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Busty Dusty and Friends – Part 1

Written by :: [Monday, 26 June 2006 15:06] Last updated by :: [Tuesday, 08 April 2014 11:43]

Busty Dusty and Friends – Part 1


by Mick Sinclair


Superwomen-B.B.Gunns, Busty Dusty, Lulu Devine and Topsey Curvey destroy an army base





They were stunningly beautiful; they were around 5' 10" tall, tanned, blonde and each had unlimited super strength and invulnerability.


The 4 famous big tit stars had decided to lay waste to an army base and they were thoroughly enjoying themselves.


Lulu had slowly and erotically ripped open a tank, entered it and with a flick of her powerful hands had killed all the all the tank crew. As she backed outside the mangled tank, an army truck had careered into her but she didn’t budge an inch as the metal wrapped around her voluptuous body. She moved forward and the metal bent and crumpled and licked her sensual lips as she spotted the near unconscious driver in the cab. She bent down and grabbed a handful of metal and lifted the entire truck of the ground and shook it. Six soldiers fell out along with their guns and rifles.


Satisfied that there was no one else in the truck, she twisted sideways with the huge truck she was holding and flung it into the air where it landed hundreds of yards away with a almighty crash.


Immediately the frightened soldiers ran off, but they were no match for her speed as she quickly grabbed a soldier in each hand and forced them on the ground. While she held one poor soldier by the throat, she sat on the other and put her large magnificent thighs around him. She pressed together gently and there was the sounds of sickening cracking as the poor man's ribs broke. He let out an agonising scream, but Lulu just stoked his head softly and whispered: "There, there now. You poor thing. Don't worry … for you, it'll all be over, soon."


All this time she had the other soldier by the throat who was gurgling for air and struggling for dear life. "And as for you, honey – come here."

She drew the pathetic man toward him and puckered up, forcing his mouth open. She slowly forced her tongue around his mouth but her super strong tongue was no match to him as she broke teeth and bruised his gums. She took her tongue out and kissed his cheek gently while the battered soldier tried to mumble something … but couldn’t.


"What's that you say, honey?" she teased, "I can't hear you."

She stroked the terrified man's head and then drew him towards her enormous breasts. She stuffed his head between her two massive mammaries and began to push. His dying screams were muffled when slowly there was the sickening sound of his skull beginning to crack.


She grabbed his hair and looked at his mangled face. "Humph. Just like a man … useless", and with a powerful flick of her hand flung him away upwards as if she was discarding paper.


She looked down at the other soldier who she was sitting on, who was still screaming in agony. "Dear dear, do be quiet!"

She bent down and stoked his face, and then forced her tongue into the man's mouth. As of the result of the other soldier who she had flung away just a minute ago, his mouth quickly became full of broken teeth and blood started to spurt from his mouth. She squeezed her thighs closer and more sound of muffled cracking could be heard. "I think I'll leave you now. But just to make sure you don't run away from little poor me, here’s something to remember me by."


She turned around and grabbed his right boot. She squeezed gently and applied more pressure as steel hard fingers pierced the leather, into his flesh and onto bone. He let out a terrifying scream as he heard the sound of cracking and then passed into unconsciousness as she let go of his now useless foot. She got up, satisfied and patted herself down. "Let's see how my sisters are doing."





Topsey Curvey had meanwhile climbed onto a tank and dug her fingers into the metal of a turret. The metal screamed as she tore of the turret with the cannon still attached to it in one swift motion and flung it onto the ground. She peered down at the frightened tank crew who began to shoot at her with their pistols. Of course, it didn’t do the blind bit of harm to her as the bullets bounced of her, some ricocheted back into the tank and hit one the crew onto his head. He staggered back with blood pouring everywhere.

"You see!" Topsey mucked at the other crewmen. "This is what happens when you play with guns!"


She climbed down and grabbed the other two crew and stuffed their faces into her huge breasts. The crew didn’t stand a chance. They struggled and were mumbling but after a few seconds their bodies became limp with the sound of their skulls cracking. "Silly bastards" she thought out loud, and was about to climb out of the tank when she had another idea. "I'll just go through it instead."

She dug her steel hard fingers into the metal and pulled her arms apart, the ominous sound of wrenching metal being savagely tortured was deafening but pure music to her ears. She stepped out of the large jagged hole she had made and turned around and looked at her work, quite satisfied. She spotted her sister Lulu who had grabbed another tank and was loudly destroying the cannon by twisting it savagely into a U shape.


"Hey Lulu!" She screamed excitedly. "Wanna play cricket?"

"What do you mean?" she yelled back.

"Wait a few seconds, I'll be right back."

She turned around and scanned the area which was already littered with dead or unconscious soldiers. She spotted another tank trying to beat a hasty retreat.


"Oh no you don't!" she laughed, and sped off. Within a few seconds she had caught up with the tank and ploughed her right hand into the front of the tank. The soft metal gave way with a shriek and she grabbed the side of the tank with her other free hand. She hoisted the whole tank above her head and inside there were terrified shouts and screams from the crewmen. She looked above her head as if she could see inside the tank and shouted: "Don't worry lads, in about 5 seconds you won’t have anything to shout about."


Holding the mammoth tank at an angle above her head she turned around and spotted Lulu, who was still at the top of a tank holding its twisted cannon. "Lulu", Topsey yelled out, "I'm going to throw this tank at you and you have to whack it as hard as you can. Ready? This is my version of cricket!"


Lulu heaved her tank above her head with the huge deformed cannon in her arms, and made a swinging stance as if she was waiting for a pitcher to throw his ball. Immediately, Topsey leaned back and threw the huge tank at Lulu at a hundred miles an hour. At the immediate moment of impact, Lulu swung her tank into the oncoming one and there was a huge metallic boom as the tank was launched forwards into the sky.


