
Tag: Supergirl

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No image The Power Ring This is the extensive story / script which belongs to a custom movie I commissioned at TKS Productions. You can find and buy the movie here: ... Sunday, 21 July 2024 06:42
My Childhood Best Friend is Supergirl My Childhood Best Friend is Supergirl It felt really weird to be feeling nervous about meeting Ellie again. Noah had known Ellie for almost twenty years. They grew up together in Sidney, ... Saturday, 13 April 2024 14:56
Birth of the Undead – Multiple Identities 15 Birth of the Undead – Multiple Identities 15 “Where on Earth are those two??” Eliza grumbled to herself as she glanced at her watch for the umpteenth time, even as Fred Danvers packed away the ... Saturday, 04 November 2023 08:20
Birth of the Undead – Multiple Identities 13 Birth of the Undead – Multiple Identities 13 “Did you hear that?” Anita Blake stopped short in her tracks, looking around the place. Rookie policeman Clayton was just two steps behind her, both ... Saturday, 21 October 2023 17:55
No image In a Town outside a City Long time reader and first time submitter. I’ve enjoyed everyone's work over the years and it has inspired me to write my own stories every now and ... Tuesday, 31 October 2023 08:50
Birth of the Undead – Multiple Identities 12 Birth of the Undead – Multiple Identities 12 The first thing that came to Kara Zor-El’s mind was the incredible sense of pleasant horniness washing and permeating across her powerful body. ... Saturday, 07 October 2023 12:49
Birth of the Undead – Multiple Identities 10 (NSFW) Birth of the Undead – Multiple Identities 10 (NSFW) “I don’t think anyone’s at home”. Anita Benning replied wryly, even as she observed Martin Hodges knocking on the door for the upteenth time. “You ... Saturday, 16 September 2023 13:25
Birth of the Undead – Multiple Identities 9 (NSFW) Birth of the Undead – Multiple Identities 9 (NSFW) Friday, 01 September 2023 09:59
Birth of the Undead – Multiple Identities, Interlude 2 Birth of the Undead – Multiple Identities, Interlude 2 “I know you’re love to show-off, but even this is bordering on being ridiculous. You agree with me, don’t you Bruce?” Kara said exasperatedly as she ... Saturday, 19 August 2023 16:24
Birth of the Undead – Multiple Identities 7 (NSFW) Birth of the Undead – Multiple Identities 7 (NSFW) She could feel it. Oh Rao, she could really feel it! Kara writhed and shuddered pleasureably as she lay on her back, allowing her lover full access ... Saturday, 05 August 2023 09:14