
Tag: Killing

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No image The Towers' Syndrome – Chapter 7 Sienna Towers is a biologist working on a classified project around the fragments of a comet, who wakes after a three-month coma only to find ... Sunday, 25 February 2018 17:30
No image The Towers' Syndrome – Chapter 6 Sienna Towers is a biologist working on a classified project around the fragments of a comet, who wakes after a three-month coma only to find ... Sunday, 11 February 2018 11:27
No image The Towers' Syndrome – Chapter 5 Sienna Towers is a biologist working on a classified project around the fragments of a comet, who wakes after a three-month coma only to find ... Sunday, 04 February 2018 13:18
No image The Towers' Syndrome – Chapter 4 Sienna Towers is a biologist working on a classified project around the fragments of a comet, who wakes after a three-month coma only to find ... Sunday, 28 January 2018 11:15
No image The Towers' Syndrome – Chapter 3 Sienna Towers is a biologist working on a classified project around the fragments of a comet, who wakes after a three-month coma only to find ... Sunday, 21 January 2018 10:50
No image Not the One: Point of Origin – Part II Not the One: Point of Origin – Part II By Dru (With special thanks to Oogber) Nobody liked grumpy spinster Itsumi Imai. Well into the latter half of ... Sunday, 31 December 2017 09:29
No image Not the One: Point of Origin – Part I Not the One: Point of Origin Part One by Dru With special thanks to Oogber Susan was pleasantly surprised to find that it still felt great. Even ... Saturday, 23 December 2017 14:04
No image Dawn of a New Age – Chapter 8 Chapter 8 – Relativity Deck sergeant Kormack flicked his way through the cargo manifest on his tablet as another pallet of tinned food rolled past ... Tuesday, 19 December 2017 11:17
No image Chapter 17: The Quiet Before the Storm The Quiet Before the Storm In the near century since it had been founded, the Daily Planet building had not changed too much. The newspaper company ... Monday, 12 June 2017 08:31
No image Element X Element X Some time in the near future … Chapter 1 Mild and mannered Maria Bojnec had taught at St. Kevin’s for nearly a full year. She was one of ... Sunday, 02 July 2017 11:30