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Image Title Description Last updated
No image LaPorte Caves – Chapter 20 CHAPTER 20 SYNOPSIS TO THIS POINT A wrong turn in a Kentucky cave dropped Julia and Howard into a world run by amazons who derive their extreme ... Sunday, 26 March 2017 22:03
No image LaPorte Caves – Chapter 17 CHAPTER 17 SYNOPSIS TO THIS POINT A wrong turn in a Kentucky cave dropped Julia and Howard into a world run by amazons who derive their extreme ... Friday, 10 March 2017 19:57
No image LaPorte Caves – Chapter 15 CHAPTER 15 DISCLAIMER This story contains adult sexual content, and violence. If you are not of age to read this stuff, don’t. No resemblance ... Friday, 24 February 2017 15:10
No image Civil War – Chapter 5 Allison stormed out the hotel, not knowing how to react to Trevor’s over zealous accusation. How could THE Robert Kalowski ever betray Ardent? She ... Saturday, 11 February 2017 17:05
No image Chapter 01: Another Ambrosia Amazon Another Ambrosia Amazon My name is Michelle Wallace, and according to Superior Girl, I am next in line to be an Ambrosia Amazon. I have to say that ... Monday, 10 April 2017 14:08
No image Baker's Dozen – Chapter 11 BAKER’S DOZEN by Argonaut CHAPTER 11 Cindy's fist struck the meteor with the force of a pile-driver, multiplied a hundredfold. A ton of rock ... Friday, 30 December 2016 20:34
No image In-Tune – Part 1 In-Tune by Furlough Author's note: This story is something of a refurbishment of a shorter tale I started doing for a few years ago, back ... Sunday, 20 November 2016 15:27
S.W.R. – Prelude to Battle S.W.R. – Prelude to Battle Editor's Note: like the previous chapter this one containes some very graphic images of sex, this is your first and only NSFW warning Route 223, ... Thursday, 17 November 2016 00:33
No image The Night of Changes It was cold, much colder than any Halloween I remembered. A chill breeze was coming up from the river. Not a proper wind, just that slight movement ... Sunday, 13 November 2016 17:09
No image All Hallows Eve Act 1 October 31th The soft sound of Jazz filled the room with the airy sound of an oboe line. The Slave ever so slightly smiled as she washed the ... Sunday, 13 November 2016 17:06