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Image Title Description Last updated
No image Invasion of the Amazons Invasion of the Amazons by M.C. Earth faces and invasion by gorgeous, super strong women Author's Note: This story originally appeared on Diana the ... Tuesday, 08 April 2014 11:51
No image Bolt From the Blue: Emergence – Parts 2-4 Bolt From the Blue: Emergence – Parts 2-4 by Mikey Freedom Part 2 Dear Diary … well, so much for my first day in L.A. I fall out of an airplane, get ... Friday, 19 August 2005 09:29
No image Accidents Will Happen Accidents Will Happen Be not afraid of greatness; some are born great, Some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. --- William ... Tuesday, 05 July 2005 15:56
No image Mob-Girl – Chapter 04-06 Mob-Girl – Chapter 04-06 By Dru Chapter 4 Maple street lacked any of the trees implied by the name. Perhaps once there had been a few, maybe even a ... Sunday, 19 June 2016 11:03
No image Mob-Girl – Chapter 01-03 Mob-Girl – Chapter 01-03 by Dru Chapter 1 – Not the Same It was a dawn much like any other on a midsummer day in Metropolis. The sun breached, the ... Sunday, 19 June 2016 10:59
No image Mob-Girl: Through The Ages – Chapter 01-03 Mob-Girl: Through the Ages – Chapter 01-03 by Dru Chapter 1 The high seas rolled beneath a chaotic thunderstorm, a high noon sun unable to penetrate ... Sunday, 19 June 2016 11:15
No image Mob-Girl – Chapter 10-12 Mob-Girl – Chapter 10-12 by Dru Chapter 10 Clark Kent had missed his chopper ride home. Desperately calling for help with the transmitter, he was ... Sunday, 19 June 2016 11:10
No image Constantine's Portal – Part 1 Constantine's Portal – Part 1 by Dru They had been warned. Now, thousands of years later, their ancestors struggled to please an omnipotent goddess ... Sunday, 25 May 2014 12:19
No image Mob-Girl – Chapter 07-09 Mob-Girl – Chapter 07-09 By Dru Chapter 7 Emily was amazed how big the Atlantic Ocean really was. It seemed to take forever to reach the coastline, ... Sunday, 19 June 2016 11:07
No image Three Times a (Super) Lady THREE TIMES A (SUPER) LADY A Tale of the Legion of Super-Heroes by Argonaut AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is a story I promised Larafan in exchange for a ... Thursday, 15 May 2014 16:17