
Tag: Super Speed

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No image Kylie's Kalamity Kylies Kalamity by Lfan --------------------------------------------- WRITTEN FOR SGI WORKSHOP 2.6 DOWNLOADED FROM ... Saturday, 01 December 2012 05:11
His New Super Girlfriend His New Super Girlfriend His New Super Girlfriend By Brantley Thompson Elkins with Velvet Belle Tree Matt woke up Saturday morning and was surprised to see Hannah getting ... Wednesday, 06 March 2013 21:38
No image Infinity Crisis Part II 1. Thomas Voukewn walked through the empty hallways of Page High School. It was seven oclock and the school hallways were empty. He carefully ... Monday, 01 April 2013 16:09
No image Conspiracy Theory Conspiracy Theory By BW --------------------------------------------- WRITTEN FOR SGI WORKSHOP 1.9 Editors Note: Brad later retconned this story – ... Tuesday, 01 January 2013 21:09
No image Transformatrix 4000 – Three Months Later Transformatrix 4000 – Three Months Later by Argonaut WRITTEN FOR SGI WORKSHOP 1.9 PART I She liked to wear something sexy but casual on her shopping ... Thursday, 15 May 2014 16:05
No image Infinity Crisis Part I 1. Kent Small trudged home slowly from school. His shoulders were slouched and his eyes peered down on the sidewalk as he walked. He avoided all of ... Monday, 01 April 2013 16:07
No image More Than Mortal - Part 2 More Than Mortal – Part 2 (Retold) by JNW550 (a.k.a. Stoneyman) ... Friday, 07 December 2012 22:44
No image More Than Mortal - Part 1 More Than Mortal – Part 1 (Retold) by JNW550 (a.k.a. Stoneyman) ... Friday, 07 December 2012 22:43
No image Modifications – Chapter 7 Modifications – Chapter 7 By Happiest in Shadows Well here is the final chapter of Modificationss first novel. I may write a sequel eventually. As ... Tuesday, 12 September 2006 14:36
TSOS - The Supergirl of Smallville - Chapter 07 - 09 TSOS - The Supergirl of Smallville - Chapter 07 - 09 CHAPTER 7 Dear Diary, I know I haven't written in a while. Between school and my "secret activities," I've been a very busy girl! But so much ... Tuesday, 08 April 2014 11:57