
Tag: Supergirl

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Birth of the Undead –  Movements, Chapter 1 Birth of the Undead – Movements, Chapter 1 Thanksgiving had quickly given way to Christmas, and for many the holiday season is a welcomed time for rest after a full-year of intense work. ... Saturday, 04 March 2023 10:19
No image Help! My Mom Wants to Take Over the World! – Chapter 2 Enjoy part 2 of Help! My mom wants to take over the world! Clara visits a media center. For early access on stories like ... Sunday, 15 January 2023 09:32
Birth of the Undead – Adoption, Chapter 4 Birth of the Undead – Adoption, Chapter 4 High school. A place that mimics working society and people as a whole. A place where news and rumours can either make, or break the best of them. ... Tuesday, 27 December 2022 11:10
Birth of the Undead – Adoption, Chapter 3 Birth of the Undead – Adoption, Chapter 3 “GIRLS! For the love of GOD can BOTH of you just GET UP AND COME DOWN FOR BREAKFAST!!!” The familiar sound of the patter of footsteps from upper ... Saturday, 17 December 2022 13:51
Birth of the Undead – Adapting, Chapter 6 Birth of the Undead – Adapting, Chapter 6 “Come on Zor-El. What did I tell you about movement? You’re literally telegraphing each and every one of your movements ! The way you’re going ... Saturday, 15 October 2022 17:37
Birth of the Undead – Adapting, Chapter 5 Birth of the Undead – Adapting, Chapter 5 Batman was not surprised about Kara asking for combat training to complement her strength building. In fact, he welcomed it. Though Kara would have ... Sunday, 09 October 2022 10:59
Birth of the Undead – Adapting, Chapter 4 Birth of the Undead – Adapting, Chapter 4 “I think he can’t help but just be downright mean. Either that, or he just regards me as a lab rat.” The comments came out unbiddingly from Kara’s ... Saturday, 01 October 2022 09:56
Birth of the Undead – Adapting, Chapter 3 Birth of the Undead – Adapting, Chapter 3 “Aren’t you afraid of me?” Kara commented to no one in particular, though it was clear she hoped there would be a response. Sitting on the settee, ... Saturday, 10 September 2022 09:53
Birth of the Undead – Adapting, Chapter 2 Birth of the Undead – Adapting, Chapter 2 If Kara had thought that the next few days is going to be tougher, she was right. But she had no idea how MUCH tougher it would become. The moment ... Saturday, 27 August 2022 20:21
Birth of the Undead – Adapting, Chapter 1 Birth of the Undead – Adapting, Chapter 1 The call came eventually three weeks after her little rendezvous with the Batman in his lair. She picked it up just as her mobile phone had rung for ... Sunday, 14 August 2022 08:23