
Tag: Heat Vision/Laser Eyes

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Image Title Description Last updated
No image Miss Dynamo, Part 2 "Why isn't Mr. Dynamo flying anymore, damn it? Where did he go? What happened to our hero and when will he come back? Did he abandon us already? I ... Sunday, 18 May 2014 23:03
No image Web of the Spider Lady "Up in the sky! Look!" "Its a bird!" "Its a plane!" "Its Superwoman!" Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to leap ... Wednesday, 17 June 2015 15:25
No image A Day at the Beach. A Day at the Beach by Ace191 “Ok Kerry,” Rick said as he watched the girl of his dreams saunter towards the Ladies room before he turned and headed ... Thursday, 15 May 2014 12:08
A Blast From the Past A Blast From the Past 1. Suffering amnesia, Lee awoke on a deserted island. She wasn’t entirely sure what her name was, or where she was – but she was familiar with the ... Friday, 09 May 2014 10:19
No image Supanji Supanji Chapter 1 – Introductions and dysfunctions 1. Charlie felt as though he was lost as his car slowly bounced along a rough gravel road as the ... Monday, 04 May 2015 22:24
No image The Perilous Parasite "Up in the sky! Look!" "It's a bird!" "It's a plane!" "It's Superwoman!" Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to ... Wednesday, 17 June 2015 15:25
No image Armada, All Powerful Queen Of Portland – Chapter 1 ARMADA, ALL POWERFUL QUEEN OF PORTLAND AND EMPRESS OF THE GREATER PORTLAND METROPOLITAN AREA (EXCLUDING VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON) Chapter 1 by Castor ... Wednesday, 29 May 2013 18:51
No image Challenge of the Atom Woman "Up in the sky! Look!" "It's a bird!" "It's a plane!" "It's Superwoman!" Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to ... Wednesday, 17 June 2015 15:12
No image Cos-Play Cos-Play by Anon (Thanks to Njae and Pansardum for the editing) Author's Note: this story was originally submitted to our forum in the New Authors ... Monday, 22 May 2017 18:07
No image Science vs Superpowers "Up in the sky! Look!" "It's a bird!" "It's a plane!" "It's Superwoman!" Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to ... Wednesday, 17 June 2015 15:04