
Captain Marvel - Spoilers - Enter at your own risk

13 Mar 2019 09:55 #63177 by Markiehoe
Back to the movie!

It was OK.
I was entertained so the creative team did their job there.

Brie Larson/ Carol Danvers/ Vers/ "Captain Marvel" looked OK.
First her hair, very feminine.
Probably the most feminine trait about her.
The longer hair was used to good effect in the flying and space scenes.
I even appreciated the fact she altered her helmet to get the Mohawk effect.

The best scenes are her and Fury's banter.
And I do like it when Men and Women work together with no sexual tension.
Agent Carter and Jarvis as a team is a perfect example of that.

The character showed exactly zero sex appeal.
I am pretty sure by changing half a dozen pronouns you could have inserted a male actor in her scenes and not changed any other words and pretty much got the same movie in the end.
In Captain America: First Avenger young Steve faced many of young Carol's problems in exactly the same way.
He/ She tried as hard as they could and got back up when knocked down.

Would it have killed them to put Brie in the black leotard with the gold lightning bolt for a training montage if they really were going for a "90s" feel for the movie?

I never got a "feminist" agenda or a "Girl Power" feel out of this movie.

My highlight of the evening was Captain Marvel herself taking my ticket as I entered the theater.

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13 Mar 2019 17:13 #63187 by kikass2014
Opening Weekend Box Office numbers are in -

Worldwide Gross - $509,620,196

US (Domestic) Gross - $164,420,196

Being the last film before Endgame certainly helped.  But certainly a healthy start for a character most MCU fans didn't even know about. :)



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13 Mar 2019 18:46 #63190 by Markiehoe
Over the weekend the demographics was 61% male.
Which means that only 39% females showed up for this movie.

In comparison throughout Aquaman's run 52% were female.
Of course the movie starred a hulky, good looking bad boy.
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13 Mar 2019 22:43 #63200 by kikass2014
I would wager that out of those 61% males, 60% probably didn't care it was Capt. Marvel.  They went to see what is in store for Endgame :P 

Spot on in your analysis of Aquaman though :)



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14 Mar 2019 01:37 #63204 by TwiceOnThursdays
Replied by TwiceOnThursdays on topic Captain Marvel - Spoilers - Enter at your own risk

Markiehoe wrote: Over the weekend the demographics was 61% male.
Which means that only 39% females showed up for this movie.

In comparison throughout Aquaman's run 52% were female.
Of course the movie starred a hulky, good looking bad boy.

Where'd you get those #'s?

Box Office Mojo says 55% Male 45% Female.  (still not the 52% for Wonder Woman).  Though it's unclear if that % for WW and Aquaman are total percentages for the entire run or just opening weekend. I'd expect opening weekend to have more men, as traditionally more men see Comic Book movies so would probably lead the opening weekend charge.

I'd say that a 10% gender gap is much better for Captain Marvel than a 22% gap -- which is why I wanted to know the source of your #'s.

I think the real test of Captain Marvel will come over the next weekend.  Wonder Woman hit it's numbers by running well for a loooooong time not with a huge peak out the gate.  I'd love to see a breakdown across time of the WW demographics.

Monday and Tuesday #'s of 10 and 14M are pretty good (not stellar but good). Similar to what Wonder Woman pulled in.

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14 Mar 2019 02:00 #63207 by Markiehoe
I am pretty sure I read it on Deadline.

My Google Fu is off today so I trust your numbers which can easily be found.

My bad
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14 Mar 2019 02:26 #63209 by TwiceOnThursdays
Replied by TwiceOnThursdays on topic Captain Marvel - Spoilers - Enter at your own risk

Markiehoe wrote: I am pretty sure I read it on Deadline.

My Google Fu is off today so I trust your numbers which can easily be found.

My bad

It's all good.

Mosty I was trying to vet the box Office Mojo Numbers since I use them a lot.

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14 Mar 2019 10:29 #63213 by Dru1076
I really enjoyed the movie. 

