
Tag: Heat Vision/Laser Eyes

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Image Title Description Last updated
The Super Goddess The Super Goddess This is a non-canonical story based on the original draft for the Super Goddess universe and a roleplaying session with danio13 Art by hi6ka9, ... Saturday, 11 December 2021 23:54
Fly Fuck Lasers Fly Fuck Lasers Editor's Note: this story containes some extremely NSFW images. You've been warned. Story was written by HarmonyMotion, Images done by me. “Dude, I ... Wednesday, 02 September 2020 18:27
No image Little Sister Little Sister Author’s Note: Last December, Luchodemeyer gave me an idea for a story called The Sister. I wrote two endings to the story: one ... Saturday, 08 August 2020 11:54
Little Krypton, Part Six Little Krypton, Part Six Little Krypton Episode Six by Shadar June, 2020 Given its been a while since my last episode… Series synopsis to date:Alec Johansen has traveled out ... Saturday, 20 June 2020 17:46
An Egalitarian World An Egalitarian World This story is a sequel to Gyarussic World A collaborative effort by Delta7447 and Akane Artwork by Kloah, tdnd-96, yang-do, Miyamoto Issa, Otogi ... Saturday, 11 December 2021 23:42
No image A Common Weakness – Chapter 8 A Common Weakness – Chapter 8 Joe was sitting at home in his comfortable old armchair with his old dog curled up at his feet when the phone rang. He ... Saturday, 16 May 2020 20:41
No image Kiraling – Part 17 (Chapter 106-111) Chapter 106 When I arrived at SeaTac, I made my way to baggage claim, expecting to see Gloria. Instead, Xara was there. She greeted me with a kiss ... Thursday, 22 April 2021 10:01
No image Kiraling – Part 16 (Chapter 94-105) Chapter 94 “C’mon Sharon, you’re the one who said it!” “Well, I wouldn’t have if I thought you’d want a demonstration!” “What, were those just big ... Saturday, 28 March 2020 21:43
No image Clothes Make the Woman – Part 2 Clothes Make the Woman – Part 2 by HikerAngel I saw Megagirl’s nipples tenting the fabric of her sheer costume. Her hips shifted. Was this girl ... Saturday, 21 March 2020 18:05
Power Play Power Play Power Play by HikerAngel Many thanks to ElF and AuGoose for their editing help... :) Jessica stopped at the front desk and set her bag down. As the ... Sunday, 29 March 2020 11:06