relates story called "Moment of Truth" that has to do with an encounter between Peter Durgin and Naomi Kim'Vallara.


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