Brie is clearly a cut above her opponents in fight scenes throughout the movie. She is already kicking ass a lot before she gets the shackles off and goes full-on OP Captain Marvel for the final act, which brilliantly shows off why she is now the most powerful hero in the Marvel Universe. A must see film for SWManiacs.
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17 Mar 2019 04:53 #63252 by ace191
My wife and I finally saw it today.  Very entertaining film.  I would give it 3.5/5 stars.  Brie was very good.  A must see for our crowd here.  She is going to be a very powerful and fun character in the Marvel Universe.  
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17 Mar 2019 15:44 #63254 by Sarge395

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17 Mar 2019 18:31 #63257 by The Highlander
Replied by The Highlander on topic Captain Marvel - Spoilers - Enter at your own risk
I agree with Dru, while it wasn't as outstanding as say Black Panther I found Captain Marvel to be an entertaining and very enjoyable film with the greatest display of female power in a movie I can remember. In fact I'm surprised more people haven't commented that all of the fights once Carol reaches full power could have come straight from a story on this site, she was that destructive.
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24 Mar 2019 10:18 - 24 Mar 2019 10:19 #63379 by AuGoose

brantley wrote: I found it very disappointing, plagued by the same kind of sloppy writing that plagues most comic book and space opera movies these days.  And the howlers -- Wendy Lawson was trying to invent a light speed engine in a universe with FTL interstellar travel?

There's possibly some issues similar to my Xenoglass setting. I've set that up so there are two styles of FTL. One is confined to very specific, very known, and very easily fortified or interdicted routes. The second method just ignores the limited pathways of the "star-web" and sends you wherever you want. In this "prologue MCU" we see them forced to pop through the hexagon-gates. Those also appeared in Guardians of the Galaxy 2, with the suggestion that routes were fixed and limited. Lawson's "lightspeed drive" might ignore those pathing issues. While not clearly framed for the audience, it's still at least a recoverable error. I think the bigger issue is "uh, how much utility are you gonna get out of a device which relies on an exactly-one-in-the-entire-universe power supply?" And given what Thanos does with that little blue nugget, the drive probably doesn't actually do much of anything related to movement and is really there to let mortals pass instructions to the Space-Stone...

Skrullls can match human DNA, but are made of something "off the periodic table?"

Eh, I assume Pym Particles aren't on the Periodic Table. No reason to think Marvel's near-ubiquitous "unstable molecules" are either. I'm prepared to let that one go as being unexpectedly faithful to the source material.

The best scenes were those involving the Rambeau family rather than the frantic action.  Great SFX, but SFX are so easy to do these days that filmmakers get lazy about everything else.

There are other scenes I may have enjoyed more, but I agree the Rambeau family was solid, while the SFX extravaganza shots were actually some of the weakest in terms of emotional impact. I'm in the Good-but-not-Great camp. My biggest issue is the movie felt short to me while the objective running time is pretty beefy. The narrative was not eager to get shit done, and the reversal of sympathetic/despicable alignments of the factions late in the second act left very little time for villain development which I think directly robs the final act of gravitas.
Last edit: 24 Mar 2019 10:19 by AuGoose.
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24 Mar 2019 21:45 - 26 Mar 2019 22:01 #63387 by RevTekkX

Brie Larson, an adequate actor (؟), was lacking in MCU Hero charisma. I found her character the least interesting in a number of scenes. For that honor I am not sure where the culpability should fall.

All in all a sufficient place holder in the MCU until Endgame.  
Last edit: 26 Mar 2019 22:01 by RevTekkX.

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24 Mar 2019 21:55 #63388 by Markiehoe
Just how i feel about Mark Ruffilo.
A good place holder until the Hulk shows up.
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25 Mar 2019 23:59 #63401 by Starforge

RevTekkX wrote: IMO

Brie Larson, an adequate actor - to be very dismissive -, was lacking in MCU Hero charisma. I found her character the least interesting in a number of scenes. For that honor I am not sure where the culpability should fall.

All in all a sufficient place holder in the MCU until Endgame.  

Her work in the past would argue that she IS a good actress.  To me, what she lacks is the presence, fire and on-screen personality of someone like Zoe Saldana.  Also, just IMO.

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27 Mar 2019 12:36 #63429 by kikass2014
Captain Marvel has passed the "mighty" Wonder Woman in box office gross.

