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No image Synergy SYNERGY Story Concept by Koopa16 Written by HikerAngel “I’m paying you for results, not to ogle my ass, you idiot!” Laura scolded her personal ... Saturday, 24 October 2020 19:08
No image Playing the Roll – Part 1 Playing the Roll This will be a poll story, so its direction will be determined by the readers. I’ve written two such stories in ... Sunday, 18 October 2020 00:38
No image In a Class of Her Own – Part 3 In a Class of Her Own By HikerAngel PART 3 The next day, I walked into the school building to find Fiona at the entrance, eying me suspiciously. ... Thursday, 24 September 2020 09:21
No image In a Class of Her Own – Part 2 In a Class of Her Own By HikerAngel PART 2 Emily pulled yet another pair of Lululemons over her perfect derriere, admiring the sleek lines of her ... Saturday, 29 August 2020 19:21
No image Last of The Fallen, Chapter 24 Last of the Fallen He'd expected Julia to be waiting in their room; instead, Sorala looked up from a book, smiled slightly at his entrance. "My ... Saturday, 18 July 2020 09:40
No image Last of The Fallen, Chapter 23 Last of the Fallen Seattle Safehouse, November 19, 2001: Two Condors and three Pegasus swooped into formation with the Gryphon, the six ships ... Saturday, 18 July 2020 09:35
No image Last of The Fallen, Chapter 22 Last of the Fallen The Citadel, November 19, 2001: Alec finished packing his bag. His new suit was draped over the back of a chair, waiting for him; ... Saturday, 18 July 2020 09:32
No image Last of The Fallen, Chapter 20 Last of the Fallen Once she'd recovered from the crying and screaming, Sorala had dragged him to Medical, sitting him down in an isolation room, ... Saturday, 18 July 2020 09:24
No image Last of The Fallen, Chapter 19 Last of the Fallen Anne-Marie Brooks was a human tornado. She yanked the car door open before Julia could kill the engine, dragged her daughter from ... Saturday, 04 July 2020 22:22
No image Last of The Fallen, Chapter 18 Last of the Fallen Cas clambered aboard, armed with a set of blacks, a warlance, and a PBC. His armor was a flat gray, as opposed to the silver of a ... Thursday, 02 July 2020 22:00