
Tag: Super Senses

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Shizuka's Ambitions Shizuka's Ambitions By Akane and Delta7447 Sunday, June 30, 2052 Akihabara, Tokyo, Japan Shizuka Hirose was at home, in her apartment above Wasurenagusa Maid Cafe in ... Saturday, 11 December 2021 23:27
The Adventures of Scarf-Chan The Adventures of Scarf-Chan The Amnesiac Goddess From up above the clouds, A flying saucer floated down. With a scarf around her neck and in a blanket wrapped, Is Scarf-chan, ... Saturday, 11 December 2021 23:26
No image Kneel Before Roz – Part 7, The Battle of Nellis III The large microwave emitters flared into life. The large imposing sound cannons wound up and blared. And Roz watched with glittering amused eyes as ... Friday, 24 August 2018 10:56
Gyarussic World Gyarussic World GYARUSSIC WORLD Unfairness. You may think you know what that word means but that's because you haven't experienced the full meaning of such a ... Saturday, 11 December 2021 23:22
No image Kneel Before Roz – Part 3 Roz landed softly in the sidewalk outside the tall glass building, choking down the impulse to smash into the ground. Amazed people stared with wide ... Thursday, 02 August 2018 13:27
No image Kneel Before Roz – Part 2 A fifty caliber sniper round hit her head, shattering into led dust and failing to so much as ruffle her lush blonde hair. But the large round did ... Thursday, 02 August 2018 13:27
No image Not The One – Sidestories Not the One: Amy Hadfield Amy Hadfield had been in prison when the power had struck her. It had been with a tremendous joy that she realised ... Friday, 13 July 2018 21:51
No image The Fall The Fall by Dru Editor Note: This story is the prequel to Constantine's Portal Part 1 and Part 2. It was hard to see the buildings in this part of ... Friday, 29 June 2018 15:52
No image You Two Can Be a Super-Hero! “You Two Can Be A Super-Hero!” By thedoc9 Based heavily on “You Too Can Be A Super-Hero” written by Bob Rozakis, first appearing in Adventure Comics ... Tuesday, 08 May 2018 11:38
Bulawulf Bulawulf Edited and remastered by Rhys86 Art by therealfunk and ばん! The mountain quaked, tons of rubble falling from the slopes with every convulsion. Deep ... Saturday, 11 December 2021 23:20