
Tag: Flight

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Image Title Description Last updated
No image The Savage Signal "Up in the sky, look!" "It's a bird!" "It's a plane!" "It's Superwoman!" "Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to ... Wednesday, 17 June 2015 15:01
No image Mathematically Improbable - Part 2 Mathematically Improbable - Part 2 by Caveman Ninja Joe “Jamie! What are you... how did you... how long have you... ?”, Professor Daestrom stumbled ... Thursday, 20 December 2012 09:15
No image Crusader of Courage - Part 2 By Caveman Ninja Joe Our intrepid heroine embarks on her first big mission, with the fate of the world itself at stake! Will Omni-Woman herself ... Wednesday, 14 December 2016 19:28
Infinity Crisis Part V Infinity Crisis Part V 1. Vincent poured two glasses of his fine scotch. He walked across his large living room floor where a guest of his sat on his lambskin couch. “So?” ... Friday, 09 May 2014 10:23
No image Mathematically Improbable - Part 1 Jamie stormed out of her maths professors office in a huff, her bleached blonde hair flowing in streams behind her. “Your little chat with Daestrom ... Thursday, 20 December 2012 09:14
No image Divine Gift Divine gift By Anon Authors Note: while some characters from this story are actual historical figures – Hōjō Tokimune, Kublai Khan and the monk ... Monday, 22 July 2013 00:34
No image Drunk & Disorderly Synopsis: An alien superwoman's investigation of Earth cultures gets a bit off track. Somewhere beyond Jupiter a large, vaguely birdlike star-ship ... Monday, 06 August 2012 11:21
No image Crusader of Courage - Part 1 Crusader of Courage #72 : Power Drain! By Caveman Ninja Joe Synopsis : Whats this! Has world famous superhero THE COURAGEOUS CRUSADER lost his ... Thursday, 20 December 2012 09:13
No image Life In Four Colors Part 1: Strangers on a Train Life In Four Colors Part 1: Strangers on a Train By Taliesan Authors Note: So, here we go, new series, new girl. Or woman, to be more accurate. Once ... Monday, 09 November 2009 12:40
Serena's Lucky Day Part 5 Serena's Lucky Day Part 5 Serenas Lucky Day A regular girl discovers the secret of the worlds mightiest superheroine By Yohashuan PART V :: DAY II continued :: Serena was ... Monday, 01 April 2013 22:44