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Power Play Power Play Power Play by HikerAngel Many thanks to ElF and AuGoose for their editing help... :) Jessica stopped at the front desk and set her bag down. As the ... Sunday, 29 March 2020 11:06
No image The Burning The Burning Mitch Daniels watched in horrified attention as the naked figures walked towards the furnace. They moved without hesitation showing no ... Saturday, 08 February 2020 11:31
No image Superstarter, Part 7 (Alternate Ending) Superstarter, Part 7 (Alternate Ending) by HikerAngel with editing and ideas from a friend Because only one vote separated the option 1 and option 3 ... Saturday, 01 February 2020 14:48
No image Superstarter, Part 7 Superstarter, Part 7 By HikerAngel Thanks to ChaozCloud for the original idea behind this story (crowdfunding), to ElF for all of the editing help, ... Friday, 24 January 2020 15:35
No image Superstarter, Part 6 Superstarter, Part 6 by HikerAngel Special thanks to my partner in crime and editor ElF... ;) Serena felt a torrent of gold/silver power begin to ... Saturday, 18 January 2020 16:02
No image ARZELA STARR – TAU CETI WONDERGIRL – SEASON 1 – CHAPTER 6-7 Chapter 6 – "A Bullet In The Sky" Arzela Starr’s speed was incredible. The Earth forest she was running through was slashing past her, the sunlight ... Saturday, 04 January 2020 11:58
No image Superstarter, Part 4 Superstarter, Part 4 by HikerAngel Thanks again to ElF for the wonderful editing assistance! The pleasure that flowed into Serena was quickly ... Monday, 03 February 2020 17:17
No image Hyperwoman – Chapter Four: Decision Time It was a couple of days since I first became Hyperwoman. I stood in front of the mirror contemplating what I was about to do. I looked at myself. I ... Friday, 27 December 2019 10:14
No image ARZELA STARR – TAU CETI WONDERGIRL – SEASON 1 – CHAPTER 1-4 Chapter 1 – “Wish Upon a Starr” Arzela Starr never forgot the day she watched her older sister, Darala Starr, lift the great Ceti stones. Each one ... Tuesday, 24 December 2019 08:46
No image The Sister – Part 2 The Sister - Part 2 by HikerAngel Thank you to Luchodemeyer for this original idea! Here is the reader’s choice ending… Megan hustled Marc off to ... Monday, 03 February 2020 17:15