
Tag: Killing

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No image Pick-Me-Up Pick-Me-Up by HikerAngel The sky was a silent, cloudless blue. It was still, so still that Scarlett’s cape barely fluttered. This was her favorite ... Monday, 03 February 2020 17:14
No image The Sandbox – Chapter 1 Chapter 1: The Two Goddesses September 2nd, 2018 9:04 PM Boston, Massachusetts Aphrodite Aphrodite strode confidently into a local pub and started ... Tuesday, 21 July 2020 11:24
Super Witches Super Witches Art by Himmely Warning: This story contains extreme cruelty, strong language, explicit gore and disturbing imagery. Agnes Fairfax was born the 4th ... Saturday, 11 December 2021 23:36
No image Burning Bright Brenda Breyer was home. Stepping off the train and onto the platform didn’t feel like a homecoming though. She had always felt so out of place here ... Monday, 28 October 2019 10:47
No image At the Heart of the Night At the Heart of the Night by Furlough All within the room looked on with a sense of uneasy anticipation as the small craft's door opened. If asked, ... Tuesday, 29 October 2019 19:03
No image Heritage I'm not sure where to go with this in the long run. Suggestions are welcome. Maria’s mother was the only family she’d ever met. The first question ... Saturday, 26 October 2019 12:00
Elza Sabini's School for Enhanced Individuals Elza Sabini's School for Enhanced Individuals Art by Ynggvar and FlatObelisk Edited and remastered by DamienDesee Extra input by Delta7447 In the year 2485, the world is a beautiful and ... Monday, 04 December 2023 08:21
Jenny Time Jenny Time Art by KawaiiDreamyPixie, bakki, Elwenz, Shimimaru and savisr Edited by Rhys86 August 12, 2120 AD - Toronto, Canada The first light of a new summer ... Saturday, 22 January 2022 20:32
No image The Phoenix Initiative – Chapter 10 Chapter 10 Susan had been wandering through the forest without too much sense by the time Nicole came back to her senses. Her new partner had ... Saturday, 06 July 2019 15:17
No image IX. The Hermit (A Quantum Tarot Part IV) IX. The Hermit (A Quantum Tarot Part IV) By Au Goose A work of erotic fiction (relatively safe for work). Any resemblance to anything or anyone in ... Wednesday, 29 May 2019 10:56