
Tag: Killing

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No image The Towers' Syndrome – Chapter 13 After her rampage, Sienna visits the city… Chapter 13 “We are fifteen minutes away from the point of no return, Mr. President.” The dark-suited man ... Sunday, 01 July 2018 21:14
No image The Towers' Syndrome – Chapter 12 Sienna starts neutralizing the threat on her. Chapter 12 “Come on, we need to back everything up!” the supervisor screamed. Miles did not like him. ... Sunday, 20 May 2018 15:34
No image Not the One: Point of Origin – Part III-IV by Dru Not the One – Point of Origin Part III The first few days were spent floating in the open void of space, enjoying themselves immensely. ... Thursday, 04 July 2019 15:02
No image The Towers' Syndrome – Chapter 11 Sienna meets Agent Black Chapter 11 “You sold me out,” Fiona said coldly to the man on the other end of the line, a slight hint of sarcasm in her ... Sunday, 22 April 2018 14:57
Bulawulf Bulawulf Edited and remastered by Rhys86 Art by therealfunk and ばん! The mountain quaked, tons of rubble falling from the slopes with every convulsion. Deep ... Saturday, 11 December 2021 23:20
No image In-Tune – Part 3 Rose awoke with a start. At first she could not say for certain, but it took her only a few seconds to realize that the foundations of the world ... Tuesday, 27 March 2018 09:00
No image The Towers' Syndrome – Chapter 10 Sienna is looking for answers. CHAPTER 10 To Sienna, the worst part of having decided that she would keep a low profile for a while was that she was ... Monday, 26 March 2018 08:39
No image The Towers' Syndrome – Chapter 9 Sienna is back. CHAPTER 9 “Have they found her?” Fiona Black asked the three people standing around her bed in hospital after the first quick small ... Monday, 26 March 2018 08:40
The Pinnacle Reaction The Pinnacle Reaction Rated (Strong Language; Strong Violence; Graphic Sex Scenes; Nudity) BS'n D Productions In Association With: AUGoose Presents An SWManiacal ... Sunday, 22 April 2018 13:27
No image The Towers' Syndrome – Chapter 8 Sienna Towers finally wakes up after her second exposure to the comet… (Considerably improved thanks to the amazing editing and feedback by Larafan) ... Tuesday, 27 February 2018 17:30