As of today (27th March 2019), Captain Marvel has grossed  $914,562,595 worldwide.  That's in just under 3 weeks.

By comparison WW took  $821,847,012 worldwide in its entire run.

Future is looking bright for Carol Danvers it seems.


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28 Mar 2019 01:35 - 28 Mar 2019 01:49 #63432 by Starforge
Not really the same thing K.

One - an essentially stand alone origin story that didn't really do much to further the DCEU - an already floundering product.

the other - an origin story that continues the already good story lines of the MCU - a very popular product.

Or are you arguing that the movie was really that good?  Unless the movie was horrible, it was going to make money even if only filler for endgame.  I know not one person who saw the movie that thought it was great.  What it was is it wasn't bad and had some good moments to it almost in spite of the lead actress.

Glad they made money since I enjoy the heck out of most of the MCU's offerings and I'm sure I'll continue to do so.  Carol Danvers - or not.

In fact - set the money aside - which movie did you enjoy more?  WW or this one.  WW was flawed as well but still better than this movie.  As far as the leads - Gal Gadot is a class act.  Nuff said.

Edit to add:  Most of the bump versus WW was overseas (200mil) and likely to still grow a tad.  It's still lagging by about 3/4 domestic versus WW.  Maybe it'll catch it, maybe not.  Sad for an MCU product.  Then again, there aren't a lot of "white dudes" in China or many of the other places.  Likely not much reporting on the story either.
Last edit: 28 Mar 2019 01:49 by Starforge.

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28 Mar 2019 10:41 - 28 Mar 2019 10:43 #63443 by kikass2014
Oh I def agree the fact that this is linked to the MCU (and Endgame) was a huge factor in its overall gross.  But that is a HUGE gross for a character who I would wager a small fraction of the MCU audience even heard of before going in.  Compared to WW who is probably the most famous female superheroine of all time.

Most of the bump versus WW was overseas (200mil) and likely to still grow a tad.  It's still lagging by about 3/4 domestic versus WW...

I just want to make a small point on this.  Captain Marvel won't catch it.  But thats because America is SJW heaven in general, and WW was marketed to hell on that ideology alone. This is why the domestic on WW is so high, percentage wise, compared to its overseas.  You were called a sexist, misogynist or whatever if you didn't see and praise WW when it came out.

If WW was so good, why did it not perform as well overseas?  And where were these WW "fans" for Justice League? (Which bombed atrociously despite having the three biggest superheroes of all time in it)

In terms of the quality of the films, personally I enjoyed Captain Marvel a lot more then WW.

As I mentioned in my review of Wonder Woman, that film is LITERALLY Captain America: The First Avenger.  They took that script, scribbled out "Captain America" and wrote "Wonder Woman" instead.

Additionally, Chris Pine did a LOT of the heavy lifting in that film.

Captain Marvel wasn't great or outstanding to be fair, but at least it told its own story.  And it had a fun and colorful vibe to it, which also helped.

I genuinely don't get this critique of Brie Larson in the role.  Was it an outstanding performance?  No.  But the role wasn't anything outstanding,  Her performance was exactly what was called for by the script and directors.  How can I say this?  Because Brie Larson is a talented actress - and recognized as one.

Gal Gadot is a pretty face and thats it.

I feel a lot of the "hate", shall we say, regarding Larson, comes from her politics.  And while I certainly don't agree with them, my view of her in the role is not diminished.  Funny how no one mentions Chris Evans, whos politics are the same, and is just as vocal as Larson, and his performance as Capt. America.


Last edit: 28 Mar 2019 10:43 by kikass2014.
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28 Mar 2019 12:50 - 29 Mar 2019 12:12 #63445 by jdrock24

kikass2014 wrote: Oh I def agree the fact that this is linked to the MCU (and Endgame) was a huge factor in its overall gross.  But that is a HUGE gross for a character who I would wager a small fraction of the MCU audience even heard of before going in.  Compared to WW who is probably the most famous female superheroine of all time.

Most of the bump versus WW was overseas (200mil) and likely to still grow a tad.  It's still lagging by about 3/4 domestic versus WW...

