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No image The Lioness: The Blacksite Affair The Lioness: The Blacksite Affair By Au Goose A work of fiction. Any resemblance to anything or anyone in the real world is far too much to hope ... Tuesday, 07 April 2020 23:30
No image Designer Born pages 37-60 May 16h 2020 That wasn't natural. As Warren looked towards Elise and Mary he didn't know what to think. Even newborns showed a preference for their ... Monday, 23 February 2015 09:20
Stealing Thunder, Part III Stealing Thunder, Part III Author’s Note: yes, I changed Captain Marvel, Junior’s power word. It’s silly that a hero can’t say his own name. My plan had succeeded beyond my ... Thursday, 29 March 2018 08:49
No image Miss Dynamo, Part 9 “What do you mean our ratings are dropping Matt! Talk to me here!” “It is as I said Henry your show isn’t as popular as it used to be since well ... Saturday, 08 November 2014 11:06
No image Miss Dynamo, Part 8 “Did you hear that Miss Dynamo is starting a business now?” “Of course and supposedly Mr. Dynamo’s wife is running it now. I was beginning to think ... Saturday, 08 November 2014 11:01
No image Pawns of the Puzzler “Up in the sky! Look!” “It's a bird!” “It's a plane!” “It's Superwoman!” Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to ... Wednesday, 17 June 2015 15:19
No image Designer Born pages 1-19 “Miss Willabe your daughters genetic profile is an absolute mess. Not only do we know that she won't be born whole but we're not even certain if ... Wednesday, 10 September 2014 13:24
No image Miss Dynamo, Part 7 “What did your wife talk to your about buddy? Let me in on the details here Daniel please.” “It is what I expected eventually she has to focus on ... Sunday, 24 August 2014 09:41
No image Not the One – Return to Earth – Chapter 09-12 Chapter 9 Elizabeth was in a state of bliss as the large army actively tried to obliterate her. Never in her wildest dreams did she ever think she ... Tuesday, 15 July 2014 12:24
No image Not the One – Return to Earth – Chapter 05-08 Not the One – Return to Earth by Dru Chapter 5 Harry didn’t want to go out there. That voice … it was so loud. So … powerful. He couldn’t face her. ... Monday, 09 June 2014 08:40