
Tag: Killing

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No image The Phoenix Initiative – Chapter 6 Chapter 6 Kyle sat across Jennifer in the spacious cargo compartment of one of the Chinook helicopters the FRU used to move the girls around. It was ... Sunday, 20 January 2019 09:34
No image The Phoenix Initiative – Chapter 4 Nicole gets unleashed... Chapter 4 “It is so nice of you to come bid me farewell, Andrey,” Nicole said, sounding both playful and mocking. “I’m ... Sunday, 02 December 2018 10:19
No image The Phoenix Initiative – Chapter 3 Chapter 3 “We don’t need Roark sniffing around!” Dr. Jacob Sully snapped as General Lindbergh shared the news with him. “Look, Jacob, I like it as ... Saturday, 17 November 2018 12:32
No image The Phoenix Initiative – Chapter 2 Considerably improved thanks to Conceptfan Chapter 2 Nicole was finishing her twenty-third cheeseburger by the time Lindbergh concluded his speech ... Friday, 02 November 2018 21:08
No image The Towers' Syndrome – Chapter 14 Sienna faces an army Chapter 14 “She is here,” Colonel Sanders said. He was standing at the door of Stahl’s office. Director Stahl just looked back ... Sunday, 05 August 2018 08:19
No image Kneel Before Roz – Part 4, Super-Roz She had been monitoring the chopper, and knew it was still flying to wherever the hell it was headed, and so she had more time to kill. Flying over ... Thursday, 02 August 2018 13:26
No image Kneel Before Roz – Part 3 Roz landed softly in the sidewalk outside the tall glass building, choking down the impulse to smash into the ground. Amazed people stared with wide ... Thursday, 02 August 2018 13:27
No image Kneel Before Roz – Part 2 A fifty caliber sniper round hit her head, shattering into led dust and failing to so much as ruffle her lush blonde hair. But the large round did ... Thursday, 02 August 2018 13:27
No image Kneel Before Roz – Part 1.5 Running effortlessly faster than the wind, holding the heavy old car aloft with terrifying muscular ease, Roz was outside the house Garry cowered ... Thursday, 02 August 2018 13:27
No image Kneel Before Roz – Part 1 Roz had more than the massive unfair advantage of obscenely exaggerated super strength. She had an equally super brain and super-duper senses too. ... Thursday, 02 August 2018 13:26