I just want to make a small point on this.  Captain Marvel won't catch it.  But thats because America is SJW heaven in general, and WW was marketed to hell on that ideology alone. This is why the domestic on WW is so high, percentage wise, compared to its overseas.  You were called a sexist, misogynist or whatever if you didn't see and praise WW when it came out.

If WW was so good, why did it not perform as well overseas?  And where were these WW "fans" for Justice League? (Which bombed atrociously despite having the three biggest superheroes of all time in it)

In terms of the quality of the films, personally I enjoyed Captain Marvel a lot more then WW.

As I mentioned in my review of Wonder Woman, that film is LITERALLY Captain America: The First Avenger.  They took that script, scribbled out "Captain America" and wrote "Wonder Woman" instead.

Additionally, Chris Pine did a LOT of the heavy lifting in that film.

Captain Marvel wasn't great or outstanding to be fair, but at least it told its own story.  And it had a fun and colorful vibe to it, which also helped.

I genuinely don't get this critique of Brie Larson in the role.  Was it an outstanding performance?  No.  But the role wasn't anything outstanding,  Her performance was exactly what was called for by the script and directors.  How can I say this?  Because Brie Larson is a talented actress - and recognized as one.

Gal Gadot is a pretty face and thats it.

I feel a lot of the "hate", shall we say, regarding Larson, comes from her politics.  And while I certainly don't agree with them, my view of her in the role is not diminished.  Funny how no one mentions Chris Evans, whos politics are the same, and is just as vocal as Larson, and his performance as Capt. America.



MOD: I realise this was likely intended in humour, but let's try to avoid potentially inflammatory meme images and stick (as best possible) to robust but measured debate. -R5-
Last edit: 29 Mar 2019 12:12 by five_red.

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28 Mar 2019 14:19 #63446 by kikass2014
Haha long time no see JD :P 



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28 Mar 2019 14:34 #63448 by Agent00Soul
Replied by Agent00Soul on topic Captain Marvel - Spoilers - Enter at your own risk
Aren't most superheroes technically SJWs?  "Truth. Justice. American Way," "With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility," etc.  etc.  Not sure how we draw the line on this one.  Same with Star Trek

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28 Mar 2019 19:01 - 28 Mar 2019 19:03 #63450 by The Highlander
Replied by The Highlander on topic Captain Marvel - Spoilers - Enter at your own risk
There is one point a lot of you seem to be overlooking. Inthe last few years there have been two major films (Wonder Woman and Captain
Marvel) and at least two mainstream TV series (Supergirl and Jessica Jones) all starring very powerful female superheroes, and all of them have been successful. ALL OF THEM.

Plus there are plenty of other high profile powerful female characters that have emerged over the last few years such as Valkyrie, The Wasp, Alita and half the cast of legends of tomorrow (just off the top of my head). Any idea that people are not interested in
seeing powerful  women on screen has been firmly dispelled, and given how Hollywood/TV likes to jump on a bandwagon it is
likely we will see more superwomen on screen in the future,

Whatever you might think of Captain Marvel  I think we can all agree that more mainstream films starring someone as powerful as her  is a good thing.
Last edit: 28 Mar 2019 19:03 by The Highlander.
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28 Mar 2019 19:31 - 28 Mar 2019 19:33 #63452 by shadar

The Highlander wrote: There is one point a lot of you seem to be overlooking. Inthe last few years there have been two major films (Wonder Woman and Captain
Marvel) and at least two mainstream TV series (Supergirl and Jessica Jones) all starring very powerful female superheroes, and all of them have been successful. ALL OF THEM.

Plus there are plenty of other high profile powerful female characters that have emerged over the last few years such as Valkyrie, The Wasp, Alita and half the cast of legends of tomorrow (just off the top of my head). Any idea that people are not interested in
seeing powerful  women on screen has been firmly dispelled, and given how Hollywood/TV likes to jump on a bandwagon it is
likely we will see more superwomen on screen in the future,

Whatever you might think of Captain Marvel  I think we can all agree that more mainstream films starring someone as powerful as her  is a good thing.

