
Tag: Flight

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No image Turnabout Is Fair Play – Chapters 05-08 Turnabout Is Fair Play By Ace191 CHAPTER FIVE In seconds Lois was hovering in the middle of an Artic blizzard with sixty mile an hour winds. Despite ... Wednesday, 21 May 2014 14:27
No image Turnabout Is Fair Play – Chapters 01-04 Turnabout Is Fair Play By Ace191 CHAPTER ONE Lois knew she shouldn’t be where she was at this time of night, but what could she do? Ever since that ... Monday, 16 June 2014 15:07
No image Serena's Lucky Day: A Continuation Serenas Lucky Day (a continuation?) A regular girl discovers the secret of the worlds mightiest superheroine Thanks to Yosh for creating Serena in ... Sunday, 02 February 2014 11:13
No image Super Secret Agent Super Secret Agent This story is intended to loosely fit the theme of Workshop 1.11, adding an SWM element to a series that normally wouldn't have ... Monday, 11 May 2015 12:15
No image Infinity Crisis Part VI A reddish haze filled the midnight sky creating an illumination effect that made it seem as though it was the light of dawn. A thumping sound in the ... Wednesday, 03 October 2012 00:00
TSOS - The Supergirl of Smallville - Chapter 25 TSOS - The Supergirl of Smallville - Chapter 25 CHAPTER 25 MARCH ... CHICAGO. SATURDAY MORNING. Lieutenant O'Malley raised his bullhorn. "Let the woman go, Scanlon!" A dozen police officers were ... Tuesday, 08 April 2014 11:56
No image Crusader of Courage - Part 3 PREVIOUSLY, IN CRUSADER OF COURAGE! Omni-woman and her ward... “I AM NOT HER FREAKING WARD! IM A GROWN MAN, YOU DISEMBODIED DINGBAT!” ...The ... Thursday, 20 December 2012 09:15
TSOS - The Supergirl of Smallville - Chapter 22- 24 TSOS - The Supergirl of Smallville - Chapter 22- 24 CHAPTER 22 OCTOBER ... "Suzy? What are you doing here?" Coming out of the art room at the end of the final period, Lana was surprised to see her ... Tuesday, 08 April 2014 11:59
No image They're All Mine Now She slowly pulled her second high heeled boot over her silky smooth skin, stopping just short of her knee. “I could do this a million times but I ... Thursday, 15 May 2014 11:59
Milani in DC Milani in DC Milani in DC 1. The last 5 years had been the most stressful years of Denise’s life. Things seemed easier 12 years ago, when she had first arrived ... Friday, 31 May 2013 18:48