”Wow!" Topsey screamed. "First base!"





Busty Dusty and B.B. Gunns were meanwhile having their own fun of humiliating and destroying army property. They had grown a bit tired of flicking soldiers through the air or crushing and mashing rifles into jagged metallic balls while bullets and grenades rained down on them. B.B. had grabbed a particular large soldier of about 6 foot by the throat, who had been trying to be hard by standing his ground and shooting her with his M16 rifle, which she just laughed off. She had the soldier dangling by her left arm while she closed her right hand on his hand still holding the rifle. She applied a little pressure and the sickening sound of bone being crushed along with the metal squealing. "AAAAAAAAARRRRRHHH!"


"Louder you fool, LOUDER!" She took his one remaining useful arm, caressed it and began to squeeze.

"No, please, oh fuck, NOOOOOOO-"

In one swift moment she tore his arm off and blood spurted everywhere. By this time the poor soldier had stopped screaming and slid into unconsciousness. She shook him slightly. "Oi!" He opened his eyes slightly and looked into B.B.'s eyes. She flashed his eyes at him wickedly and grinned. "Hey soldier boy, since you're so fucking patriotic, here's where you get your one way ticket to see President fucking Bush!" She flung him into the air at such a speed he was almost certainly dead even before he knew what was happening to him.


Busty had spotted the last of the tanks which were trying to make a hasty retreat and the remaining soldiers had fled ages ago leaving the other dead or unconscious soldiers to their fate. She stopped one in her tracks with just one hand and tilted it over so that the tank was now on its side. She tore of the treads with the wheels still temporarily spinning uselessly and then went around and pressed her right hand into the hatch, the metal squealing in protest. Where the lock was, she grabbed it and scrunched up the metal so that now there was no way the crew could get out. She could here the terrified crews shouting in blind panic. "Don't worry boys, I have plans for you … don't go away now," she smirked.


She ran to the last tank and ploughed her arm though the rear, the metal buckling and jagged and lifted the entire tank over her head and walked back to B.B., who had been crushing a couple of poor victims with her magnificent breasts and thighs. She turned round to face Busty, who had set the mammoth tank on the ground next to her with a bang, the ground shuddering around her. "Mmmm," she purred. "More victims?"

"Ha ha, you could say that; get round to the other side of this tank, hold it, and push when I say so."

"This sounds like fun! I'm with ya!"

She grabbed one end and her arms immediately made indentations on the armour.

"Ready, B.B.? PUSH!"


Both voluptuous superwomen began pushing. The metal began to grown softly, which turned into a piercing shriek as it was being crushed and compacted on itself. The metal began to wrap around their fantastic mammaries and thighs and still they continued pushing. What was once a 50 ton 20 foot tank was now reduced to a 2 feet hulk of jagged distorted metal, but still with the same density. B.B. dug her fingers into the what was left of the tank and with a quick flick of her arm

flung it into the air. "Ha! I quite enjoyed that, lets see to the last tank, shall we?"


Giggling, they made their way to the tank which Busty had overturned over. The turret with the cannon was now facing towards them instead of above them. They both grabbed the side of the turret at the top side and proceeded to peel the metal of with a deafening metallic scream as if they were peeling a banana. They entered the tank to face the terrified tank crew who tried to defend themselves by shooting the invulnerable women which of course didn’t do them any good.


"B.B., you grab these two, and I'll deal with this fat prick," Topsey said, glancing at B.B.. She savagely grabbed a petrified member of the tank crew. "Get your arse out of here!" She flung him onto the ground and sat on top of him. She squeezed her thighs slowly and the sound of soft cracking could be heard. Before he had even time to scream in agony she thrust her mouth onto his, instantly breaking his jaw. She forced his mouth open with her tongue and wiggled it about, breaking all his teeth. Almost unconscious, he tried to mumble something but couldn’t. "Ahh good, you're still conscious. At least you'll die happy in a few seconds, lover."


She got of his chest and bent down. She slid her hands under his back and lifted him up halfway so that he was level with her chest. The man knew that his time had come. With blood pouring from his battered mouth, he muttered something incoherent but Busty wasn’t interested.

"Shut the FUCK up!" she screamed, as she hoisted him high above her head and then brought him crashing down onto her super-hard knee, instantly breaking his back. Then she flung the mangled corpse as if she was discarding a piece of rubbish.


B.B. had meanwhile grabbed the two remaining tank crews by the throat and was slowly crushing their windpipe. But just before they began to black out and lose consciousness, she revived them only to stuff their faces into her huge breasts and smother them following the sounds of muffled cracking bone.





Lulu, Topsey, B.B. and Busty had rejoined each other and were surrounded by complete and utter devastation: battered corpses, destroyed tanks, used shells, mangled pistols and rifles; they were planning their next course of action.

"We'll, we're all invulnerable and nothing can actually hurt us," started Lulu.

"We've done with one army base," quipped Busty. "We could go to another one together, or actually each on our own and cause devastation quicker that way."

"Better still, one of us could decimate the air force, one of us could destroy the army and lets say two of us could start with sinking a few ships from the navy," said Topsey with a wicked smile.

"Ah, but it's no fun doing each task by herself" gleamed B.B. "… I like it when we're all together. And besides-there's no rush to take over control of the United States JUST yet, is there? I want to have a pint of cider first!"


The sound of maniacal laughter rang out all over the destroyed army base as the super models left with each arms on their shoulders …

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As a man of a certain age now, these names bring me back :D
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