Absolutely right on!  Powerful female comicbook characters are a bigger thing now than male characters in movies and TV. I think the pendulum has finally swung our way. How far the pendulum will swing is unknown, but cultural forces suggest that female empowerment is likely to be a growing theme for some time. 

This is the most wonderful time to be a fan of superpowered females in my 70 years, as we haven't seen the top of the pendulum swing yet. 

Misogynists will grumble and moan and predict failure, but I'm beginning to think the 21st century is going to be a female-centric century in the way the 20th century was male-centric. I have zero issue with this, and like most things, fiction and movies and TV will lead teh way, driving the cultural forces forward. 

Will this lead to a more just and humane world?  I have my doubts about that. Empowered women don't appear to be most compassionate and just than men, in general, although we have yet to see the equivalent of the worst male autocrats. But the nice thing about fiction is that we can explore that theme before it happens, assuming it does. Until then, male villains like Lex Luthor will still drive the dark side.

My take is that once the societal bounds are removed, humans are humans and the differences between male and female thinking will largely disappear. But for now, we SWMers are being rewarded for helping keep the flame of female superheroines alive until the culture FINALLY began catching up with us .

Or so I see it...

Last edit: 28 Mar 2019 19:33 by shadar.
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28 Mar 2019 21:44 - 28 Mar 2019 21:44 #63455 by kikass2014
Totally agree Highlander :)

There does seem to have been a shift towards strong and/or super powered females.  Which is certainly good for fans like us :)

I for one am not complaining :)


Last edit: 28 Mar 2019 21:44 by kikass2014.

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30 Mar 2019 18:00 #63509 by Starforge

kikass2014 wrote: Oh I def agree the fact that this is linked to the MCU (and Endgame) was a huge factor in its overall gross.  But that is a HUGE gross for a character who I would wager a small fraction of the MCU audience even heard of before going in.  Compared to WW who is probably the most famous female superheroine of all time.

Most of the bump versus WW was overseas (200mil) and likely to still grow a tad.  It's still lagging by about 3/4 domestic versus WW...

I just want to make a small point on this.  Captain Marvel won't catch it.  But thats because America is SJW heaven in general, and WW was marketed to hell on that ideology alone. This is why the domestic on WW is so high, percentage wise, compared to its overseas.  You were called a sexist, misogynist or whatever if you didn't see and praise WW when it came out.

If WW was so good, why did it not perform as well overseas?  And where were these WW "fans" for Justice League? (Which bombed atrociously despite having the three biggest superheroes of all time in it)


Why did it not perform well overseas?  I already answered that - DC's broken and struggling universe.  *IF* their storytelling had been as popular (and good) as the MCU, that might have been different.  Also - if you think Gal Gadot is only a pretty face, you've never seen her interviewed.  I wasn't particularly a fan for her for the role (weak acting and underwear model versus someone who looked the part and could act) but she comes across as someone who is fun and nice. Maybe that's all an act, but then I'll have to bump up my evaluation of her acting ability.

As to Chris Evans and any other Hollywood actor having the same politics - exactly where did Chris say that there were too many white people doing a particular job?  I'll wait.

I have no problem with Democrats - they are entitled to their point of view and we have elections every so often that change out one corporate backed group for the other :).  I have a problem with racists and people who justify their racism with identity politics and intersectionality.  I'm a nationalist (not to be confused by placing 'white' in front of it) and believe that all CITIZENS of the US are endowed with certain unalienable rights (you might be familiar with the document.)  I also have a strong belief in the foundation of our society which is rooted in English common law.  Discrimination is wrong - regardless of whether one bundles it in post-modern Marxism or not.

Answer me this, K - if you review a movie is it invalid because of your race or gender?  Is it possible for other people reading your review to be intelligent enough to determine for themselves your take on the movie?  If so (and assuming you're a white male) you inherently invalidated her criticism.  Of course, if your elitist view is that everyone is stupid and incapable of evaluating what they read or see such that 'white men' making reviews are exerting undue influence on their ability to evaluate the content being reviewed, I'd find that sad.  We need more non-white movie critics like we need more white NBA players.  Or maybe let the people who are actually good at the job rise to the top based on merit.

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