
Tag: Super Criminal

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Image Title Description Last updated
No image Chief Executive Villainess Her corner office had become unusually quiet since the summons arrived. It seemed as if nobody wanted to associate with a woman in the midst of such ... Tuesday, 20 May 2014 19:10
No image Superman Nil - Ultrawoman Nell 1. “Well, I could use a hug” Lucielle suggested to Ultra Woman. “Well, alright” Ultra Woman hesitantly responded and hugged the Suicidal woman. ... Monday, 29 April 2013 18:46
No image The Ultimate Cat – Part 4 The Ultimate Cat – Part 4 by Rick Powers (a.k.a. The Power Company) “Quite an impressive fighter, eh Cat?” Kingpin gloated as he hefted his bulk up ... Saturday, 21 June 2014 09:33
No image The Ultimate Cat – Part 1 The Ultimate Cat – Part 1 by Rick Powers (a.k.a. The Power Company) Author’s Note: We were inspired by the Black Cat’s appearance in Ultimate ... Saturday, 21 June 2014 08:55
No image Kylie's Kalamity Kylies Kalamity by Lfan --------------------------------------------- WRITTEN FOR SGI WORKSHOP 2.6 DOWNLOADED FROM ... Saturday, 01 December 2012 05:11
No image Family Reunion Return Home, Family Reunion Diary Entry - October 17th I decided to take a little vacation to my parent’s home in California this weekend. My little ... Friday, 05 April 2013 18:00
No image The New Captain Marvel The New Captain Marvel by Spunk Georges Island, Boston, Massachusetts. The Harbor Ferry had come to a dock on the old fortress island in Boston ... Tuesday, 28 February 2006 10:55
No image Soap Soap by Whitepaw Splash. Enigmatic twisting chants in her iPod mattered little – she could still hear sweat bead on skin. The tempo of any heartbeat ... Sunday, 23 December 2012 17:19
No image Mob-Girl – Chapter 04-06 Mob-Girl – Chapter 04-06 By Dru Chapter 4 Maple street lacked any of the trees implied by the name. Perhaps once there had been a few, maybe even a ... Sunday, 19 June 2016 11:03
No image Mob-Girl – Chapter 01-03 Mob-Girl – Chapter 01-03 by Dru Chapter 1 – Not the Same It was a dawn much like any other on a midsummer day in Metropolis. The sun breached, the ... Sunday, 19 June 2016 10:59