
Tag: Heat Vision/Laser Eyes

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StarTroopers – Episode Five StarTroopers – Episode Five StarTroopers Episode Five by Shadar Kedrik met up with me at lunch to say that Engineering had signed the ship off for atmospheric flight, but he ... Thursday, 29 March 2018 22:08
StarTroopers – Episode Four StarTroopers – Episode Four StarTroopers – Episode Four by Shadar The next weeks passed in a blur of activity. While Ariel was back in Michigan taking her exams, I was studying ... Thursday, 29 March 2018 22:08
No image In-Tune – Part 3 Rose awoke with a start. At first she could not say for certain, but it took her only a few seconds to realize that the foundations of the world ... Tuesday, 27 March 2018 09:00
No image The Towers' Syndrome – Chapter 10 Sienna is looking for answers. CHAPTER 10 To Sienna, the worst part of having decided that she would keep a low profile for a while was that she was ... Monday, 26 March 2018 08:39
No image The Towers' Syndrome – Chapter 8 Sienna Towers finally wakes up after her second exposure to the comet… (Considerably improved thanks to the amazing editing and feedback by Larafan) ... Tuesday, 27 February 2018 17:30
No image The Towers' Syndrome – Chapter 7 Sienna Towers is a biologist working on a classified project around the fragments of a comet, who wakes after a three-month coma only to find ... Sunday, 25 February 2018 17:30
No image Chapter 20: Big Trouble in Kazakhstan Big Trouble in Kazakhstan I flew as fast as possible through the sky with Superman and the newly minted Superwoman following beside me. I flew on ... Tuesday, 29 August 2017 12:12
No image Chapter 19: Picking Up the Pieces Picking Up the Pieces I returned to the Fortress of Solitude with my passenger to find that Superman had still not returned from Metropolis. I ... Tuesday, 22 August 2017 08:53
No image Chapter 18: Invasion of the Amazons Invasion of the Amazons There appeared to be a pause go through everyone as the onlookers took in the scene that they were watching. Superman and ... Sunday, 09 July 2017 07:30
No image Chapter 17: The Quiet Before the Storm The Quiet Before the Storm In the near century since it had been founded, the Daily Planet building had not changed too much. The newspaper company ... Monday, 12 June 2017 08:31